Вопрос Привязка кнопки к gui (Nixware)

25 Июл 2022
Всем привет!!! Помогите, я хочу сделать чтобы кнопка привязывалась к действию. Например по нажатию кнопки что то происходило
Вот сама луа
апи кнопки в конце

    short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
    unsigned short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);

local function is_key_pressed(virtualKey)
    return bit.band(ffi.C.GetAsyncKeyState(virtualKey), 32768) == 32768

local function is_key_clicked(key)
    if ffi.C.GetAsyncKeyState(key) == -32767 then
        return true

require "common"

local Font = {
    TahomaBold = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/tahomabd.ttf", 50, 0),
    Calibri = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/calibri.ttf", 50, 0),
    Verdana = renderer.setup_font("C:/windows/fonts/verdana.ttf", 50, 0)
local Parameters = {
    Pos = vec2_t.new(700, 100),
    LineHeight = 18.5,
    LuaName = "stoyack.lua",
    Base = {
        Indent = 10,
        Tabs = {
            Width = 120,
            Height = 40,
            Names = {
        Color = {
            Accent = color_t.new(253, 105, 2, 255),
            Main = color_t.new(25, 25, 25, 255),
            Stroke = color_t.new(60, 60, 60, 255),
            Name = color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255),
            Text = color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255),
            SubText = color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 150),
            Active = color_t.new(100, 100, 100, 255),
            InActive = color_t.new(60, 60, 60, 255),
            Prompt = color_t.new(90, 90, 90, 255)
        Font = {
            LuaName = Font.Calibri,
            TabText = Font.Calibri,
            Text = Font.Verdana
    Info = {}
Parameters.Base.Height = (#Parameters.Base.Tabs.Names + 3) * Parameters.Base.Indent + #Parameters.Base.Tabs.Names * Parameters.Base.Tabs.Height
Parameters.Base.Width = 8 * Parameters.Base.Indent + Parameters.Base.Tabs.Width + 2 * 170
local KeyClicked, KeyPressed, change = {}, {}, {}
local h, s, v, set, edit
local Keys = {
    [4] = "M3",
    [5] = "M4",
    [6] = "M5",
    [8] = "back",
    [20] = "caps",
    [32] = "spc",
    [33] = "pgup",
    [34] = "pgdn",
    [36] = "home",
    [37] = "left",
    [38] = "up",
    [39] = "right",
    [40] = "down",
    [48] = "0",
    [49] = "1",
    [50] = "2",
    [51] = "3",
    [52] = "4",
    [53] = "5",
    [54] = "6",
    [55] = "7",
    [56] = "8",
    [57] = "9",
    [65] = "A",
    [66] = "B",
    [67] = "C",
    [68] = "D",
    [69] = "E",
    [70] = "F",
    [71] = "G",
    [72] = "H",
    [73] = "I",
    [74] = "J",
    [75] = "K",
    [76] = "L",
    [77] = "M",
    [78] = "N",
    [79] = "O",
    [80] = "P",
    [81] = "Q",
    [82] = "R",
    [83] = "S",
    [84] = "T",
    [85] = "U",
    [86] = "V",
    [87] = "W",
    [88] = "X",
    [89] = "Y",
    [90] = "Z",
    [96] = "nm0",
    [97] = "nm1",
    [98] = "nm2",
    [99] = "nm3",
    [100] = "nm4",
    [101] = "nm5",
    [102] = "nm6",
    [103] = "nm7",
    [104] = "nm8",
    [105] = "nm9",
    [106] = "*",
    [107] = "nm+",
    [109] = "nm-",
    [110] = ".",
    [111] = "/",
    [112] = "f1",
    [113] = "f2",
    [114] = "f3",
    [115] = "f4",
    [116] = "f5",
    [117] = "f6",
    [118] = "f7",
    [119] = "f8",
    [120] = "f9",
    [121] = "f10",
    [122] = "f11",
    [123] = "f12",
    [160] = "shift",
    [161] = "shift",
    [162] = "ctrl",
    [163] = "ctrl",
    [164] = "alt",
    [165] = "alt"
local KeybindTypes = {
    "(Always on)",
local ActiveTab = 1
local function AddCheckBox(Name, Condition, Type, PosX, PosY)
    k = k + 1
    local info = Parameters.Info[k] or {"checkbox", Name, Condition, {x = PosX, y = PosY}, Type, false, {nil, 2}, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255)}
    info[3] = Condition
    local active = info[6]
    local key = info[7][1]
    if Type == 1 and key then
        local type = info[7][2]
        if type == 1 then
            active = true
        elseif type == 2 then
            active = KeyPressed[key][1]
        elseif type == 3 then
            if KeyClicked[key][1] then active = not active end
            active = not KeyPressed[key][1]
    info[6] = active
    Parameters.Info[k] = info
    return active, info[8]

