Автор темы
- #1

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
в коде есть крутые виджеты, драг и анимации, советую
-- spirthud
---- enq
-- КакДатыPascalCase
-- #region : Definitions
-- #region - Globals
math.clamp = function (v, a, b) if v < a then return a elseif v > b then return b else return v end end
string.limit = function (s, l, c) local r, i = {}, 1 for w in string.gmatch(s, ".[\128-\191]*") do i, r[i] = i + 1, w if i > l then if c then r[i] = c == true and "..." or c end break end end return table.concat(r) end
-- #endregion
-- #region - Render and widgets
local Screen = EngineClient.GetScreenSize()
local Colors = {
Text = Color.new(1, 1, 1),
Frame = Color.new(33 / 255, 28 / 255, 66 / 255),
Back = Color.new(15 / 255, 12 / 255, 33 / 255),
Main = Color.new(23 / 255, 20 / 255, 41 / 255),
FadeA = Color.new(24 / 255, 21 / 255, 48 / 255),
FadeB = Color.new(28 / 255, 25 / 255, 61 / 255),
Accent = Color.new(107 / 255, 89 / 255, 222 / 255),
local ColorMt = getmetatable(Colors.Text)
ColorMt.SetAlpha = function (self, a, s)
return Color.new(self.r, self.g, self.b, s and self.a * a or a)
local Images = {
Arrows = Render.LoadImage("\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x0D\x49\x48\x44\x52\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x8D\x32\xCF\xBD\x00\x00\x00\x04\x73\x42\x49\x54\x08\x08\x08\x08\x7C\x08\x64\x88\x00\x00\x00\x6D\x49\x44\x41\x54\x18\x57\x85\x90\xD1\x0D\xC0\x20\x08\x44\x61\xB2\x76\x93\xEA\x64\xB5\x9B\x74\x33\x7B\xD7\x08\xA5\x7C\xA8\x09\x21\x0F\x8F\x13\xD4\xDE\x7B\x11\x91\x4D\x55\x2B\xB2\x64\x66\x8D\x47\x71\xD1\x90\x0F\x44\xA3\x38\xB3\x0B\x87\xCB\x52\xAC\xD6\xB1\x72\x76\xE1\x70\xBE\x39\x2F\xA2\x62\x8C\x86\xE6\x8F\x83\x23\x97\x3A\x11\x17\x44\x65\x2C\xE5\xFC\x3A\xE6\x62\x66\xDB\x7A\xEA\x14\xBF\x87\xC2\x9D\xCF\x05\x77\xE7\xDF\xF7\x18\xCC\xF2\x03\x7A\x89\x55\x68\x5B\xE3\x6A\x5D\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x45\x4E\x44\xAE\x42\x60\x82", Vector2.new(10, 10)),
Logo = Render.LoadImage("\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x0D\x49\x48\x44\x52\x00\x00\x00\x0C\x00\x00\x00\x0C\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x56\x75\x5C\xE7\x00\x00\x00\x04\x73\x42\x49\x54\x08\x08\x08\x08\x7C\x08\x64\x88\x00\x00\x00\xA9\x49\x44\x41\x54\x28\x53\x6D\x91\x0B\x11\xC2\x30\x10\x44\x39\x05\xD4\x02\x0E\x70\x40\xAB\x84\xD6\x01\x38\xC1\x41\xE3\x00\x09\x54\x02\x38\x01\x05\x61\xB7\x93\xEB\x5C\x37\xC9\xCC\xCD\x34\x7B\xFB\xEE\x93\xDA\x41\x4E\xCE\xB9\x83\xF4\x44\xDC\xCD\xEC\xAD\x79\x8B\x42\x31\xBF\xA0\x9D\x11\x5F\xC4\xA0\xD0\x06\x88\xF9\x07\xF3\xB1\x05\xAD\x80\x98\x3F\x90\x7A\xC4\x03\x71\x55\xC8\x5A\x66\x8C\xC1\x71\x58\x28\x29\x44\x60\x81\x78\x29\x95\x4E\x6E\xF6\xDD\xAA\x3C\x04\x2E\x48\x88\x33\x27\x00\x53\x30\x8F\xF8\x9E\xCB\x7D\x42\x2E\xF9\x0E\x15\x84\x42\x95\x99\x60\x7C\xA5\x08\xB1\x23\x17\xE7\x59\x2B\x7B\x57\xFD\x0F\x11\xAA\xCC\xBB\x0E\x61\x6E\x87\x6E\xB1\x72\xB3\x43\x80\x3A\x7D\x2D\xCF\xFD\x01\x8D\x5B\x59\x1A\x80\xD2\xA3\x1A\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x45\x4E\x44\xAE\x42\x60\x82", Vector2.new(12, 12))
local Anima do
local animators = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
Anima = {
Pulse = 0,
Easings = {
pow = {
function (x, p) return 1 - ((1 - x) ^ (p or 3)) end,
function (x, p) return x ^ (p or 3) end,
function (x, p) return x < 0.5 and 4 * math.pow(x, p or 3) or 1 - math.pow(-2 * x + 2, p or 3) * 0.5 end,
Lerp = function (a, b, s, t)
local c = a + (b - a) * GlobalVars.absoluteframetime * (s or 8)
return math.abs(b - c) < (t or 0.002) and b or c
Condition = function (id, c, s, e)
local ctx = id[1] and id or animators[id]
if not ctx then animators[id] = { c and 1 or 0, c }; ctx = animators[id] end
s = s or 4
local cur_s = s
if type(s) == "table" then cur_s = c and s[1] or s[2] end
