Очень надоИщу кейбинды не indicators.lua
найс солусы с моей темыlocal screen_size = engine.get_screen_size()
local keybind = ui.add_check_box("Keybinds", "keybind", false)
local keybind_x = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_x", "keybinds_x", 0, screen_size.x, screen_size.x / 2 - 300)
local keybind_y = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_y", "keybinds_y", 0, screen_size.y, screen_size.y / 2 - 200)
local text_ouline = function (text, font, x, y, size, color)
color = color or color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x - 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x + 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y - 1), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y + 1), size, color)
local keyBinds = {
"Fake Duck",
"Auto Peek",
"Jump bug",
"Jump at edge",
local bindVariables = {
local bindTypes = {
"always on",
"force disable"
local multiCombo = ui.add_multi_combo_box("Key bind options", "lua_multi_combo", keyBinds, {false, false, false, false, false, false, false})
local color = ui.add_color_edit("Global color", "lua_color", false, color_t.new(244, 182, 108, 255))
local width = 120
local bindHeight = 16
function inBind(mousePos)
if mousePos.x >= keybind_x:get_value() - 16 and mousePos.x <= keybind_x:get_value() + width + 16 and mousePos.y >= keybind_y:get_value() - 3 - 16 and mousePos.y <= keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 16 then
return true
local spSize = 12
local veSize = 12
local smallest_pixel_7 = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/SMALLEST_PIXEL-7.ttf", spSize, 144)
local verdana_font = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/verdana.ttf", veSize, 144)
function lerp(startP, endP, t)
return startP + (endP-startP) * t
-- animations class
local animations = (function()
local store = {data = {}}
function store:clamp(val, min, max)
return math.min(max, math.max(min, val))
function store:animate(name, side, multiplier)
if not self.data[name] then self.data[name] = 0 end
multiplier = multiplier or 4
local val = globalvars.get_frame_time() * multiplier * (side and -1 or 1)
self.data[name] = self:clamp(self.data[name] + val, 0, 1)
return self.data[name]
return store
local anim_width = width
function on_paint()
useful renderer functions:
renderer.text(text, font, pos, size, color)
renderer.get_text_size(font, size, text)
renderer.line(from, to, color)
renderer.rect / rect_filled (from, to, color)
renderer.rect_filled_fade(from, to, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
if not entitylist.get_local_player() then
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value(), keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3 + width, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4 + width, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 4 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.line(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
local mousePos = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
if inBind(mousePos) and client.is_key_pressed(1) and ui.is_visible() then
keybind_x:set_value(mousePos.x - width / 2)
keybind_y:set_value(mousePos.y - bindHeight / 2)
-- out of bounds check
if keybind_x:get_value() < 0 then keybind_x:set_value(0) end
if keybind_x:get_value() + width + 4 > screen_size.x then keybind_x:set_value(screen_size.x - width - 4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() - 4 < 0 then keybind_y:set_value(4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 4 > screen_size.y then keybind_y:set_value(screen_size.y - bindHeight - 4) end
text_ouline("keybinds", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1, veSize)
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1), veSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
-- display items
local item_y_offset = 12
local item_y = keybind_y:get_value() + 6 + item_y_offset + .0
local max_width = 0
if ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 2 then
keyBinds[1] = "Double Tap"
elseif ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 1 then
keyBinds[1] = "On shot anti-aim"
keyBinds[1] = "Exploit"
for i = 1, #bindVariables do
if ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() == 0 then
goto skip
local alpha = animations:animate("bind_" .. bindVariables, not (ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() and multiCombo:get_value(i - 1))) * 255
local bind_state_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, "[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]")
local bind_name_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, keyBinds)
text_ouline(keyBinds, verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text(keyBinds, verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
text_ouline("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
if multiCombo:get_value(i - 1) and alpha ~= 0 then
item_y = item_y + item_y_offset
if not ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() then
goto skip
local bind_width = bind_name_width.x + bind_state_width.x + 10
if bind_width > 60 then
if bind_width > max_width then
max_width = bind_width
width = math.max(120, max_width)
if anim_width < width then
anim_width = anim_width + 2
elseif anim_width > width then
anim_width = anim_width - 2
width = anim_width
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
к сажелению токо кейбинды но скоро зделаю и ватермарк с спектраторами
Ты их стырил)найс солусы с моей темы
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратионайс солусы с моей темы
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратионайс солусы с моей темы
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратионайс солусы с моей темы
откуда?стырилТы их стырил)
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратио
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратио
Я их серовно дополню ватермарком и аспектратио
