Автор темы
- #1
anyone know why my autodirection overrides my manual aa in sup paste
#include "includes.h"
HVH g_hvh{ };;
void HVH::IdealPitch() {
CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state = g_cl.m_local->m_PlayerAnimState();
if(! state)
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = state->m_min_pitch;
void HVH::AntiAimPitch() {
bool safe = g_menu.main.config.mode.get() == 0;
switch (m_pitch) {
case 1:
// down.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = 89.f;
case 2:
// up.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = -89.f;
case 3:
// random.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = g_csgo.RandomFloat(safe ? -89.f : -720.f, safe ? 89.f : 720.f);
case 4:
void HVH::AutoDirection() {
// constants.
constexpr float STEP{ 4.f };
constexpr float RANGE{ 32.f };
// best target.
struct AutoTarget_t { float fov; player*player; };
AutoTarget_t target{ 180.f + 1.f, nullptr };
// iterate players.
for (int i{ 1 }; i <= g_csgo.m_globals->m_max_clients; ++i) {
Player* player = g_csgo.m_entlist->GetClientEntity< Player* >(i);
// validate player.
if (!g_aimbot.IsValidTarget(player))
// skip dormant players.
if (player->dormant())
// get best target based on fov.
float fov = math::GetFOV(g_cl.m_view_angles, g_cl.m_shoot_pos, player->WorldSpaceCenter());
if (fov < target.fov) {
target.fov = fov;
target.player = player;
if (! target player) {
// we have a timeout.
if (m_auto_last > 0.f && m_auto_time > 0.f && g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime < (m_auto_last + m_auto_time))
// set angle to backwards.
m_auto = math::NormalizedAngle(m_view - 180.f);
m_auto_dist = -1.f;
* data struct
* 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 73 74 65 61 6d 63 6f 6d 6d 75 6e 69 74 79 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 69 64 2f 73 69 6d 70 6c 65 72 65 61 6c 64 63
// construct vector of angles to test.
std::vector< AdaptiveAngle > angles{ };
angles.emplace_back(m_view - 180.f);
angles.emplace_back(m_view + 90.f);
angles.emplace_back(m_view - 90.f);
// start the trace at the enemy shoot pos.
vec3_t start = target.player->GetShootPosition();
// see if we got any valid result.
// if this is false the path was not obstructed with anything.
bool valid{ false };
// iterate vector of angles.
for (auto it = angles.begin(); it != angles.end(); ++it) {
// compute the 'rough' estimation of where our head will be.
vec3_t end{ g_cl.m_shoot_pos.x + std::cos(math::deg_to_rad(it->m_yaw)) * RANGE,
g_cl.m_shoot_pos.y + std::sin(math::deg_to_rad(it->m_yaw)) * RANGE,
g_cl.m_shoot_pos.z };
// draw a line for debugging purposes.
//g_csgo.m_debug_overlay->AddLineOverlay( start, end, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1f );
// compute the direction.
vec3_t dir = end - start;
float len = dir.normalize();
// should never happen.
if (len<=0.f)
// step thru the total distance, 4 units per step.
for (float i{ 0.f }; i < len; i += STEP) {
// get the current step position.
vec3_t point = start + (dir * i);
// get the contents at this point.
int contents = g_csgo.m_engine_trace->GetPointContents(point, MASK_SHOT_HULL);
// contains nothing that can stop a bullet.
if (!(contents & MASK_SHOT_HULL))
float mult = 1.f;
// over 50% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.5f))
// over 75% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.75f))
// over 90% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.9f))
mult = 2.f;
// append 'penetrated distance'.
it->m_dist += (STEP * mult);
// mark that we found anything.
if (!valid) {
// set angle to backwards.
m_auto = math::NormalizedAngle(m_view - 180.f);
m_auto_dist = -1.f;
// put the most distance at the front of the container.
std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(),
[](const AdaptiveAngle& a, const AdaptiveAngle& b) {
return a.m_dist > b.m_dist;
// the best angle should be at the front now.
