Автор темы
- #1
0x - Приватный чит для GTA Online [Большой функционал]
0x предлагает широкий спектр возможностей, которые помогут вам стать мастером в GTA Online. Используйте его, чтобы улучшить свой игровой опыт и удивить других игроков!
DRAGONHACK - приватные читы на любые игры
НАШ САЙТ - dragon-hack.pro
Игра: GTA Online [GTA5]0x предлагает широкий спектр возможностей, которые помогут вам стать мастером в GTA Online. Используйте его, чтобы улучшить свой игровой опыт и удивить других игроков!

DRAGONHACK - приватные читы на любые игры
НАШ САЙТ - dragon-hack.pro
Релиз: 29.05.2020
Статус: Работает
Протестированные анти-читы:
Rockstar Anti-Cheat: Undetected
BattleEye : Undetected
Минимальные требования:
Система: 64 bit
Windows: 7/10
Версия игры: Social Club, Steam. Epic Games

Per weapon class settings (Enable / Bone / If target in vehicle / FOV type / Deadzone / Switch delay / Max distance / FOV / FOV multiplier / Deadzone FOV / Horizontal smoothness / Vertical smoothness)
Settings (Enable / Visible only / Priority by / Draw FOV / FOV Color / Deadzone color / Bind / Recoil control / Disable recoil)
Exclusions (NPC / Ghost / In vehicle)
- Triggerbot
Settings (Enable / Bind)
Distance selection slider (10m - 300m)
Exclusions (NPC)
- Visuals
Box (2D)
Skeleton (Outline)
Text info (ID / Name / Weapon / Distance / Health bar / Armor bar)
Exclusions (NPC / Local / Dead / In vehicle / In local vehicle)
Colors (Default / Invisible / In vehicle / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
Text info (Owner / Health / Engine / Lock / Model / Speed / Distance)
Exclusions (Local / NPC / Engine OFF / Destroyed / Locked)
Colors (Default / NPC / Engine ON / Unlocked and Engine ON)
Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Saved objects
Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
Text info (Hash / Distance / Name)
Settings (Default color / Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Exclusions (Show saved only)
Settings (Enable / Heading / Distance / Opacity / Line opacity / Size / Circle size / Triangle size)
Colors (Self / NPC / Default / Dead / Ghost / In vehicle)
Exclusions (Self / Dead / NPC)
Settings (Enable / Radius / Arrow size / Max distance)
Exclusions (Visible / NPC)
Colors (Default / Invisible / Ghost / Sniper rifle in hands)
Settings (Enable / Through walls)
Exclusions (Local / Dead / NPC)
Colors (Local / Default / Invisible / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
- Main
Godmode (Bind)
No ragdoll (Bind)
Invisible (Bind / Type)
Never wanted (Bind)
Fast respawn (Bind)
Respawn on death coords (Bind)
Health regeneration (Bind / Only in cover / speed)
Armor regeneration (Bind Only in cover / speed)
Disable critical hit (Bind)
Restore health (Bind)
Restore armor (Bind)
Suicide (Bind)
Player - Phone
Disable phone (Bind)
Phone animation (Bind)
Phone radio (Bind)
Request Airstrike (Bind)
Request Backup heli (Bind)
Request Backup heli (Bind)
Request Ballistic equipment (Bind)
Request Boat pickup (Bind)
Request Heli pickup (Bind)
Request Ammo drop (Bind)
Request MOC (Bind)
Request Avenger (Bind)
Request Terrobyte (Bind)
Request Kosatka (Bind)
Request RC Bandito (Bind)
Request RC Tank (Bind)
Request Dinghy (Bind)
Request Nano drone (Bind)
Request Gun van (Bind)
Request Acid lab (Bind)
Request Acid lab bike (Bind)
Player - Movement
NoClip (Bind / Teleport to ground / Speed / Speed in interiors)
Super jump (Bind)
Speedhack (Bind / Speed)
Fast running (Bind)
Fast swimming (Bind)
Walk underwater (Bind)
Disable combat walk style (Bind)
Player - Misc
Disable passive cooldown (Bind)
Disable suicide cooldown (Bind)
Disable orbital gun cooldown (Bind)
Disable player blood (Bind)
Permanent Bull Shark (Bind)
Instant bullshark (Bind)
Hide from radar (Bind)
Ignored by peds (Bind)
Passive mode (Bind)
Anti idle kick (Bind)
Infinite ammo
Infinite range
No reload
No spread
No recoil
Weapon wheel in vehicles
Unlimited sticky bombs
Weapons in interiors
Weapons in vehicles
Explosive ammo
Fire ammo
Explosive melee
Weapons - Weapons list
Give selected weapon
Remove selected weapon
Get selected component for selected weapon
Remove selected component for selected weapon
Weapons - Modifications
Orbital cannon
Rapid fire
Double shoot
Damage multiplier (Value)
Custom bullet (Type)
Health bullet
Armor bullet
Force gun
Weapons - Weapon service
Give weapons
Remove weapons
Upgrade weapons
Give weapons on join
Upgrade weapons on join
Godmode (Bind)