local function AddSlider(Name, Condition, PosX, PosY, MinValue, MaxValue, Accuracy)
    k = k + 1
    local info = Parameters.Info[k] or {"slider", Name, Condition, {x = PosX, y = PosY}, MinValue, MinValue, MaxValue, Accuracy}
    info[3] = Condition
    Parameters.Info[k] = info
    return info[5]

local function AddComboBox(Name, Condition, Values, PosX, PosY)
    k = k + 1
    local info = Parameters.Info[k] or {"combo", Name, Condition, {x = PosX, y = PosY}, 0, Values}
    info[3] = Condition
    info[6][0] = "None"
    Parameters.Info[k] = info
    return info[5]

local h, s, v, a
local function Draw()
    local Mouse = renderer.get_cursor_pos()
    local M1Clicked = is_key_clicked(1)
    local M1Pressed = is_key_pressed(1)
    local M2Clicked = is_key_clicked(2)
    local param = Parameters
    local startpos = param.Pos
    local line = param.LineHeight
    local luaname = param.LuaName
    local info = param.Info
    local param = param.Base
    local width = param.Width
    local height = param.Height
    local color = param.Color
    local fonts = param.Font
    local indent = param.Indent
    local minrect = MouseIntoRect
    local Rect = DrawRect
    if M1Clicked and minrect(startpos.x, startpos.y - 3, width, line + 3) then
        change = {"startpos", 0}
        dx, dy = Mouse.x - startpos.x, Mouse.y - startpos.y
    if change[1] == "startpos" then
        if not M1Pressed then change = {} end
        startpos.x, startpos.y = Mouse.x - dx, Mouse.y - dy
    Rect(startpos.x, startpos.y, width, line, color.Main, true)
    Rect(startpos.x, startpos.y, width, -3, color.Accent, true)
    local textsize = 17
    local font = fonts.LuaName
    local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, luaname)
    renderer.text(luaname, font, vec2_t.new(startpos.x + (width - size.x)/2, startpos.y + (line - size.y)/2), textsize, color.Text)
    local pos = {x = startpos.x, y = startpos.y + 25}
    Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, height, color.Main, true)
    pos.x, pos.y = pos.x + indent, pos.y + indent
    local tabs = param.Tabs
    Rect(pos.x, pos.y, tabs.Width + 2 * indent, height - 2 * indent, color.Stroke)
    pos.x, pos.y = pos.x + indent, pos.y - tabs.Height
    local font = fonts.TabText
    for key, value in pairs(tabs.Names) do
        pos.y = pos.y + tabs.Height + indent
        local prompt
        if minrect(pos.x, pos.y, tabs.Width, tabs.Height) then prompt = true end
        if prompt and M1Clicked then ActiveTab = key end
        Rect(pos.x, pos.y, tabs.Width, tabs.Height, ActiveTab == key and color.Name or prompt and color.Prompt or color.Stroke)
        local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, value)
        renderer.text(value, font, vec2_t.new(pos.x + (tabs.Width - size.x)/2, pos.y + (tabs.Height - size.y)/2), textsize, color.Text)
    pos.x, pos.y = pos.x + tabs.Width + 2 * indent, startpos.y + 25 + indent
    local width = 370
    local height = height - 2 * indent
    Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, height, color.Stroke)
    pos.x, pos.y = pos.x + indent, pos.y + indent
    local font = fonts.Text
    local stroke = color.Stroke
    local width = 170
    for key, value in pairs(info) do
        local condition = value[3]
        if not value[3] then goto continue end
        local textsize = 16
        local type = value[1]
        local name = value[2]
        local pos = vec2_t.new(pos.x + (170 + indent) * value[4].x, pos.y + value[4].y * (indent + line))
        if type == "checkbox" then --{"checkbox", Name, Condition, Type, {x = PosX, y = PosY}, false, {nil, 2}, color}
            local cbtype = value[5]
            local active = value[6]
            local width = 170
            local prompt = minrect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line)
            local namesize = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, name)
            renderer.text(name, font, vec2_t.new(pos.x + line + 4, pos.y + 2), textsize, color.Text)
            if minrect(pos.x, pos.y, line + namesize.x, line) and value[7][1] == nil and M1Clicked then
                active = not active
            Rect(pos.x,pos.y,line,line, minrect(pos.x, pos.y, line, line) and color.Prompt or color.Stroke,active)
            Parameters.Info[key][6] = active
            if cbtype == 1 then
                local bindkey, bindtype = value[7][1], value[7][2]
                local text = change[2] == key and "..." or bindkey and Keys[bindkey] or ""
                local text = "[".. text .. "]"
                local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, text)
                pos.x = pos.x + width - size.x
                if not (prompt or change[2] == key) or (change[2] ~= nil and change[2] ~= key)  then goto continue end
                if M1Clicked and minrect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, line) then
                    change = {"bindkey", key}
                if change[2] == key then
                    if is_key_clicked(27) then
                        change = {}
                        Parameters.Info[key][7][1] = nil
                        goto continue1
                    for key1, value in pairs(KeyClicked) do
                        if value[1] then
                            Parameters.Info[key][7][1] = key1
                            change = {}
                renderer.text(text, font, pos, textsize, color.Text)
                local text = KeybindTypes[bindtype]
                local textsize = 13
                local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, text)
                pos.x = pos.x - size.x - 4
                pos.y = pos.y + 3
                if M2Clicked and minrect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, line) then
                    Parameters.Info[key][7][2] = bindtype < 4 and bindtype + 1 or 1
                renderer.text(text, font, pos, textsize, color.SubText)
            elseif cbtype == 2 and prompt or change[2] == key then
                local color = value[8]
                pos.x = pos.x + width - line
                if M1Clicked and minrect(pos.x, pos.y, line, line) then
                    change = {"colorpicker", key}
                Rect(pos.x, pos.y, line, line, color, true)
                Rect(pos.x, pos.y, line, line, stroke)