local screen_size = engine.get_screen_size()
local keybind = ui.add_check_box("Keybinds", "keybind", false)
local keybind_x = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_x", "keybinds_x", 0, screen_size.x, screen_size.x / 2 - 300)
local keybind_y = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_y", "keybinds_y", 0, screen_size.y, screen_size.y / 2 - 200)
local text_ouline = function (text, font, x, y, size, color)
color = color or color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x - 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x + 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y - 1), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y + 1), size, color)
local keyBinds = {
"Fake Duck",
"Auto Peek",
"Jump bug",
"Jump at edge",
local bindVariables = {
local bindTypes = {
"always on",
"force disable"
local multiCombo = ui.add_multi_combo_box("Key bind options", "lua_multi_combo", keyBinds, {false, false, false, false, false, false, false})
local color = ui.add_color_edit("Global color", "lua_color", false, color_t.new(244, 182, 108, 255))
local width = 120
local bindHeight = 16
function inBind(mousePos)
if mousePos.x >= keybind_x:get_value() - 16 and mousePos.x <= keybind_x:get_value() + width + 16 and mousePos.y >= keybind_y:get_value() - 3 - 16 and mousePos.y <= keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 16 then
return true
local spSize = 12
local veSize = 12
local smallest_pixel_7 = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/SMALLEST_PIXEL-7.ttf", spSize, 144)
local verdana_font = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/verdana.ttf", veSize, 144)
function lerp(startP, endP, t)
return startP + (endP-startP) * t
-- animations class
local animations = (function()
local store = {data = {}}
function store:clamp(val, min, max)
return math.min(max, math.max(min, val))
function store:animate(name, side, multiplier)
if not self.data[name] then self.data[name] = 0 end
multiplier = multiplier or 4
local val = globalvars.get_frame_time() * multiplier * (side and -1 or 1)
self.data[name] = self:clamp(self.data[name] + val, 0, 1)
return self.data[name]
return store
local anim_width = width
function on_paint()
useful renderer functions:
renderer.text(text, font, pos, size, color)
renderer.get_text_size(font, size, text)
renderer.line(from, to, color)
renderer.rect / rect_filled (from, to, color)
renderer.rect_filled_fade(from, to, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
if not entitylist.get_local_player() then
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value(), keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3 + width, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4 + width, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 4 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.line(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
local mousePos = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
if inBind(mousePos) and client.is_key_pressed(1) and ui.is_visible() then
keybind_x:set_value(mousePos.x - width / 2)
keybind_y:set_value(mousePos.y - bindHeight / 2)
-- out of bounds check
if keybind_x:get_value() < 0 then keybind_x:set_value(0) end
if keybind_x:get_value() + width + 4 > screen_size.x then keybind_x:set_value(screen_size.x - width - 4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() - 4 < 0 then keybind_y:set_value(4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 4 > screen_size.y then keybind_y:set_value(screen_size.y - bindHeight - 4) end
text_ouline("keybinds", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1, veSize)
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1), veSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
-- display items
local item_y_offset = 12
local item_y = keybind_y:get_value() + 6 + item_y_offset + .0
local max_width = 0
if ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 2 then
keyBinds[1] = "Double Tap"
elseif ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 1 then
keyBinds[1] = "On shot anti-aim"
keyBinds[1] = "Exploit"
for i = 1, #bindVariables do
if ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() == 0 then
goto skip
local alpha = animations:animate("bind_" .. bindVariables, not (ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() and multiCombo:get_value(i - 1))) * 255
local bind_state_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, "[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]")
local bind_name_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, keyBinds)
text_ouline(keyBinds, verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text(keyBinds, verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
text_ouline("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
if multiCombo:get_value(i - 1) and alpha ~= 0 then
item_y = item_y + item_y_offset
if not ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() then
goto skip
local bind_width = bind_name_width.x + bind_state_width.x + 10
if bind_width > 60 then
if bind_width > max_width then
max_width = bind_width
width = math.max(120, max_width)
if anim_width < width then
anim_width = anim_width + 2
elseif anim_width > width then
anim_width = anim_width - 2
width = anim_width
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
к сажелению токо кейбинды но скоро зделаю и ватермарк с спектраторами
Функцию вставки кода для кого придумали
Для особо тупых бездарей:local screen_size = engine.get_screen_size()
local keybind = ui.add_check_box("Keybinds", "keybind", false)
local keybind_x = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_x", "keybinds_x", 0, screen_size.x, screen_size.x / 2 - 300)
local keybind_y = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_y", "keybinds_y", 0, screen_size.y, screen_size.y / 2 - 200)
local text_ouline = function (text, font, x, y, size, color)