Invisible (Bind)
Seat belt
Disable damage on collision
Special (Jumping / Parachute / Ramp / Boost)
Drift tyres
Drift mode (Bind / Holding bind / Type / Grip)
Fly mode (Enable / Bind / Speed)
Handling (Gravity / Acceleration)
Speed (Boost / Maximum boost speed / Stop)
LSC (Upgrade / Upgrade bind / Upgrade type)
Vehicle - Service
Always clean
No deformation (Bind)
Repair (Bind)
Clean dirt (Bind)
Engine status (OFF / ON)
Lock status (Unlocked / Locked)
Per door settings (Open / Shut)
Open all doors (Bind)
Shut all doors (Bind)
Kick all occupants (Bind)
Vehicle - Misc
Missile defense
Remove animations
Unlock on sit
Exclusive driver
Wheels from formula
Burned vehicle
Vehicle list (Name)
Appear in vehicle
Create upgraded
Gift vehicle
Auto start engine
Create in air
Create exclusively for me
Disable rotation restrictions
Disable collision
Crosshair (Size / Line width / Gap size / Dot size / Color)
Field of view (Value / Changing speed)
Potato mode
Bypass kill zones
Bypass interior kick
Disable HUD
Disable Fog
Time (Hour / Minutes / Always day / Freeze time / Time-lapse / Speed)
Water (Invisible / Repel / Intensity / Height / Alpha)
Teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
Auto teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
Weather (Type)
Clouds (Type)
World - Traffic
Delete vehicles (Bind)
Paint vehicles (Bind
Explode vehicles (Bind)
Launch vehicles (Bind)
Boost vehicles (Bind)
Kill peds (Bind)
Kill enemies (Bind)
Teleport peds to me (Bind)
Jump peds (Bind)
Delete peds (Bind)
Visual editor
Lights (Enable / Rainbow color / Color / Speed)
Time cycles (Sky / Sun / Moon / Peds / Clouds)
Rain (Rain drops / misc / color / fade)
Player info
Rockstar ID
Host token
Packet loss
Device (Controller / Keyboard)
Language (English / French / German / Italian / Spanish (S) / Portuguese / Polish / Russian / Korean / Chinese (T) / Japanese / Spanish (M) / Chinese (S) / Incorrect)
Crew (Name / Tag / ID / Members / Status)
Show profile
Friend Request
Teleport (Self to... / Player to...)
Kicks (Basic / Complaint / Vote / Rainbow smash)
Crashes (Basic / Well Done)
Explode (Grenade / Impulse / For vehicle)
Cage (Default / Container / Tube XS / Tube S / Tube M)
Remove all weapons
Ragdoll event
Make him suffer
Make him cry
CEO Kick
MC raid
Bunker raid
Force CEO join
Teleport to apartment
Teleport to warehouse
Set bounty (Amount / Anonymous)
Disable passive mode
Freemode mission (Force / Broken)
Remove godmode
Send to Online intro
Infinity loading
Open interaction menu
Griefing - Vehicle
Kick out
Close doors
Off engine
Set task
Flip (Kickflip / Double kickflip / Heelflip / Double heelflip / Back flip / Front flip)
Rotate (Flip / Rotate 180)
Destroy (Enginge / Tyres / Doors / Wheels)
Remove vehicle
Restore health
Restore armor
Give all weapons
Hide from radar
Never wanted
Statuette drop (Invisible)
Friendly - Vehicle
Missile defense
Drift tyres
Upgrade (Default / Power / Max / Random)
- Network
Session switcher (Public / New Public / Closed crew / Crew / Closed friend / Friends / Solo / Invite only / Crew / Leave GTA Online)
Instant solo session
Sort by players count
Session regions (CIS / South America/Africa / East of USA / Europe / Hong Kong/Asia / Australia / West of USA / Japan / Unknown)
Block joins (By host / Hard attribute)
Session limits (Max players / Max spectators)
RID joiner (Join history / As spectator)
Fast load
Force relay connection
Allow joining full sessions
Force script-host
Auto force script-host (On connection / Always)
Filter bypass
Timestamp message (UTC)
Notifications (Player join / Player left / Transition state)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Disable sync
Show notifications
Kicks (Block / Notify)
Crashes (Block / Notify)
Peds protection (Clones / SP models / Teleport)
Vehicles protection (Kick / Driver change / peds creation / Removing)
Objects protection (Disable pickups creation / Recovery pickups / Unwanted objects / Cages)
Misc protection (Attaches / Force script host / Chat spammers / Entity throttler)
Script events
Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Block of passive mode (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Vehicle kick (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
SoundSpam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Off the radar (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
