Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Управляйте любыми атрибутами игры
Нужны ли вашему персонажу такие атрибуты, как здоровье и многие другие? Нужно ли поджигать вашего персонажа, когда он находится в центре частицы огня? Вы хотите вычесть выносливость или ману при выполнении действия? Это и многое другое он сделает за вас!
Основные характеристики
Ядром этой системы является управление атрибутами. Но чтобы показать все возможности этой системы, она также включает в себя множество других систем на базовом уровне. Эти базовые системы приведены здесь только для того, чтобы продемонстрировать, как можно использовать продукт, и не предназначены для того, чтобы быть ядром этой системы. Однако, благодаря этим базовым системам, интеграция с другими моими системами безупречна.
Не волнуйтесь, если вы не хотите использовать другие мои модульные ресурсы, это не проблема. Вы можете использовать базовые интеграции в качестве примера того, как интегрироваться в свою собственную.
Приведенными примерами интеграции являются:
- Базовая система инвентаризации: подбирайте предметы и выполняйте с ними действия.
- Менеджер пользовательского интерфейса: управляет созданием и удалением элементов HUD. В качестве примера используется красивый пользовательский интерфейс темы, основанный на выживании.
- Менеджер базового снаряжения: разместите инструменты и оружие в розетке и сможете выполнять с ними какие-либо действия.
- Базовый менеджер атрибутов: изменение значений атрибутов при определенных событиях
- Базовый бой: наносите урон с помощью снаряжения.
- Базовая система построения: размещайте предметы из инвентаря в окружающем мире
- Взаимодействие: Для любого взаимодействия в мире
Manage Attributes for any game
Does your character need attributes like health and many others? Does your character need to be set on fire when he is in the middle of a fire particle? Do you want to subtract Stamina or Mana when performing an action? This and many other things it will do for you!
Key Features
This system is very extensive, the core features are as follows:
They are defined into 6 main categories:
- Non-Persistent_Character_Attributes
- Persistent_Primary_Character_Attributes
- Persistent_Character_Survival_Attributes
- Persistent_Generic_Combat_Attributes
- Persistent_Ranged_Combat_Attributes
- Persistent_Level_Attributes
State Effects
The attribute manager has a state effect manager.
- These state effects are fully driven by a data table.
- These state effects can be activated or removed.
- These states will be automatically activated based on your current state or even on consumption.
Several states:
- Sick
- Healthy
- Infection
- Wounded
- Poisoned
- Drunk
Misc States:
This affects the chill temperature of the individual.
- Wet
- Warming
- On Fire
Temperature states:
Based on "external temperature", the temperature state is switched.
- Be aware, the character also has a "Chill" temperature.
- The chill temperature can differ per character.
- This is dependent on a chill temp penalty.
- The penalty is determined by e.g. clothing if is wet, or near a fire and warmed.
- Each state has a screen animation effect.
Basic and Advanced components
The core of this system is managing attributes. But to show all capabilities of this system it also includes a lot of other systems on a basic level. These basic systems are just here to showcase how the product can be used and are not intended to be the core of this system. However, due to these basic systems, the integration is flawless with my other systems.
Don’t worry, if you do not want to use my other modular assets, it is no problem. You can use the basic integrations as an example of how to integrate into your own.
The integration examples that are included are:
· Basic Inventory System: pick up items and perform actions on them.
· UI Manager: handles the creation and deletion of HUD elements. A beautiful Survival Based Theme UI is used as an example.
· Basic Equipment manager: equip tools and weapons at a socket and be able to perform an action with it.
· Basic attribute manager: change attribute values on certain events
· Basic combat: do damage with equipment.
· Basic building system: place items from an inventory into the world
· Interaction: For any interaction in the world
Extended Movement Component
This system includes a basic “Extended Movement Component”. It is capable of
· Handles player inputs via the Enhanced Input System. It uses input mapping and I have included an advanced method for handling and dynamically linking and unlinking mapping contexts.
· Provides a central place for the replication of montages, particle effects, spawning actors, and sounds.
· Is full of useful functions related to your character: Switch Global orientation between strafing and forward-facing character, Define Gender, get active camera component, and more
· Manages the camera of the player. It includes: zooming, switching between shoulder cameras, and basic first-person view
About Hyper
Hyper is empowering virtual world builders like yourself. Eric Ruts is running it and is the creator of all assets.
I would like you to focus on the creative side of your project, and I want to provide you with the building blocks to kickstart your dream. I have spent years of work on the assets I have made available and you are able to leverage that knowledge and work on your project! Please feel free to share your projects in Discord or via mail! I would love to know what awesome things you are working on.
Quality First
The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.