ctx[1] = math.clamp(ctx[1] + ( GlobalVars.absoluteframetime * math.abs(cur_s) * (c and 1 or -1) ), 0, 1)
return (ctx[1] % 1 == 0 or cur_s < 0) and ctx[1] or
Anima.Easings.pow[e and (c and e[1][1] or e[2][1]) or (c and 1 or 3)](ctx[1], e and (c and e[1][2] or e[2][2]) or 3)
local Drag do
local Current
local InBounds = function (p, s, e)
return (p.x >= s.x and p.x <= e.x) and (p.y >= s.y and p.y <= e.y)
local Process = function (Widget)
local ctx = Widget.__drag
if ctx.Locked or not Cheat.IsMenuVisible() then return end
local Mouse, MenuPos, MenuSize = Cheat.GetMousePos(), Render.GetMenuPos(), Render.GetMenuSize()
local Held = Cheat.IsMenuVisible() and Cheat.IsKeyDown(1)
local Hovered = InBounds(Mouse, Widget.pos, Widget.pos + Widget.size) and not InBounds(Mouse, MenuPos, (MenuPos + MenuSize))
if Held and ctx.ready == nil then
ctx.ready, ctx.point, ctx.init = Hovered, Widget.pos - Mouse, Vector2.new(Widget.pos.x, Widget.pos.y)
if Held and ctx.ready then
Current = (ctx.ready and Current == nil) and Widget.id or Current
ctx.active = Current == Widget.id
elseif not Held then
ctx.active = false
ctx.ready, ctx.point, ctx.init, Current = nil, nil, nil, nil
ctx.hovered = Hovered or ctx.active
local Wished = ctx.point and (ctx.point + Mouse) or Widget.pos
if ctx.active then
local Finale = Wished
Widget.pos.x, Widget.pos.y = math.clamp(Finale.x, 0, Screen.x - Widget.size.x), math.clamp(Finale.y, 0, Screen.y - Widget.size.y)
Drag = function (Widget, Props)
Props = Props or {}
Widget.__drag = {
locked = false, active = false, hovered = nil, point = Vector2.new(0, 0),
process = Process,
config = {
x = Menu.SliderInt("General", Widget.id .. "-x", Widget.pos.x, 0, Screen.x),
y = Menu.SliderInt("General", Widget.id .. "-y", Widget.pos.y, 0, Screen.y),
Widget.pos.x, Widget.pos.y = Widget.__drag.config.x:Get(), Widget.__drag.config.y:Get()
Widget.__drag.config.x:RegisterCallback(function (val) Widget.pos.x = val end)
Widget.__drag.config.y:RegisterCallback(function (val) Widget.pos.y = val end)
local Widget do
local WidgetMt; WidgetMt = {
update = function (self) return 1 end,
paint = function (self, pos, fin) end,
__call = function (self)
local __list, __drag = self.__list, self.__drag
if __list then
__list.items, __list.active = __list.collect(), 0
for i = 1, #__list.items do
if __list.items[i].active then __list.active = __list.active + 1 end
self.alpha = self:update()
if self.alpha > 0 then
if __drag then __drag.process(self) end
if __list then WidgetMt.traverse(self) end
self:paint(self.pos, self.pos + self.size)
enlist = function (self, collector, painter)
self.__list = {
items = {}, progress = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }),
longest = 0, active = 0, minwidth = self.size.x, height = 0,
collect = collector, paint = painter,
traverse = function (self)
local ctx, offset, latest = self.__list, 0, Vector2.new(0, 0)
ctx.active, ctx.longest = 0, 0
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + 32), Vector2.new(self.pos.x + self.size.x, self.pos.y + ctx.height + 32), Colors.Main:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
for i = 1, #ctx.items do
local v = ctx.items[i]
local id = v.name or i
ctx.progress[id] = ctx.progress[id] or {0}
local progress = Anima.Condition(ctx.progress[id], v.active)
if progress > 0 then
latest = ctx.paint(self, v, offset, progress)
ctx.active, offset = ctx.active + 1, offset + (latest.y * progress)
ctx.longest = math.max(ctx.longest, latest.x)
ctx.height = offset
self.size.x = Anima.Lerp(self.size.x, math.max(ctx.longest, ctx.minwidth), 10, .5)
lock = function (self, b)
if not self.__drag then return end
self.__drag.locked = b and true or false
} WidgetMt.__index = WidgetMt
Widget = function (ID, Pos, Size, Draggable)