CEO actions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Errors spam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Set bounty (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Teleport (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to job (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Cops turn blind eye (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fake money (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fake notifications (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Rotate camera (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to cutscene (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
PV Destroying (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
PV disowning (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
GTA Banners (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to warehouse (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Halloween (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Network events
Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Explosions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fire (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Play sounds (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Particles (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Remove weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Request control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Entity state change (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Ragdoll request (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give ped scripted task (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Kick votes (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give pickup rewards (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Invalid script world state (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Invalid weapon damage (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Activate vehicle special ability (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Door break (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Request phone explosion (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Ped conversation line (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Recovery
Stats (Save / Bind)
Unlock stats
Unlock abilities
Unlock Flying school
Unlock LSC misc
Unlock clothes
Unlock achievements
Unlock weapons
Unlock gender changing
Unlock Roosevelt
Unlock Xmas liveries
Unlock Nightclub achievements
Unlock Arena achievements
Unlock contacts
Unlock yacht missions
Unlock player content
Unlock DLC achievements
Unlock Bunker achievements
Unlock Bunker researches
Unlock Heists missions
Unlock Arcade trophies
Unlock hidden vehicles
Roulette (Auto bets / Change result / Change bet / Force roll)
Lucky wheel (Get selected prize)
Refresh limits
Auto refresh limits
Refresh lucky wheel
Skip cutscene (Bind)
Skip tutorial
Skip prologue
Terminals (Bunker / Hangar / Nightclub / Motoclub / MOC / Terrorbyte / Agency / Internet / Avenger / Bail office / Organization)
Mental value (Slider)
Bad sport (Remove / Get)
Restore character
- Settings
Menu scale (50%- 200%)
Disable visuals (Bind)
Menu color (Rainbow color / Rainbow speed / Primary color / Restore)
Language (Русский / English)
Config (Load / Save / Remove)
Per weapon class settings (Enable / Bone / If target in vehicle / FOV type / Deadzone / Switch delay / Max distance / FOV / FOV multiplier / Deadzone FOV / Horizontal smoothness / Vertical smoothness)
Settings (Enable / Visible only / Priority by / Draw FOV / FOV Color / Deadzone color / Bind / Recoil control / Disable recoil)
Exclusions (NPC / Ghost / In vehicle)
- Triggerbot
Settings (Enable / Bind)
Distance selection slider (10m - 300m)
Exclusions (NPC)
- Visuals
Box (2D)
Skeleton (Outline)
Text info (ID / Name / Weapon / Distance / Health bar / Armor bar)
Exclusions (NPC / Local / Dead / In vehicle / In local vehicle)
Colors (Default / Invisible / In vehicle / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
Text info (Owner / Health / Engine / Lock / Model / Speed / Distance)
Exclusions (Local / NPC / Engine OFF / Destroyed / Locked)
Colors (Default / NPC / Engine ON / Unlocked and Engine ON)
Settings (Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Saved objects
Box (2D / 3D / Outline)
Text info (Hash / Distance / Name)
Settings (Default color / Distance / Min text size / Max text size / Thickness / Outline)
Exclusions (Show saved only)