color = color or color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x - 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x + 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y - 1), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y + 1), size, color)
local keyBinds = {
"Fake Duck",
"Auto Peek",
"Jump bug",
"Jump at edge",
local bindVariables = {
local bindTypes = {
"always on",
"force disable"
local multiCombo = ui.add_multi_combo_box("Key bind options", "lua_multi_combo", keyBinds, {false, false, false, false, false, false, false})
local color = ui.add_color_edit("Global color", "lua_color", false, color_t.new(244, 182, 108, 255))
local width = 120
local bindHeight = 16
function inBind(mousePos)
if mousePos.x >= keybind_x:get_value() - 16 and mousePos.x <= keybind_x:get_value() + width + 16 and mousePos.y >= keybind_y:get_value() - 3 - 16 and mousePos.y <= keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 16 then
return true
local spSize = 12
local veSize = 12
local smallest_pixel_7 = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/SMALLEST_PIXEL-7.ttf", spSize, 144)
local verdana_font = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/verdana.ttf", veSize, 144)
function lerp(startP, endP, t)
return startP + (endP-startP) * t
-- animations class
local animations = (function()
local store = {data = {}}
function store:clamp(val, min, max)
return math.min(max, math.max(min, val))
function store:animate(name, side, multiplier)
if not self.data[name] then self.data[name] = 0 end
multiplier = multiplier or 4
local val = globalvars.get_frame_time() * multiplier * (side and -1 or 1)
self.data[name] = self:clamp(self.data[name] + val, 0, 1)
return self.data[name]
return store
local anim_width = width
function on_paint()
useful renderer functions:
renderer.text(text, font, pos, size, color)
renderer.get_text_size(font, size, text)
renderer.line(from, to, color)
renderer.rect / rect_filled (from, to, color)
renderer.rect_filled_fade(from, to, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
if not entitylist.get_local_player() then
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value(), keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3 + width, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4 + width, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 4 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.line(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
local mousePos = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
if inBind(mousePos) and client.is_key_pressed(1) and ui.is_visible() then
keybind_x:set_value(mousePos.x - width / 2)
keybind_y:set_value(mousePos.y - bindHeight / 2)
-- out of bounds check
if keybind_x:get_value() < 0 then keybind_x:set_value(0) end
if keybind_x:get_value() + width + 4 > screen_size.x then keybind_x:set_value(screen_size.x - width - 4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() - 4 < 0 then keybind_y:set_value(4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 4 > screen_size.y then keybind_y:set_value(screen_size.y - bindHeight - 4) end
text_ouline("keybinds", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1, veSize)
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1), veSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
-- display items
local item_y_offset = 12
local item_y = keybind_y:get_value() + 6 + item_y_offset + .0
local max_width = 0
if ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 2 then
keyBinds[1] = "Double Tap"
elseif ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 1 then
keyBinds[1] = "On shot anti-aim"
keyBinds[1] = "Exploit"
for i = 1, #bindVariables do
if ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() == 0 then
goto skip
local alpha = animations:animate("bind_" .. bindVariables, not (ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() and multiCombo:get_value(i - 1))) * 255
local bind_state_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, "[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]")
local bind_name_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, keyBinds)
text_ouline(keyBinds, verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text(keyBinds, verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
text_ouline("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
if multiCombo:get_value(i - 1) and alpha ~= 0 then
item_y = item_y + item_y_offset
if not ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables):is_active() then
goto skip
local bind_width = bind_name_width.x + bind_state_width.x + 10
if bind_width > 60 then
if bind_width > max_width then
max_width = bind_width
width = math.max(120, max_width)
if anim_width < width then
anim_width = anim_width + 2
elseif anim_width > width then
anim_width = anim_width - 2
width = anim_width
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
к сажелению токо кейбинды но скоро зделаю и ватермарк с спектраторами
local screen_size = engine.get_screen_size()
local keybind = ui.add_check_box("Keybinds", "keybind", false)
local keybind_x = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_x", "keybinds_x", 0, screen_size.x, screen_size.x / 2 - 300)
local keybind_y = ui.add_slider_int("keybinds_y", "keybinds_y", 0, screen_size.y, screen_size.y / 2 - 200)
local text_ouline = function (text, font, x, y, size, color)
color = color or color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x - 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x + 1, y), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y - 1), size, color)
renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(x, y + 1), size, color)
local keyBinds = {
"Fake Duck",
"Auto Peek",
"Jump bug",
"Jump at edge",
local bindVariables = {
local bindTypes = {
"always on",
"force disable"
local multiCombo = ui.add_multi_combo_box("Key bind options", "lua_multi_combo", keyBinds, {false, false, false, false, false, false, false})
