:CoolCat: (Cheat detector part only) luajit version: 2.1 slot0 = false slot1 = 120 slot2 = 0 slot3 = events["@voice_data"] slot4 = cvar.voice_modenable slot5 = cvar.cl_mute_enemy_team slot6 = cvar.cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party slot7 = cvar.cl_mute_player_after_reporting_abuse slot8 = 0 slot9 = 1 slot10 = { NEVERLOSE = "NL", ONETAP = "OT", FATALITY = "FT", PANDORA = "PD", PRIMORDIAL = "PRMD", NIXWARE = "NW", GAMESENSE = "GS" } slot11 = { [slot10.NEVERLOSE] = "9dvNoP3", [slot10.GAMESENSE] = "K4AUzJn", [slot10.PRIMORDIAL] = "8WtCszQ", [slot10.FATALITY] = "TSLXFBE", [slot10.ONETAP] = "cGMu5BM", [slot10.PANDORA] = "cQLhXyQ", [slot10.NIXWARE] = "aXsAm7M" } slot12 = require("neverlose/base64") function slot13(...) slot0 = table.concat({ ... }) slot1 = "64 0e 87 3c c8 9a e5 b1 4f 05" slot2 = #slot0 ffi.copy(ffi.new("char[?]", slot2 + 1), slot0) ffi.copy(ffi.new("char[?]", #slot1 + 1), slot1) for slot9 = 0, slot2 - 1 do slot4[slot9] = bit.bxor(slot4[slot9], slot5[slot9 % slot3]) end return ffi.string(slot4, slot2) end slot14, slot15 = nil slot17, slot18 = pcall(function (slot0) return json.parse(uv0(uv1.decode(slot0))) end, db["@voice_listener"]) slot14 = slot17 == true and slot18 or {} db[slot15] = nil function slot16(slot0, slot1) return slot0.is_reliable and slot1.amount < slot0.amount end function slot17() return globals.realtime end slot18, slot19 = nil ffi.cdef(" void* VirtualAlloc(void* lpAddress, size_t dwSize, uint32_t flAllocationType, uint32_t flProtect);\n int VirtualFree(void* lpAddress, size_t dwSize, uint32_t dwFreeType);\n ") slot22 = utils.get_vfunc("engine.dll", "VEngineClient014", 8, "bool(__thiscall*)(void*, int, $*)", ffi.typeof([[ struct { uint64_t version; uint32_t xuid_low; uint32_t xuid_high; char name[128]; int userid; char guid[33]; uint32_t friendsid; char friendsname[128]; bool isbot; bool ishltv; uint32_t customfiles[4]; uint8_t filesdownloaded; } ]])) function slot19(slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "number" then return end slot1 = uv0() slot1.version = nan if uv1(slot0, slot1) then return slot1 end end slot18 = ffi.cast("bool(__fastcall*)(void*, uint32_t)", function (slot0) assert(type(slot0) == "table", "invalid shellcode") assert(ffi.C.VirtualAlloc(nil, #slot0, 4096, 64) ~= nil, "allocation failed") ffi.gc(slot2, function (slot0) ffi.C.VirtualFree(slot0, uv0, 32768) end) ffi.copy(slot2, ffi.new("char[?]", slot1, slot0), slot1) return slot2 end({ 129, 236, 76, 1, 0, 0, 83, 85, 86, 139, 241, 137, 84, 36, 84, 51, 219, 199, 68, 36, 16, 104, 51, 5, 151, 87, 199, 68, 36, 24, 54, 6, 212, 234, 191, 0, 1, 0, 0, 139, 70, 16, 139, 78, 20, 137, 68, 36, 48, 139, 70, 40, 137, 68, 36, 56, 139, 70, 36, 137, 68, 36, 60, 139, 70, 44, 137, 68, 36, 64, 139, 195, 199, 68, 36, 28, 79, 196, 164, 62, 199, 68, 36, 32, 133, 178, 172, 15, 137, 76, 36, 52, 137, 92, 36, 40, 136, 68, 4, 92, 64, 59, 199, 114, 247, 138, 243, 139, 243, 138, 84, 52, 92, 139, 198, 131, 224, 15, 138, 68, 4, 20, 2, 194, 2, 240, 15, 182, 206, 138, 68, 12, 92, 136, 68, 52, 92, 70, 136, 84, 12, 92, 59, 247, 114, 219, 138, 227, 139, 251, 189, 128, 0, 0, 0, 138, 244, 254, 198, 15, 182, 246, 138, 84, 52, 92, 2, 226, 15, 182, 204, 138, 68, 12, 92, 136, 68, 52, 92, 136, 84, 12, 92, 131, 237, 1, 117, 225, 254, 198, 