16 Ноя 2020

Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

Трейлер / Trailer:

Обзор / Overview:

Ищете мощный набор инструментов для архитектурной визуализации, позволяющий быстро и легко использовать мощные инструменты интерактивности Unreal Engine в своих проектах без написания кода? Этот шаблон для вас.

Update V3:
  • Improved Edit tool: Added Transform (Rotation-Location-Scale) for editable objects
  • Take real-time measurements in centimeter, meter and imperial
  • Possibility to change units in runtime
  • Improvement of the interface
  • Fixed bug causing fps to drop
  • Improvement of the minimap
Update V2:
  • Added Touch Screen Support
  • Added Double Tap to move
  • Added BP_Measure to allow measurements to be taken in runtime
  • Added BP_Tapwater and BP_Showerwater system
  • Improvement of the BP_Edit tool which now uses circular icons
  • Improvement of the Capture tool: Ability to rename , Choose capture location , DOF and FOV , take HD , 2K and 4K captures
Bluetility to speed up your workflow:
  • Clean Up: Move all assets in appropriate folders.
  • Add Prefixes: Automatically add prefixes to all your assets
  • Remove unused assets
  • Delete empty folders
  • Batch renaming
  • Organize world outliner
  • Remove empty actors
  • and more ...
Технические детали / Technical Details:


  • Clean and commented blueprints
  • The demo map included to showcase all the features
  • Studio logo or branding area
  • mini-map with player location and teleport points
  • Teleport points
  • change materials and meshes in runtime
  • Add descriptions to your objects
  • Full control of scene Lights and Sun
  • Interactive door
  • Interactive realistic TV
  • Gallery for Cinematics and Renderings
  • Runtime Perspectives
  • Graphics Settings
  • Photomode for Hd screenshot in runtime

  • Number of Blueprints: 14
  • Number of Blueprints widgets: 13
  • Collision: Yes, custom Optimized collision.
  • LODs: Yes
  • Number of Unique Meshes: 511
  • Number of Materials and Material Instances:45
  • Number of Textures:93
  • Demo file includes
  • Intended Platform: Desktop
  • Platforms Tested: Desktop
  • Documentation Included: Yes
  • Important/Additional Notes: This tool will be updated constantly, so I will be very grateful if you leave your opinion, this will also help its development.

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