float Resolver::AntiFreestand(Player* player, LagRecord* record, vec3_t start_, vec3_t end, bool include_base, float base_yaw, float delta) {
AimPlayer* data = &g_aimbot.m_players[player->index() - 1];
// constants.
constexpr float STEP{ 4.f };
constexpr float RANGE{ 32.f };
// construct vector of angles to test.
std::vector< AdaptiveAngle > angles{ };
angles.emplace_back(base_yaw + delta);
angles.emplace_back(base_yaw - delta);
if (include_base)
// start the trace at the enemy shoot pos.
vec3_t start = start_;
// see if we got any valid result.
// if this is false the path was not obstructed with anything.
bool valid{ false };
// get the enemies shoot pos.
vec3_t shoot_pos = end;
// iterate vector of angles.
for (auto it = angles.begin(); it != angles.end(); ++it) {
// compute the 'rough' estimation of where our head will be.
vec3_t end{ shoot_pos.x + std::cos(math::deg_to_rad(it->m_yaw)) * RANGE,
shoot_pos.y + std::sin(math::deg_to_rad(it->m_yaw)) * RANGE,
shoot_pos.z };
// draw a line for debugging purposes.
//g_csgo.m_debug_overlay->AddLineOverlay( start, end, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1f );
// compute the direction.
vec3_t dir = end - start;
float len = dir.normalize();
// should never happen.
if (len <= 0.f)
// step thru the total distance, 4 units per step.
for (float i{ 0.f }; i < len; i += STEP) {
// get the current step position.
vec3_t point = start + (dir * i);
// get the contents at this point.
int contents = g_csgo.m_engine_trace->GetPointContents(point, MASK_SHOT_HULL);
// contains nothing that can stop a bullet.
if (!(contents & MASK_SHOT_HULL))
float mult = 1.f;
// over 50% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.5f))
mult = 1.25f;
// over 90% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.75f))
mult = 1.25f;
// over 90% of the total length, prioritize this shit.
if (i > (len * 0.9f))
mult = 2.f;
// append 'penetrated distance'.
it->m_dist += (STEP * mult);
// mark that we found anything.
valid = true;
if (!valid)
return base_yaw;
// put the most distance at the front of the container.
std::sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(),
[](const AdaptiveAngle& a, const AdaptiveAngle& b) {
return a.m_dist > b.m_dist;
// the best angle should be at the front now.
return angles.front().m_yaw;