15, 182, 246, 138, 84, 52, 92, 138, 218, 2, 220, 15, 182, 203, 138, 68, 12, 92, 136, 68, 52, 92, 136, 84, 12, 92, 138, 68, 52, 92, 2, 194, 15, 182, 192, 138, 68, 4, 92, 138, 227, 48, 68, 60, 48, 71, 131, 255, 20, 114, 203, 51, 255, 137, 124, 36, 44, 139, 239, 199, 68, 36, 36, 15, 0, 0, 0, 139, 124, 36, 36, 209, 237, 137, 108, 36, 72, 15, 183, 76, 172, 50, 139, 193, 15, 191, 201, 137, 68, 36, 84, 15, 183, 68, 172, 52, 189, 133, 142, 213, 145, 139, 208, 137, 76, 36, 68, 139, 216, 137, 84, 36, 76, 139, 193, 15, 183, 240, 43, 221, 36, 15, 139, 213, 138, 200, 209, 194, 102, 211, 203, 139, 234, 102, 139, 195, 209, 197, 102, 51, 198, 43, 242, 15, 183, 216, 138, 203, 128, 225, 15, 102, 211, 206, 102, 51, 240, 15, 183, 206, 15, 183, 198, 131, 239, 1, 117, 203, 139, 124, 36, 40, 139, 197, 43, 216, 137, 108, 36, 36, 51, 92, 36, 80, 131, 199, 2, 139, 108, 36, 72, 209, 192, 43, 200, 137, 124, 36, 40, 139, 68, 36, 76, 51, 76, 36, 44, 15, 183, 192, 137, 68, 36, 80, 139, 68, 36, 84, 15, 183, 192, 102, 137, 92, 172, 52, 102, 137, 76, 172, 50, 137, 68, 36, 44, 131, 255, 9, 15, 130, 69, 255, 255, 255, 139, 68, 36, 48, 139, 76, 36, 88, 193, 248, 16, 193, 249, 16, 51, 193, 185, 36, 36, 0, 0, 95, 94, 102, 59, 193, 93, 15, 148, 192, 91, 129, 196, 76, 1, 0, 0, 195 })) function slot20(slot0) if slot0.entity == nil then return nil end if uv0(slot0.entity:get_index()) == nil then return end if slot0.success then return uv1.NEVERLOSE, bit.lshift(slot0.sequence_bytes + slot0.section_number + slot0.uncompressed_sample_offset, 4) % 4294967296.0 end if slot0.base_check == true then slot3 = slot0.buffer slot6 = vector(slot3:read_coord(), slot3:read_coord(), slot3:read_coord()) slot8 = slot3:read_bits(7) slot9 = slot3:read_bits(32) slot3:reset() slot11 = globals.server_tick - slot3:read_bits(32) if entity.get(slot3:read_bits(7) + 1) and slot10:is_alive() and slot8 >= 0 and slot8 <= 127 and slot11 > 0 and slot11 * globals.tickinterval < 1 then if slot3:read_bits(16) == 48879 and math.abs(globals.curtime * 0.5 - slot0.packet) <= 2 then return uv1.NIXWARE, slot2 end return nil end if uv2(slot0[0], slot1.xuid_low) then return uv1.GAMESENSE, slot2 end if slot0.packet == 32762 then return uv1.FATALITY, slot2 end if slot0.packet == 22522 then return uv1.ONETAP, slot2 end if slot0.packet == 26971 then return uv1.PANDORA, slot2 end return nil end slot3 = slot0.sequence_bytes if slot0.base_check == false and bit.band(bit.bxor(bit.band(slot3, 255), bit.band(bit.rshift(slot0.uncompressed_sample_offset, 16), 255)) - bit.rshift(slot3, 16), 255) == 77 and bit.band(bit.bxor(bit.rshift(slot3, 16), bit.rshift(slot3, 8)), 255) >= 1 and slot6 <= 64 and entity.get(slot6) and slot7 == slot0.entity then return uv1.PRIMORDIAL, slot2 end return nil end function slot21(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.records) do slot7 = false for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot1) do if slot12.signature == slot6.signature then slot12.amount = slot12.amount + 1 slot12.time = math.max(slot12.time, slot6.time) if not slot12.is_reliable then slot12.is_reliable = slot12.amount > 4 or slot6.is_shared end slot7 = true break end end if not slot7 then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = { is_reliable = false, amount = 1, time = slot6.time, signature = slot6.signature } end end table.sort(slot1, uv0) slot0.sorted_records = slot1 end function slot22(slot0) slot1 = uv0() if slot0 ~= true then if math.abs(uv1 - slot1) <= 1 then return end uv1 = slot1 end slot3 = false function slot7(slot0) uv0[tostring(slot0:get_xuid())] = slot0 end entity.get_players(false, true, slot7) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(uv2) do if ({})[slot7] == nil or slot1 < slot8.heartbeat or uv3 <= slot1 - slot8.heartbeat or #slot8.records <= 0 then uv2[slot7] = nil slot3 = true else slot9 = {} for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot8.records) do if slot14 ~= nil and slot1 < slot14.time or slot1 - slot14.time <= uv3 then slot9[#slot9 + 1] = slot14 end end if #slot9 <= 0 then uv2[slot7] = nil slot3 = true else slot8.records = slot9 uv4(slot8) end end end if slot3 == true then for slot8, slot9 in pairs(uv2) do if slot9 ~= nil then -- Nothing end end uv2 = { [slot8] = slot9 } end return uv2 end function slot23(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot0 == nil or slot1 == nil then return end slot5 = false for slot9, slot10 in pairs(uv0) do if slot1 == slot10 then slot5 = true break end end if not slot5 then return end slot7 = tostring(slot0:get_xuid()) slot2 = slot2 or false uv2[slot7] = uv2[slot7] or { heartbeat = 0, records = {}, sorted_records = {} } slot8 = uv2[slot7] slot8.heartbeat = slot3 or uv1() if slot8.records and #slot9 > 0 then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot9) do if false then break end if slot15.signature == slot1 then slot10 = true if math.abs(slot6 - slot15.time) <= 0.5 then return end end end end if #slot9 >= 16 then for slot13 = 16, #slot9 do table.remove(slot9, slot13) end end for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot9) do if slot4 ~= nil and slot4 == slot14.hash then return false end if slot1 == slot14.signature and slot6 < slot14.time then return false end end table.insert(slot9, 1, { signature = slot1, is_shared = slot2, time = slot6, hash = slot4 }) uv3(slot8) return true end function slot24(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == nil then return end if uv0[tostring(slot0:get_xuid())] == nil or #slot3.sorted_records <= 0 then return end slot4 = {} for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot3.sorted_records) do if not slot1 or slot10.is_reliable then slot4[#slot4 + 1] = { signature = slot10.signature, is_reliable = slot10.is_reliable, amount = slot10.amount / #slot3.records, heartbeat = uv1() - slot10.time } end end return #slot4 > 0 and slot4 or nil end function slot25(slot0) if slot0 == nil then return end if uv0[tostring(slot0:get_xuid())] == nil or #slot2.sorted_records <= 0 then return end if not slot2.sorted_records[1].is_reliable then return end return { signature = slot3.signature, amount = slot3.amount / #slot2.records, heartbeat = uv1() - slot3.time } end function slot26(slot0) if uv0[slot0] then return string.format("https://i.imgur.com/%s.png", slot1) end end function slot27() return uv0 end slot22(true) events.render(slot22) events.shutdown(function () for slot5 in pairs(uv0(true)) do slot1 = 0 + 1 end db[uv1] = slot1 > 0 and uv2.encode(uv3(json.stringify(slot0))) or nil end) events.render(function () if math.abs(globals.realtime - uv0) <= 0.1 then