local color = ui.add_color_edit("Global color", "lua_color", false, color_t.new(244, 182, 108, 255))
local width = 120
local bindHeight = 16
function inBind(mousePos)
if mousePos.x >= keybind_x:get_value() - 16 and mousePos.x <= keybind_x:get_value() + width + 16 and mousePos.y >= keybind_y:get_value() - 3 - 16 and mousePos.y <= keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 16 then
return true
local spSize = 12
local veSize = 12
local smallest_pixel_7 = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/SMALLEST_PIXEL-7.ttf", spSize, 144)
local verdana_font = renderer.setup_font("C:/Windows/Fonts/verdana.ttf", veSize, 144)
function lerp(startP, endP, t)
return startP + (endP-startP) * t
-- animations class
local animations = (function()
local store = {data = {}}
function store:clamp(val, min, max)
return math.min(max, math.max(min, val))
function store:animate(name, side, multiplier)
if not self.data[name] then self.data[name] = 0 end
multiplier = multiplier or 4
local val = globalvars.get_frame_time() * multiplier * (side and -1 or 1)
self.data[name] = self:clamp(self.data[name] + val, 0, 1)
return self.data[name]
return store
local anim_width = width
function on_paint()
useful renderer functions:
renderer.text(text, font, pos, size, color)
renderer.get_text_size(font, size, text)
renderer.line(from, to, color)
renderer.rect / rect_filled (from, to, color)
renderer.rect_filled_fade(from, to, col_upr_left, col_upr_right, col_bot_right, col_bot_left)
if not entitylist.get_local_player() then
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value(), keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect_filled_fade(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3 + width, keybind_y:get_value()), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4 + width, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight - 3), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15), color_t.new(64, 64, 64, 15))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 1, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 2, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 3, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 0), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 1 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 1), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 2 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
renderer.rect(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 4 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() - 3 + width + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 2), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
if(not keybind:get_value()) then return end
renderer.line(vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width, keybind_y:get_value() - 4), color_t.new((color:get_value()).r, (color:get_value()).g, (color:get_value()).b, 255))
local mousePos = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
if inBind(mousePos) and client.is_key_pressed(1) and ui.is_visible() then
keybind_x:set_value(mousePos.x - width / 2)
keybind_y:set_value(mousePos.y - bindHeight / 2)
-- out of bounds check
if keybind_x:get_value() < 0 then keybind_x:set_value(0) end
if keybind_x:get_value() + width + 4 > screen_size.x then keybind_x:set_value(screen_size.x - width - 4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() - 4 < 0 then keybind_y:set_value(4) end
if keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight + 4 > screen_size.y then keybind_y:set_value(screen_size.y - bindHeight - 4) end
text_ouline("keybinds", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1, veSize)
renderer.text("keybinds", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").x / 2, keybind_y:get_value() + bindHeight / 2 - renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, veSize, "keybinds").y / 2 - 1), veSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255))
-- display items
local item_y_offset = 12
local item_y = keybind_y:get_value() + 6 + item_y_offset + .0
local max_width = 0
if ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 2 then
keyBinds[1] = "Double Tap"
elseif ui.get_combo_box("rage_active_exploit"):get_value() == 1 then
keyBinds[1] = "On shot anti-aim"
keyBinds[1] = "Exploit"
for i = 1, #bindVariables do
if ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):get_type() == 0 then
goto skip
local alpha = animations:animate("bind_" .. bindVariables[I], not (ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):is_active() and multiCombo:get_value(i - 1))) * 255
local bind_state_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, "[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):get_type() + 1] .. "]")
local bind_name_width = renderer.get_text_size(verdana_font, spSize, keyBinds[I])
text_ouline(keyBinds[I], verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text(keyBinds[I], verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + 4, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
text_ouline("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y, spSize, color_t.new(0, 0, 0, alpha))
renderer.text("[" .. bindTypes[ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):get_type() + 1] .. "]", verdana_font, vec2_t.new(keybind_x:get_value() + width - bind_state_width.x, item_y), spSize, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, alpha))
if multiCombo:get_value(i - 1) and alpha ~= 0 then
item_y = item_y + item_y_offset
if not ui.get_key_bind(bindVariables[I]):is_active() then
goto skip
local bind_width = bind_name_width.x + bind_state_width.x + 10
if bind_width > 60 then
if bind_width > max_width then
max_width = bind_width
width = math.max(120, max_width)
if anim_width < width then
anim_width = anim_width + 2
elseif anim_width > width then
anim_width = anim_width - 2
width = anim_width
client.register_callback("paint", on_paint)
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz