Saturn lua

8 Окт 2022
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Shit paste leaked
base64 = require("neverlose/base64")
clipboard = require("neverlose/clipboard")

aa_states = {"Global", "Standing", "Running", "Slowwalk", "Crouch", "Jump", "Jump+Crouch"}
aa_states2 = {"G", "S", "R", "SW", "C", "J", "J+C"}

aa_refs = {
    pitch = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Pitch"),
    yaw = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw"),
    base = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Base"),
    offset = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Offset"),
    backstab = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Avoid Backstab"),
    yaw_modifier = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw Modifier"),
    modifier_offset = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw Modifier", "Offset"),
    body_yaw = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw"),
    inverter = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Inverter"),
    left_limit = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Left Limit"),
    right_limit = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Right Limit"),
    options = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Options"),
    desync_freestanding = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Freestanding"),
    on_shot = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "On Shot"),
    lby_mode = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "LBY Mode"),
    slowwalk = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Slow Walk"),
    fakeduck = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Fake Duck"),

group_antiaim = ui.create("AntiAim")
group_builder = ui.create("AntiAim")
enable_antiaim = group_antiaim:switch("Enable AntiAim", false)
enable_builder = group_builder:switch("Enable Builder", false)
manual_yaw_base = group_antiaim:combo("Manual Yaw Base", {"Disabled", "Forward", "Left", "Right"})
condition = group_builder:combo("Condition", aa_states)

local group_misc = ui.create("Misc")
local group_visuals = ui.create("Visuals", "Visuals")

local enebler_killsay     = group_misc:switch("Saturn Killsay", false)
local enebler_tag     = group_misc:switch("Saturn Clantag", false)

local m_color     = group_visuals:color_picker("Global color", color(125, 125, 225, 255))
local enebler     = group_visuals:switch("Saturn Hitlogs", false)
local switch = group_visuals:switch("Saturn Indicators", false)
local killeffect = group_visuals:switch("Kill Effect", true)
local state_panel = group_visuals:switch("State Panel", true)
local manual_arrow = group_visuals:switch("Manual Arrow", true)
local velwarning = group_visuals:switch("Velocity Warning", true)

group_view = ui.create("Visuals","View")
aspect_ratio_switch = group_view:switch("Aspect ratio", false)
viewmodel_switch = group_view:switch("Viewmodel", false)

viewmodel_ref = viewmodel_switch:create()
viewmodel_fov = viewmodel_ref:slider("FOV", -100, 100, 68)
viewmodel_x = viewmodel_ref:slider("X", -10, 10, 2.5)
viewmodel_y = viewmodel_ref:slider("Y", -10, 10, 0)
viewmodel_z = viewmodel_ref:slider("Z", -10, 10, -1.5)

aspectratio_ref = aspect_ratio_switch:create()
aspect_ratio_slider = aspectratio_ref:slider("Value", 0, 20, 0, 0.1)

local screen = render.screen_size()
local verdana = render.load_font("Verdana", 12)

local killeffect = function(e)
    if not globals.is_connected then return end
    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local attacker = entity.get(e.attacker, true)
    if me == attacker then
        if killeffect:get() then
            me.m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = globals.curtime + 20 / 10

local hitgroup_str = {[0] = 'generic','head', 'chest', 'stomach','left arm', 'right arm','left leg', 'right leg','neck', 'generic', 'gear'}

local hitlog = {}
local id = 1

function hit_event(event)
    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local attacker = entity.get(event.attacker, true)
    local weapon = event.weapon
    local hit_type = ""
    if enebler:get() then
        if weapon == 'hegrenade' then
            hit_type = 'Exploded'

        if weapon == 'inferno' then
            hit_type = 'Burned'

        if weapon == 'knife' then
            hit_type = 'Hit from Knife'

        if weapon == 'hegrenade' or weapon == 'inferno' or weapon == 'knife' then
            if me == attacker then
                local user = entity.get(event.userid, true)
                hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {(hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,, globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
                print_raw(('\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] '..hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(id, user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,
                print_dev(("[%s] " .. hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(id, user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,
            id = id == 999 and 1 or id + 1

    if #hitlog > 0 then
        if globals.tickcount >= hitlog[1][2] then
            if hitlog[1][3] > 0 then
                hitlog[1][3] = hitlog[1][3] - 20
            elseif hitlog[1][3] <= 0 then
                table.remove(hitlog, 1)
        if #hitlog > 6 then
            table.remove(hitlog, 1)
        if globals.is_connected == false then
            table.remove(hitlog, #hitlog)
        for i = 1, #hitlog do
            text_size = render.measure_text(1, nil, hitlog[i][1]).x
            text_size_2 = render.measure_text(1, nil, "[saturn] ").x
            if hitlog[i][3] < 255 then
                hitlog[i][3] = hitlog[i][3] + 10
                render.text(1, vector(screen.x/2 - text_size/2 + text_size_2, screen.y/1.5 + 15 * i), color(255, 255, 255, hitlog[i][3]), nil, hitlog[i][1])
                render.text(1, vector(screen.x/2 - text_size/2, screen.y/1.5 + 15 * i), color(m_color:get().r, m_color:get().g, m_color:get().b, hitlog[i][3]), nil, "[saturn]")

local ideal_ind = function()

    local lp = entity.get_local_player()
    if not lp or not lp:is_alive() then return end
    if not switch:get() then return end

    if switch:get() then
        local ay = 0
        local x = render.screen_size().x/2
        local y = render.screen_size().y/2 + 20
        render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "SATURN YAW")
        render.text(verdana, vector(x, y), color(220, 135, 49, 255), nil, "SATURN YAW")
        ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Freestanding"):get() then
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "FREESTAND")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(209, 159, 230, 255), nil, "FREESTAND")
            ay = ay + 10
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DYNAMIC")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(209, 159, 230, 255), nil, "DYNAMIC")
            ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Main", "Double Tap"):get() then
            local chrg = rage.exploit:get()
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
            if chrg == 1 then
                render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(0, 255, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
                render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(255, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
            ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Main", "Hide Shots"):get() then
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "AA")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(120, 128, 200, 255), nil, "AA")
            ay = ay + 10

local killsayha = function(e)
    if enebler_killsay:get() then
        local me = entity.get_local_player()
        local victim = entity.get(e.userid, true)
        local attacker = entity.get(e.attacker, true)

        if victim == attacker or attacker ~= me then return end
        utils.console_exec("say GET GOOD GET SATURN LUA")

local function rgbToHex(r, g, b)
r = tostring(r);g = tostring(g);b = tostring(b)
r = (r:len() == 1) and '0'..r or r;g = (g:len() == 1) and '0'..g or g;b = (b:len() == 1) and '0'..b or b

local rgb = (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + b
return (r == '00' and g == '00' and b == '00') and '000000' or string.format('%x', rgb)

local ffi = require("ffi")
    typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
    typedef int(__fastcall* clantag_t)(const char*, const char*);
    bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
    void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
    void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
    bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
    void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); 
    typedef struct {
        unsigned short wYear;
        unsigned short wMonth;
        unsigned short wDayOfWeek;
        unsigned short wDay;
        unsigned short wHour;
        unsigned short wMinute;
        unsigned short wMilliseconds;
    void GetSystemTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);
    void GetLocalTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);

local set_clantag = ffi.cast('int(__fastcall*)(const char*, const char*)', utils.opcode_scan('engine.dll', '53 56 57 8B DA 8B F9 FF 15'))

gamesense_anim = function(text, indices)
    local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not globals.is_connected then
    local text_anim = '               ' .. text .. '                      '
    local tickinterval = globals.tickinterval
    local tickcount = globals.tickcount + math.floor(utils.net_channel().latency[0]+0.22 / tickinterval + 0.5)
    local i = tickcount / math.floor(0.3 / tickinterval + 0.5)
    i = math.floor(i % #indices)
    i = indices[i+1]+1

    return string.sub(text_anim, i, i+15)

enabled_prev = true

set_clantag('\0', '\0')

dh_DrawClanTag = function()
if enebler_tag:get() then
local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
if local_player ~= nil and globals.is_connected and globals.choked_commands == 0 then
local bebraliu = entity.get_game_rules()
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25})
if bebraliu.m_gamePhase == 5 then
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {14})
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
elseif bebraliu.m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts ~= 0 then
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {14})
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
elseif clan_tag ~= clan_tag_prev then
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
clan_tag_prev = clan_tag
enabled_prev = false
elseif not enebler_tag:get() and enabled_prev == false then
set_clantag('\0', '\0')
enabled_prev = true

local manualarrowel = function()
    if manual_arrow:get() then
        render.poly(color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen.x / 2 + 55, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen.x / 2 + 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
        render.poly(color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen.x / 2 - 55, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen.x / 2 - 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
        if not invert_state then
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 + 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 38 + 2, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18),  m_color:get())
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 - 40, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), color(35, 35, 35, 150))
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 + 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 38 + 2, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), color(35, 35, 35, 150))
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 - 40, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18),  m_color:get())

function leerp(start, vend, time)
    return start + (vend - start) * time

local is_in_bounds = function(bound_a, bound_b, position)
    return position.x >= bound_a.x and position.y >= bound_a.y and position.x <= bound_b.x and position.y <= bound_b.y

local vdragging = false
local vdrag_offset = vector(0, 0)
local dragging = false
local drag_offset = vector(0, 0)
local Verdana_bold = render.load_font("Verdana", 10, 'ab')
local anim1 = 0
local a_width = 0
local size2 = vector(30, 50)
local url2 = ''
local velocity_icon = render.load_image(network.get(url2), size2)

local vpos_x = group_visuals:slider("vdrag_offset", 0, screen.x, screen.x / 2 - 82):set_visible(false)
local vpos_y = group_visuals:slider("vdragging", 0, screen.y, screen.y / 2 - 200):set_visible(false)

local velocitywarningel = function()
    if not velwarning:get() then return end
    local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if local_player == nil then return end
    local modifier_vel = local_player.m_flVelocityModifier + 0.01
    if ui.get_alpha() == 1 then
        modifier_vel = local_player.m_flVelocityModifier
    if modifier_vel == 1.01 then return end

    local text_vel = string.format('Slowed down %.0f%%', math.floor(modifier_vel*100))
    local text_width_vel = 95

    a_width = leerp(a_width, math.floor((text_width_vel - 2) * modifier_vel), globals.frametime * 8)

    local xv, yv = vpos_x:get(), vpos_y:get()
    render.texture(velocity_icon, vector(xv+47, yv-31), vector(30, 50), m_color:get()  )
    render.text(1, vector(xv+56+21, yv+1+4), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, text_vel)
    render.text(1, vector(xv+55+21, yv+4), m_color:get(), nil, text_vel)

    render.rect(vector(xv+55, yv+17+4), vector(xv+165+20, yv+31), color(25, 25, 25, 200))
    render.rect(vector(xv+56, yv+18+4), vector(xv+65+(a_width*1.2 + 7), yv+30), m_color:get())
    render.rect_outline(vector(xv+55, yv+17+4), vector(xv+165+20, yv+31), color(55, 55, 55, 200))
    if common.is_button_down(0x01) and ui.get_alpha() == 1 then
        local mouse_position = ui.get_mouse_position()
        if dragging == false and vdragging == false and is_in_bounds(vector(vpos_x:get(), vpos_y:get()-10), vector(vpos_x:get()+185, vpos_y:get()+31), mouse_position) == true then
            vdrag_offset.x = mouse_position.x - vpos_x:get()
            vdrag_offset.y = mouse_position.y - vpos_y:get()
            vdragging = true
        if vdragging == true then
            vpos_x:set(mouse_position.x - vdrag_offset.x)
            vpos_y:set(mouse_position.y - vdrag_offset.y)
        vdragging = false

local statepanelel = function()
    if not state_panel:get() then
    if not entity.get_local_player() then return end
    local bodyyaw = entity.get_local_player().m_flPoseParameter[11] * 120 - 60
    if entity.get_threat() == nil then
        target_name = "none"
        target_name = entity.get_threat():get_name()
    render.rect_outline(vector(10-10, screen.y/2-50-10), vector(10+160, screen.y/2-50+65), color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> Saturn - antiaim script")
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+10), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> user: ", common.get_username())
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+20), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> build ver. - alpha")
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+30), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> current enemy: ", target_name)
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+40), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> angle of desync: ", math.floor(bodyyaw).."°")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end;local v9=setmetatable;local v10=pcall;local v11=select;local v12=unpack or table.unpack;local v13=tonumber;local function v14(v15,v16)local v17=0;local v18;local v19;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;while true do if (v17==7) then function v29(v30,v31,v32)local v38=0;local v39;local v40;local v41;while true do if (v38==1) then v41=v30[3];return function(...)local v73=1;local v74= -1;local v75={...};local v76=v11("#",...) -1;local function v77()local v78=v39;local v79=Const;local v80=v40;local v81=v41;local v82=v27;local v83={};local v84={};local v85={};for v93=154 -(54 + 100),v76 do if (((1649 + (3229 -(9 + 80)))>=(5858 -(1036 + 211))) and (v93>=v81)) then v83[v93-v81]=v75[v93 + 1 + 0];else v85[v93]=v75[v93 + (2 -1) + 0];end end local v86=(v76-v81) + (1 -0);local v87;local v88;while true do local v94=0;local v95;while true do if (((1984 + 350)>(3009 -(580 + 1002))) and (v94==(0 -0))) then v95=0 + 0;while true do if (((3379 + 69)>=(1460 + 31)) and (v95==(3 -(873 -(702 + 169))))) then if ((v88<=(133 -((1723 -(807 + 817)) + 15 + 10))) or ((852 + 2172)==(3849 -(66 + 909)))) then if ((v88<=((23 -12) -7)) or ((2313 -1582)>(12540 -8151))) then if ((v88<=(1 + 0)) or ((6298 -(408 + 1339))<(2057 -(411 + 1040)))) then if (((1066 -325)<(9058 -5972)) and (v88>(0 + 0))) then if (((4745 -3139)<(4859 -(144 + 85))) and  not v85[v87[2 + 0]]) then v73=v73 + (369 -((1021 -767) + 114));else v73=v87[2 + 1 + (0 -0)];end else v32[v87[1139 -(297 + 839)]]=v85[v87[1 + 1]];end elseif ((v88<=(2 + 0)) or (348>=(287 + 259))) then v85[v87[3 -1]]=v85[v87[3]];elseif (((149 + 4552)>=(4011 -(294 + 148))) and (v88==(2 + 1))) then local v138=682 -((1329 -(437 + 539)) + 329);local v139;local v140;local v141;local v142;local v143;while true do if (((9746 -5239)==((19007 -11669) -2831)) and (v138==(1 + 1))) then v143=nil;while true do if (((6121 -(1348 + 497))>(226 + 1870)) and (v139==(1 -0))) then local v181=1603 -((1868 -670) + 405);while true do if ((v181==(1 + 0)) or ((3711 + (1292 -773))<(4970 -3406))) then v139=2;break;end if (((3053 -(282 + 602))==2169) and (v181==(0 + 0))) then v142=nil;v143=nil;v181=1 -0;end end end if ((v139==(426 -(194 + 230))) or ((39 + 62)>(2904 -(27 + 1962)))) then while true do if ((((4009 + 244) -(39 + 388))==(5105 -(247 + 1032))) and (v140==(344 -(99 + 243)))) then for v205=(1974 -(1201 + 770)) -2,v87[(1300 -(495 + 531)) -(110 + 160)] do local v206=0 + 0;local v207;local v208;local v209;while true do if ((v206==(1562 -(339 + 1222))) or (((362 -181) -104)>=(9764 -5962))) then v209=nil;while true do if ((v207==(0 -0)) or ((169 + 756)==(4717 -(2894 -(141 + 24))))) then local v224=(311 -(108 + 203)) -0;while true do if (((0 -0)==v224) or ((2708 -(230 + 1208))>=(3583 -1791))) then v208=0 -0;v209=nil;v224=1577 -(151 + 1425);end if ((((16906 -7391) -(14308 -8159))<(2138 + 2596 + 85 + 74)) and (v224==(2 -1))) then v207=1301 -(1284 + 16);break;end end end if ((v207==(1 + 0)) or ((3649 -(405 + 1533))>=(4249 -((1246 -(229 + 726)) + 172)))) then while true do if ((v208==(0 + 0)) or ((1184 + 583 + 2990)<(1895 -741))) then local v238=0 + 0;while true do if (((777 + 398)<(2128 -(33 + 247))) and ((0 + 0)==v238)) then local v247=0 + 0;while true do if ((v247==(1995 -(1699 + 295))) or ((9163 -4288)<=(1236 + 1128))) then v238=174 -(163 + 1 + 9);break;end if ((v247==(0 + (0 -0))) or ((8666 -5448)<((1575 -(444 + 516)) + 475))) then v73=v73 + (1551 -((3681 -2383) + 252));v209=v78[v73];v247=28 -(7 + 20);end end end if (((4856 + (121 -(5 + 14)))>(4794 -(971 + 897))) and ((1 + 0 + 0)==v238)) then v208=4 -3;break;end end end if (((2891 -(123 + 80 + 359))<=(9581 -4917)) and (v208==(1 + 0 + 0))) then if ((((14637 -10383) -(579 + 181))>(1110 -(883 + 23))) and (v209[1 -0]==(1 + 1))) then v143[v205-(1 -0)]={v85,v209[8 -5]};else v143[v205-(1 -0)]={v31,v209[1263 -(1006 + (1381 -(851 + 276)))]};end v84[ #v84 + (528 -(75 + 414 + 38))]=v143;break;end end break;end end break;end if (((747 + 690)<((5605 -(34 + 8)) -(340 + 422))) and (v206==(0 -0))) then v207=0 + 0;v208=nil;v206=1 + 0;end end end v85[v87[2 + 0]]=v29(v141,v142,v32);break;end if ((v140==(0 -0)) or ((10222 -6548)<=(3555 -1171))) then local v194=0 + 0;local v195;while true do if (((1350 -554)<=(1533 -(309 + 269))) and (((0 -0) -0)==v194)) then v195=10 -((8 -4) + 6);while true do if (((170 + 2692)==((24850 -11047) -10941)) and (v195==((14 -10) -(2 + 1)))) then v140=3 -2;break;end if (((1410 + 375)==((313 -(19 + 29)) + 1520)) and (v195==(1791 -(118 + 1673)))) then v141=v80[v87[1 + 2]];v142=nil;v195=(2835 -(182 + 1784)) -(415 + 453);end end break;end end end if (((160 + 779)<=(3301 -(65 + 1047))) and (v140==(1696 -(711 + 984)))) then local v196=0 -0;while true do if (((62 + 62)<=(3689 -1895)) and (v196==(220 -((208 -(27 + 128)) + 166)))) then v140=1 + 1 + 0;break;end if ((v196==(1860 -(656 + 1204))) or ((914 + 412)>=(3615 + 414))) then local v212=0 -0;while true do if ((3960==((4952 -(129 + 395)) -(251 + 80 + 137))) and (v212==(0 + 0))) then v143={};v142=v9({},{__index=function(v225,v226)local v230=0 + 0;local v231;while true do if ((v230==(0 + 0)) or ((2306 + 2166)<=(1852 + 345))) then local v241=1436 -(853 + 51 + 532);while true do if ((v241==(581 -(544 + 37))) or ((931 + 1286)<=(1096 -557))) then v231=v143[v226];return v231[1 + 0][v231[1 + 1]];end end end end end,__newindex=function(v227,v228,v229)local v232=0 -(0 + 0);local v233;local v234;while true do if ((v232==(1 + 0)) or ((663 + 322)<=(406 + 167))) then while true do if ((v233==(0 + 0)) or ((6525 -3337)>(4137 -(360 + 286)))) then v234=v143[v228];v234[1551 -(758 + 792)][v234[2 + 0]]=v229;break;end end break;end if ((v232==(0 -0)) or ((1368 + 447)>(4280 -(78 + 1413)))) then v233=1502 -(369 + 1133);v234=nil;v232=1 -0;end end end});v212=1520 -(410 + 1109);end if ((v212==(1 + 0)) or ((11388 -7079)>((5509 -(329 + 865)) + (995 -692)))) then v196=21 -(13 + (17 -10));break;end end end end end end break;end if ((v139==(0 -0)) or ((499 -293)>=(586 -(89 + 22)))) then local v182=0 -(1585 -(1141 + 444));while true do if (((4314 -(94 + 737))>=(3624 -(229 + 642))) and (v182==(1 + 0))) then v139=526 -(211 + 314);break;end if ((v182==((2041 -1326) -(63 + 652))) or ((8724 -5543)<=(14908 -11845))) then v140=0 + 0 + 0;v141=nil;v182=415 -(99 + 315);end end end end break;end if (((178 + 4471)>=(1483 + 225)) and (v138==(690 -(496 + 194)))) then v139=165 -(8 + 157);v140=nil;v138=1111 -(544 + 566);end if (((5992 -3750)>(1140 + 36)) and ((216 -(72 + 143))==v138)) then v141=nil;v142=nil;v138=3 -1;end end else v85[v87[1621 -(361 + 1258)]]=v31[v87[(270 -(193 + 73)) -1]];end elseif (((9901 -5943)<=(8365 -3719)) and (v88<=(1610 -(1010 + 594)))) then if ((v88==(4 + 1)) or ((2633 -(1051 + 227))>(5457 -(625 + 1369)))) then do return;end elseif (((3211 -1853)>(296 -(194 + 84))) and (v87[7 -5]==v85[v87[6 -2]])) then v73=v73 + (249 -(19 + 88 + 141));else v73=v87[1895 -((694 -(494 + 33)) + 1725)];end elseif ((v88<=(2 + 1 + (10 -6))) or ((867 + 763)>(6385 -2155))) then for v136=v87[5 -3],v87[3] do v85[v136]=nil;end elseif (((4903 -(98 + 30))>(289 + 3454)) and (v88==(1525 -(1416 + 101)))) then local v145=1425 -(973 + 452);local v146;while true do if (((8334 -4327)>=(4331 -(875 + 60))) and (v145==(0 -0))) then v146=v87[3 -1];v85[v146]=v85[v146](v12(v85,v146 + 1 + 0,v74));break;end end else v85[v87[1619 -(914 + 703)]]=v32[v87[10 -7]];end elseif (((15863 -11591)<(1160 + 1313 + 136 + 1773)) and (v88<=(46 -32))) then if ((v88<=(1460 -(1149 + 300))) or ((7359 -4849)==((1207 + 4132) -3023))) then if (((1692 + 2021)==((1603 + 6284) -4174)) and (v88==(385 -(241 + 134)))) then local v121=0 -0;local v122;local v123;local v124;local v125;while true do if (((2081 + 1386)<(3535 + 224)) and (v121==(1 + 0))) then local v163=1157 -(138 + 1019);while true do if (((4460 -(71 + 182))>(1875 -(676 + 150 + 75))) and (v163==(2 -1))) then v121=714 -((463 -(42 + 208)) + 395 + 104);break;end if ((v163==(0 -(0 -0))) or ((95 + 2826 + 327)<=(727 + 2125))) then v74=(v124 + v122) -(1 + 0);v125=1106 -(400 + 706);v163=1 + 0;end end end if (((4936 -(1064 + 142))>=((13418 -9451) -(1110 + 631))) and (v121==(0 + 0))) then local v164=1362 -(1290 + (174 -102));while true do if ((v164==(3 -2)) or ((585 -237)==(1637 -(13 + 1030)))) then v121=1 -0;break;end if ((v164==(0 + 0)) or ((3845 + 792)<(2416 -(549 + 832)))) then v122=v87[1834 -(745 + 1087)];v123,v124=v82(v85[v122](v12(v85,v122 + 1 + 0,v87[6 -3])));v164=640 -(426 + 213);end end end if (((214 -(38 + 174))==v121) or ((445 + 874)>(1267 + 57 + 46))) then for v171=v122,v74 do local v172=0;local v173;local v174;while true do if (((8390 -3805)==(3534 + 1051)) and (v172==(1 + (0 -0)))) then while true do if ((v173==(0 + 0)) or ((3161 + 210)<=(5397 -3129))) then v174=741 -(467 + 274);while true do if (((848 + 329)<(5208 -2350)) and (v174==(0 -0))) then v125=v125 + 1 + 0;v85[v171]=v123[v125];break;end end break;end end break;end if (((703 + 34)<(4802 -(277 + 709))) and (v172==0)) then v173=0 -0;v174=nil;v172=500 -(274 + 225);end end end break;end end else v85[v87[6 -4]]=v87[1210 -(305 + 602 + 300)];end elseif (((4582 + 358)==(1706 + 3234)) and (v88<=(1163 -(1 + 58 + 1092)))) then local v127=164 -(154 + 10);local v128;local v129;local v130;while true do if (((3263 + 23)>(1480 + 730)) and (v127==(1 + 0))) then v130=nil;while true do if ((v128==(812 -(696 + 116))) or ((6549 -4828)>(2228 -424))) then local v176=0 + 0 + 0;while true do if (((1586 -(206 + 3))<=(1778 + 1020)) and (v176==0)) then v129=1125 -(510 + 615);v130=nil;v176=1464 -(1348 + 115);end if ((v176==(1730 -(118 + 1611))) or ((14657 -10068)<=(225 + 3851))) then v128=1;break;end end end if ((v128==(1 + (1889 -(936 + 953)))) or ((2355 -1665)>=(4452 -2311))) then while true do if (((1526 -(66 + 85 + 256))>=((622 + 200) -606)) and (v129==(1620 -(34 + 1586)))) then v130=v87[7 -5];v85[v130]=v85[v130](v85[v130 + (1674 -((2235 -(740 + 457)) + 635))]);break;end end break;end end break;end if (((801 + 201)<=(1912 + 1451)) and (v127==(0 + 0))) then v128=0 -0;v129=nil;v127=1012 -(146 + 865);end end elseif (((11037 -7702)>(939 -623)) and (v88==(230 -(97 + 120)))) then if ((v85[v87[2 + 0]]==v87[2 + 2]) or ((3098 -(1669 + 15))==(2074 -(469 + 782)))) then v73=v73 + 1;else v73=v87[1775 -(659 + 1113)];end else v85[v87[1886 -(1195 + 689)]]=v85[v87[3]][v87[776 -(422 + (562 -(32 + 180)))]];end elseif ((((8364 -5193) -(1052 + 934))>(613 -271)) and (v88<=(9 + 8))) then if (((1345 -(564 + 17))<(2966 -(1141 + 479))) and (v88<=(3 + 4 + 8))) then v31[v87[10 -7]]=v85[v87[2 -0]];elseif ((v88==(831 -(391 + 424))) or ((569 + 2594)==(4313 -2504))) then local v149=0 -0;local v150;local v151;local v152;while true do if (((1671 -((522 -(315 + 128)) + (1903 -(1047 + 756))))<=(5141 -(638 + 87))) and (v149==(997 -(175 + 821)))) then v152=nil;while true do if (((5591 -(54 + 828))==(7757 -3048)) and (v150==(0 -0))) then local v183=972 -(21 + 951);while true do if ((v183==(311 -(98 + 212))) or ((12260 -7876)>=(2253 + 2156))) then v150=899 -(606 + 292);break;end if ((v183==(44 -(29 + 15))) or (((4724 -2488) + 1607)<=(4674 -(1445 + 552)))) then v151=v87[2];v152={};v183=1580 -(192 + 1387);end end end if ((v150==(3 -2)) or ((2394 + 160 + 11)>=((35339 -27923) -3284))) then for v188=808 -(449 + 358), #v84 do local v189=0 + 0;local v190;local v191;while true do if (((542 -(415 + 126))==v189) or ((944 + 153)<=(120 + 655))) then while true do if (((0 + 0)==v190) or (2173>=(5401 -(1179 + 411)))) then v191=v84[v188];for v217=0 -(0 -0), #v191 do local v218=0;local v219;local v220;local v221;local v222;while true do if ((v218==2) or ((82 + 331)==1820)) then while true do if ((v219==(0 -0)) or ((3552 -(1323 + 171))>=(269 + 4482))) then local v242=352 -(147 + 205);while true do if (((444 + 47)<(9213 -5130)) and (v242==((1924 -(385 + 1537)) -(1 + 0)))) then v219=1 + 0;break;end if ((v242==(179 -(61 + (303 -185)))) or ((5208 -(1731 + 47))<=(3988 -(1006 + 309)))) then v220=v191[v217];v221=v220[1163 -(1034 + 128)];v242=1 + (0 -0);end end end if ((v219==(337 -(283 + 53))) or ((3027 + (3320 -2130))<=(768 + 3095))) then v222=v220[534 -(67 + 465)];if (((12351 -7429)>=((835 -533) + 2591)) and (v221==v85) and (v222>=v151)) then local v248=0 + 0;local v249;local v250;while true do if (((3523 -(749 + 983))<=((3969 + 1772) -(803 + 1125))) and (v248==(0 -0))) then v249=0 -0;v250=nil;v248=1573 -(101 + 1471);end if ((v248==(1 + 0)) or ((1411 + 807)<=(1810 -(1061 + 229)))) then while true do if (((4275 -(949 + 911))>(1004 -(923 -404))) and ((0 -0)==v249)) then v250=0 -0;while true do if ((v250==((0 -0) -0)) or (((15939 -(354 + 341)) -10820)<=(2077 -(48 + 25 + 27)))) then v152[v222]=v221[v222];v220[1623 -((1986 -1065) + (2152 -(607 + 844)))]=v152;break;end end break;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (((17947 -13255)>=(2460 -(1729 + 228))) and (v218==(0 -0))) then v219=602 -(191 + 411);v220=nil;v218=(3 -2) + 0;end if ((v218==(804 -(451 + 352))) or (640>(1101 + 1248))) then v221=nil;v222=nil;v218=2 + (869 -(810 + 59));end end end break;end end break;end if ((4747>(3927 -(553 + 450))) and ((0 + 0)==v189)) then v190=0 -0;v191=nil;v189=773 -(51 + 721);end end end break;end end break;end if (((589 + (366 -(53 + 135)))<(13126 -(1548 + 6890))) and (v149==(1304 -(1224 + 80)))) then v150=0 -0;v151=nil;v149=111 -(58 + 52);end end else v73=v87[4 -1];end elseif (((14177 -10006)>=(5766 -(1412 + 398))) and (v88<=(32 -14))) then local v132=0 -0;local v133;local v134;while true do if (((1722 + 3154)>=(2863 + 625)) and (v132==(1 + 0))) then while true do if ((2363<(8822 -(3714 + 2712))) and (v133==(1596 -(1396 + 200)))) then v134=v87[(12 -5) -5];v85[v134](v12(v85,v134 + (3 -2),v87[3 -0]));break;end end break;end if ((v132==(835 -(400 + 435))) or ((3886 -1506)<(16 + 149))) then v133=451 -((1065 -739) + 125);v134=nil;v132=1;end end elseif (((10856 -6047)>=(850 -((6 -1) + 50))) and (v88>(812 -(217 + 576)))) then v85[v87[1 + 1]]();else local v153=0;local v154;local v155;local v156;while true do if ((v153==(1951 -(1697 + 253))) or (((956 + 489) -649)<=(178 -124))) then v156=nil;while true do if (((1550 + 481)<(1581 + 2093)) and (v154==(1 -0))) then while true do if (((6616 -((1351 -(55 + 53)) + 560))>4110) and (v155==(0 + 0))) then v156=v87[1 + 1];v85[v156]=v85[v156](v12(v85,v156 + 1 + 0,v87[(1813 -(1269 + 542)) + 1]));break;end end break;end if (((5449 -(433 + 455))>=(5362 -(529 + 1028))) and (v154==(0 + 0))) then local v184=0 -0;while true do if (((348 + 344)<=(3788 -(1133 + 539))) and (v184==(1858 -(994 + 112 + 751)))) then v154=1 + 0;break;end if (((1 + 1)<(10295 -(21559 -14094))) and (v184==(639 -(33 + 606)))) then v155=0;v156=nil;v184=1623 -(45 + 1577);end end end end break;end if ((v153==(0 -0)) or ((4478 -3233)>(4055 -1636))) then v154=0 -0;v155=nil;v153=1 -(0 + 0);end end end v73=v73 + 1 + 0;break;end if ((v95==(1344 -(736 + 608))) or (((3345 -1978) -(104 + 158))>=1197)) then v87=v78[v73];v88=v87[1 + 0];v95=1 + 0 + 0;end end break;end end end end A,B=v27(v10(v77));if  not A[1] then local v89=0;local v90;while true do if (v89==0) then v90=v30[4][v73] or "?";error("Script error at ["   .. v90   .. "]:"   .. A[2]);break;end end else return v12(A,2,B);end end;end if (v38==0) then v39=v30[1];v40=v30[2];v38=1;end end end return v29(v28(),{},v16)();end if (v17==5) then v26=v23;v27=nil;function v27(...)return {...},v11("#",...);end v17=6;end if (v17==6) then v28=nil;function v28()local v42=0 + 0;local v43;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v42~=(3 -0)) then else v49=nil;while true do local v71=0;local v72;while true do if (v71~=(0 -0)) then else v72=0;while true do if (0~=v72) then else if (v43~=(1 + 0)) then else local v98=0 -0;local v99;while true do if (v98==0) then v99=1349 -(32 + 1317);while true do if ((3 -2)==v99) then v49={};v43=1720 -(915 + 803);break;end if ((110 -(79 + 31))~=v99) then else local v117=247 -(172 + 75);while true do if (1~=v117) then else v99=3 -2;break;end if (v117~=(940 -(847 + 93))) then else v47={v44,v45,nil,v46};v48=v23();v117=1357 -(937 + 419);end end end end break;end end end if (v43==2) then local v100=0;while true do if (v100==(0 + 0)) then for v105=1,v48 do local v106=0 -0;local v107;local v108;local v109;local v110;local v111;while true do if (v106==(0 + 0)) then v107=0;v108=nil;v106=1;end if (v106~=1) then else v109=nil;v110=nil;v106=2;end if (v106~=(60 -(43 + 15))) then else v111=nil;while true do if (v107~=1) then else v110=nil;v111=nil;v107=2;end if (v107~=2) then else while true do if (v108~=1) then else v111=nil;while true do if (v109~=(1024 -(876 + 147))) then else if (v110==1) then v111=v21()~=0;elseif (v110==2) then v111=v24();elseif (v110==3) then v111=v25();end v49[v105]=v111;break;end if (v109~=0) then else local v178=0;local v179;local v180;while true do if (v178==(2 -1)) then while true do if (v179==0) then v180=876 -(194 + 682);while true do if (v180==0) then local v215=0;local v216;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v215) then else v216=123 -(107 + 16);while true do if (v216==1) then v180=1 + 0;break;end if (v216==0) then local v240=0;while true do if (v240==(0 -0)) then v110=v21();v111=nil;v240=1;end if ((1 + 0)~=v240) then else v216=1;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v180==1) then v109=1;break;end end break;end end break;end if (0==v178) then v179=0 + 0;v180=nil;v178=1 + 0;end end end end break;end if (v108~=0) then else local v165=0 -0;local v166;while true do if (v165~=0) then else v166=0 -0;while true do if (1~=v166) then else v108=1 -0;break;end if (v166==(0 -0)) then local v192=0;while true do if (v192==0) then v109=0 + 0;v110=nil;v192=2 -1;end if (v192~=1) then else v166=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end if (v107~=(0 + 0)) then else local v135=0;while true do if (v135==(0 + 0)) then v108=0;v109=nil;v135=1 -0;end if (v135==1) then v107=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end end end v47[3]=v21();v100=1;end if (v100~=1) then else for v112=1706 -(86 + 1619),v23() do local v113=0 -0;local v114;local v115;while true do if (v113~=1) then else while true do if (v114~=0) then else v115=v21();if (v20(v115,1001 -(480 + 520),2 -1)~=(0 -0)) then else local v157=0 + 0;local v158;local v159;local v160;local v161;local v162;while true do if ((0 -0)~=v157) then else v158=0;v159=nil;v157=1 + 0;end if (v157==1) then v160=nil;v161=nil;v157=2;end if (v157==(1741 -(558 + 1181))) then v162=nil;while true do if (v158==2) then while true do if (v159~=(4 -1)) then else if (v20(v161,3,3)==(1737 -(1151 + 585))) then v162[4]=v49[v162[1573 -(1420 + 149)]];end v44[v112]=v162;break;end if (v159~=2) then else local v199=0;local v200;while true do if (v199==(0 -0)) then v200=0 + 0;while true do if (v200~=0) then else local v223=0;while true do if (v223==0) then if (v20(v161,343 -(81 + 261),1)~=1) then else v162[2]=v49[v162[983 -(531 + 450)]];end if (v20(v161,2,2 -0)~=(2 -1)) then else v162[3]=v49[v162[3]];end v223=1;end if (v223==1) then v200=1 -0;break;end end end if (v200~=(1 + 0)) then else v159=3;break;end end break;end end end if (v159~=0) then else local v201=0 -0;local v202;local v203;while true do if (v201==(0 -0)) then v202=0;v203=nil;v201=1 -0;end if (v201==(77 -(75 + 1))) then while true do if (v202==(0 -0)) then v203=0;while true do if (v203~=(2 -1)) then else v159=211 -(31 + 179);break;end if (0==v203) then local v235=0;local v236;while true do if (v235==0) then v236=0 + 0;while true do if (v236~=(1391 -(126 + 1264))) then else v203=1;break;end if (v236~=(1959 -(1588 + 371))) then else local v255=0;while true do if (v255~=(2 -1)) then else v236=187 -(47 + 139);break;end if (v255==(1355 -(32 + 1323))) then v160=v20(v115,1550 -(457 + 1091),4 -1);v161=v20(v115,3 + 1,3 + 3);v255=1;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end end end if (v159==(3 -2)) then local v204=0 -0;while true do if (0==v204) then local v213=0;local v214;while true do if (v213~=(1687 -(282 + 1405))) then else v214=0;while true do if (0~=v214) then else local v237=0 + 0;while true do if (v237~=(1 + 0)) then else v214=1;break;end if ((0 -0)~=v237) then else v162={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v160==(0 + 0)) then local v252=0 -0;local v253;local v254;while true do if (0~=v252) then else v253=0;v254=nil;v252=1;end if (v252~=1) then else while true do if (v253==0) then v254=1526 -(846 + 680);while true do if (v254~=0) then else v162[3]=v22();v162[4]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v160==(2 -1)) then v162[1754 -(1477 + 274)]=v23();elseif (v160==2) then v162[3]=v23() -(2^(130 -(46 + 68)));elseif (v160==(1424 -(1267 + 154))) then local v258=0;local v259;local v260;while true do if (v258==(1690 -(140 + 1549))) then while true do if (v259~=(0 + 0)) then else v260=0 + 0;while true do if (v260==(0 -0)) then v162[1 + 2]=v23() -(2^(27 -11));v162[14 -10]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v258==(0 -0)) then v259=0 + 0;v260=nil;v258=1;end end end v237=1 -0;end end end if (v214~=(1 + 0)) then else v204=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v204==(1 + 0)) then v159=1 + 1;break;end end end end break;end if (v158==0) then local v185=0;while true do if (v185~=(1493 -(376 + 1116))) then else v158=398 -(180 + 217);break;end if (v185~=(1229 -(513 + 716))) then else v159=0;v160=nil;v185=1;end end end if (v158~=(1989 -(322 + 1666))) then else local v186=0;while true do if ((0 -0)==v186) then v161=nil;v162=nil;v186=2 -1;end if (v186==(791 -(519 + 271))) then v158=2 + 0;break;end end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (v113==0) then v114=0 -0;v115=nil;v113=1;end end end v43=3;break;end end end v72=1 + 0;end if (v72~=(1 + 0)) then else if (v43~=0) then else local v101=0;while true do if (v101==(0 + 0)) then v44={};v45={};v101=1453 -(300 + 1152);end if (v101==1) then v46={};v43=1;break;end end end if (v43~=3) then else local v102=0;local v103;while true do if (v102~=(0 + 0)) then else v103=1369 -(880 + 489);while true do local v116=0 -0;while true do if (0==v116) then if (v103~=1) then else return v47;end if ((0 -0)==v103) then local v118=0 + 0;while true do if (v118==(1 + 0)) then v103=1;break;end if (v118~=(447 -(337 + 110))) then else for v167=4 -3,v23() do v45[v167-(1 + 0)]=v28();end for v169=1,v23() do v46[v169]=v23();end v118=1;end end end break;end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end end break;end if (v42==(0 + 0)) then v43=1436 -(752 + 684);v44=nil;v42=1;end if (v42~=(1 + 0)) then else v45=nil;v46=nil;v42=1487 -(317 + 1168);end if (v42==2) then v47=nil;v48=nil;v42=6 -3;end end end v29=nil;v17=7;end if (v17==0) then v18=1;v19=nil;v15=v4(v3(v15,5),"..",function(v33)if (v1(v33,2)==79) then local v64=0;while true do if (v64==0) then v19=v0(v3(v33,1,1));return "";end end else local v65=0;local v66;while true do if (v65==0) then v66=v2(v0(v33,16));if v19 then local v91=0;local v92;while true do if (v91==0) then v92=v5(v66,v19);v19=nil;v91=1;end if (v91==1) then return v92;end end else return v66;end break;end end end end);v17=1;end if (v17==1) then v20=nil;function v20(v34,v35,v36)if v36 then local v67=0;local v68;while true do if (v67==(0 -0)) then v68=(v34/((720 -(137 + 581))^(v35-(175 -(38 + (405 -269))))))%((1001 -(656 + 343))^(((v36-(1665 -(1031 + 633))) -(v35-((329 + 3) -(243 + 88)))) + 1));return v68-(v68%(649 -(566 + 82)));end end else local v69=39 -(25 + (1957 -(460 + 1483)));local v70;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v69) then v70=((1040 -(170 + 368)) -((1802 -(1101 + 273)) + 72))^(v35-((1041 -(482 + 557)) -1));return (((v34%(v70 + v70))>=v70) and (1 + 0)) or (0 + 0);end end end end v21=nil;v17=2;end if (v17==4) then function v24()local v50=v23();local v51=v23();return (( -(1875 -(414 + (2158 -699))) * v20(v51,14 + 18)) + (472 -(268 + 203))) * ((6 -4)^(v20(v51,1 + 20,84 -53) -(779 + 244))) * ((((v20(v51,670 -(20 + 649),41 -21) * ((2 -0)^(1841 -(121 + 1688)))) + v50)/((7 -5)^(898 -(131 + 715)))) + 1);end v25=nil;function v25(v37)local v52;if  not v37 then v37=v23();if (v37==(0 -0)) then return "";end end v52=v3(v15,v18,(v18 + v37) -(1107 -(462 + 644)));v18=v18 + v37;local v53={};for v62=1, #v52 do v53[v62]=v2(v1(v3(v52,v62,v62)));end return v6(v53);end v17=5;end if (v17==2) then function v21()local v54=v1(v15,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1;return v54;end v22=nil;function v22()local v55=1070 -((1224 -(340 + 612)) + 798);local v56;local v57;while true do if (v55==(598 -(80 + 518))) then v56,v57=v1(v15,v18,v18 + 2);v18=v18 + ((414 -264) -(132 + 16));v55=1 + (0 -0);end if (v55==(1 + 0)) then return (v57 * ((147 + 307) -198)) + v56;end end end v17=3;end if (v17==3) then v23=nil;function v23()local v58,v59,v60,v61=v1(v15,v18,v18 + (6 -3));v18=v18 + (1805 -(214 + 1587));return (v61 * (35747390 -(18970458 -(84 + 200)))) + (v60 * 65536) + (v59 * (52 + (1722 -(142 + 1376)))) + v58;end v24=nil;v17=4;end end end v14("LOL!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",v8());end
menu_condition = {}
for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
    menu_condition[a] = {
        enable = group_builder:switch("Enable " .. aa_states[a]),
        left_yaw_add = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Left Yaw Add", -180, 180, 0),
        right_yaw_add = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Right Yaw Add", -180, 180, 0),
        yaw_modifier = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] Yaw Modifier", aa_refs.yaw_modifier:get_list()),
        modifier_offset = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Modifier Offset", -180, 180, 0),
        options = group_builder:selectable("["..b.."] Options", aa_refs.options:get_list()),
        desync_freestanding = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] Freestanding", aa_refs.desync_freestanding:get_list()),
        on_shot = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] On Shot", aa_refs.on_shot:get_list()),
        lby_mode = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] LBY Mode", aa_refs.lby_mode:get_list()),
        left_limit = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Left Limit", 0, 60, 60),
        right_limit = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Right Limit", 0, 60, 60),

exporting = {
    ["number"] = {},
    ["boolean"] = {},
    ["table"] = {},
    ["string"] = {}

export_process = function()     
    for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
        for c, d in pairs(menu_condition[a]) do
            table.insert(exporting[type(d:get())], d)

    arr_to_string = function(arr)
        arr = arr:get()
        str = ""
        for i=1, #arr do
            str = str .. arr[i] .. (i == #arr and "" or ",")
        if str == "" then
            str = "-"
        return str

    str = ""
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["number"]) do
        str = str .. tostring(o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["string"]) do
        str = str .. (o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["boolean"]) do
        str = str .. tostring(o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["table"]) do
        str = str .. arr_to_string(o) .. "|"


load_process = function()
    protected_ = function()
        clipboards = clipboard.get()

        str_to_sub = function(input, sep)
            t = {}
            for str in string.gmatch(input, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
                t[#t + 1] = string.gsub(str, "\n", "")
            return t

        to_boolean = function(str)
            if str == "true" or str == "false" then
                return (str == "true")
                return str

        tbl = str_to_sub(base64.decode(clipboards), "|")

        p = 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["number"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["string"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["boolean"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["table"]) do
            p = p + 1

    status, message = pcall(protected_)
    if not status then
        -- print("Error reason: "..message)
        return end

export_config = group_antiaim:button("Export Preset Data", export_process())
load_config = group_antiaim:button("Import Preset Data", load_process())

get_player_state = function()
    local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not local_player then return "Not connected" end
    on_ground =, 1) == 1
    jump =, 1) == 0
    crouch = local_player.m_flDuckAmount > 0.7 or aa_refs.fakeduck:get()
    vx, vy, vz = local_player.m_vecVelocity.x, local_player.m_vecVelocity.y, local_player.m_vecVelocity.z
    math_velocity = math.sqrt(vx ^ 2 + vy ^ 2)
    move = math_velocity > 5

    if jump and crouch then return "Jump+Crouch" end
    if jump then return "Jump" end
    if crouch then return "Crouch" end
    if on_ground and aa_refs.slowwalk:get() and move then return "Slowwalk" end
    if on_ground and not move then return "Standing" end
    if on_ground and move then return "Running" end

antiaim = function()
    local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not local_player then return end
    if enable_antiaim:get() == false then return end
    if enable_builder:get() == false then return end

    invert_state = (math.normalize_yaw(local_player:get_anim_state().eye_yaw - local_player:get_anim_state().abs_yaw) <= 0)

    if menu_condition[2].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Standing" then aaid = 2
    elseif menu_condition[3].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Running" then aaid = 3
    elseif menu_condition[4].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Slowwalk" then aaid = 4
    elseif menu_condition[5].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Crouch" then aaid = 5
    elseif menu_condition[6].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Jump" then aaid = 6
    elseif menu_condition[7].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Jump+Crouch" then aaid = 7
        aaid = 1

    left_yaw_add = menu_condition[aaid].left_yaw_add:get()
    right_yaw_add = menu_condition[aaid].right_yaw_add:get()
    yaw_modifier = menu_condition[aaid].yaw_modifier:get()
    modifier_offset = menu_condition[aaid].modifier_offset:get()
    options = menu_condition[aaid].options:get()
    desync_freestanding = menu_condition[aaid].desync_freestanding:get()
    on_shot = menu_condition[aaid].on_shot:get()
    lby_mode = menu_condition[aaid].lby_mode:get()
    left_limit = menu_condition[aaid].left_limit:get()
    right_limit = menu_condition[aaid].right_limit:get()
    aa_refs.offset:override(invert_state and right_yaw_add or left_yaw_add)

    if manual_yaw_base:get() == "Left" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")
    elseif manual_yaw_base:get() == "Right" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")
    elseif manual_yaw_base:get() == "Forward" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")

menu_ui = function()
    aa_work = enable_antiaim:get()
    builder_work = enable_builder:get()
    cond_select = condition:get()
    all_work = aa_work and builder_work
    for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
        need_select = cond_select == aa_states[a]
        all_work2 = all_work and menu_condition[a].enable:get() and cond_select == aa_states[a]
        menu_condition[a].enable:set_visible(all_work and need_select)
        menu_condition[a].modifier_offset:set_visible(all_work2 and menu_condition[a].yaw_modifier:get() ~= "Disabled")


    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local result = event.state
    local target = entity.get(
    local text = "%"
    if target == nil then return end
    local health = target["m_iHealth"]
    local state_1 = ""
    if enebler:get() then
        if event.state == "spread" then state_1 = "spread" end
        if event.state == "prediction error" then state_1 = "prediction error" end
        if event.state == "jitter correction" then state_1 = "jitter correction" end
        if event.state == "correction" then state_1 = "resolver" end
        if event.state == "lagcomp failure" then state_1 = "fake lag correction" end
        if result == nil then
            hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {("Registered shot at %s's %s(%s%s) for %s (aimed: %s for %s, health remain: %s) backtrack: %s"):format(, hitgroup_str[event.hitgroup], event.hitchance, text, event.damage, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, health, event.backtrack), globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
            print_raw(("\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] Registered shot at %s's %s(%s%s) for %s (aimed: %s for %s, health remain: %s) backtrack: %s"):format(id,, hitgroup_str[event.hitgroup], event.hitchance, text, event.damage, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, health, event.backtrack))
            hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {("Missed %s`s %s (dmg:%s, %s%s) due to %s | backtrack: %s"):format(, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, event.hitchance, text, state_1, event.backtrack), globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
            print_raw(("\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] Missed %s`s %s (dmg:%s, %s%s) due to %s\aD5D5D5 | backtrack: %s"):format(id,, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, event.hitchance, text, state_1, event.backtrack))
        id = id == 999 and 1 or id + 1
    if aspect_ratio_switch:get() then
    if viewmodel_switch:get() then
        cvar.viewmodel_fov:int(viewmodel_fov:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_x:float(viewmodel_x:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_y:float(viewmodel_y:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_z:float(viewmodel_z:get(), true)
4 Июл 2022
22 Мар 2020
Shit paste leaked
base64 = require("neverlose/base64")
clipboard = require("neverlose/clipboard")

aa_states = {"Global", "Standing", "Running", "Slowwalk", "Crouch", "Jump", "Jump+Crouch"}
aa_states2 = {"G", "S", "R", "SW", "C", "J", "J+C"}

aa_refs = {
    pitch = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Pitch"),
    yaw = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw"),
    base = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Base"),
    offset = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Offset"),
    backstab = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw", "Avoid Backstab"),
    yaw_modifier = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw Modifier"),
    modifier_offset = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Yaw Modifier", "Offset"),
    body_yaw = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw"),
    inverter = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Inverter"),
    left_limit = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Left Limit"),
    right_limit = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Right Limit"),
    options = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Options"),
    desync_freestanding = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "Freestanding"),
    on_shot = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "On Shot"),
    lby_mode = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Body Yaw", "LBY Mode"),
    slowwalk = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Slow Walk"),
    fakeduck = ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Fake Duck"),

group_antiaim = ui.create("AntiAim")
group_builder = ui.create("AntiAim")
enable_antiaim = group_antiaim:switch("Enable AntiAim", false)
enable_builder = group_builder:switch("Enable Builder", false)
manual_yaw_base = group_antiaim:combo("Manual Yaw Base", {"Disabled", "Forward", "Left", "Right"})
condition = group_builder:combo("Condition", aa_states)

local group_misc = ui.create("Misc")
local group_visuals = ui.create("Visuals", "Visuals")

local enebler_killsay     = group_misc:switch("Saturn Killsay", false)
local enebler_tag     = group_misc:switch("Saturn Clantag", false)

local m_color     = group_visuals:color_picker("Global color", color(125, 125, 225, 255))
local enebler     = group_visuals:switch("Saturn Hitlogs", false)
local switch = group_visuals:switch("Saturn Indicators", false)
local killeffect = group_visuals:switch("Kill Effect", true)
local state_panel = group_visuals:switch("State Panel", true)
local manual_arrow = group_visuals:switch("Manual Arrow", true)
local velwarning = group_visuals:switch("Velocity Warning", true)

group_view = ui.create("Visuals","View")
aspect_ratio_switch = group_view:switch("Aspect ratio", false)
viewmodel_switch = group_view:switch("Viewmodel", false)

viewmodel_ref = viewmodel_switch:create()
viewmodel_fov = viewmodel_ref:slider("FOV", -100, 100, 68)
viewmodel_x = viewmodel_ref:slider("X", -10, 10, 2.5)
viewmodel_y = viewmodel_ref:slider("Y", -10, 10, 0)
viewmodel_z = viewmodel_ref:slider("Z", -10, 10, -1.5)

aspectratio_ref = aspect_ratio_switch:create()
aspect_ratio_slider = aspectratio_ref:slider("Value", 0, 20, 0, 0.1)

local screen = render.screen_size()
local verdana = render.load_font("Verdana", 12)

local killeffect = function(e)
    if not globals.is_connected then return end
    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local attacker = entity.get(e.attacker, true)
    if me == attacker then
        if killeffect:get() then
            me.m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = globals.curtime + 20 / 10

local hitgroup_str = {[0] = 'generic','head', 'chest', 'stomach','left arm', 'right arm','left leg', 'right leg','neck', 'generic', 'gear'}

local hitlog = {}
local id = 1

function hit_event(event)
    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local attacker = entity.get(event.attacker, true)
    local weapon = event.weapon
    local hit_type = ""
    if enebler:get() then
        if weapon == 'hegrenade' then
            hit_type = 'Exploded'

        if weapon == 'inferno' then
            hit_type = 'Burned'

        if weapon == 'knife' then
            hit_type = 'Hit from Knife'

        if weapon == 'hegrenade' or weapon == 'inferno' or weapon == 'knife' then
            if me == attacker then
                local user = entity.get(event.userid, true)
                hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {(hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,, globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
                print_raw(('\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] '..hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(id, user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,
                print_dev(("[%s] " .. hit_type..' %s for %d damage (%d health remaining)'):format(id, user:get_name(), event.dmg_health,
            id = id == 999 and 1 or id + 1

    if #hitlog > 0 then
        if globals.tickcount >= hitlog[1][2] then
            if hitlog[1][3] > 0 then
                hitlog[1][3] = hitlog[1][3] - 20
            elseif hitlog[1][3] <= 0 then
                table.remove(hitlog, 1)
        if #hitlog > 6 then
            table.remove(hitlog, 1)
        if globals.is_connected == false then
            table.remove(hitlog, #hitlog)
        for i = 1, #hitlog do
            text_size = render.measure_text(1, nil, hitlog[i][1]).x
            text_size_2 = render.measure_text(1, nil, "[saturn] ").x
            if hitlog[i][3] < 255 then
                hitlog[i][3] = hitlog[i][3] + 10
                render.text(1, vector(screen.x/2 - text_size/2 + text_size_2, screen.y/1.5 + 15 * i), color(255, 255, 255, hitlog[i][3]), nil, hitlog[i][1])
                render.text(1, vector(screen.x/2 - text_size/2, screen.y/1.5 + 15 * i), color(m_color:get().r, m_color:get().g, m_color:get().b, hitlog[i][3]), nil, "[saturn]")

local ideal_ind = function()

    local lp = entity.get_local_player()
    if not lp or not lp:is_alive() then return end
    if not switch:get() then return end

    if switch:get() then
        local ay = 0
        local x = render.screen_size().x/2
        local y = render.screen_size().y/2 + 20
        render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "SATURN YAW")
        render.text(verdana, vector(x, y), color(220, 135, 49, 255), nil, "SATURN YAW")
        ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Angles", "Freestanding"):get() then
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "FREESTAND")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(209, 159, 230, 255), nil, "FREESTAND")
            ay = ay + 10
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DYNAMIC")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(209, 159, 230, 255), nil, "DYNAMIC")
            ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Main", "Double Tap"):get() then
            local chrg = rage.exploit:get()
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
            if chrg == 1 then
                render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(0, 255, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
                render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(255, 0, 0, 255), nil, "DT")
            ay = ay + 10
        if ui.find("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Main", "Hide Shots"):get() then
            render.text(verdana, vector(x + 1, y + ay), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, "AA")
            render.text(verdana, vector(x, y + ay), color(120, 128, 200, 255), nil, "AA")
            ay = ay + 10

local killsayha = function(e)
    if enebler_killsay:get() then
        local me = entity.get_local_player()
        local victim = entity.get(e.userid, true)
        local attacker = entity.get(e.attacker, true)

        if victim == attacker or attacker ~= me then return end
        utils.console_exec("say GET GOOD GET SATURN LUA")

local function rgbToHex(r, g, b)
r = tostring(r);g = tostring(g);b = tostring(b)
r = (r:len() == 1) and '0'..r or r;g = (g:len() == 1) and '0'..g or g;b = (b:len() == 1) and '0'..b or b

local rgb = (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + b
return (r == '00' and g == '00' and b == '00') and '000000' or string.format('%x', rgb)

local ffi = require("ffi")
    typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int);
    typedef int(__fastcall* clantag_t)(const char*, const char*);
    bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName);
    void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
    void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd);
    bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes);
    void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK);
    typedef struct {
        unsigned short wYear;
        unsigned short wMonth;
        unsigned short wDayOfWeek;
        unsigned short wDay;
        unsigned short wHour;
        unsigned short wMinute;
        unsigned short wMilliseconds;
    void GetSystemTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);
    void GetLocalTime(LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);

local set_clantag = ffi.cast('int(__fastcall*)(const char*, const char*)', utils.opcode_scan('engine.dll', '53 56 57 8B DA 8B F9 FF 15'))

gamesense_anim = function(text, indices)
    local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not globals.is_connected then
    local text_anim = '               ' .. text .. '                      '
    local tickinterval = globals.tickinterval
    local tickcount = globals.tickcount + math.floor(utils.net_channel().latency[0]+0.22 / tickinterval + 0.5)
    local i = tickcount / math.floor(0.3 / tickinterval + 0.5)
    i = math.floor(i % #indices)
    i = indices[i+1]+1

    return string.sub(text_anim, i, i+15)

enabled_prev = true

set_clantag('\0', '\0')

dh_DrawClanTag = function()
if enebler_tag:get() then
local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
if local_player ~= nil and globals.is_connected and globals.choked_commands == 0 then
local bebraliu = entity.get_game_rules()
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25})
if bebraliu.m_gamePhase == 5 then
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {14})
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
elseif bebraliu.m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts ~= 0 then
clan_tag = gamesense_anim('saturn [debug]', {14})
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
elseif clan_tag ~= clan_tag_prev then
set_clantag(clan_tag, clan_tag)
clan_tag_prev = clan_tag
enabled_prev = false
elseif not enebler_tag:get() and enabled_prev == false then
set_clantag('\0', '\0')
enabled_prev = true

local manualarrowel = function()
    if manual_arrow:get() then
        render.poly(color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen.x / 2 + 55, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen.x / 2 + 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
        render.poly(color(35, 35, 35, 150), vector(screen.x / 2 - 55, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 2), vector(screen.x / 2 - 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 42, screen.y / 2 - 2 + 11))
        if not invert_state then
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 + 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 38 + 2, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18),  m_color:get())
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 - 40, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), color(35, 35, 35, 150))
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 + 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 + 38 + 2, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18), color(35, 35, 35, 150))
            render.rect_outline(vector(screen.x / 2 - 40, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7), vector(screen.x / 2 - 38, screen.y / 2 - 2 - 7 + 18),  m_color:get())

function leerp(start, vend, time)
    return start + (vend - start) * time

local is_in_bounds = function(bound_a, bound_b, position)
    return position.x >= bound_a.x and position.y >= bound_a.y and position.x <= bound_b.x and position.y <= bound_b.y

local vdragging = false
local vdrag_offset = vector(0, 0)
local dragging = false
local drag_offset = vector(0, 0)
local Verdana_bold = render.load_font("Verdana", 10, 'ab')
local anim1 = 0
local a_width = 0
local size2 = vector(30, 50)
local url2 = ''
local velocity_icon = render.load_image(network.get(url2), size2)

local vpos_x = group_visuals:slider("vdrag_offset", 0, screen.x, screen.x / 2 - 82):set_visible(false)
local vpos_y = group_visuals:slider("vdragging", 0, screen.y, screen.y / 2 - 200):set_visible(false)

local velocitywarningel = function()
    if not velwarning:get() then return end
    local local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if local_player == nil then return end
    local modifier_vel = local_player.m_flVelocityModifier + 0.01
    if ui.get_alpha() == 1 then
        modifier_vel = local_player.m_flVelocityModifier
    if modifier_vel == 1.01 then return end

    local text_vel = string.format('Slowed down %.0f%%', math.floor(modifier_vel*100))
    local text_width_vel = 95

    a_width = leerp(a_width, math.floor((text_width_vel - 2) * modifier_vel), globals.frametime * 8)

    local xv, yv = vpos_x:get(), vpos_y:get()
    render.texture(velocity_icon, vector(xv+47, yv-31), vector(30, 50), m_color:get()  )
    render.text(1, vector(xv+56+21, yv+1+4), color(0, 0, 0, 255), nil, text_vel)
    render.text(1, vector(xv+55+21, yv+4), m_color:get(), nil, text_vel)

    render.rect(vector(xv+55, yv+17+4), vector(xv+165+20, yv+31), color(25, 25, 25, 200))
    render.rect(vector(xv+56, yv+18+4), vector(xv+65+(a_width*1.2 + 7), yv+30), m_color:get())
    render.rect_outline(vector(xv+55, yv+17+4), vector(xv+165+20, yv+31), color(55, 55, 55, 200))
    if common.is_button_down(0x01) and ui.get_alpha() == 1 then
        local mouse_position = ui.get_mouse_position()
        if dragging == false and vdragging == false and is_in_bounds(vector(vpos_x:get(), vpos_y:get()-10), vector(vpos_x:get()+185, vpos_y:get()+31), mouse_position) == true then
            vdrag_offset.x = mouse_position.x - vpos_x:get()
            vdrag_offset.y = mouse_position.y - vpos_y:get()
            vdragging = true
        if vdragging == true then
            vpos_x:set(mouse_position.x - vdrag_offset.x)
            vpos_y:set(mouse_position.y - vdrag_offset.y)
        vdragging = false

local statepanelel = function()
    if not state_panel:get() then

    if not entity.get_local_player() then return end
    local bodyyaw = entity.get_local_player().m_flPoseParameter[11] * 120 - 60
    if entity.get_threat() == nil then
        target_name = "none"
        target_name = entity.get_threat():get_name()
    render.rect_outline(vector(10-10, screen.y/2-50-10), vector(10+160, screen.y/2-50+65), color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> Saturn - antiaim script")
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+10), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> user: ", common.get_username())
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+20), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> build ver. - alpha")
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+30), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> current enemy: ", target_name)
    render.text(1, vector(10, screen.y/2-50+40), color(255, 255, 255, 255), nil, "> angle of desync: ", math.floor(bodyyaw).."°")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end;local v9=setmetatable;local v10=pcall;local v11=select;local v12=unpack or table.unpack;local v13=tonumber;local function v14(v15,v16)local v17=0;local v18;local v19;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;while true do if (v17==7) then function v29(v30,v31,v32)local v38=0;local v39;local v40;local v41;while true do if (v38==1) then v41=v30[3];return function(...)local v73=1;local v74= -1;local v75={...};local v76=v11("#",...) -1;local function v77()local v78=v39;local v79=Const;local v80=v40;local v81=v41;local v82=v27;local v83={};local v84={};local v85={};for v93=154 -(54 + 100),v76 do if (((1649 + (3229 -(9 + 80)))>=(5858 -(1036 + 211))) and (v93>=v81)) then v83[v93-v81]=v75[v93 + 1 + 0];else v85[v93]=v75[v93 + (2 -1) + 0];end end local v86=(v76-v81) + (1 -0);local v87;local v88;while true do local v94=0;local v95;while true do if (((1984 + 350)>(3009 -(580 + 1002))) and (v94==(0 -0))) then v95=0 + 0;while true do if (((3379 + 69)>=(1460 + 31)) and (v95==(3 -(873 -(702 + 169))))) then if ((v88<=(133 -((1723 -(807 + 817)) + 15 + 10))) or ((852 + 2172)==(3849 -(66 + 909)))) then if ((v88<=((23 -12) -7)) or ((2313 -1582)>(12540 -8151))) then if ((v88<=(1 + 0)) or ((6298 -(408 + 1339))<(2057 -(411 + 1040)))) then if (((1066 -325)<(9058 -5972)) and (v88>(0 + 0))) then if (((4745 -3139)<(4859 -(144 + 85))) and  not v85[v87[2 + 0]]) then v73=v73 + (369 -((1021 -767) + 114));else v73=v87[2 + 1 + (0 -0)];end else v32[v87[1139 -(297 + 839)]]=v85[v87[1 + 1]];end elseif ((v88<=(2 + 0)) or (348>=(287 + 259))) then v85[v87[3 -1]]=v85[v87[3]];elseif (((149 + 4552)>=(4011 -(294 + 148))) and (v88==(2 + 1))) then local v138=682 -((1329 -(437 + 539)) + 329);local v139;local v140;local v141;local v142;local v143;while true do if (((9746 -5239)==((19007 -11669) -2831)) and (v138==(1 + 1))) then v143=nil;while true do if (((6121 -(1348 + 497))>(226 + 1870)) and (v139==(1 -0))) then local v181=1603 -((1868 -670) + 405);while true do if ((v181==(1 + 0)) or ((3711 + (1292 -773))<(4970 -3406))) then v139=2;break;end if (((3053 -(282 + 602))==2169) and (v181==(0 + 0))) then v142=nil;v143=nil;v181=1 -0;end end end if ((v139==(426 -(194 + 230))) or ((39 + 62)>(2904 -(27 + 1962)))) then while true do if ((((4009 + 244) -(39 + 388))==(5105 -(247 + 1032))) and (v140==(344 -(99 + 243)))) then for v205=(1974 -(1201 + 770)) -2,v87[(1300 -(495 + 531)) -(110 + 160)] do local v206=0 + 0;local v207;local v208;local v209;while true do if ((v206==(1562 -(339 + 1222))) or (((362 -181) -104)>=(9764 -5962))) then v209=nil;while true do if ((v207==(0 -0)) or ((169 + 756)==(4717 -(2894 -(141 + 24))))) then local v224=(311 -(108 + 203)) -0;while true do if (((0 -0)==v224) or ((2708 -(230 + 1208))>=(3583 -1791))) then v208=0 -0;v209=nil;v224=1577 -(151 + 1425);end if ((((16906 -7391) -(14308 -8159))<(2138 + 2596 + 85 + 74)) and (v224==(2 -1))) then v207=1301 -(1284 + 16);break;end end end if ((v207==(1 + 0)) or ((3649 -(405 + 1533))>=(4249 -((1246 -(229 + 726)) + 172)))) then while true do if ((v208==(0 + 0)) or ((1184 + 583 + 2990)<(1895 -741))) then local v238=0 + 0;while true do if (((777 + 398)<(2128 -(33 + 247))) and ((0 + 0)==v238)) then local v247=0 + 0;while true do if ((v247==(1995 -(1699 + 295))) or ((9163 -4288)<=(1236 + 1128))) then v238=174 -(163 + 1 + 9);break;end if ((v247==(0 + (0 -0))) or ((8666 -5448)<((1575 -(444 + 516)) + 475))) then v73=v73 + (1551 -((3681 -2383) + 252));v209=v78[v73];v247=28 -(7 + 20);end end end if (((4856 + (121 -(5 + 14)))>(4794 -(971 + 897))) and ((1 + 0 + 0)==v238)) then v208=4 -3;break;end end end if (((2891 -(123 + 80 + 359))<=(9581 -4917)) and (v208==(1 + 0 + 0))) then if ((((14637 -10383) -(579 + 181))>(1110 -(883 + 23))) and (v209[1 -0]==(1 + 1))) then v143[v205-(1 -0)]={v85,v209[8 -5]};else v143[v205-(1 -0)]={v31,v209[1263 -(1006 + (1381 -(851 + 276)))]};end v84[ #v84 + (528 -(75 + 414 + 38))]=v143;break;end end break;end end break;end if (((747 + 690)<((5605 -(34 + 8)) -(340 + 422))) and (v206==(0 -0))) then v207=0 + 0;v208=nil;v206=1 + 0;end end end v85[v87[2 + 0]]=v29(v141,v142,v32);break;end if ((v140==(0 -0)) or ((10222 -6548)<=(3555 -1171))) then local v194=0 + 0;local v195;while true do if (((1350 -554)<=(1533 -(309 + 269))) and (((0 -0) -0)==v194)) then v195=10 -((8 -4) + 6);while true do if (((170 + 2692)==((24850 -11047) -10941)) and (v195==((14 -10) -(2 + 1)))) then v140=3 -2;break;end if (((1410 + 375)==((313 -(19 + 29)) + 1520)) and (v195==(1791 -(118 + 1673)))) then v141=v80[v87[1 + 2]];v142=nil;v195=(2835 -(182 + 1784)) -(415 + 453);end end break;end end end if (((160 + 779)<=(3301 -(65 + 1047))) and (v140==(1696 -(711 + 984)))) then local v196=0 -0;while true do if (((62 + 62)<=(3689 -1895)) and (v196==(220 -((208 -(27 + 128)) + 166)))) then v140=1 + 1 + 0;break;end if ((v196==(1860 -(656 + 1204))) or ((914 + 412)>=(3615 + 414))) then local v212=0 -0;while true do if ((3960==((4952 -(129 + 395)) -(251 + 80 + 137))) and (v212==(0 + 0))) then v143={};v142=v9({},{__index=function(v225,v226)local v230=0 + 0;local v231;while true do if ((v230==(0 + 0)) or ((2306 + 2166)<=(1852 + 345))) then local v241=1436 -(853 + 51 + 532);while true do if ((v241==(581 -(544 + 37))) or ((931 + 1286)<=(1096 -557))) then v231=v143[v226];return v231[1 + 0][v231[1 + 1]];end end end end end,__newindex=function(v227,v228,v229)local v232=0 -(0 + 0);local v233;local v234;while true do if ((v232==(1 + 0)) or ((663 + 322)<=(406 + 167))) then while true do if ((v233==(0 + 0)) or ((6525 -3337)>(4137 -(360 + 286)))) then v234=v143[v228];v234[1551 -(758 + 792)][v234[2 + 0]]=v229;break;end end break;end if ((v232==(0 -0)) or ((1368 + 447)>(4280 -(78 + 1413)))) then v233=1502 -(369 + 1133);v234=nil;v232=1 -0;end end end});v212=1520 -(410 + 1109);end if ((v212==(1 + 0)) or ((11388 -7079)>((5509 -(329 + 865)) + (995 -692)))) then v196=21 -(13 + (17 -10));break;end end end end end end break;end if ((v139==(0 -0)) or ((499 -293)>=(586 -(89 + 22)))) then local v182=0 -(1585 -(1141 + 444));while true do if (((4314 -(94 + 737))>=(3624 -(229 + 642))) and (v182==(1 + 0))) then v139=526 -(211 + 314);break;end if ((v182==((2041 -1326) -(63 + 652))) or ((8724 -5543)<=(14908 -11845))) then v140=0 + 0 + 0;v141=nil;v182=415 -(99 + 315);end end end end break;end if (((178 + 4471)>=(1483 + 225)) and (v138==(690 -(496 + 194)))) then v139=165 -(8 + 157);v140=nil;v138=1111 -(544 + 566);end if (((5992 -3750)>(1140 + 36)) and ((216 -(72 + 143))==v138)) then v141=nil;v142=nil;v138=3 -1;end end else v85[v87[1621 -(361 + 1258)]]=v31[v87[(270 -(193 + 73)) -1]];end elseif (((9901 -5943)<=(8365 -3719)) and (v88<=(1610 -(1010 + 594)))) then if ((v88==(4 + 1)) or ((2633 -(1051 + 227))>(5457 -(625 + 1369)))) then do return;end elseif (((3211 -1853)>(296 -(194 + 84))) and (v87[7 -5]==v85[v87[6 -2]])) then v73=v73 + (249 -(19 + 88 + 141));else v73=v87[1895 -((694 -(494 + 33)) + 1725)];end elseif ((v88<=(2 + 1 + (10 -6))) or ((867 + 763)>(6385 -2155))) then for v136=v87[5 -3],v87[3] do v85[v136]=nil;end elseif (((4903 -(98 + 30))>(289 + 3454)) and (v88==(1525 -(1416 + 101)))) then local v145=1425 -(973 + 452);local v146;while true do if (((8334 -4327)>=(4331 -(875 + 60))) and (v145==(0 -0))) then v146=v87[3 -1];v85[v146]=v85[v146](v12(v85,v146 + 1 + 0,v74));break;end end else v85[v87[1619 -(914 + 703)]]=v32[v87[10 -7]];end elseif (((15863 -11591)<(1160 + 1313 + 136 + 1773)) and (v88<=(46 -32))) then if ((v88<=(1460 -(1149 + 300))) or ((7359 -4849)==((1207 + 4132) -3023))) then if (((1692 + 2021)==((1603 + 6284) -4174)) and (v88==(385 -(241 + 134)))) then local v121=0 -0;local v122;local v123;local v124;local v125;while true do if (((2081 + 1386)<(3535 + 224)) and (v121==(1 + 0))) then local v163=1157 -(138 + 1019);while true do if (((4460 -(71 + 182))>(1875 -(676 + 150 + 75))) and (v163==(2 -1))) then v121=714 -((463 -(42 + 208)) + 395 + 104);break;end if ((v163==(0 -(0 -0))) or ((95 + 2826 + 327)<=(727 + 2125))) then v74=(v124 + v122) -(1 + 0);v125=1106 -(400 + 706);v163=1 + 0;end end end if (((4936 -(1064 + 142))>=((13418 -9451) -(1110 + 631))) and (v121==(0 + 0))) then local v164=1362 -(1290 + (174 -102));while true do if ((v164==(3 -2)) or ((585 -237)==(1637 -(13 + 1030)))) then v121=1 -0;break;end if ((v164==(0 + 0)) or ((3845 + 792)<(2416 -(549 + 832)))) then v122=v87[1834 -(745 + 1087)];v123,v124=v82(v85[v122](v12(v85,v122 + 1 + 0,v87[6 -3])));v164=640 -(426 + 213);end end end if (((214 -(38 + 174))==v121) or ((445 + 874)>(1267 + 57 + 46))) then for v171=v122,v74 do local v172=0;local v173;local v174;while true do if (((8390 -3805)==(3534 + 1051)) and (v172==(1 + (0 -0)))) then while true do if ((v173==(0 + 0)) or ((3161 + 210)<=(5397 -3129))) then v174=741 -(467 + 274);while true do if (((848 + 329)<(5208 -2350)) and (v174==(0 -0))) then v125=v125 + 1 + 0;v85[v171]=v123[v125];break;end end break;end end break;end if (((703 + 34)<(4802 -(277 + 709))) and (v172==0)) then v173=0 -0;v174=nil;v172=500 -(274 + 225);end end end break;end end else v85[v87[6 -4]]=v87[1210 -(305 + 602 + 300)];end elseif (((4582 + 358)==(1706 + 3234)) and (v88<=(1163 -(1 + 58 + 1092)))) then local v127=164 -(154 + 10);local v128;local v129;local v130;while true do if (((3263 + 23)>(1480 + 730)) and (v127==(1 + 0))) then v130=nil;while true do if ((v128==(812 -(696 + 116))) or ((6549 -4828)>(2228 -424))) then local v176=0 + 0 + 0;while true do if (((1586 -(206 + 3))<=(1778 + 1020)) and (v176==0)) then v129=1125 -(510 + 615);v130=nil;v176=1464 -(1348 + 115);end if ((v176==(1730 -(118 + 1611))) or ((14657 -10068)<=(225 + 3851))) then v128=1;break;end end end if ((v128==(1 + (1889 -(936 + 953)))) or ((2355 -1665)>=(4452 -2311))) then while true do if (((1526 -(66 + 85 + 256))>=((622 + 200) -606)) and (v129==(1620 -(34 + 1586)))) then v130=v87[7 -5];v85[v130]=v85[v130](v85[v130 + (1674 -((2235 -(740 + 457)) + 635))]);break;end end break;end end break;end if (((801 + 201)<=(1912 + 1451)) and (v127==(0 + 0))) then v128=0 -0;v129=nil;v127=1012 -(146 + 865);end end elseif (((11037 -7702)>(939 -623)) and (v88==(230 -(97 + 120)))) then if ((v85[v87[2 + 0]]==v87[2 + 2]) or ((3098 -(1669 + 15))==(2074 -(469 + 782)))) then v73=v73 + 1;else v73=v87[1775 -(659 + 1113)];end else v85[v87[1886 -(1195 + 689)]]=v85[v87[3]][v87[776 -(422 + (562 -(32 + 180)))]];end elseif ((((8364 -5193) -(1052 + 934))>(613 -271)) and (v88<=(9 + 8))) then if (((1345 -(564 + 17))<(2966 -(1141 + 479))) and (v88<=(3 + 4 + 8))) then v31[v87[10 -7]]=v85[v87[2 -0]];elseif ((v88==(831 -(391 + 424))) or ((569 + 2594)==(4313 -2504))) then local v149=0 -0;local v150;local v151;local v152;while true do if (((1671 -((522 -(315 + 128)) + (1903 -(1047 + 756))))<=(5141 -(638 + 87))) and (v149==(997 -(175 + 821)))) then v152=nil;while true do if (((5591 -(54 + 828))==(7757 -3048)) and (v150==(0 -0))) then local v183=972 -(21 + 951);while true do if ((v183==(311 -(98 + 212))) or ((12260 -7876)>=(2253 + 2156))) then v150=899 -(606 + 292);break;end if ((v183==(44 -(29 + 15))) or (((4724 -2488) + 1607)<=(4674 -(1445 + 552)))) then v151=v87[2];v152={};v183=1580 -(192 + 1387);end end end if ((v150==(3 -2)) or ((2394 + 160 + 11)>=((35339 -27923) -3284))) then for v188=808 -(449 + 358), #v84 do local v189=0 + 0;local v190;local v191;while true do if (((542 -(415 + 126))==v189) or ((944 + 153)<=(120 + 655))) then while true do if (((0 + 0)==v190) or (2173>=(5401 -(1179 + 411)))) then v191=v84[v188];for v217=0 -(0 -0), #v191 do local v218=0;local v219;local v220;local v221;local v222;while true do if ((v218==2) or ((82 + 331)==1820)) then while true do if ((v219==(0 -0)) or ((3552 -(1323 + 171))>=(269 + 4482))) then local v242=352 -(147 + 205);while true do if (((444 + 47)<(9213 -5130)) and (v242==((1924 -(385 + 1537)) -(1 + 0)))) then v219=1 + 0;break;end if ((v242==(179 -(61 + (303 -185)))) or ((5208 -(1731 + 47))<=(3988 -(1006 + 309)))) then v220=v191[v217];v221=v220[1163 -(1034 + 128)];v242=1 + (0 -0);end end end if ((v219==(337 -(283 + 53))) or ((3027 + (3320 -2130))<=(768 + 3095))) then v222=v220[534 -(67 + 465)];if (((12351 -7429)>=((835 -533) + 2591)) and (v221==v85) and (v222>=v151)) then local v248=0 + 0;local v249;local v250;while true do if (((3523 -(749 + 983))<=((3969 + 1772) -(803 + 1125))) and (v248==(0 -0))) then v249=0 -0;v250=nil;v248=1573 -(101 + 1471);end if ((v248==(1 + 0)) or ((1411 + 807)<=(1810 -(1061 + 229)))) then while true do if (((4275 -(949 + 911))>(1004 -(923 -404))) and ((0 -0)==v249)) then v250=0 -0;while true do if ((v250==((0 -0) -0)) or (((15939 -(354 + 341)) -10820)<=(2077 -(48 + 25 + 27)))) then v152[v222]=v221[v222];v220[1623 -((1986 -1065) + (2152 -(607 + 844)))]=v152;break;end end break;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (((17947 -13255)>=(2460 -(1729 + 228))) and (v218==(0 -0))) then v219=602 -(191 + 411);v220=nil;v218=(3 -2) + 0;end if ((v218==(804 -(451 + 352))) or (640>(1101 + 1248))) then v221=nil;v222=nil;v218=2 + (869 -(810 + 59));end end end break;end end break;end if ((4747>(3927 -(553 + 450))) and ((0 + 0)==v189)) then v190=0 -0;v191=nil;v189=773 -(51 + 721);end end end break;end end break;end if (((589 + (366 -(53 + 135)))<(13126 -(1548 + 6890))) and (v149==(1304 -(1224 + 80)))) then v150=0 -0;v151=nil;v149=111 -(58 + 52);end end else v73=v87[4 -1];end elseif (((14177 -10006)>=(5766 -(1412 + 398))) and (v88<=(32 -14))) then local v132=0 -0;local v133;local v134;while true do if (((1722 + 3154)>=(2863 + 625)) and (v132==(1 + 0))) then while true do if ((2363<(8822 -(3714 + 2712))) and (v133==(1596 -(1396 + 200)))) then v134=v87[(12 -5) -5];v85[v134](v12(v85,v134 + (3 -2),v87[3 -0]));break;end end break;end if ((v132==(835 -(400 + 435))) or ((3886 -1506)<(16 + 149))) then v133=451 -((1065 -739) + 125);v134=nil;v132=1;end end elseif (((10856 -6047)>=(850 -((6 -1) + 50))) and (v88>(812 -(217 + 576)))) then v85[v87[1 + 1]]();else local v153=0;local v154;local v155;local v156;while true do if ((v153==(1951 -(1697 + 253))) or (((956 + 489) -649)<=(178 -124))) then v156=nil;while true do if (((1550 + 481)<(1581 + 2093)) and (v154==(1 -0))) then while true do if (((6616 -((1351 -(55 + 53)) + 560))>4110) and (v155==(0 + 0))) then v156=v87[1 + 1];v85[v156]=v85[v156](v12(v85,v156 + 1 + 0,v87[(1813 -(1269 + 542)) + 1]));break;end end break;end if (((5449 -(433 + 455))>=(5362 -(529 + 1028))) and (v154==(0 + 0))) then local v184=0 -0;while true do if (((348 + 344)<=(3788 -(1133 + 539))) and (v184==(1858 -(994 + 112 + 751)))) then v154=1 + 0;break;end if (((1 + 1)<(10295 -(21559 -14094))) and (v184==(639 -(33 + 606)))) then v155=0;v156=nil;v184=1623 -(45 + 1577);end end end end break;end if ((v153==(0 -0)) or ((4478 -3233)>(4055 -1636))) then v154=0 -0;v155=nil;v153=1 -(0 + 0);end end end v73=v73 + 1 + 0;break;end if ((v95==(1344 -(736 + 608))) or (((3345 -1978) -(104 + 158))>=1197)) then v87=v78[v73];v88=v87[1 + 0];v95=1 + 0 + 0;end end break;end end end end A,B=v27(v10(v77));if  not A[1] then local v89=0;local v90;while true do if (v89==0) then v90=v30[4][v73] or "?";error("Script error at ["   .. v90   .. "]:"   .. A[2]);break;end end else return v12(A,2,B);end end;end if (v38==0) then v39=v30[1];v40=v30[2];v38=1;end end end return v29(v28(),{},v16)();end if (v17==5) then v26=v23;v27=nil;function v27(...)return {...},v11("#",...);end v17=6;end if (v17==6) then v28=nil;function v28()local v42=0 + 0;local v43;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v42~=(3 -0)) then else v49=nil;while true do local v71=0;local v72;while true do if (v71~=(0 -0)) then else v72=0;while true do if (0~=v72) then else if (v43~=(1 + 0)) then else local v98=0 -0;local v99;while true do if (v98==0) then v99=1349 -(32 + 1317);while true do if ((3 -2)==v99) then v49={};v43=1720 -(915 + 803);break;end if ((110 -(79 + 31))~=v99) then else local v117=247 -(172 + 75);while true do if (1~=v117) then else v99=3 -2;break;end if (v117~=(940 -(847 + 93))) then else v47={v44,v45,nil,v46};v48=v23();v117=1357 -(937 + 419);end end end end break;end end end if (v43==2) then local v100=0;while true do if (v100==(0 + 0)) then for v105=1,v48 do local v106=0 -0;local v107;local v108;local v109;local v110;local v111;while true do if (v106==(0 + 0)) then v107=0;v108=nil;v106=1;end if (v106~=1) then else v109=nil;v110=nil;v106=2;end if (v106~=(60 -(43 + 15))) then else v111=nil;while true do if (v107~=1) then else v110=nil;v111=nil;v107=2;end if (v107~=2) then else while true do if (v108~=1) then else v111=nil;while true do if (v109~=(1024 -(876 + 147))) then else if (v110==1) then v111=v21()~=0;elseif (v110==2) then v111=v24();elseif (v110==3) then v111=v25();end v49[v105]=v111;break;end if (v109~=0) then else local v178=0;local v179;local v180;while true do if (v178==(2 -1)) then while true do if (v179==0) then v180=876 -(194 + 682);while true do if (v180==0) then local v215=0;local v216;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v215) then else v216=123 -(107 + 16);while true do if (v216==1) then v180=1 + 0;break;end if (v216==0) then local v240=0;while true do if (v240==(0 -0)) then v110=v21();v111=nil;v240=1;end if ((1 + 0)~=v240) then else v216=1;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v180==1) then v109=1;break;end end break;end end break;end if (0==v178) then v179=0 + 0;v180=nil;v178=1 + 0;end end end end break;end if (v108~=0) then else local v165=0 -0;local v166;while true do if (v165~=0) then else v166=0 -0;while true do if (1~=v166) then else v108=1 -0;break;end if (v166==(0 -0)) then local v192=0;while true do if (v192==0) then v109=0 + 0;v110=nil;v192=2 -1;end if (v192~=1) then else v166=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end if (v107~=(0 + 0)) then else local v135=0;while true do if (v135==(0 + 0)) then v108=0;v109=nil;v135=1 -0;end if (v135==1) then v107=1 -0;break;end end end end break;end end end v47[3]=v21();v100=1;end if (v100~=1) then else for v112=1706 -(86 + 1619),v23() do local v113=0 -0;local v114;local v115;while true do if (v113~=1) then else while true do if (v114~=0) then else v115=v21();if (v20(v115,1001 -(480 + 520),2 -1)~=(0 -0)) then else local v157=0 + 0;local v158;local v159;local v160;local v161;local v162;while true do if ((0 -0)~=v157) then else v158=0;v159=nil;v157=1 + 0;end if (v157==1) then v160=nil;v161=nil;v157=2;end if (v157==(1741 -(558 + 1181))) then v162=nil;while true do if (v158==2) then while true do if (v159~=(4 -1)) then else if (v20(v161,3,3)==(1737 -(1151 + 585))) then v162[4]=v49[v162[1573 -(1420 + 149)]];end v44[v112]=v162;break;end if (v159~=2) then else local v199=0;local v200;while true do if (v199==(0 -0)) then v200=0 + 0;while true do if (v200~=0) then else local v223=0;while true do if (v223==0) then if (v20(v161,343 -(81 + 261),1)~=1) then else v162[2]=v49[v162[983 -(531 + 450)]];end if (v20(v161,2,2 -0)~=(2 -1)) then else v162[3]=v49[v162[3]];end v223=1;end if (v223==1) then v200=1 -0;break;end end end if (v200~=(1 + 0)) then else v159=3;break;end end break;end end end if (v159~=0) then else local v201=0 -0;local v202;local v203;while true do if (v201==(0 -0)) then v202=0;v203=nil;v201=1 -0;end if (v201==(77 -(75 + 1))) then while true do if (v202==(0 -0)) then v203=0;while true do if (v203~=(2 -1)) then else v159=211 -(31 + 179);break;end if (0==v203) then local v235=0;local v236;while true do if (v235==0) then v236=0 + 0;while true do if (v236~=(1391 -(126 + 1264))) then else v203=1;break;end if (v236~=(1959 -(1588 + 371))) then else local v255=0;while true do if (v255~=(2 -1)) then else v236=187 -(47 + 139);break;end if (v255==(1355 -(32 + 1323))) then v160=v20(v115,1550 -(457 + 1091),4 -1);v161=v20(v115,3 + 1,3 + 3);v255=1;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end end end if (v159==(3 -2)) then local v204=0 -0;while true do if (0==v204) then local v213=0;local v214;while true do if (v213~=(1687 -(282 + 1405))) then else v214=0;while true do if (0~=v214) then else local v237=0 + 0;while true do if (v237~=(1 + 0)) then else v214=1;break;end if ((0 -0)~=v237) then else v162={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v160==(0 + 0)) then local v252=0 -0;local v253;local v254;while true do if (0~=v252) then else v253=0;v254=nil;v252=1;end if (v252~=1) then else while true do if (v253==0) then v254=1526 -(846 + 680);while true do if (v254~=0) then else v162[3]=v22();v162[4]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v160==(2 -1)) then v162[1754 -(1477 + 274)]=v23();elseif (v160==2) then v162[3]=v23() -(2^(130 -(46 + 68)));elseif (v160==(1424 -(1267 + 154))) then local v258=0;local v259;local v260;while true do if (v258==(1690 -(140 + 1549))) then while true do if (v259~=(0 + 0)) then else v260=0 + 0;while true do if (v260==(0 -0)) then v162[1 + 2]=v23() -(2^(27 -11));v162[14 -10]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v258==(0 -0)) then v259=0 + 0;v260=nil;v258=1;end end end v237=1 -0;end end end if (v214~=(1 + 0)) then else v204=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v204==(1 + 0)) then v159=1 + 1;break;end end end end break;end if (v158==0) then local v185=0;while true do if (v185~=(1493 -(376 + 1116))) then else v158=398 -(180 + 217);break;end if (v185~=(1229 -(513 + 716))) then else v159=0;v160=nil;v185=1;end end end if (v158~=(1989 -(322 + 1666))) then else local v186=0;while true do if ((0 -0)==v186) then v161=nil;v162=nil;v186=2 -1;end if (v186==(791 -(519 + 271))) then v158=2 + 0;break;end end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (v113==0) then v114=0 -0;v115=nil;v113=1;end end end v43=3;break;end end end v72=1 + 0;end if (v72~=(1 + 0)) then else if (v43~=0) then else local v101=0;while true do if (v101==(0 + 0)) then v44={};v45={};v101=1453 -(300 + 1152);end if (v101==1) then v46={};v43=1;break;end end end if (v43~=3) then else local v102=0;local v103;while true do if (v102~=(0 + 0)) then else v103=1369 -(880 + 489);while true do local v116=0 -0;while true do if (0==v116) then if (v103~=1) then else return v47;end if ((0 -0)==v103) then local v118=0 + 0;while true do if (v118==(1 + 0)) then v103=1;break;end if (v118~=(447 -(337 + 110))) then else for v167=4 -3,v23() do v45[v167-(1 + 0)]=v28();end for v169=1,v23() do v46[v169]=v23();end v118=1;end end end break;end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end end break;end if (v42==(0 + 0)) then v43=1436 -(752 + 684);v44=nil;v42=1;end if (v42~=(1 + 0)) then else v45=nil;v46=nil;v42=1487 -(317 + 1168);end if (v42==2) then v47=nil;v48=nil;v42=6 -3;end end end v29=nil;v17=7;end if (v17==0) then v18=1;v19=nil;v15=v4(v3(v15,5),"..",function(v33)if (v1(v33,2)==79) then local v64=0;while true do if (v64==0) then v19=v0(v3(v33,1,1));return "";end end else local v65=0;local v66;while true do if (v65==0) then v66=v2(v0(v33,16));if v19 then local v91=0;local v92;while true do if (v91==0) then v92=v5(v66,v19);v19=nil;v91=1;end if (v91==1) then return v92;end end else return v66;end break;end end end end);v17=1;end if (v17==1) then v20=nil;function v20(v34,v35,v36)if v36 then local v67=0;local v68;while true do if (v67==(0 -0)) then v68=(v34/((720 -(137 + 581))^(v35-(175 -(38 + (405 -269))))))%((1001 -(656 + 343))^(((v36-(1665 -(1031 + 633))) -(v35-((329 + 3) -(243 + 88)))) + 1));return v68-(v68%(649 -(566 + 82)));end end else local v69=39 -(25 + (1957 -(460 + 1483)));local v70;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v69) then v70=((1040 -(170 + 368)) -((1802 -(1101 + 273)) + 72))^(v35-((1041 -(482 + 557)) -1));return (((v34%(v70 + v70))>=v70) and (1 + 0)) or (0 + 0);end end end end v21=nil;v17=2;end if (v17==4) then function v24()local v50=v23();local v51=v23();return (( -(1875 -(414 + (2158 -699))) * v20(v51,14 + 18)) + (472 -(268 + 203))) * ((6 -4)^(v20(v51,1 + 20,84 -53) -(779 + 244))) * ((((v20(v51,670 -(20 + 649),41 -21) * ((2 -0)^(1841 -(121 + 1688)))) + v50)/((7 -5)^(898 -(131 + 715)))) + 1);end v25=nil;function v25(v37)local v52;if  not v37 then v37=v23();if (v37==(0 -0)) then return "";end end v52=v3(v15,v18,(v18 + v37) -(1107 -(462 + 644)));v18=v18 + v37;local v53={};for v62=1, #v52 do v53[v62]=v2(v1(v3(v52,v62,v62)));end return v6(v53);end v17=5;end if (v17==2) then function v21()local v54=v1(v15,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1;return v54;end v22=nil;function v22()local v55=1070 -((1224 -(340 + 612)) + 798);local v56;local v57;while true do if (v55==(598 -(80 + 518))) then v56,v57=v1(v15,v18,v18 + 2);v18=v18 + ((414 -264) -(132 + 16));v55=1 + (0 -0);end if (v55==(1 + 0)) then return (v57 * ((147 + 307) -198)) + v56;end end end v17=3;end if (v17==3) then v23=nil;function v23()local v58,v59,v60,v61=v1(v15,v18,v18 + (6 -3));v18=v18 + (1805 -(214 + 1587));return (v61 * (35747390 -(18970458 -(84 + 200)))) + (v60 * 65536) + (v59 * (52 + (1722 -(142 + 1376)))) + v58;end v24=nil;v17=4;end end end v14("LOL!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",v8());end
menu_condition = {}
for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
    menu_condition[a] = {
        enable = group_builder:switch("Enable " .. aa_states[a]),
        left_yaw_add = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Left Yaw Add", -180, 180, 0),
        right_yaw_add = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Right Yaw Add", -180, 180, 0),
        yaw_modifier = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] Yaw Modifier", aa_refs.yaw_modifier:get_list()),
        modifier_offset = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Modifier Offset", -180, 180, 0),
        options = group_builder:selectable("["..b.."] Options", aa_refs.options:get_list()),
        desync_freestanding = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] Freestanding", aa_refs.desync_freestanding:get_list()),
        on_shot = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] On Shot", aa_refs.on_shot:get_list()),
        lby_mode = group_builder:combo("["..b.."] LBY Mode", aa_refs.lby_mode:get_list()),
        left_limit = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Left Limit", 0, 60, 60),
        right_limit = group_builder:slider("["..b.."] Right Limit", 0, 60, 60),

exporting = {
    ["number"] = {},
    ["boolean"] = {},
    ["table"] = {},
    ["string"] = {}

export_process = function()    
    for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
        for c, d in pairs(menu_condition[a]) do
            table.insert(exporting[type(d:get())], d)

    arr_to_string = function(arr)
        arr = arr:get()
        str = ""
        for i=1, #arr do
            str = str .. arr[i] .. (i == #arr and "" or ",")
        if str == "" then
            str = "-"
        return str

    str = ""
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["number"]) do
        str = str .. tostring(o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["string"]) do
        str = str .. (o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["boolean"]) do
        str = str .. tostring(o:get()) .. "|"
    for i,o in pairs(exporting["table"]) do
        str = str .. arr_to_string(o) .. "|"


load_process = function()
    protected_ = function()
        clipboards = clipboard.get()

        str_to_sub = function(input, sep)
            t = {}
            for str in string.gmatch(input, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
                t[#t + 1] = string.gsub(str, "\n", "")
            return t

        to_boolean = function(str)
            if str == "true" or str == "false" then
                return (str == "true")
                return str

        tbl = str_to_sub(base64.decode(clipboards), "|")

        p = 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["number"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["string"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["boolean"]) do
            p = p + 1
        for i,o in pairs(exporting["table"]) do
            p = p + 1

    status, message = pcall(protected_)
    if not status then
        -- print("Error reason: "..message)
        return end

export_config = group_antiaim:button("Export Preset Data", export_process())
load_config = group_antiaim:button("Import Preset Data", load_process())

get_player_state = function()
    local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not local_player then return "Not connected" end
    on_ground =, 1) == 1
    jump =, 1) == 0
    crouch = local_player.m_flDuckAmount > 0.7 or aa_refs.fakeduck:get()
    vx, vy, vz = local_player.m_vecVelocity.x, local_player.m_vecVelocity.y, local_player.m_vecVelocity.z
    math_velocity = math.sqrt(vx ^ 2 + vy ^ 2)
    move = math_velocity > 5

    if jump and crouch then return "Jump+Crouch" end
    if jump then return "Jump" end
    if crouch then return "Crouch" end
    if on_ground and aa_refs.slowwalk:get() and move then return "Slowwalk" end
    if on_ground and not move then return "Standing" end
    if on_ground and move then return "Running" end

antiaim = function()
    local_player = entity.get_local_player()
    if not local_player then return end
    if enable_antiaim:get() == false then return end
    if enable_builder:get() == false then return end

    invert_state = (math.normalize_yaw(local_player:get_anim_state().eye_yaw - local_player:get_anim_state().abs_yaw) <= 0)

    if menu_condition[2].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Standing" then aaid = 2
    elseif menu_condition[3].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Running" then aaid = 3
    elseif menu_condition[4].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Slowwalk" then aaid = 4
    elseif menu_condition[5].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Crouch" then aaid = 5
    elseif menu_condition[6].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Jump" then aaid = 6
    elseif menu_condition[7].enable:get() and get_player_state() == "Jump+Crouch" then aaid = 7
        aaid = 1

    left_yaw_add = menu_condition[aaid].left_yaw_add:get()
    right_yaw_add = menu_condition[aaid].right_yaw_add:get()
    yaw_modifier = menu_condition[aaid].yaw_modifier:get()
    modifier_offset = menu_condition[aaid].modifier_offset:get()
    options = menu_condition[aaid].options:get()
    desync_freestanding = menu_condition[aaid].desync_freestanding:get()
    on_shot = menu_condition[aaid].on_shot:get()
    lby_mode = menu_condition[aaid].lby_mode:get()
    left_limit = menu_condition[aaid].left_limit:get()
    right_limit = menu_condition[aaid].right_limit:get()
    aa_refs.offset:override(invert_state and right_yaw_add or left_yaw_add)

    if manual_yaw_base:get() == "Left" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")
    elseif manual_yaw_base:get() == "Right" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")
    elseif manual_yaw_base:get() == "Forward" then
        aa_refs.base:override("Local View")

menu_ui = function()
    aa_work = enable_antiaim:get()
    builder_work = enable_builder:get()
    cond_select = condition:get()
    all_work = aa_work and builder_work
    for a, b in pairs(aa_states2) do
        need_select = cond_select == aa_states[a]
        all_work2 = all_work and menu_condition[a].enable:get() and cond_select == aa_states[a]
        menu_condition[a].enable:set_visible(all_work and need_select)
        menu_condition[a].modifier_offset:set_visible(all_work2 and menu_condition[a].yaw_modifier:get() ~= "Disabled")


    local me = entity.get_local_player()
    local result = event.state
    local target = entity.get(
    local text = "%"
    if target == nil then return end
    local health = target["m_iHealth"]
    local state_1 = ""
    if enebler:get() then
        if event.state == "spread" then state_1 = "spread" end
        if event.state == "prediction error" then state_1 = "prediction error" end
        if event.state == "jitter correction" then state_1 = "jitter correction" end
        if event.state == "correction" then state_1 = "resolver" end
        if event.state == "lagcomp failure" then state_1 = "fake lag correction" end
        if result == nil then
            hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {("Registered shot at %s's %s(%s%s) for %s (aimed: %s for %s, health remain: %s) backtrack: %s"):format(, hitgroup_str[event.hitgroup], event.hitchance, text, event.damage, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, health, event.backtrack), globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
            print_raw(("\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] Registered shot at %s's %s(%s%s) for %s (aimed: %s for %s, health remain: %s) backtrack: %s"):format(id,, hitgroup_str[event.hitgroup], event.hitchance, text, event.damage, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, health, event.backtrack))
            hitlog[#hitlog+1] = {("Missed %s`s %s (dmg:%s, %s%s) due to %s | backtrack: %s"):format(, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, event.hitchance, text, state_1, event.backtrack), globals.tickcount + 250, 0}
            print_raw(("\a4562FF[neverlose] \aD5D5D5[%s] Missed %s`s %s (dmg:%s, %s%s) due to %s\aD5D5D5 | backtrack: %s"):format(id,, hitgroup_str[event.wanted_hitgroup], event.wanted_damage, event.hitchance, text, state_1, event.backtrack))
        id = id == 999 and 1 or id + 1
    if aspect_ratio_switch:get() then
    if viewmodel_switch:get() then
        cvar.viewmodel_fov:int(viewmodel_fov:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_x:float(viewmodel_x:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_y:float(viewmodel_y:get(), true)
        cvar.viewmodel_offset_z:float(viewmodel_z:get(), true)
пиздец пиздец пиздец
6 Дек 2021
local function rgbToHex(r, g, b) r = tostring(r);g = tostring(g);b = tostring(b) r = (r:len() == 1) and '0'..r or r;g = (g:len() == 1) and '0'..g or g;b = (b:len() == 1) and '0'..b or b local rgb = (r * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + b return (r == '00' and g == '00' and b == '00') and '000000' or string.format('%x', rgb) end
может я чего-то не понимаю?
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