Автор темы
- #1
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Модульный набор пост-апокалиптического забора с PBR-текстурами, оптимизированными для игр.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Modular (prepared tiling sections)
- Unique meshes - 38
- Games optimized (prepared LODs)
- PBR textures
- Range of triangles (min and max) – 8-1370 triangles
- Texel density 10.24 and high
- Invisible triangles removed
- Metal Part - 4096x4096 (Texel density - 10.24)
- Wooden Part- 4096x4096 (Texel density: 10.24)
- Barbed Wire - 512x256 (Texel density: 10.24)
Number of Unique Meshes: 38
Collision: Yes, automatically
Vertex Count: 25952
LODs: Yes, prepared LODs.
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4
Number of Textures: 9
Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024 and 4016x4096
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
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