return end uv1:int(1, true) uv2:int(0, true) uv3:int(0, true) uv4:int(0, true) uv0 = slot0 end) events.shutdown(function () uv0:int(tonumber(uv0:string())) uv1:int(tonumber(uv1:string())) uv2:int(tonumber(uv2:string())) uv3:int(tonumber(uv3:string())) end) slot3(function (slot0) if slot0.entity == nil then return end slot2, slot3 = uv0(slot0) if slot2 == nil then return end uv1(slot1, slot2, false, nil, slot3) end) slot32 = nil slot33 = { RV_PLAYER_REQUEST = 1, ID = 2976579765.0, RV_PLAYER_SEND = 2 } function slot34(slot0) slot1 = type(slot0) == "number" slot2 = ffi.typeof(slot1 and "union { uint32_t num; char bytes[5]; }" or "union { char bytes[5]; uint32_t num; }")(slot0) return slot1 and ffi.string(slot2.bytes) or slot2.num end function slot35(slot0, slot1) slot2 = bit.bxor(slot0, slot1) return (slot2 + bit.lshift(slot2, 1) + bit.lshift(slot2, 4) + bit.lshift(slot2, 7) + bit.lshift(slot2, 8) + bit.lshift(slot2, 24)) % 4294967296.0 end function slot36(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0:call(function (slot0) slot1 = globals.server_tick slot0:write_bits(uv1.ID, 32) slot0:write_bits(uv1.RV_PLAYER_SEND, 4) slot0:write_bits(slot1, 32) slot0:write_bits(uv0(slot1, uv1.ID), 32) slot0:write_bits(uv2:get_index() - 1, 7) slot0:write_bits(uv3(uv4), 32) slot0:write_bits(uv5, 16) end) end function slot37() uv0:call(function (slot0) slot1 = globals.server_tick slot0:write_bits(uv1.ID, 32) slot0:write_bits(uv1.RV_PLAYER_REQUEST, 4) slot0:write_bits(slot1, 32) slot0:write_bits(uv0(slot1, uv1.ID), 32) end) end slot3(function (slot0) if slot0.entity == nil then return end if slot0.buffer:read_bits(32) ~= uv0.ID then return end if slot1:read_bits(4) == uv0.RV_PLAYER_REQUEST then if to_time(globals.server_tick - slot1:read_bits(32)) < 1 and slot1:read_bits(32) == uv1(slot4, uv0.ID) then uv2 = true entity.get_players(false, true, function (slot0) if uv0(slot0) ~= nil then utils.execute_after(uv1, uv2, slot0, slot1.signature, to_ticks(slot1.heartbeat)) uv1 = uv1 + to_time(5) end end) utils.execute_after(0, function () uv0 = false end) end return end if slot3 == uv0.RV_PLAYER_SEND then if to_time(globals.server_tick - slot1:read_bits(32)) < 1 and slot1:read_bits(32) == uv1(slot4, uv0.ID) then slot6 = entity.get(slot1:read_bits(7) + 1) slot8 = to_time(slot1:read_bits(16)) slot9 = nil for slot13, slot14 in pairs(uv6) do if uv5(slot1:read_bits(32)) == slot14 then slot9 = slot13 break end end if slot6 ~= nil and slot9 and slot8 < 120 then slot10 = uv7(slot6, slot7, true, uv8() - slot8) end end end end) if globals.is_in_game then for slot43 in pairs(slot14) do slot39 = 0 + 1 end if slot39 == 0 then slot37() end end events.player_connect_full(function (slot0) if entity.get(slot0.userid, true) == entity.get_local_player() then uv0() end end) slot28 = { get_all = slot24, get_software = slot25, get_icon = slot26, is_syncing = slot27 } slot30 = nil function slot30() return bit.lshift(utils.random_int(65535, math.huge), 64) end events.render:set(function () uv0 = uv1() end) return setmetatable({}, { __metatable = false, __pow = function (slot0, slot1) return uv0 == slot1 and uv1 or error("security measurement failure", 2) end, __index = function (slot0, slot1) return slot1 == "SIGNED" and uv0 or error("security measurement failure", 2) end })