Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Interactive Objects System V2 - это полностью настраиваемая модульная система для взаимодействия с объектами, триггерами, дверями, окнами, предметами, мебелью, физикой и многим другим.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- 100% blueprints.
- Easy migration.
- Compatible with Third and First Person.
- Openable doors and windows.
- Swing door with physics.
- Interactive triggers: Number pads, buttons, terminals (With 3D widgets), levers, pressure plates and more...
- Interactive items with physics.
- Full inventory system with weight, inventory UI, and journal.
- Examples of consumable items.
- Items containers.
- Grabbable physics objects.
- Interactive furniture: Drawers, Cupboards and Chests.
- Interactive lights.
- Elevators based on spline movement.
- Key system for doors and other objects.
- All systems are based on Actor Components and Blueprint Interfaces.
- Added new UI elements for interactions and items.
- Added sounds for interactions and items.
- Added new player character example for First Person.
- Inventory item inspection.
- Multiple trigger activation.
- Top-down support (With template).
- Use items to activate actions and triggers.
- Trigger with multiple functions.
- New meshes
- General improvements
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Linux: Not tested
Mac: Not tested
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