Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Interact with any object in the world.
- Implemented in an abstract way so you can use it easily on any system without any problem.
- Dynamic interact icons (E key)
- Shows dynamic interact text (Hold E to X)
- Shows interactable in radius so they can be found easily. Handy for when in a Forrest or in the dark.
- Predefined interaction types like Interact, Toggle, Grab
- Works easily via interfaces
- Advanced logic options: e.g. Turn these off and these on when button is down. Optional reverse.
- Many advanced examples
- Clickable buttons
- Toggle buttons
- Intractable Pull Chain
- Intractable Crank
- Intractable Switch/Lever
- Doors and fireplaces
- Intractable Lights
- Enhanced Input
- Network Replicated
- I expect it to work on all platforms, only tested on windows
- Main logic implemented in actor components so you can drag and drop it on an actor
- Includes advanced functions to trace in radius and trace for interactable and switch on interaction types.
- Many examples
Blueprints: 46
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