Автор темы
- #1
чтобы в каждом скрипте было:>
local inds = ui.create("Visuals", "Indicators")
local ybase = inds:combo("Yaw Base", {"Disabled","Left", "Right"}, 0, "")
local accent_color = inds:color_picker("Accent Color", color(185, 194, 255, 255))
local screen_size = render.screen_size()
local anti_aim = require("neverlose/anti_aim")
function ts()
if globals.is_in_game then
local localplayer = entity.get_local_player()
if localplayer:is_alive() then
if not localplayer.m_bIsScoped then
render.poly(ybase:get() == "Right" and accent_color:get() or color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen_size.x / 2 + 55, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen_size.x / 2 + 42, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen_size.x / 2 + 42, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
render.poly(ybase:get() == "Left" and accent_color:get() or color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen_size.x / 2 - 55, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen_size.x / 2 - 42, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen_size.x / 2 - 42, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
render.rect_outline(vector(screen_size.x / 2 + 38, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen_size.x / 2 + 38 + 2, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), anti_aim.get_inverter_state() == true and accent_color:get() or color(35, 35, 35, 150))
render.rect_outline(vector(screen_size.x / 2 - 40, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen_size.x / 2 - 38, screen_size.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), anti_aim.get_inverter_state() == false and accent_color:get() or color(35, 35, 35, 150))
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