Settings (Enable / Heading / Distance / Opacity / Line opacity / Size / Circle size / Triangle size)
Colors (Self / NPC / Default / Dead / Ghost / In vehicle)
Exclusions (Self / Dead / NPC)
Settings (Enable / Radius / Arrow size / Max distance)
Exclusions (Visible / NPC)
Colors (Default / Invisible / Ghost / Sniper rifle in hands)
Settings (Enable / Through walls)
Exclusions (Local / Dead / NPC)
Colors (Local / Default / Invisible / Dead / Ghost / NPC)
- Main
Godmode (Bind)
No ragdoll (Bind)
Invisible (Bind / Type)
Never wanted (Bind)
Fast respawn (Bind)
Respawn on death coords (Bind)
Health regeneration (Bind / Only in cover / speed)
Armor regeneration (Bind Only in cover / speed)
Disable critical hit (Bind)
Restore health (Bind)
Restore armor (Bind)
Suicide (Bind)
Player - Phone
Disable phone (Bind)
Phone animation (Bind)
Phone radio (Bind)
Request Airstrike (Bind)
Request Backup heli (Bind)
Request Backup heli (Bind)
Request Ballistic equipment (Bind)
Request Boat pickup (Bind)
Request Heli pickup (Bind)
Request Ammo drop (Bind)
Request MOC (Bind)
Request Avenger (Bind)
Request Terrobyte (Bind)
Request Kosatka (Bind)
Request RC Bandito (Bind)
Request RC Tank (Bind)
Request Dinghy (Bind)
Request Nano drone (Bind)
Request Gun van (Bind)
Request Acid lab (Bind)
Request Acid lab bike (Bind)
Player - Movement
NoClip (Bind / Teleport to ground / Speed / Speed in interiors)
Super jump (Bind)
Speedhack (Bind / Speed)
Fast running (Bind)
Fast swimming (Bind)
Walk underwater (Bind)
Disable combat walk style (Bind)
Player - Misc
Disable passive cooldown (Bind)
Disable suicide cooldown (Bind)
Disable orbital gun cooldown (Bind)
Disable player blood (Bind)
Permanent Bull Shark (Bind)
Instant bullshark (Bind)
Hide from radar (Bind)
Ignored by peds (Bind)
Passive mode (Bind)
Anti idle kick (Bind)
Infinite ammo
Infinite range
No reload
No spread
No recoil
Weapon wheel in vehicles
Unlimited sticky bombs
Weapons in interiors
Weapons in vehicles
Explosive ammo
Fire ammo
Explosive melee
Weapons - Weapons list
Give selected weapon
Remove selected weapon
Get selected component for selected weapon
Remove selected component for selected weapon
Weapons - Modifications
Orbital cannon
Rapid fire
Double shoot
Damage multiplier (Value)
Custom bullet (Type)
Health bullet
Armor bullet
Force gun
Weapons - Weapon service
Give weapons
Remove weapons
Upgrade weapons
Give weapons on join
Upgrade weapons on join
Godmode (Bind)
Invisible (Bind)
Seat belt
Disable damage on collision
Special (Jumping / Parachute / Ramp / Boost)
Drift tyres
Drift mode (Bind / Holding bind / Type / Grip)
Fly mode (Enable / Bind / Speed)
Handling (Gravity / Acceleration)
Speed (Boost / Maximum boost speed / Stop)
LSC (Upgrade / Upgrade bind / Upgrade type)
Vehicle - Service
Always clean
No deformation (Bind)
Repair (Bind)
Clean dirt (Bind)
Engine status (OFF / ON)
Lock status (Unlocked / Locked)
Per door settings (Open / Shut)
Open all doors (Bind)
Shut all doors (Bind)
Kick all occupants (Bind)
Vehicle - Misc
Missile defense
Remove animations
Unlock on sit
Exclusive driver
Wheels from formula
Burned vehicle
Vehicle list (Name)
Appear in vehicle
Create upgraded
Gift vehicle
Auto start engine
Create in air
Create exclusively for me
Disable rotation restrictions
Disable collision
Crosshair (Size / Line width / Gap size / Dot size / Color)
Field of view (Value / Changing speed)
Potato mode
Bypass kill zones
Bypass interior kick
Disable HUD
Disable Fog
Time (Hour / Minutes / Always day / Freeze time / Time-lapse / Speed)
Water (Invisible / Repel / Intensity / Height / Alpha)
Teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
Auto teleport (Bind / To waypoint / To mission)
Weather (Type)
Clouds (Type)
World - Traffic
Delete vehicles (Bind)
Paint vehicles (Bind
Explode vehicles (Bind)
Launch vehicles (Bind)
Boost vehicles (Bind)
Kill peds (Bind)
Kill enemies (Bind)
Teleport peds to me (Bind)
Jump peds (Bind)
Delete peds (Bind)
Visual editor
Lights (Enable / Rainbow color / Color / Speed)
Time cycles (Sky / Sun / Moon / Peds / Clouds)
Rain (Rain drops / misc / color / fade)
Player info
Rockstar ID
Host token
Packet loss
Device (Controller / Keyboard)
Language (English / French / German / Italian / Spanish (S) / Portuguese / Polish / Russian / Korean / Chinese (T) / Japanese / Spanish (M) / Chinese (S) / Incorrect)
Crew (Name / Tag / ID / Members / Status)
Show profile
Friend Request
Teleport (Self to... / Player to...)
