Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
С помощью одного чертежа вы можете создавать тысячи экземпляров книг. Сценарий состоит из 3 экземпляров книг с 3 различными экземплярами материалов. Заполните целую библиотеку всего одним простым скриптом и отредактируйте параметры по своему вкусу.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Easy to replace the books to your own set of books.
- Easy to replace the textures to something else.
- The blueprint is commented to make it easy to understand and follow how it's made if you want to expand on it.
- Create Random Seed (Creates a random seed for your book generation)
- Seed (A seed that determines the generation, can be written to provide a specific book generation)
- Length Of Row (The number of cm to determine the length of the bookshelf
- Space Frequency (How many random spaces should be in your row of books)
- Random Space (From what max range to have your spaces)
- Rotation Frequency (How many random rotated books should be in your row of books)
- Random Rotation (How big the angle of rotation should be)
- Random Position (How big the difference in depth the books should be placed at)
- Random Height (The random height of all of your books)
- Random Width (The random width of all of your books)
- 1 (BP_Books_01) Procedural book generation script
- 1 (M_Books_01) Master material for the books
- 1 (M_Base_Color_01) Master material for the Example map
- 1 (MF_Gradient) Material function that is used in the master material
- 1 (Example) Level to showcase the different uses for the books
- 1 (MI_Base_Color_01) Material instance
- 3 (MI_Books_01-03) Instances of the material with different color setups
- 3 (SM_Book_01-03) Static meshes to be used as the books
- 9 (T_Books_01-03_B, N, R) Textures to make up the materials for the books
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Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
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