void Visuals::DrawHitboxMatrix( LagRecord* record, Color col, float time ) {
const model_t* model;
studiohdr_t* hdr;
mstudiohitboxset_t* set;
mstudiobbox_t* bbox;
vec3_t mins, maxs, origin;
ang_t angle;
model = record->m_player->GetModel( );
if( !model )
hdr = g_csgo.m_model_info->GetStudioModel( model );
if( !hdr )
set = hdr->GetHitboxSet( record->m_player->m_nHitboxSet( ) );
if( !set )
for( int i{ }; i < set->m_hitboxes; ++i ) {
bbox = set->GetHitbox( i );
if( !bbox )
// bbox.
if( bbox->m_radius <= 0.f ) {
// https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rotation_Tutorial
// convert rotation angle to a matrix.
matrix3x4_t rot_matrix;
g_csgo.AngleMatrix( bbox->m_angle, rot_matrix );
// apply the rotation to the entity input space (local).
matrix3x4_t matrix;
math::ConcatTransforms( record->m_bones[ bbox->m_bone ], rot_matrix, matrix );
// extract the compound rotation as an angle.
ang_t bbox_angle;
math::MatrixAngles( matrix, bbox_angle );
// extract hitbox origin.
vec3_t origin = matrix.GetOrigin( );
// draw box.
g_csgo.m_debug_overlay->AddBoxOverlay( origin, bbox->m_mins, bbox->m_maxs, bbox_angle, col.r( ), col.g( ), col.b( ), 0, time );
// capsule.
else {
// NOTE; the angle for capsules is always 0.f, 0.f, 0.f.
// create a rotation matrix.
matrix3x4_t matrix;
g_csgo.AngleMatrix( bbox->m_angle, matrix );
// apply the rotation matrix to the entity output space (world).
math::ConcatTransforms( record->m_bones[ bbox->m_bone ], matrix, matrix );
// get world positions from new matrix.
math::VectorTransform( bbox->m_mins, matrix, mins );
math::VectorTransform( bbox->m_maxs, matrix, maxs );
g_csgo.m_debug_overlay->AddCapsuleOverlay( mins, maxs, bbox->m_radius, col.r( ), col.g( ), col.b( ), col.a( ), time, 0, 0 );