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[SCANS] Abandoned Manor
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Реалистичный красивый пейзаж небольшого дворца с подвалом и арками. Различные разрушенные стены и высокодетализированные фотограмметрические модели. Более 220 ресурсов, дневное и ночное освещение штаб-квартиры.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Lumen lighting and UE5 nanite support
Photogrammetry and properly optimized assets for games
Best quality maps ready to use in your games and films
Number of Unique Meshes: around 220 (more than 400 with variations)
Collision: Yes - mostly automatically generated
Triangle Fallback Count: around 2-5k
LODs: Yes - mostly automatically generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 350
Number of Textures: 440
Texture Resolutions: Definitely most of them in 4k with maximum possible quality.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Should work like our other packages
Documentation: CHECK
This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.1+
Important/Additional Notes:
For Sky-textures we used great CC0 free textures from PolyHaven: LINK
This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation.
The majority of assets are fully new, but we used few of our assets from Cemetery package. And as always, we share between packages some foliage and effects assets. They could have different names to adjust to Epic requirements process. If that could be your concern, and you need more details, please write to us at support@scansfactory.com
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