        elseif type == "slider" then --{"slider", Name, Condition, {x = PosX, y = PosY}, Value, MinValue, MaxValue, Accuracy}
            local slvalue = value[5]
            local slmin = value[6]
            local slmax = value[7]
            local accuracy = value[8]
            if M1Clicked then
                if minrect(pos.x,pos.y,line,line) then
                    slvalue = slvalue - 10 ^ (-accuracy)
                    slvalue = slvalue < slmin and slmin or slvalue
                    Parameters.Info[key][5] = slvalue
                elseif minrect(pos.x + 170 - line, pos.y, line, line) then
                    slvalue = slvalue + 10 ^ (-accuracy)
                    slvalue = slvalue > slmax and slmax or slvalue
                    Parameters.Info[key][5] = slvalue
                elseif minrect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line) then
                    change = {"slider", key}
            if change[2] == key then
                change = M1Pressed and change or {}
                slvalue = (Mouse.x - pos.x)/170 * (slmax - slmin)
                slvalue = slvalue > slmax and slmax or slvalue < slmin and slmin or slvalue
                slvalue = math.floor(slvalue * 10 ^ accuracy + 0.5) / 10 ^ accuracy
                Parameters.Info[key][5] = slvalue
            local colors = minrect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line) and color.Prompt or stroke
            Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line, colors)
            Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width * (slvalue - slmin)/(slmax - slmin), line, colors, 1)
            local text = name .. " " .. tostring(slvalue)
            local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, text)
            renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(pos.x + (width - size.x)/2, pos.y + (line - size.y)/2), textsize, color.Text)
        elseif type == "combo" then
            local prompt = minrect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line) or change[2] == key
            local colors = prompt and color.Prompt or stroke
            Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line, colors)
            if M1Clicked and prompt then
                change = {"combo", key}
            local text = Parameters.Info[key][6][Parameters.Info[key][5]]
            local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, text)
            renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(pos.x + (width - size.x)/2, pos.y + (line - size.y)/2), textsize, color.Text)
            if prompt or change[2] == key then
                local posr = vec2_t.new(pos.x + width - line/2, pos.y + line/2)
                renderer.circle(posr, 2, 0, true, color.Text)
    if change[1] == "colorpicker" then
        local k = change[2]
        local info = Parameters.Info[k]
        local pos = vec2_t.new(pos.x + (170 + indent) * info[4].x, pos.y + (info[4].y + 1) * (indent + line))
        local currentcolor = info[8]
        local height = 120
        local RectFade = renderer.rect_filled_fade
        local size = height - 2 * indent
        local r, g, b, a = ToRGBA(currentcolor)
        if not set then h, s, v = RGBToHSV(r, g, b, a) set = true end
        if M1Clicked and not minrect(pos.x, pos.y - (indent + line), width, height + (indent + line)) then
            change = {}
            set, edit = nil, nil
        Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, height, color.Main, true)
        Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, height, stroke)
        local col_left, col_right = color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255), color_t.new(HSVToRGB(h, 1, 1, 255))
        local start_pos = vec2_t.new(pos.x + indent, pos.y + indent)
        local end_pos = vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + size, start_pos.y + size)
        RectFade(start_pos, end_pos, col_left, col_right, col_right, col_left)
        local col_up, col_down = color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 0), color_t.new(0, 0, 0, 255)
        RectFade(start_pos, end_pos, col_up, col_up, col_down, col_down)
        Rect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, size, size, stroke)
        local crcl_pos = vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + size * s, end_pos.y - v * size)
        local crcl_rad = 6
        renderer.circle(crcl_pos, crcl_rad, 0, true, color_t.new(HSVToRGB(h, s, v, 255)))
        renderer.circle(crcl_pos, crcl_rad, 0, false, stroke)
