UE5 Asset Retro Sci-Fi Futuristic City Pack

Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
12 Авг 2020

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Трейлер / Trailer:

Полный и красивый набор для тех, кому нужна футуристическая научно-фантастическая среда. Визуальный стиль asset packs в основном основан на ретро-научно-фантастическом визуальном стиле 1970-х, смешанном с недавним трендом киберпанка. Некоторые из башен вдохновлены авангардными башнями Дохи (Катар).

Технические детали / Technical Details:

  • Total 300 of unique static meshes(72 of them are alphabet and letters) 4 skeletal meshes
  • 52 blueprints, 12 tower blueprints, 17 building and bases blueprints, 16 props, and others
  • Shop, gallery, restaurant or server room, variations can be unlimitied
  • Working elevator and spline based escalator blueprints
  • Neon-Letter signboard maker blueprint with 2 version of alphabets
  • Light control system widget, player can adjust the light position and intensity, fog, etc...
  • Working tram blueprint based on spline path, which can be stop and wait at stations
  • All towers emissive colors can be adjustable from blueprints
  • Modular roads and road blueprint
  • Can create combinations with different bases and tower models, 55 unique meshes for buildings
  • 02:17 minute length high quality cinematic coming together with project file.
  • Suitable for meta verse and VR projects
  • High quality PBR textures
  • Game Ready
  • 2 Maps, One is showcase other is example city, included high quality cinematic
  • total file size nearly 3 gb
Number of Unique Meshes: 300
Collision: (Most of them manually generated, small amount of them per poly)
Vertex Count: 730.000 total
LODs: (No)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 24 Master and 137 Instances.
Number of Textures: 275
Texture Resolutions: (more than half of them 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024, 256x256,128x128)
Supported Development Platforms: Win64 (not tested other platforms but probably will work)
Windows: (Yes/)
Mac: (No)

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