Автор темы
- #1
void Resolver::resolve_air_shack(AimPlayer* data, LagRecord* record, Player* player) {
float vel_yaw = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(record->m_anim_velocity.y, record->m_anim_velocity.x));
LagRecord* previous = data->m_records.size() >= 2 ? previous = data->m_records[1].get() : nullptr;
LagRecord* move = &data->m_walk_record;
bool has_body_updated = fabsf(math::AngleDiff(data->m_old_body, record->m_body)) >= 35.f
|| previous
&& fabsf(math::AngleDiff(record->m_body, previous->m_body)) >= 35.f;
float move_diff = fabsf(move->m_body - record->m_body);
float back_diff = fabsf(get_away_angle(record) - record->m_body);
float vel_yaw_diff = fabsf(vel_yaw + 180.f - record->m_body);
float low_neg_delta = 17.5f;
float neg_delta = 35.f;
// NOTE: we do not need move data to do this
if (previous) {
// or anim lby changed
// NOTE: here i remove proxy stuff
// cus im not sure if proxy is more or less accurate
// as its not on animation time but just on server
// which means it will trigger fake updates on break lc etc.. (lol...)
bool timer_update = (data->m_body_proxy_updated && data->m_body_update <= record->m_anim_time);
bool body_update = data->m_has_body_updated && fabsf(math::AngleDiff(record->m_body, previous->m_body)) >= 35.f; // it was 17.5f
if (data->m_missed_shots < 2) {
// update this value
data->m_has_body_updated = body_update || timer_update;
if (body_update || timer_update) {
// note: this is probably inaccurate, should be simtime and not animtime
// ^ reading abt uc makes me think it is actually right but im not sure
// cus in 2018 update is handled diff, data is sent on lag == 0 and not on m_bSendPacket = true;
// aka 1 tick after sending packet ( would explain why old sim time + interval )
data->m_body_update = record->m_anim_time + 1.1f;
record->m_eye_angles.y = record->m_body;
record->m_mode = Modes::BODY_FLICK;
// lby breaker stuff above everything so we detect lby updates in airs too
bool use_lby = fabsf(record->m_body - low_neg_delta) >= (back_diff || vel_yaw_diff); // detect retards constantly swapping their angles
if (use_lby && fabsf(previous->m_body - record->m_body) <= neg_delta)
record->m_eye_angles.y = record->m_body + neg_delta;
if (move_diff <= low_neg_delta && !has_body_updated && data->m_missed_shots < 1)
record->m_eye_angles.y = move->m_body;
if (back_diff <= vel_yaw_diff && fabsf(vel_yaw_diff - low_neg_delta) <= (neg_delta + 10.f))
record->m_eye_angles.y = vel_yaw + 180.f;
else if (fabsf(back_diff - neg_delta) <= (neg_delta - 7.5f))
record->m_eye_angles.y = get_away_angle(record);
else if (back_diff >= neg_delta && vel_yaw_diff >= neg_delta)
record->m_eye_angles.y = record->m_body;