        if M1Clicked and minrect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, size, size) or edit == "sv" then
            edit = "sv"
            if not M1Pressed then edit = nil end
            s = (Mouse.x - start_pos.x)/size
            v = (end_pos.y - Mouse.y)/size
            local min, max = 0, 1
            if s > max then s = max elseif s < min then s = min end
            if v > max then v = max elseif v < min then v = min end
        local w = 15
        start_pos.x = start_pos.x + 35 + size
        end_pos.x = start_pos.x + w
        local col_up, col_down = color_t.new(HSVToRGB(h, s, v, 255)), color_t.new(HSVToRGB(h, s, v, 0))
        RectFade(start_pos, end_pos, col_up, col_up, col_down, col_down)
        Rect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, w, size, stroke)
        if M1Clicked and minrect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, w, size) or edit == "a" then
            edit = "a"
            if not M1Pressed then edit = nil end
            a = (end_pos.y - Mouse.y)/size*255
            local min, max = 0, 255
            if a > max then a = max elseif a < min then a = min end
        local tr_size = 3
        local points = {
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x, end_pos.y - a/255*size - tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x, end_pos.y - a/255*size + tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + tr_size, end_pos.y - a/255*size)
        renderer.filled_polygon(points, color.Text)
        local points = {
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w, end_pos.y - a/255*size - tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w, end_pos.y - a/255*size + tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w - tr_size, end_pos.y - a/255*size)
        renderer.filled_polygon(points, color.Text)
        end_pos.x = start_pos.x - 10
        start_pos.x = end_pos.x - w
        size = size/6
        for i = 1, 6 do
            local col_up, col_down = color_t.new(HSVToRGB(60 * i, 1, 1, 255)), color_t.new(HSVToRGB(60 * (i - 1), 1, 1, 255))
            local pos = vec2_t.new(start_pos.x, start_pos.y + i * size)
            RectFade(pos, vec2_t.new(pos.x + w, pos.y - size), col_up, col_up, col_down, col_down)
        local size = 100
        if M1Clicked and minrect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, w, size) or edit == "h" then
            edit = "h"
            if not M1Pressed then edit = nil end
            h = (Mouse.y - start_pos.y)/size*360
            local min, max = 0, 360
            if h > max then h = max elseif h < min then h = min end
        Rect(start_pos.x, start_pos.y, w, size, stroke)
        local points = {
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x, start_pos.y + h/360*size - tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x, start_pos.y + h/360*size + tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + tr_size, start_pos.y + h/360*size)
        renderer.filled_polygon(points, color.Text)
        local points = {
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w, start_pos.y + h/360*size - tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w, start_pos.y + h/360*size + tr_size),
            vec2_t.new(start_pos.x + w - tr_size, start_pos.y + h/360*size)
        renderer.filled_polygon(points, color.Text)
        Parameters.Info[k][8] = color_t.new(HSVToRGB(h,s,v,a))
    elseif change[1] == "combo" then
        local k = change[2]
        local info = Parameters.Info[k]
        local pos = vec2_t.new(pos.x + (170 + indent) * info[4].x, pos.y + (info[4].y + 1) * (indent + line))
        local active = Parameters.Info[k][5]
        for key, value in pairs(Parameters.Info[k][6]) do
            local prompt = minrect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line)
            local colors = prompt and color.Prompt or color.Main
            local textsize  = 15
            Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, line, colors, true)
            if prompt and M1Clicked then
                change = {}
                Parameters.Info[k][5] = key
            local text = value
            local size = renderer.get_text_size(font, textsize, text)
            renderer.text(text, font, vec2_t.new(pos.x + (width - size.x)/2, pos.y + (line - size.y)/2), textsize, color.Text)
            pos.y = pos.y + line
        local h = line * (#Parameters.Info[k][6] + 1)
        pos.y = pos.y - h
        Rect(pos.x, pos.y, width, h, stroke)
        if M1Clicked and not minrect(pos.x, pos.y - line * 1.5, width, h + line*2) then
            change = {}

