Автор темы
- #1
1.10. Запрещено оформление темы не по правилам раздела или категории.

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Полностью готовые к использованию образцы многопользовательских игровых проектов, в которых есть все необходимые детали и функции, позволяющие вам создать собственную многопользовательскую игру.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
• Ready to go multiplayer system
• AI Bots 100% blueprint which work in multiplayer as well
• Multiplayer Inventory
• Menu Settings for Sound and more
• UMG Damage and Health bar
• Random Dungeon generation
• Item Pick Up System
• Item Drop System
• Fight System with Damage
• Trap Functions
• LevelUp Experience System
• Procedural Dungeon Creating System
Number of blueprints:32
List of features:
AICharacter_Controller : Control over AI's attacks
EnemyCharacter : Handles the base of enemy AI
AIInterface : Enemy AI's interface
AnimeInterface : Animation interface of the character
BTS_VisionCheck : Handles enemy AI's vision check
BTT_Attack : Attack start for enemy AI
BTT_SetWalkSpeed : Adjusting the movement speed for enemy AI
BTT_WanderToPoint : Control over random movements for enemy AI
PlayerCharacter : Handles the player character
Punch : Attack collision for the player
SwordTemplate : Sword collision for the player
MagicTemplate : Magic (fire attack) for the player and enemy
TrapBP : Handles the traps in the dungeon
BomBP : Handles bombs within the game
BP_Relevancy : Treasure box for items
DropItemTemplate : Items been dropped
WorldData:Data for automatically generating a map
GameStart:Start the map generation process.
GenerateAsset:Generate assests such as enemies, treasure chests, traps
GridData:Generate walls and floor
AABB:Room data
QuadtreeSetup:Set the size of the room.
Floor:Floor mesh.
Slope:Mesh the staircase towards the next level and handle the change in level
Wall:Mesh for the wall
NextStageTrigger:Trigger to create a slope (stairs to the next level)
RL_GameInstance:Save the data as you proceed to the next level.
RL_GameMode:Start the game and process the player's login
RL_PlayerController:Process player spawning
RL_PlayerState:Save player state
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