Автор темы
- #1
Base Used: asphyxia
Note; I'm using a custom version of asphyxia, I've rewritten about 79% of the code so I won't give source until it's finished completely. Unless you request to purchase it and offer a good price.
If you see anything regarding 'Local Chams' just ignore it. I have it working just won't give it out yet.
Note; I'm using a custom version of asphyxia, I've rewritten about 79% of the code so I won't give source until it's finished completely. Unless you request to purchase it and offer a good price.
If you see anything regarding 'Local Chams' just ignore it. I have it working just won't give it out yet.
bool OverrideWeaponMaterial(void* pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, void* pDx11, CMeshData* arrMeshDraw, int nDataCount, void* pSceneView, void* pSceneLayer, void* pUnk, void* pUnk2);
// add this in your OnDrawObject
if (CRT::StringCompare(pClassInfo->szName, CS_XOR("C_CSPlayerPawn")) == 0)
if (pEntity == SDK::LocalPawn)
if (C_GET(bool, Vars.bVisualLocalChams))
return OverrideLocalPlayerMaterial(pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, pDx11, arrMeshDraw, nDataCount, pSceneView, pSceneLayer, pUnk, pUnk2);
else if (C_GET(bool, Vars.bVisualChams))
return OverrideMaterial(pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, pDx11, arrMeshDraw, nDataCount, pSceneView, pSceneLayer, pUnk, pUnk2);
else if (CRT::StringCompare(pClassInfo->szName, CS_XOR("C_CSGOViewModel")) == 0)
if (C_GET(bool, Vars.bVisualWeaponChams))
return OverrideWeaponMaterial(pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, pDx11, arrMeshDraw, nDataCount, pSceneView, pSceneLayer, pUnk, pUnk2);
// add this after your 'OnDrawObject' function
bool F::VISUALS::CHAMS::OverrideWeaponMaterial(void* pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, void* pDx11, CMeshData* arrMeshDraw, int nDataCount, void* pSceneView, void* pSceneLayer, void* pUnk, void* pUnk2)
if (arrMeshDraw->pSceneAnimatableObject == nullptr)
return false;
CBaseHandle hOwner = arrMeshDraw->pSceneAnimatableObject->hOwner;
auto pEntity = I::GameResourceService->pGameEntitySystem->Get<C_BaseEntity>(hOwner);
if (pEntity == nullptr)
return false;
SchemaClassInfoData_t* pClassInfo;
if (pClassInfo == nullptr || CRT::StringCompare(pClassInfo->szName, CS_XOR("C_CSGOViewModel")) != 0)
return false;
// Apply weapon chams here
const auto oDrawObject = H::hkDrawObject.GetOriginal();
const CustomMaterial_t customMaterial = arrMaterials[C_GET(int, Vars.nVisualWeaponChamMaterial)];
arrMeshDraw->pMaterial = customMaterial.pMaterial;
arrMeshDraw->colValue = C_GET(Color_t, Vars.colVisualWeaponChams);
oDrawObject(pAnimatableSceneObjectDesc, pDx11, arrMeshDraw, nDataCount, pSceneView, pSceneLayer, pUnk, pUnk2);
return true;