Исходник OneTap v5 resolver leak only detect move

28 Янв 2023
hello guys, we purchased this part of code from a person under the nickname sharklaser1 this part cost us 300$
void CAnimationSys::DetectMove( CheatManager::LagCompensation::CLagRecord* LagRecord, CheatManager::LagCompensation::CLagRecord* PreviousLagRecord, bool bCanSkipThisPlayer )
    // compare animation layer movement move flWeight and nSequence.
    // if current animation layer movement move flWeight > previous animation layer movement move flWeight than player is moving lol.
    if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flWeight > PreviousLagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flWeight )
        // compare for animation layer movement move flWeight sucessfully done!
        // now compare animation layer movement move nSequence.
        // if current animation layer movement move nSequence > previous animation layer movement move nSequence than player moving animation started lol.
        if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].nSequence > PreviousLagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].nSequence )
            // compare for animation layer movement move nSequence sucessfully done!
            // now lets detect player moving use flPlaybackRate deltas and set resolve mode and side.
            // lol i am copy resolve layers before bone setup and u need rotate player in 3 sides( pos, center, neg ).
            float flPositiveDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_POSITIVE ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            float flCenterDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_ZERO ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            float flNegativeDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_NEGATIVE ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            // set bCanSkipThisPlayer if animation layer strafe change flWeight >= 1.0,
            // but game use it for modify flMoveYaw and need skip this check.
            if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_STRAFE_CHANGE ].m_flWeight >= 1.0 )
                bCanSkipThisPlayer = true;
                // detect positive yaw.
                if ( abs( flPositiveDelta - flCenterDelta ) > 0.0 )
                    // set resolve mode and side.
                    // ... and maybe add logic with last delta?
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveMode = 1;
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveSide = 1;
                // detect negative yaw.
                else if ( abs( flNegativeDelta - flCenterDelta ) > 0.0 )
                    // set resolve mode and side.
                    // ... and maybe add logic with last delta?
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveMode = 1;
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveSide = -1;
        else if ( bCanSkipThisPlayer && LagRecord->m_vecVelocity.Legnth2D( ) <= 1.0 )
             // what the fuck..
             DetectStand( LagRecord, PreviousLagRecord, !LagRecord->m_bMoving );
    else if ( bCanSkipThisPlayer && LagRecord->m_vecVelocity.Legnth2D( ) <= 1.0 )
          // what the fuck..
          DetectStand( LagRecord, PreviousLagRecord, LagRecord->m_bMoving );
29 Дек 2018
hello guys, we purchased this part of code from a person under the nickname sharklaser1 this part cost us 300$
void CAnimationSys::DetectMove( CheatManager::LagCompensation::CLagRecord* LagRecord, CheatManager::LagCompensation::CLagRecord* PreviousLagRecord, bool bCanSkipThisPlayer )
    // compare animation layer movement move flWeight and nSequence.
    // if current animation layer movement move flWeight > previous animation layer movement move flWeight than player is moving lol.
    if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flWeight > PreviousLagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flWeight )
        // compare for animation layer movement move flWeight sucessfully done!
        // now compare animation layer movement move nSequence.
        // if current animation layer movement move nSequence > previous animation layer movement move nSequence than player moving animation started lol.
        if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].nSequence > PreviousLagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].nSequence )
            // compare for animation layer movement move nSequence sucessfully done!
            // now lets detect player moving use flPlaybackRate deltas and set resolve mode and side.
            // lol i am copy resolve layers before bone setup and u need rotate player in 3 sides( pos, center, neg ).
            float flPositiveDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_POSITIVE ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            float flCenterDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_ZERO ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            float flNegativeDelta = LagRecord->m_nResolveLayers[ CheatManager::LagCompensation::Enums::ResolveLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_NEGATIVE ][ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate - LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT_MOVE ].m_flPlaybackRate;
            // set bCanSkipThisPlayer if animation layer strafe change flWeight >= 1.0,
            // but game use it for modify flMoveYaw and need skip this check.
            if ( LagRecord->m_nLayers[ SDK::Enums::AnimationLayers::ANIMATION_LAYER_STRAFE_CHANGE ].m_flWeight >= 1.0 )
                bCanSkipThisPlayer = true;
                // detect positive yaw.
                if ( abs( flPositiveDelta - flCenterDelta ) > 0.0 )
                    // set resolve mode and side.
                    // ... and maybe add logic with last delta?
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveMode = 1;
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveSide = 1;
                // detect negative yaw.
                else if ( abs( flNegativeDelta - flCenterDelta ) > 0.0 )
                    // set resolve mode and side.
                    // ... and maybe add logic with last delta?
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveMode = 1;
                    LagRecord->m_nResolveSide = -1;
        else if ( bCanSkipThisPlayer && LagRecord->m_vecVelocity.Legnth2D( ) <= 1.0 )
             // what the fuck..
             DetectStand( LagRecord, PreviousLagRecord, !LagRecord->m_bMoving );
    else if ( bCanSkipThisPlayer && LagRecord->m_vecVelocity.Legnth2D( ) <= 1.0 )
          // what the fuck..
          DetectStand( LagRecord, PreviousLagRecord, LagRecord->m_bMoving );
Sounds like ChatGPT code.
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