UE5 Asset FPS Animation Blueprint v2

Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
12 Авг 2020

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Трейлер / Trailer:

Продвинутый истинный шаблон First Person Shooter

Это полностью изготовленный шаблон шутера от первого лица, предназначенный для использования в качестве базы для запуска вашего проекта/прототипа, либо интегрированного в существующий проект.

Разработанный для того, чтобы быть максимально гибким, анимационный план FPS прост в использовании и настраивает, помогая вам как можно быстрее получить прототипирование вашей игры.

The 2.1 Developer Update

This update is focused on developer side improvements including:

  • Attach weapons to sockets and offset them from ik_hand_gun
  • Better support for typical Marketplace animations (i.e. ik_hand_gun attached to hand_r)
  • Support for sights attachments at different angles
  • Foot IK for reactive foot placement on uneven surfaces (UE5 only)
  • New and improved Niagara bullet tracer effects for projectile and hitscan shots
  • Improved Turn in Place and Spine Rotation systems for a simpler and snappier experience
  • Various quality of life improvements and fixes

2.1.1 Hotfix Update will be available soon to make further improvements and address a few small issues

Технические детали / Technical Details:
  • Advanced Animation Blueprint
  • True First Person full body motion with fast, responsive movement without lag
  • Automatic Dynamic IK ADS that adjusts to any weapon mesh
  • Dynamic weapon sway/lag, left hand IK
  • Weapon, projectile, and attachment systems
  • Custom made prototype meshes for weapons and attachments
  • Full range of movement including idle, walk/run, sprint, jump, light/heavy landing, crouch, slide and ledge climb
  • Inventory component and pickups for weapons, attachments, and ammo types
  • Custom camera animation support
  • Easy to Use and Understand, with blueprints neatly commented and organized
  • Male and female mannequin meshes included, both with full IK bones
  • Additional features include basic footstep system, near wall detection, grenade toss and melee

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations: 170
Animation types (In-place): 170
Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

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Footstep and weapon sound effects:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Bullet Impact Decal:
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Other Sounds:
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