Kicks (Basic / Complaint / Vote / Rainbow smash)
Crashes (Basic / Well Done)
Explode (Grenade / Impulse / For vehicle)
Cage (Default / Container / Tube XS / Tube S / Tube M)
Remove all weapons
Ragdoll event
Make him suffer
Make him cry
CEO Kick
MC raid
Bunker raid
Force CEO join
Teleport to apartment
Teleport to warehouse
Set bounty (Amount / Anonymous)
Disable passive mode
Freemode mission (Force / Broken)
Remove godmode
Send to Online intro
Infinity loading
Open interaction menu
Griefing - Vehicle
Kick out
Close doors
Off engine
Set task
Flip (Kickflip / Double kickflip / Heelflip / Double heelflip / Back flip / Front flip)
Rotate (Flip / Rotate 180)
Destroy (Enginge / Tyres / Doors / Wheels)
Remove vehicle
Restore health
Restore armor
Give all weapons
Hide from radar
Never wanted
Statuette drop (Invisible)
Friendly - Vehicle
Missile defense
Drift tyres
Upgrade (Default / Power / Max / Random)
- Network
Session switcher (Public / New Public / Closed crew / Crew / Closed friend / Friends / Solo / Invite only / Crew / Leave GTA Online)
Instant solo session
Sort by players count
Session regions (CIS / South America/Africa / East of USA / Europe / Hong Kong/Asia / Australia / West of USA / Japan / Unknown)
Block joins (By host / Hard attribute)
Session limits (Max players / Max spectators)
RID joiner (Join history / As spectator)
Fast load
Force relay connection
Allow joining full sessions
Force script-host
Auto force script-host (On connection / Always)
Filter bypass
Timestamp message (UTC)
Notifications (Player join / Player left / Transition state)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Disable sync
Show notifications
Kicks (Block / Notify)
Crashes (Block / Notify)
Peds protection (Clones / SP models / Teleport)
Vehicles protection (Kick / Driver change / peds creation / Removing)
Objects protection (Disable pickups creation / Recovery pickups / Unwanted objects / Cages)
Misc protection (Attaches / Force script host / Chat spammers / Entity throttler)
Script events
Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Block of passive mode (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Vehicle kick (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
SoundSpam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Off the radar (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
CEO actions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Errors spam (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Set bounty (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Teleport (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to job (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Cops turn blind eye (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fake money (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fake notifications (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Rotate camera (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to cutscene (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
PV Destroying (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
PV disowning (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
GTA Banners (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Send to warehouse (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Halloween (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Network events
Toggler (Block / Notify / Disable sync / ALL)
Enable / Disable (Toggle)
Explosions (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Fire (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Play sounds (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Particles (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Remove weapon (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Request control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Wanted level (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Entity state change (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Ragdoll request (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give ped scripted task (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Kick votes (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give pickup rewards (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Invalid script world state (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Invalid weapon damage (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Activate vehicle special ability (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Door break (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Give control (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Request phone explosion (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
Ped conversation line (Block / Notify / Disable sync)
- Recovery
Stats (Save / Bind)
Unlock stats
Unlock abilities
Unlock Flying school
Unlock LSC misc
Unlock clothes
Unlock achievements
Unlock weapons
Unlock gender changing
Unlock Roosevelt
Unlock Xmas liveries
Unlock Nightclub achievements
Unlock Arena achievements
Unlock contacts
Unlock yacht missions
Unlock player content
Unlock DLC achievements
Unlock Bunker achievements
Unlock Bunker researches
Unlock Heists missions
Unlock Arcade trophies
Unlock hidden vehicles
Roulette (Auto bets / Change result / Change bet / Force roll)
Lucky wheel (Get selected prize)
Refresh limits
Auto refresh limits
Refresh lucky wheel
Skip cutscene (Bind)
Skip tutorial
Skip prologue
Terminals (Bunker / Hangar / Nightclub / Motoclub / MOC / Terrorbyte / Agency / Internet / Avenger / Bail office / Organization)
Mental value (Slider)
Bad sport (Remove / Get)
Restore character
- Settings
Menu scale (50%- 200%)
Disable visuals (Bind)
Menu color (Rainbow color / Rainbow speed / Primary color / Restore)
Language (Русский / English)
Config (Load / Save / Remove)
7 day - 550р КУПИТЬ
30 day - 1190р КУПИТЬ
90 day - 2490р КУПИТЬ

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