Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Infected - это шаблон многопользовательского шутера от третьего лица на выживание в зомби, в котором игроки на выживание должны выжить, чтобы победить. Зараженные / зомби-игроки должны заразить выживших, чтобы победить.
Выжившие появляются с оружием и способностью сбрасывать бомбы. После обратного отсчета матча один из выживших заражается и должен попытаться заразить всех выживших, которые затем также заражаются и будут охотиться на выживших.

Технические детали / Technical Details:
This template includes:
- Full Gameplay Template
- 3rd person shooter mechanics/gameplay
- Infected vs Survivors (Survive against the zombie/infected players for as long as possible)
- Multiplayer gameplay logic
- Complete match flow logic (Countdown, Spawning, Gameplay, Winner announcement, Repeat)
- Replicated gameplay actors
- Modular level building assets
- Main menu setup
- Multiplayer session setup (Host, find & join games)
- 2 example levels
- Shooter mechanics (Third person line trace setup)
- Reloading mechanic
- Explosive dynamite bomb
- Respawn system
- Infection logic (Infected players can infect survivors that then turn into a zombie at the player location)
- Ragdolling system
- Fully replicated User Interface Widgets
- Match flow logic
- Disconnection safeties and error handling
- Full shooter animation set included (Scaled and rigged to UE5 Mannequin skeleton)
- Zombie animation set included (Scaled and rigged to UE5 Mannequin skeleton)
- Niagara particle systems (Bomb Blast, Shooting surfaces, Impact shots on Infected/Zombie player)
- Fully replicated sound effects setup
- and more
- Best practice multiplayer blueprint code (GameMode, GameState, PlayerState, PlayerController, Character, Widgets)
- Optimized multiplayer blueprint setup
- Well commented for easy understanding
- Lean and structured

Infected - How to Modify and Use the template tutorial | Unreal Engine 5 Marketplace:
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Network Replicated: Yes
Input: Keyboard & Mouse
Subsystem: Default Online Subsystem (Game is compatible with any Unreal Engine Compatible Subsystem)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Number of Blueprints: 14
Number of Widget blueprints: 19
Number of Animations: 20
Rigged to UE5 skeleton: Yes
Number of Niagara particles: 4
Number of Textures: 22
Number of Sound effects: 16
Number of Static Meshes: 26
CC0 Sound effect licenses (Name of sfx as in project and their license links):
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All other sound effects are 100% made by us. (Made by Kekdot)
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