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- #1
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
красавчик, теперь время заребилдить серверный лагкомп и адаптировать его под луа апи gamesense чтоб можно было запредиктить что угодно даже то что серверсайднутое молодец UWUKSON1488вот ссылка на библиотеку wrapper: https://yougame.biz/threads/339089/code_language.lua:local ui = require 'wrapper' local c_entity = require 'gamesense/entity' local checkbox = ui.create('animation_fix', 'A'):switch('enable animation fix') local animation_fix do animation_fix = {} animation_fix.anim_data = { layers = { [0] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- aim_matrix [1] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- weapon_action [2] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- weapon_action_recrouch [3] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- adjust [4] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_move [5] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_strafe [6] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_strafechange [7] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- whole_body [8] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- flashed [9] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- flinch [10] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- aliveloop [11] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- jump [12] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- land [13] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_walk [14] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_run [15] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_crouch }, server_anim_states = {}, last_sim_time = 0, last_velocity = 0, last_duck_amount = 0, last_weapon = nil, } local function lerp(a, b, t) return a + (b - a) * t end animation_fix.setup_command = function(cmd) if not checkbox:get() then return end local me = entity.get_local_player() if not me then return end local self_index = c_entity.new(me) local anim_state = self_index:get_anim_state() if not anim_state then return end local sim_time = globals.servertickcount() local vel_x, vel_y = entity.get_prop(me, "m_vecVelocity") local velocity = math.sqrt(vel_x * vel_x + vel_y * vel_y) local duck_amount = entity.get_prop(me, "m_flDuckAmount") local ducking = entity.get_prop(me, "m_bDucking") == 1 local on_ground = bit.band(entity.get_prop(me, "m_fFlags"), 1) == 1 local current_weapon = entity.get_player_weapon(me) if velocity < 0.1 then velocity = 0 end local server_state = { time = sim_time, layers = {}, velocity = velocity, duck_amount = duck_amount, ducking = ducking, on_ground = on_ground, weapon = current_weapon, } for layer_idx, _ in pairs(animation_fix.anim_data.layers) do local layer = self_index:get_anim_overlay(layer_idx) if layer then server_state.layers[layer_idx] = { cycle = layer.cycle, weight = layer.weight, } end end table.insert(animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states, server_state) if #animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states > 60 then table.remove(animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states, 1) end end animation_fix.pre_render = function() if not checkbox:get() then return end local me = entity.get_local_player() if not me then return end local self_index = c_entity.new(me) local anim_state = self_index:get_anim_state() if not anim_state then return end local current_time = globals.realtime() local server_states = animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states if #server_states < 2 then return end local state1, state2 for i = #server_states - 1, 1, -1 do if server_states[i].time <= current_time and server_states[i+1].time >= current_time then state1 = server_states[i] state2 = server_states[i+1] break end end if not state1 or not state2 then state1 = server_states[#server_states - 1] state2 = server_states[#server_states] end local t = (current_time - state1.time) / (state2.time - state1.time) t = math.min(1, math.max(0, t)) for layer_idx, _ in pairs(animation_fix.anim_data.layers) do local layer = self_index:get_anim_overlay(layer_idx) if layer and state1.layers[layer_idx] and state2.layers[layer_idx] then local cycle1 = state1.layers[layer_idx].cycle local cycle2 = state2.layers[layer_idx].cycle local weight1 = state1.layers[layer_idx].weight local weight2 = state2.layers[layer_idx].weight if (layer_idx == 1 or layer_idx == 2) and state1.weapon ~= state2.weapon then layer.cycle = cycle2 layer.weight = weight2 else layer.cycle = lerp(cycle1, cycle2, t) layer.weight = lerp(weight1, weight2, t) end end end local velocity = lerp(state1.velocity, state2.velocity, t) local duck_amount = lerp(state1.duck_amount, state2.duck_amount, t) local ducking = state1.ducking local on_ground = state1.on_ground local current_weapon = state1.weapon animation_fix.anim_data.last_velocity = velocity animation_fix.anim_data.last_duck_amount = duck_amount animation_fix.anim_data.last_weapon = current_weapon end end client.set_event_callback('pre_render', function() animation_fix.pre_render() end) client.set_event_callback('setup_command', function(cmd) animation_fix.setup_command(cmd) end)