local self = {
id = ID, pos = Pos, size = Size,
alpha = 1, progress = {0}
if Draggable then
Drag(self, type(Draggable) == "table" and Draggable or nil)
return setmetatable(self, WidgetMt)
-- #endregion
-- #endregion
-- #region : Main
local HUD = {}
local Vars = {
Menu.Text("Info", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t SpirtHUD"),
Menu.Text("Info", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Designed by enQ"),
Color = Menu.ColorEdit("Widgets", "Accent color", Colors.Accent),
Watermark = Menu.Switch("Widgets", "Watermark", true),
TimeZone = Menu.SliderInt("Widgets", "\tTime Zone", 3, -12, 12),
Keylist = Menu.Switch("Widgets", "Keylist", false),
Speclist = Menu.Switch("Widgets", "Speclist", false),
Vars.Watermark:RegisterCallback(function (v)
-- #region - Watermark
HUD.Watermark = Widget("Watermark", Vector2.new(Screen.x - 194 - 24, 24), Vector2.new(194, 32))
HUD.Watermark.GetTime = function ()
local UnixTime = Utils.UnixTime() / 1000
local Hours = (UnixTime / 3600 + Vars.TimeZone:Get()) % 24
local Minutes = UnixTime / 60 % 60
return math.floor(Hours), math.floor(Minutes)
HUD.Watermark.update = function (self)
return Anima.Condition(self.progress, Vars.Watermark:Get())
HUD.Watermark.paint = function (self, Pos, Fin)
Render.BoxFilled(Pos, Fin, Colors.Back, 4)
Render.Image(Images.Logo, Vector2.new(Pos.x + 12, Pos.y + 10), Vector2.new(12, 12), Colors.Accent:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
Render.Text("SpirtHack", Vector2.new(Pos.x + 32, Pos.y + 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 14)
local LogoSize = Render.CalcTextSize("SpirtHack", 14)
LogoSize.x = LogoSize.x + 44
Pos = Vector2.new(Pos.x + LogoSize.x, Pos.y)
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(Pos.x, Pos.y), Fin, Colors.Main:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 4)
Render.Box(Vector2.new(Pos.x, Pos.y), Fin, Colors.Frame:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 4)
local Latency = EngineClient.GetNetChannelInfo()
Latency = Latency and Latency:GetLatency(0) * 1000
local Hours, Minutes = self.GetTime()
local Text = string.format("%s / %02d:%02d" .. ((Latency and Latency > 5) and " / %dms" or ""), Cheat.GetCheatUserName(), Hours, Minutes, Latency)
local TextSize = Render.CalcTextSize(Text, 14)
TextSize.x = TextSize.x + 24
Render.Text(Text, Vector2.new(Pos.x + 12, Pos.y + 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 14)
self.size.x = Anima.Lerp(self.size.x, LogoSize.x + TextSize.x, 12, .1)
self.pos.x = Screen.x - self.size.x - 24
-- #endregion
-- #region - Keylist
HUD.Keylist = Widget("Keylist", Vector2.new(Render.GetMenuPos().x + Render.GetMenuSize().x + 16, Render.GetMenuPos().y), Vector2.new(140, 32), true)
HUD.Keylist.FormatValue = function (v)
if v == "on" or v == "off" or tonumber(v) then
return v
return string.gsub(v, "%l", "")
HUD.Keylist:enlist(function ()
local Raw, Binds = Cheat.GetBinds(), {}
local Len = #Raw
for i = 1, Len do
local v, n = Raw[i], Len - i + 1
Binds[n] = {
n = n,
name = v:GetName(),
value = v:GetValue(),
active = v:IsActive(),
return Binds
end, function (self, Item, Offset, Progress)
local Pos = Vector2.new(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + Offset + 32 * Progress)
local Size = Vector2.new(self.size.x, 32)
local End = Pos + Size
Render.Box(Pos - Vector2.new(0, 1), End, Colors.Frame:SetAlpha(self.alpha * Progress, true))
local Value = self.FormatValue(Item.value)
local LengthA = Render.CalcTextSize(Item.name, 14)
local LengthB = Render.CalcTextSize(Value, 14)
Render.Text(Item.name, Pos + Vector2.new(12, 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha * Progress, true), 14)
Render.Text(Value, Vector2.new(End.x - 12 - LengthB.x, Pos.y + 8), Colors.Accent:SetAlpha(self.alpha * Progress, true), 14)
