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Трейлер / Trailer:
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UPDATEDUFAK now uses Epic skeleton without any additional bones!
Note: I was going to update the skeleton with alongside everything else in UFAKv2, but decided to push the skeleton update early since there were a lot of people waiting. There are few things in this update other than the skeleton fix. I'm currently working on the UFAKv2, but it will take some time.
- Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.is a little teaser for what to come.
- Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.is all the changed made in this update
All 22 Weapons include an animation for
- Idle
- Draw
- Equip
- Fire
- Fire ADS
- Idle to run
- Idle ADS
- Jump Start
- Jump Loop
- Jump End
- Reload
- Reload ADS
- Reload Empty
- Reload Empty ADS
- Run to Idle
- Run
- Undraw
- Walk
- 6 Assault Rifle
- 3 Snipers
- 3 Side Arms
- 4 Shot Guns
- 5 Submachine Guns
- 1 Melee
True FPS Character
This pack includes a full functional True FPS pawn with locomotion.
Separated Body and Arms
If you wanted to make a Traditional fps without legs, You can easily accomplish it by hiding the body mesh.
Weapon Switching System
Switch between Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon and Melee
Weapon Drop and Pickup System
Pick up and Drop weapon seamlessly as of in games like Valorant and CS-GO
A simple UI to show Ammo and A Advanced Crosshair that expands according to your velocity and recoil.
Shell drops and Mag drops
Every weapon has a Projectile based Shell and Mag drops
Weapon Sway
A fully procedural Sway System.
And More
- Procedural Animation offset for Body
- Bullet Projectile
- Notify Based Camera Shake
- Muzzelflash
- Crouch
- Some SFX
- Sniper Scopes
- Bullet holes
- Knife Decals
- Bullet Spread on Hip fire
- Blend spaces for Idle, Walk and Run
Технические детали / Technical Details:
For Support, you can contact me
Email - spadesanimations@gmail.com
Discord - Spades#1625
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations:544
Supported Development Platforms: All
Number of Characters: 2
Animation Type: In Place
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