Where possible:
· Complete and flexible, I include the most common use cases for most types of games in our products.
· Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.
· Flawless integrations.
· Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.
· Extensive documentation, I try to comment on everything in the code. Besides that, the systems come with documentation after verification. I try to not only explain what happens by also why. I want you to be able to learn.
· I aim for my assets to be production-ready.
Example Images and content
On the product page, I use some example images of how it can look in a populated scene. That populated scene is not included. The scene in the example area is. Check out the demo for the full experience!
Nearly everything is made by myself! However, I am also using amazing Epic Games content where I can. Also, I do make use of CC0 assets where possible. Credits are in the readme files.
Does your character need attributes like health and many others? Does your character need to be set on fire when he is in the middle of a fire particle? Do you want to subtract Stamina or Mana when performing an action? This and many other things it will do for you!
Key Features
This system is very extensive, the core features are as follows:
- Managing Attributes
- Managing State Effects
- Extensive attribute management functions
- Datatable driven
They are defined into 6 main categories:
- Non-Persistent_Character_Attributes
- Persistent_Primary_Character_Attributes
- Persistent_Character_Survival_Attributes
- Persistent_Generic_Combat_Attributes
- Persistent_Ranged_Combat_Attributes
- Persistent_Level_Attributes
State Effects
The attribute manager has a state effect manager.
- These state effects are fully driven by a data table.
- These state effects can be activated or removed.
- These states will be automatically activated based on your current state or even on consumption.
Several states:
- Sick
- Healthy
- Infection
- Wounded
- Poisoned
- Drunk
Misc States:
This affects the chill temperature of the individual.
- Wet
- Warming
- On Fire
Temperature states:
Based on "external temperature", the temperature state is switched.
- Be aware, the character also has a "Chill" temperature.
- The chill temperature can differ per character.
- This is dependent on a chill temp penalty.
- The penalty is determined by e.g. clothing if is wet, or near a fire and warmed.
- Each state has a screen animation effect.
Basic and Advanced components
The core of this system is managing attributes. But to show all capabilities of this system it also includes a lot of other systems on a basic level. These basic systems are just here to showcase how the product can be used and are not intended to be the core of this system. However, due to these basic systems, the integration is flawless with my other systems.
Don’t worry, if you do not want to use my other modular assets, it is no problem. You can use the basic integrations as an example of how to integrate into your own.
The integration examples that are included are:
· Basic Inventory System: pick up items and perform actions on them.
· UI Manager: handles the creation and deletion of HUD elements. A beautiful Survival Based Theme UI is used as an example.
· Basic Equipment manager: equip tools and weapons at a socket and be able to perform an action with it.
· Basic attribute manager: change attribute values on certain events
· Basic combat: do damage with equipment.
· Basic building system: place items from an inventory into the world
· Interaction: For any interaction in the world
Extended Movement Component
This system includes a basic “Extended Movement Component”. It is capable of
· Handles player inputs via the Enhanced Input System. It uses input mapping and I have included an advanced method for handling and dynamically linking and unlinking mapping contexts.
· Provides a central place for the replication of montages, particle effects, spawning actors, and sounds.
· Is full of useful functions related to your character: Switch Global orientation between strafing and forward-facing character, Define Gender, get active camera component, and more
· Manages the camera of the player. It includes: zooming, switching between shoulder cameras, and basic first-person view
About Hyper
Hyper is empowering virtual world builders like yourself. Eric Ruts is running it and is the creator of all assets.
I would like you to focus on the creative side of your project, and I want to provide you with the building blocks to kickstart your dream. I have spent years of work on the assets I have made available and you are able to leverage that knowledge and work on your project! Please feel free to share your projects in Discord or via mail! I would love to know what awesome things you are working on.
Quality First
The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.
Where possible:
· Complete and flexible, I include the most common use cases for most types of games in our products.
· Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.
· Flawless integrations.
· Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.
· Extensive documentation, I try to comment on everything in the code. Besides that, the systems come with documentation after verification. I try to not only explain what happens by also why. I want you to be able to learn.
· I aim for my assets to be production-ready.
Example Images and content
On the product page, I use some example images of how it can look in a populated scene. That populated scene is not included. The scene in the example area is. Check out the demo for the full experience!
Nearly everything is made by myself! However, I am also using amazing Epic Games content where I can. Also, I do make use of CC0 assets where possible. Credits are in the readme files.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
· Enhanced Input
· Network Replicated
· I expect it to work on all platforms, only tested on windows
· Main logic implemented in actor components so you can drag and drop it on an actor
· Datatable driven where possible
Blueprints: 105
Meshes: 66
Input: Enhanced Input
Download Link V5.1
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