AdaptiveAngle* best = &angles.front();
// check if we are not doing a useless change.
if (best->m_dist != m_auto_dist) {
// set yaw to the best result.
m_auto = math::NormalizedAngle(best->m_yaw);
m_auto_dist = best->m_dist;
m_auto_last = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime;
void HVH::GetAntiAimDirection() {
// edge aa.
if (g_menu.main.antiaim.edge.get()) {
if (DoEdgeAntiAim(g_cl.m_local, ang)) {
m_direction = ang.y;
m_view = g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y;
if (m_base_angle > 0) {
float best_fov{ std::numeric_limits< float >::max() };
float best_dist{ std::numeric_limits< float >::max() };
float fov, dist;
Player* target, * best_target{ nullptr };
for (int i{ 1 }; i <= g_csgo.m_globals->m_max_clients; ++i) {
target = g_csgo.m_entlist->GetClientEntity< Player* >(i);
if (!g_aimbot.IsValidTarget(target))
if (target->dormant())
// 'away crosshair'.
if (m_base_angle == 1) {
// check if a player was closer to our crosshair.
fov = math::GetFOV(g_cl.m_view_angles, g_cl.m_shoot_pos, target->WorldSpaceCenter());
if (fov < best_fov) {
best_fov = fov;
best_target = target;
// 'away distance'.
else if (m_base_angle == 2) {
// check if a player was closer to us.
dist = (target->m_vecOrigin() - g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin()).length_sqr();
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_target = target;
if (best_target) {
// todo - dex; calculate only the yaw needed for this (if we're not going to use the x component that is).
ang_t angle;
math::VectorAngles(best_target->m_vecOrigin() - g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin(), angle);
m_view = angle.y;
// switch direction modes.
switch (m_dir) {
// auto.
case 0:
m_direction = m_auto;
// backwards.
case 1:
m_direction = m_view + 180.f;
// left.
case 2:
m_direction = m_view + 90.f;
case 3:
m_direction = m_view - 90.f;
case 4:
m_direction = m_view + m_dir_custom;
if (m_left)
m_direction = g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y + 90.f;
if (m_right)
m_direction = g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y - 90.f;
// normalize the direction.
bool HVH::DoEdgeAntiAim(Player* player, ang_t& out) {
CGametrace trace;
static CTraceFilterSimple_game filter{ };
if (player->m_MoveType() == MOVETYPE_LADDER)
return false;
// skip this player in our traces.
// get player bounds.
vec3_t mins = player->m_vecMins();
vec3_t maxs = player->m_vecMaxs();
// make player bounds bigger.
mins.x -= 20.f;
mins.y -= 20.f;
maxs.x += 20.f;
maxs.y += 20.f;
// get player origin.
vec3_t start = player->GetAbsOrigin();
// offset view.
start.z += 56.f;
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, start, mins, maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, (ITraceFilter*)&filter, &trace);
if (!trace.m_startsolid)
return false;
float smallest = 1.f;
vec3_t plane;
// trace around us in a circle, in 20 steps (anti-degree conversion).
// find the closest object.
for (float step{ }; step <= math::pi_2; step += (math::pi / 10.f)) {
// extend endpoint x units.
vec3_t end = start;
// set end point based on range and step.
end.x += std::cos(step) * 32.f;
end.y += std::sin(step) * 32.f;
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, { -1.f, -1.f, -8.f }, { 1.f, 1.f, 8.f }), CONTENTS_SOLID, (ITraceFilter*)&filter, &trace);
// we found an object closer, then the previouly found object.
if (trace.m_fraction < smallest) {
// save the normal of the object.
plane = trace.m_plane.m_normal;
smallest = trace.m_fraction;
// no valid object was found.
if (smallest == 1.f || plane.z >= 0.1f)
return false;
// invert the normal of this object
// this will give us the direction/angle to this object.
vec3_t inv = -plane;
vec3_t dir = inv;
// extend point into object by 24 units.
vec3_t point = start;
point.x += (dir.x * 24.f);
point.y += (dir.y * 24.f);
// check if we can stick our head into the wall.
if (g_csgo.m_engine_trace->GetPointContents(point, CONTENTS_SOLID) & CONTENTS_SOLID) {
// trace from 72 units till 56 units to see if we are standing behind something.
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(point + vec3_t{ 0.f, 0.f, 16.f }, point), CONTENTS_SOLID, (ITraceFilter*)&filter, &trace);
// we didnt start in a solid, so we started in air.
// and we are not in the ground.
if (trace.m_fraction < 1.f && !trace.m_startsolid && trace.m_plane.m_normal.z > 0.7f) {
// mean we are standing behind a solid object.