client.register_callback("paint", function()
    k = 0
    for key, value in pairs(Keys) do
        KeyClicked[key] = {is_key_clicked(key), value}
        KeyPressed[key] = {is_key_pressed(key), value}
    --------------------------------------------------------------- Put your code here --------------------------------------------------------------

    if ui.is_visible() then Draw() else change = {} end
    --                      Functions return boolean value                                                                                         --
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    --  var = AddCheckBox(name:string, condtion_to_show:boolean, type:integer, row:integer, line:integer)                                          --
    --      type == 0 => default checkbox                                                                                                          --
    --      type == 1 => checkbox with keybind                                                                                                     --
    --      type == 2 => checkbox with color                                                                                                       --
    --      row == 0 or 1                                                                                                                          --
    --                                                                                                                                             --
    --  var = AddSlider(name:string, condition_to_show:boolean, row:integer, line:integer, min_value:float, max_value:float, accuracy:integer)     --
    --      accuracy == 0 mean integer slider                                                                                                      --
    --      accuracy == 1 mean step = 0.1                                                                                                          --
    --      accuracy == -1 mean step = 10                                                                                                          --
    --      accuracy == 2 mean step = 0.2                                                                                                          --
    --  var = AddComboBox(name:string, condition_to_show:boolean, combo_names:array of string, row:integer, line:integer)                          --
    --                                                                                                                                             --
    --                        [[Examples:]]                                                                                                        --
    --      local cb2 = AddCheckBox("CBName1", ActiveTab == 1, 1, 1, 0)                                                                            --
    --      local cb3 = AddCheckBox("CBName2", ActiveTab == 1, 2, 0, 1)                                                                            --
    --      local sl = AddSlider("5l143r", ActiveTab == 1, 1, 1, 0, 120, 1)                                                                        --
    --      local combo = AddComboBox("Combo", ActiveTab == 1, {"xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl"}, 0, 2) ]]                                               --
    --                                                                                                                                             --
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