Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
Автор темы
- #1
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Трейлер / Trailer:
Сочетание кубических карт HDRI, чертежей и экземпляров материалов, предназначенных для создания потрясающих футуристических наружных панорам
Технические детали / Technical Details:
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- 29 high quality HDRI to create stunning futuristic outdoor backgrounds/panoramas
- great diversity
- a smart material and 29 material instances so you can change the entire panorama/360 background in a single click
- a blueprint which you can simply drag and drop in any empty level to immediately create beautiful outdoor futuristic 360 panoramas
- possibility to customize the skybox material instances by adjusting different parameters like overall brightness etc.
- possibility to create custom lighting scenarios if the HDRI are used in combination with the skylight
- 10 example levels
Number of Textures: 29 textures (HDR, 32 Bit)
Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions) 29 textures at 8k resolution (8192 x 4096)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Not tested
Documentation: please watch the video from the beginning of the description
Important/Additional Notes: The HDRI from this pack can also be used with the FREE plugin HDRI Backdrop created by Epic.
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