UE5 Asset Cat girl 101

Модератор раздела «Unreal Engine»
12 Авг 2020

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Аниме персонаж кошка.

Технические детали / Technical Details:

  • Product Name : Cat girl 101.
  • Produced with Unreal Engine version 5.3.
  • Includes one character and simple background props.
  • IK controller was created using the Unreal Engine control rig creation function.
  • You can use the character controller to do poses and animations.
  • It consists of PBR material and 4K textures.
  • By applying post-process material, it has a cartoon style feel.
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
  • This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.3
  • IK Control Rig.
  • PBR Material / 4K Textures.
  • Cartoon style.
Rigged : Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton : No
Animated : Yes
Number of Animations : 4 / Includes default animations ( Idle / Run / Walk / Jump ) from Unreal Engine 5.
Number of characters : 1 / 1 character.
Vertex counts of characters : 20,640
Number of Materials and Material Instances : Using Master Material: 1 / Instance Material: 4
Texture Resolutions : characters - 4096 x 4096 (4k) 15 sheets / Demo Assets - 1024 x 1024 (1k) ~ 4096 x 4096(4k) 25 sheets
Number of Textures : 39
Windows : Yes
Mac : No
Documentation : Map example: Catgirl_101\Content\Cat_Girl\Maps\Demo_Map.umap
Find detailed documentation about Lumen, how to use them here.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
Important/Additional Notes : You will need to run Open Level Sequence CR_Cat_Girl_Body_Take1 on the example map.

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