Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Модульная, полностью настраиваемая система для взаимодействия с объектами, триггерами, действиями, дверями, окнами, предметами, мебелью, физикой, инвентарем, оружием и многим другим. Новая версия 3.0 для UE5.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- 100% blueprints
- Easy migration
- All systems compatible with Third Person, First Person and Top Down
- Openable doors and windows
- Swing door with physics
- Interactive triggers: Number pads, buttons, terminals (With 3D widgets), levers, pressure plates and more
- Interactive items with physics
- Full inventory system with weight, inventory UI, and journal and item inspection
- Examples of consumable items
- Item container
- Grabbable physics objects
- Interactive furniture: Drawers, Cupboards and Chests
- Interactive lights
- Elevators based on spline movement
- Key system for doors and other objects
- All systems are based on Actor Components and Blueprint Interfaces
- Triggers now can have multiple behaviors and actions
- Reworked logic for the inventory component and container component
- Icons for inventory and equipment
- Reworked stats component
- Reworked logic for doors and other actions
- New weapon system (With grenades)
- New ability system
- New target/damage trigger
- New action example: Bridge
- New terminal trigger with item interaction (Like a external media)
- New enhanced input
- Improvements for the interaction component
- Lyra-based animation
- General adjustments for Unreal Engine 5
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Platforms: Windows | Linux
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