// set our angle to the inversed normal of this object.
out.y = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(inv.y, inv.x));
return true;
// if we arrived here that mean we could not stick our head into the wall.
// we can still see if we can stick our head behind/asides the wall.
// adjust bounds for traces.
mins = { (dir.x * -3.f) - 1.f, (dir.y * -3.f) - 1.f, -1.f };
maxs = { (dir.x * 3.f) + 1.f, (dir.y * 3.f) + 1.f, 1.f };
// move this point 48 units to the left
// relative to our wall/base point.
vec3_t left = start;
left.x = point.x - (inv.y * 48.f);
left.y = point.y - (inv.x * -48.f);
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(left, point, mins, maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, (ITraceFilter*)&filter, &trace);
float l = trace.m_startsolid ? 0.f : trace.m_fraction;
// move this point 48 units to the right
// relative to our wall/base point.
vec3_t right = start;
right.x = point.x + (inv.y * 48.f);
right.y = point.y + (inv.x * -48.f);
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(right, point, mins, maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, (ITraceFilter*)&filter, &trace);
float r = trace.m_startsolid ? 0.f : trace.m_fraction;
// both are solid, no edge.
if (l == 0.f && r == 0.f)
return false;
// set out to inverted normal.
out.y = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(inv.y, inv.x));
// left started solid.
// set angle to left.
if (l == 0.f) {
out.y += 90.f;
return true;
// right started solid.
// set angle to the right.
if (r == 0.f) {
out.y -= 90.f;
return true;
return false;
void HVH::DoRealAntiAim() {
// if we have a yaw antaim.
if (m_yaw > 0) {
// if we have a yaw active, which is true if we arrived here.
// set the yaw to the direction before applying any other operations.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_direction;
bool stand = g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_stand.get() > 0 && m_mode == AntiAimMode::STAND;
bool air = g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_air.get() > 0 && m_mode == AntiAimMode::AIR;
// one tick before the update.
if (stand && !g_cl.m_lag && g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime >= (g_cl.m_body_pred - g_cl.m_anim_frame) && g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime < g_cl.m_body_pred) {
// z mode.
if (g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_stand.get() == 4)
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y -= 90.f;
float custom = g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_stand_custom.get() * 2.5;
static int negative = false;
// check if we will have a lby fake this tick.
if (!g_cl.m_lag && g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime >= g_cl.m_body_pred && (stand || air)) {
// there will be an lbyt update on this tick.
if (stand) {
switch(g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_stand.get()) {
// left.
case 1:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 104.f;
case 2:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y -= 112.f;
case 3:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 180.f;
// z.
case 4:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 90.f;
case 5:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += custom;
//if (g_menu.main.antiaim.pitch_fake_stand.get())
// g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = -89.f;
case 6:
//g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 180.f;
negative? g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 110.f : g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y -= 110.f;
negative = !negative;
//if (g_menu.main.antiaim.pitch_fake_stand.get())
// g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.x = -89.f;
else if (air) {
switch(g_menu.main.antiaim.body_fake_air.get()) {
// left.
case 1:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 90.f;
case 2:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y -= 90.f;
case 3:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += 180.f;
// run normal aa code.
else {
switch (m_yaw) {
// direction.
case 1:
// do nothing, yaw already is direction.
// jitter.
case 2: {
// get the range from the menu.
float range = m_jitter_range / 2.f;
// set angle.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += g_csgo.RandomFloat(-range, range);
// rotate.
case 3: {
// set base angle.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = (m_direction - m_rot_range / 2.f);
// apply spin.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += std::fmod(g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime * (m_rot_speed * 20.f), m_rot_range);
// random.
case 4:
// check update time.
if (g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime >= m_next_random_update) {
// set new random angle.
m_random_angle = g_csgo.RandomFloat(-180.f, 180.f);
// set next update time
m_next_random_update = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime + m_rand_update;
// apply angle.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_random_angle;
// normalize angle.
void HVH::DoFakeAntiAim() {
// do fake yaw operations.
// enforce this otherwise low fps dies.
// cuz the engine chokes or w/e
// the fake became the real, think this fixed it.
