Автор темы
- #1
LC: Приватный чит для RUST!
LC - приватный чит для RUST, предоставляющий мощные функции WH (Wallhack) и AIM для улучшения вашего игрового опыта.
LC - приватный чит для RUST, предоставляющий мощные функции WH (Wallhack) и AIM для улучшения вашего игрового опыта.
- WH (Wallhack): Позволяет видеть игроков и предметы сквозь стены, что дает вам значительное преимущество в бою.
- AIM: Автоматическое прицеливание на врагов для повышения точности и скорости стрельбы.
Intel / AMD
Operating System
Windows 10

ESP Misc
- PSilentKey
- PSilent
- AimbotKey
- Memory aimbot
- Visible check
- Target friends
- Target patrol-heli
- Silent melee
- Aimbone (Head/Upperbody/Body/Pelvis/Legs/Closest to crosshair/Random)
- Force heli-weakspot
- Bullet tp
- Minimum desync
- Bullet queue
- Pierce
- Target behind wall
- Mounted big bullet
- Hammer troll
- Troll type
- Automatic
- Recoil X
- Recoil Y
- Aim with heavy armor
- Force burst fire
- Rapid fire
- Fire rate
- Remove shoot restrictions
- AutoShootKey
- Auto shoot
- Fast bow
- No sway
- Auto reload
- Instant eoka
- UnlockKey
- Lock target
- Minigun instant spool
- Thick bullets
- Thickness
- Velocity scale
- Velocity
- Thickness
- Velocity scale
- Velocity
- Long hand
- Hitsound
- Hit chance
- WeaponSpamKey
- Weapon spam
- HammerSpamKey
- Hammer spam
- Glass hit
- Water hit
- Hitbox override (Head/Upperbody/Body/Pelvis/Legs/Closest to crosshair/Random)
- Target fov
- Aimbot smoothing
- Bullet TP Distance
- ESP Enabled
- Sleepers
- Corpses
- Show name
- Show distance
- Draw skeleton
- Draw look direction
- Draw hotbar
- Draw attire
- Draw hotbar icons
- Draw attire icons
- Draw held item custom icon
- Box type
- Override friend color
- Override enemy color
- Player chams
- Player list
- FocusKey
- Focus player ESP
- Draw friends
- Target flag
- Friend flag
- Wounded flag
- Held item flag
- Dropped item icons
- Web radar
- Raid esp
- Radar
- Rainbow accent
- Rainbow speed
- Waypoints
- PingKey
- Shared pings
- Movement line
- Hitpoints
- Crosshair style
- Draw target fov
- ESP font size
- Snapline
- Keybinds indicator
- Targetbehindwall indicator
- Flyhack indicator
- Reload indicator
- Desync indicator
- Targetted indicator
- Watermark
- Hand chams
- Change aspect ratio
- Aspect ratio
- No flash
- No ViewModel bob
- No ViewModel lower
- No water blur
- Player fov
- Attack heli cam fov
- Unlock attack heli cam angles
- Bullet tracers
- Visual thick bullet
- Size
- ZoomKey
- Zoom
- Zoom fov
- DebugCamKey
- Debug camera
- Custom time
- Time
- Star brightness
- Star size
- Moon size
- Sun size
- Nightness
- Rayleigh
- Omnisprint
- Spiderman
- Big jump
- Infinite jump
- NoclipKey
- Noclip
- SwitchPlayerKey
- Stand on head
- Spin around head
- TeleportKey
- Teleport 5m
- BlinkKey
- Blink
- Walk to target
- Freeze on desync
- SilentWalkKey
- Silent walk
- SpeedhackKey
- Speedhack
- Speedhack mode (timescale / velocity)
- Speed
- No collisions
- Anti-aim
- Spin speed
- Language eng/rus/china/esp
- Username spoof
- Keep wounded alive
- Anti-recycler
- Pickup collectibles
- Pickup dropped items
- Auto-farm
- Auto upgrade
- Upgrade tier
- Instant med
- Instant revive
- Revive friends only
- DebugKey
- Interactive debug
- LongneckKey
- Long neck
- Size
- Disarm landmines
- Fake admin
- Anti-flyhack
- Anti-deathbarrier
- Auto refill
- SuicideKey
- Suicide
- DesyncKey
- Desync
- Snake game
- Tooltips
- Snapline visible
- Snapline invisible
- Fov visible
- Fov invisible
- Hitpoints
- Crosshair
- Entity boxes visible
- Entity boxes invisible
- Entity chams visible
- Entity chams invisible
- Entity name visible
- Entity name invisible
- Entity distance visible
- Entity distance invisible
- Entity flags visible
- Entity flags invisible
- Cheat-friend visible
- Cheat-friend invisible
- Cheat-enemy visible
- Cheat-enemy invisible
- Menu accent
- Day color
- Night color
ESP Misc
- Stone collectible
- Metal collectable
- Sulfur collectable
- Wood collectable
- Blue berries
- Green berries
- Red berries
- White berries
- Yellow berries
- prefab
- Stone ore
- Metal ore
- Sulfur ore
- Bike
- Snowmobile
- Tugboat
- TreeEntity
- BradleyAPC
- PatrolHelicopter
- AttackHelicopter
- KayakSeat
- MotorRowboat
- Minicopter
- ScrapTransportHelicopter
- CH47Helicopter
- Drone
- Wolf
- Boar
- Bear
- PolarBear
- Horse
- Stag
- Recycler
- Loot Barrel 1
- Loot Barrel 2
- Basic Crate
- Military Crate
- Normal Crate
- Elite Crate
- Bradley Crate
- Locked Crate
- Locked Oilrig Crate
- Flame Turret
- prefab
- Sam Site
- Shotgun Trap
- Snap Trap
- Wooden Floor Spikes
- AutoTurret
- Sleeping Bag
- Tool Cupboard
- SupplyDrop
- prefab
- DroppedItem
1 day - 8$ КУПИТЬ
7 day - 40$ КУПИТЬ
30 day - 80$ КУПИТЬ
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