Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Эти материалы позволяют вам имитировать содержащиеся в них жидкости, используя прилагаемые сетки или ваш собственный реквизит (фляги, оружие, бутылки, стаканы и т.д.).
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- Works on any mesh ( 23 meshes are included, but you can modify/create your own props (flasks, weapons, bottles, glasses etc.)
- Designed for both stylized and realistic projects
- Reacts AUTOMATICALLY to accelerations and rotations
- Adjust viscosity for more control
- Can be implemented in various ways: directly in the level, attached to a component, in sequencer, etc.
- Physics-compatible, but also works perfectly without physics
- Many parameters are exposed (materials and niagara systems): infinite possibilities!
- Includes various glass materials
- Additional effects allow you to fill, pour and spill liquids
Number of Unique Effects: 3
LODs: (Yes)
Number of Materials: 9 Materials + 34 material instances
Number of Textures: 28
Number of Blueprints: 10
Number of Unique Meshes: 59
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: COMING SOON (tutorials)
Important/Additional Notes: Support : rimaye.std@gmail.com
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