cl_showents(CCommandContext const&, CCommand const&)
// #STR: "(missing),", "(missing)", "Ent %3d: %s class %s\n"
__int64 cl_showents()
unsigned int v0; // ebx
__int64 v1; // rax
_QWORD *v2; // rax
char v4; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-230h]
char v5; // [rsp+100h] [rbp-130h]
if ( (signed int)CGameEntitySystem::GetHighestEntityIndex(g_pGameEntitySystem) >= 0 )
v0 = -1;
v1 = CGameEntitySystem::GetBaseEntity((__int64)g_pGameEntitySystem, ++v0);
if ( v1 )
v5 = 0;
v2 = (_QWORD*)(* (__int64 (__fastcall**)(__int64, _QWORD))( *(_QWORD *)v1 + 240LL))(v1, v0);
V_snprintf(&v4, 256, "'%s'", *v2);
ConMsg("Ent %3d: %s class %s\n", v0, &v5, &v4);
V_snprintf(&v5, 256, "(missing), ");
V_snprintf(&v4, 256, "(missing)");
while ( (signed int)v0 < (signed int)CGameEntitySystem::GetHighestEntityIndex(g_pGameEntitySystem) );
return __stack_chk_guard;
00007FFDAB25D890 | 8B81 30150000 | mov eax,dword ptr ds:[rcx+1530] |
00007FFDAB25D896 | 8902 | mov dword ptr ds:[rdx],eax |
00007FFDAB25D898 | 48:8BC2 | mov rax,rdx |
00007FFDAB25D89B | C3 | ret |
hooking is when you intercept someone else's(the game's) invocation of a function(in an attempt to observe/modify the game's behavior(react to the game performing some action or lie to the game about something)). basically a callback but forcefully installed. why would you need to hook this?Посмотреть вложение 294121
is it function needs to be hooked or 2100h is the new offset for highest entityindex ?
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