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
switch(g_menu.main.antiaim.fake_yaw.get()) {
case 1:
// set base to opposite of direction.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_direction + 180.f;
// apply 45 degree jitter.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += g_csgo.RandomFloat(-90.f, 90.f);
// relative.
case 2:
// set base to opposite of direction.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_direction + 180.f;
// apply offset correction.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += g_menu.main.antiaim.fake_relative.get();
// relative jitter.
case 3: {
// get fake jitter range from menu.
float range = g_menu.main.antiaim.fake_jitter_range.get() / 2.f;
// set base to opposite of direction.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_direction + 180.f;
// apply jitter.
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y += g_csgo.RandomFloat(-range, range);
// rotate.
case 4:
float distortion_delta1;
distortion_delta1 = sin(g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime * 3.f) * 75;
distortion_delta1 += (75.f * ((g_cl.m_body_pred - g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime) / 1.1f)) * (abs(distortion_delta1) / distortion_delta1);
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = m_direction + 180.f + distortion_delta1;
// random.
case 5:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = g_csgo.RandomFloat(-180.f, 180.f);
// local view.
case 6:
g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y = g_cl.m_view_angles.y;
// normalize fake angle.
void HVH::AntiAim() {
bool attack, attack2;
if (!g_menu.main.antiaim.enable.get())
attack = g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK;
attack2 = g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK2;
if (g_cl.m_weapon && g_cl.m_weapon_fire) {
bool knife = g_cl.m_weapon_type == WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE && g_cl.m_weapon_id != ZEUS;
bool revolver = g_cl.m_weapon_id == REVOLVER;
// if we are in attack and can fire, do not anti-aim.
if (attack || (attack2 && (knife || revolver)))
// disable conditions.
if (g_csgo.m_gamerules->m_bFreezePeriod() || (g_cl.m_flags & FL_FROZEN) || (g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_USE))
// grenade throwing
// CBaseCSGrenade::ItemPostFrame()
// https://github.com/VSES/SourceEngine2007/blob/master/src_main/game/shared/cstrike/weapon_basecsgrenade.cpp#L209
if (g_cl.m_weapon_type == WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE
&& (!g_cl.m_weapon->m_bPinPulled() || attack || attack2)
&& g_cl.m_weapon->m_fThrowTime() > 0.f && g_cl.m_weapon->m_fThrowTime() < g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime)
m_mode = AntiAimMode::STAND;
if ((g_cl.m_buttons & IN_JUMP) || !(g_cl.m_flags & FL_ONGROUND))
m_mode = AntiAimMode::AIR;
else if (g_cl.m_speed > 0.1f)
m_mode = AntiAimMode::WALK;
// load settings.
if (m_mode == AntiAimMode::STAND) {
m_pitch = g_menu.main.antiaim.pitch_stand.get();
m_yaw = g_menu.main.antiaim.yaw_stand.get();
m_jitter_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.jitter_range_stand.get();
m_rot_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_range_stand.get();
m_rot_speed = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_speed_stand.get();
m_rand_update = g_menu.main.antiaim.rand_update_stand.get();
m_dir = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_stand.get();
m_dir_custom = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_custom_stand.get();
m_base_angle = g_menu.main.antiaim.base_angle_stand.get();
m_auto_time = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_time_stand.get();
else if (m_mode == AntiAimMode::WALK) {
m_pitch = g_menu.main.antiaim.pitch_walk.get();
m_yaw = g_menu.main.antiaim.yaw_walk.get();
m_jitter_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.jitter_range_walk.get();
m_rot_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_range_walk.get();
m_rot_speed = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_speed_walk.get();
m_rand_update = g_menu.main.antiaim.rand_update_walk.get();
m_dir = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_walk.get();
m_dir_custom = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_custom_walk.get();
m_base_angle = g_menu.main.antiaim.base_angle_walk.get();
m_auto_time = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_time_walk.get();
else if (m_mode == AntiAimMode::AIR) {
m_pitch = g_menu.main.antiaim.pitch_air.get();
m_yaw = g_menu.main.antiaim.yaw_air.get();
m_jitter_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.jitter_range_air.get();
m_rot_range = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_range_air.get();
m_rot_speed = g_menu.main.antiaim.rot_speed_air.get();
m_rand_update = g_menu.main.antiaim.rand_update_air.get();
m_dir = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_air.get();
m_dir_custom = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_custom_air.get();
m_base_angle = g_menu.main.antiaim.base_angle_air.get();
m_auto_time = g_menu.main.antiaim.dir_time_air.get();
// set pitch.
bool nofake = g_tickshift.m_double_tap && g_tickshift.m_charged && g_cl.goalshift > 14;
// if we have any yaw.
if (m_yaw > 0) {
// set direction.