return Vector2.new(LengthA.x + LengthB.x + 40, 32)
HUD.Keylist.update = function (self)
return Anima.Condition(self.progress, Vars.Keylist:Get() and (Cheat.IsMenuVisible() or self.__list.active > 0))
HUD.Keylist.paint = function (self, Pos, End)
local CFadeA, CFadeB = Colors.FadeA:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), Colors.FadeB:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true)
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Pos, End, CFadeA, CFadeB, CFadeA, CFadeB)
Render.Box(Pos, End, Colors.Frame:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
Render.Text("Hotkeys", Vector2.new(Pos.x + 28, Pos.y + 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 14)
Render.Image(Images.Arrows, Vector2.new(Pos.x + 12, Pos.y + 12), Vector2.new(10, 10), Colors.Accent:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
-- #endregion
-- #region - Speclist
HUD.Speclist = Widget("Speclist", Vector2.new(Render.GetMenuPos().x + Render.GetMenuSize().x + 16, Render.GetMenuPos().y + 240), Vector2.new(140, 32), true)
HUD.Speclist:enlist(function ()
local List = {}
local Players = EntityList.GetPlayers()
local Me = EntityList.GetLocalPlayer()
if Me then
local Target
local Observer, ObserverMode = Me:GetProp "m_hObserverTarget", Me:GetProp "m_iObserverMode"
if Observer and (ObserverMode == 4 or ObserverMode == 5) then
Target = Observer
Target = Me
if type(Target) == "number" then
Target = EntityList.GetPlayerFromHandle(Target)
for i = 1, #Players do
local Player = Players[i]
if Player ~= Me and type(Target) == "userdata" then
local ObTarget, ObMode = EntityList.GetPlayerFromHandle(Player:GetProp "m_hObserverTarget"), Player:GetProp "m_iObserverMode"
local iObTarget, iTarget = ObTarget and ObTarget:EntIndex(), Target:EntIndex()
List[#List+1] = {
name = Player:GetPlayerInfo().iSteamID,
ent = Player, nick = string.limit(Player:GetName(), 20, "..."),
active = ObTarget and iObTarget == iTarget and (ObMode == 4 or ObMode == 5)
return List
end, function (self, Item, Offset, Progress)
local Pos = Vector2.new(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + Offset + 32 * Progress)
local Size = Vector2.new(self.size.x, 32)
local End = Pos + Size
Render.Box(Pos - Vector2.new(0, 1), End, Colors.Frame:SetAlpha(self.alpha * Progress, true))
local LengthA = Render.CalcTextSize(Item.nick, 14)
Render.Text(Item.nick, Pos + Vector2.new(12, 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha * Progress, true), 14)
return Vector2.new(LengthA.x + 16, 32)
HUD.Speclist.update = function (self)
return Anima.Condition(self.progress, Vars.Speclist:Get() and (Cheat.IsMenuVisible() or self.__list.active > 0))
HUD.Speclist.paint = function (self, Pos, End)
local CFadeA, CFadeB = Colors.FadeA:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), Colors.FadeB:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true)
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Pos, End, CFadeA, CFadeB, CFadeA, CFadeB)
Render.Box(Pos, End, Colors.Frame:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
Render.Text(string.format("Spectators (%d)", self.__list.active), Vector2.new(Pos.x + 28, Pos.y + 8), Colors.Text:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true), 14)
Render.Image(Images.Arrows, Vector2.new(Pos.x + 12, Pos.y + 12), Vector2.new(10, 10), Colors.Accent:SetAlpha(self.alpha, true))
-- #endregion
Cheat.RegisterCallback("draw", function ()
Colors.Accent = Vars.Color:Get()
if Vars.Watermark:Get() or HUD.Watermark.alpha > 0 then
if Vars.Keylist:Get() or HUD.Keylist.alpha > 0 then
if Vars.Speclist:Get() or HUD.Speclist.alpha > 0 then
-- #endregion
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