UE4 Asset Bar - MoCap Pack

Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
12 Авг 2020

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Трейлер / Trailer:

112 Анимаций захвата движения - Выпивка и разговоры в баре или непринужденном ресторане

Технические детали / Technical Details:

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Animation LIST -
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**NEW! MCO 3D Animation Viewer:
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  • A collection of mocap animations seen at a Bar or casual Restaurant - where there is a lot of conversation and social drinking.
  • Featuring animations of spirited Talk and Drink, or simply relaxing with some light Conversation or introspection, and everything in-between.
  • There are people hanging out quietly, with or without a drink in their hand, some more lively gesturing with their hands and detailed finger movement, and a number of them acting a bit rowdier while taking a drink from their glass frequently.
  • All show detailed and consistent interaction with the bar or tabletop, with arms, fingers, and glassware.
  • 3 Basic Stances: Sitting at the Bar, Standing at the Bar, and Standing at a Table.
  • Detailed and consistent interaction with the bar or tabletop, with arms, fingers, and glassware.
  • Two low poly glassware examples are included at the correct size and scale to help set up your environment and animation placement.
  • There are male and female versions of the Sitting animations, the feminine versions having knees and feet together.
  • All animations are included as Right Handed and Left Handed versions, for even more variety.
Transfer to UE5.xx Manny is Painless, Quick and Easy, takes about 2 minutes with our modified IK-Retargeters.
  • View Quick Tutorial Video - HERE:
  • DOWNLOAD THE "UE4 to UE5 Retargeting Project" ZIP HERE:

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  • The stock unmodified IK-Retargeters included with UE5... are not good as is.
  • ***TIP NOTE: Use the "Rifle02" Retargeter, to keep the accurate placement of the hands on the Bar/Table.
Latest Update: V-2.0 New Release!
  • Engine versions 4.24 - 5.xx
For Retargeting to UE 5.xx Manny please use our modified retargeting files (replace the default UE5 files) - DOWNLOAD HERE:

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  • For Engine 4.23 and previous - All FBX Source animation files are included and can be imported perfectly.
  • Animations are delivered on the 100% stock UE4 Mannequin Skeleton with IK bones, along with source .fbx files in the "Source_BarRestaurant" folder outside of "Content".
  • Left and Right-Hand Sockets are on the included UE4 stock Mannequin Skeleton as the correct placement of included sample glassware.
  • Default height of the Tabletop is 75.2 cm.
  • Default height of the Bar top is 115.2 cm.
  • Male and female versions of the Sitting animations, the feminine versions having knees and feet together.
  • All animations are included as Right Handed and Left Handed versions, for even more variety.
  • Total of 112 Animation files - each of them approximately 30 seconds or more in length.
  • All of them are perfect Loops and will repeat seamlessly.
  • Randomly and strategically offsetting the start time of each 30 second loop, can easily populate a very large scene with no noticeable duplicates. (see Demo Videos)
  • Includes animation assets ONLY! MotusMan and MotusWoman characters are also included. Does not include any other objects or environments seen in the videos.

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