// we have no real, but we do have a fake.
else if (g_menu.main.antiaim.fake_yaw.get() > 0)
m_direction = g_cl.m_cmd->m_view_angles.y;
if (g_menu.main.antiaim.fake_yaw.get() && !g_tickshift.m_shifted && !nofake) {
// do not allow 2 consecutive sendpacket true if faking angles.
if (*g_cl.m_packet && g_cl.m_old_packet)
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
// run the real on sendpacket false.
if (!*g_cl.m_packet || !*g_cl.m_final_packet)
// run the fake on sendpacket true.
else DoFakeAntiAim();
// no fake, just run real.
else DoRealAntiAim();
void HVH::SendPacket() {
if (g_tickshift.m_double_tap && g_cl.m_weapon_id != REVOLVER)
// if not the last packet this shit wont get sent anyway.
// fix rest of hack by forcing to false.
if (!*g_cl.m_final_packet)
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
// fake-lag enabled.
if (g_menu.main.antiaim.lag_enable.get() && !g_csgo.m_gamerules->m_bFreezePeriod() && !(g_cl.m_flags & FL_FROZEN)) {
// limit of lag.
int limit = std::min((int)g_menu.main.antiaim.lag_limit.get(), g_cl.m_max_lag);
// indicates later to lag or not.
bool active{ };
// get current origin.
vec3_t cur = g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin();
// get prevoius origin.
vec3_t prev = g_cl.m_net_pos.empty() ? g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin() : g_cl.m_net_pos.front().m_pos;
// delta between the current origin and the last sent origin.
float delta = (cur - prev).length_sqr();
auto activation = g_menu.main.antiaim.lag_active.GetActiveIndices();
for (auto it = activation.begin(); it != activation.end(); it++) {
// move.
if (*it == 0 && delta > 0.1f && g_cl.m_speed > 0.1f) {
// air.
else if (*it == 1 && ((g_cl.m_buttons & IN_JUMP) || !(g_cl.m_flags & FL_ONGROUND))) {
// crouch.
else if (*it == 2 && g_cl.m_local->m_bDucking()) {
if (active) {
int mode = g_menu.main.antiaim.lag_mode.get();
// max.
if (mode == 0)
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
// break.
else if (mode == 1 && delta <= 4096.f)
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
// random.
else if (mode == 2) {
// compute new factor.
if (g_cl.m_lag >= m_random_lag)
m_random_lag = g_csgo.RandomInt(2, limit);
// factor not met, keep choking.
else *g_cl.m_packet = false;
// break step.
else if (mode == 3) {
// normal break.
if (m_step_switch) {
if (delta <= 4096.f)
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
// max.
else *g_cl.m_packet = false;
if (g_cl.m_lag >= limit)
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
if (!g_menu.main.antiaim.lag_land.get()) {
vec3_t start = g_cl.m_local->m_vecOrigin(), end = start, vel = g_cl.m_local->m_vecVelocity();
CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;
CGametrace trace;
vel.z -= (g_csgo.sv_gravity->GetFloat() * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval);
// extrapolate.
end += (vel * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval);
// move down.
end.z -= 2.f;
g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end), MASK_SOLID, &filter, &trace);
// check if landed.
if (trace.m_fraction != 1.f && trace.m_plane.m_normal.z > 0.7f && !(g_cl.m_flags & FL_ONGROUND))
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
// force fake-lag to 14 when fakelagging.
if (g_input.GetKeyState(g_menu.main.movement.fakewalk.get())) {
*g_cl.m_packet = false;
if( g_cl.m_cmd->m_buttons & IN_ATTACK ) {
if( g_cl.CanFireWeapon( ) )
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
// do not lag while shooting.
if (g_cl.m_old_shot)
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
// we somehow reached the maximum amount of lag.
// we cannot lag anymore and we also cannot shoot anymore since we cant silent aim.
if (g_cl.m_lag >= g_cl.m_max_lag) {
// set bSendPacket to true.
*g_cl.m_packet = true;
// disable firing, since we cannot choke the last packet.
g_cl.m_weapon_fire = false;