☑️ Купить Читы RUST Division ☑️ Приватный чит на РАСТ ☑️

Продавец приватных читов
8 Фев 2019
Читы RUST - Приватный чит Division для раст
Познакомьтесь с Division - приватным читом для раста, оснащенным всем необходимым функционалом для полного доминирования в rust. Division предоставляет вам точный аимбот, WH и другие важные функции, которые обеспечат вам стратегическое преимущество и уверенность в rust.
Испытайте мощь Division и станьте непревзойденным лидером с читом на rust
Анти-чит статус: - Undetected
Требования к системе:
Поддерживаемые процессоры:
Intel, AMD
Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows10, Windows 11

AimBot (Стрельба)
Aimbot Features
▸ Memory Aim
▸ Silent Aim
▸ Field of View (AIMBOT)
▸ Smoothing
▸ Hit Chance
▸ Bone Selection (Head, Chest, etc.)
▸ Target Friendly
▸ Target NPC
▸ Terrain Check
▸ Lock Aim Target
▸ FOV Circle
▸ Aim Line

▸ Recoil Changer
▸ Spread Changer
▸ No Shotgun Spread
▸ No Sway
▸ Automatic Weapons
▸ Automatic Reload
▸ Instant Eoka
▸ Instant Bow
▸ Instant Compound Bow
▸ Instant Hit
▸ Hitbox Override [ Head / Body / Random ]

ESP (Визуал)
Player ESP
▸ Skeleton
▸ Name
▸ Distance
▸ Weapon
▸ Wearing
▸ Border
▸ HotBat
▸ Clothing
▸ Look Direction
▸ Out of FOV info
▸ Aim Target

▸ Chams (+ Hand Chams, Weapon Chams)
▸ Show Friendly
▸ Show TeamID
▸ Show Flags
▸ Show Sleepers
▸ Show NPC
▸ Show Ghosts
▸ Show Looking at Me
▸ Show Raids
▸ Geeting Raided Alert
▸ Alert Distance
▸ Set Base Location

Entity ESP
▸ Bear
▸ Boar
▸ Chicken
▸ Deer
▸ Polar Bear
▸ Shark
▸ Horse
▸ Wolf

▸ Hemp Collectable
▸ Metal Collectable
▸ Metal Ore
▸ Stone Collectable
▸ Stone Ore
▸ Sulfur Collectable
▸ Sulfur Ore
▸ Wood Collectable
▸ Tree Marker
▸ Hotspot Marker

▸ Advanced Underwater Crate
▸ Backpack
▸ Basic Underwater Crate
▸ Bradley Crate
▸ Diesel Barrel
▸ Elite Crate
▸ Event Collectable
▸ Fuel Barrel
▸ Hackable Crate
▸ Helicopter Crate
▸ Normal Crate
▸ Loot Barrel
▸ Medical Crate
▸ Military Crate
▸ Player Corpse
▸ Scientist Corpse
▸ Stash
▸ Supply Drop

▸ Bradley
▸ Hot Air Balloon
▸ Kayak
▸ Minicopter
▸ Modular Car
▸ Boat
▸ Patrol Heli
▸ Scrap Heli
▸ Submarine
▸ Train Car
▸ Tug Boat

▸ Corn
▸ Food Crate
▸ Mushroom
▸ Potato
▸ Pumpkin
▸ Black Berries
▸ Blue Berries
▸ Green Berries
▸ Red Berries
▸ White Berries
▸ Yellow Berries

▸ Sleeping Bag
▸ Bed
▸ TC (Tool Cupboard)
▸ Test Generator
▸ Small Battery
▸ Medium Battery
▸ Large Battery
▸ Workbench 1
▸ Workbench 2
▸ Workbench 3

▸ Auto Turret
▸ Bear Trap
▸ Flame Turret
▸ Landmine
▸ SAM Site (Surface-to-Air Missile)
▸ Shotgun Trap

Item Categories
▸ Weapons
▸ Placeables
▸ Items
▸ Resources
▸ Attire
▸ Tool
▸ Medical
▸ Food
▸ Ammunition
▸ Traps
▸ Misc
▸ Component
▸ Electric
▸ Custom ESP Font: [Division Font/Minecraft Font/Small Pixel]
▸ Crosshair: Normal
▸ Menu Key: Insert
▸ Combat Mode
▸ Prefab ESP (Debug)
▸ Overlay VSync
▸ Cheat Indicators
▸ Desync Indicator
▸ Reload Indicator
▸ Fly Hack Indicator (Inaccurate)

▸ PlayerList Search
▸ Name
▸ Relation
▸ SteamID
▸ Show Base

Always Shoot
▸ No Block Sprint
▸ No Collision
▸ Small Capsule
▸ Airstuck
▸ Fly Hack
▸ Interactive Debug
▸ Manipulation
▸ Powershot

Movement Exploits
▸ Spiderman
▸ Infinite Jump
▸ No Fall
▸ Omnisprint
▸ Fake Lag
▸ Lag if Looking at you
▸ Anti Aim

▸ Full Bright
▸ Starry Night
▸ Time Changer
▸ Thick Bullet
▸ Extend Melee Range
▸ Melee Hit Assist
▸ Suicide
▸ Hit Sound
▸ Custom Hit Material
▸ Custom Hit Material

Player Exploits
▸ Admin Flags
▸ Instant Loot
▸ Instant Revive
▸ Instant Untie
▸ Equip While Mounted
▸ Long Neck
▸ Remove World Layers
▸ Zoom
▸ FOV Changer (player fov)
▸ No Underwater Overlay

1 день - 780 р.
7 дней - 3050 р.
30 дней - 5650 р.

DISCORD - Нажми сюда
TELEGRAM - https://t.me/blymp | @blymp
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