легенда, пойду перепащу в свой mr. scriptвот ссылка на библиотеку wrapper: https://yougame.biz/threads/339089/code_language.lua:local ui = require 'wrapper' local c_entity = require 'gamesense/entity' local checkbox = ui.create('animation_fix', 'A'):switch('enable animation fix') local animation_fix do animation_fix = {} animation_fix.anim_data = { layers = { [0] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- aim_matrix [1] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- weapon_action [2] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- weapon_action_recrouch [3] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- adjust [4] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_move [5] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_strafe [6] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- movement_strafechange [7] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- whole_body [8] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- flashed [9] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- flinch [10] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- aliveloop [11] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- jump [12] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- land [13] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_walk [14] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_run [15] = { cycle = 0, weight = 0 }, -- move_blend_crouch }, server_anim_states = {}, last_sim_time = 0, last_velocity = 0, last_duck_amount = 0, last_weapon = nil, } local function lerp(a, b, t) return a + (b - a) * t end animation_fix.setup_command = function(cmd) if not checkbox:get() then return end local me = entity.get_local_player() if not me then return end local self_index = c_entity.new(me) local anim_state = self_index:get_anim_state() if not anim_state then return end local sim_time = globals.servertickcount() local vel_x, vel_y = entity.get_prop(me, "m_vecVelocity") local velocity = math.sqrt(vel_x * vel_x + vel_y * vel_y) local duck_amount = entity.get_prop(me, "m_flDuckAmount") local ducking = entity.get_prop(me, "m_bDucking") == 1 local on_ground = bit.band(entity.get_prop(me, "m_fFlags"), 1) == 1 local current_weapon = entity.get_player_weapon(me) if velocity < 0.1 then velocity = 0 end local server_state = { time = sim_time, layers = {}, velocity = velocity, duck_amount = duck_amount, ducking = ducking, on_ground = on_ground, weapon = current_weapon, } for layer_idx, _ in pairs(animation_fix.anim_data.layers) do local layer = self_index:get_anim_overlay(layer_idx) if layer then server_state.layers[layer_idx] = { cycle = layer.cycle, weight = layer.weight, } end end table.insert(animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states, server_state) if #animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states > 60 then table.remove(animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states, 1) end end animation_fix.pre_render = function() if not checkbox:get() then return end local me = entity.get_local_player() if not me then return end local self_index = c_entity.new(me) local anim_state = self_index:get_anim_state() if not anim_state then return end local current_time = globals.realtime() local server_states = animation_fix.anim_data.server_anim_states if #server_states < 2 then return end local state1, state2 for i = #server_states - 1, 1, -1 do if server_states[i].time <= current_time and server_states[i+1].time >= current_time then state1 = server_states[i] state2 = server_states[i+1] break end end if not state1 or not state2 then state1 = server_states[#server_states - 1] state2 = server_states[#server_states] end local t = (current_time - state1.time) / (state2.time - state1.time) t = math.min(1, math.max(0, t)) for layer_idx, _ in pairs(animation_fix.anim_data.layers) do local layer = self_index:get_anim_overlay(layer_idx) if layer and state1.layers[layer_idx] and state2.layers[layer_idx] then local cycle1 = state1.layers[layer_idx].cycle local cycle2 = state2.layers[layer_idx].cycle local weight1 = state1.layers[layer_idx].weight local weight2 = state2.layers[layer_idx].weight if (layer_idx == 1 or layer_idx == 2) and state1.weapon ~= state2.weapon then layer.cycle = cycle2 layer.weight = weight2 else layer.cycle = lerp(cycle1, cycle2, t) layer.weight = lerp(weight1, weight2, t) end end end local velocity = lerp(state1.velocity, state2.velocity, t) local duck_amount = lerp(state1.duck_amount, state2.duck_amount, t) local ducking = state1.ducking local on_ground = state1.on_ground local current_weapon = state1.weapon animation_fix.anim_data.last_velocity = velocity animation_fix.anim_data.last_duck_amount = duck_amount animation_fix.anim_data.last_weapon = current_weapon end end client.set_event_callback('pre_render', function() animation_fix.pre_render() end) client.set_event_callback('setup_command', function(cmd) animation_fix.setup_command(cmd) end)
local с_ui = require 'wrapper'
local c_entity = require 'gamesense/entity'
local vector = require 'vector'
local inspect = require 'gamesense/inspect'
local checkbox = с_ui.create('animation_fix', 'A'):switch('enable animation fix')
local interpolate do
local doubletap = {ui.reference("RAGE", "Aimbot", "Double tap")}
local onshot = {ui.reference("AA", "Other", "On shot anti-aim")}
local LAYERS_LIMIT = 15
local data = {}; do
data.layers = { }
for i = 1, LAYERS_LIMIT do
data.layers[i] = {
cycle = 0,
weight = 0
data.server = {}
data.sim_time = 0
data.velocity = 0
data.duck_amount = 0
data.weapon = 0
local function lerp(a, b, c)
return a + (b - a) * c
local function get_anim_state(player)
local index = c_entity(player)
local animstate = c_entity.get_anim_state(index)
return animstate
local function get_anim_overlay(player, num)
local index = c_entity(player)
local layer = c_entity.get_anim_overlay(index, num)
return layer
local function on_setup_command(cmd)
if not checkbox:get() then
local me = entity.get_local_player()
if me == nil or not entity.is_alive(me) then
local animstate = get_anim_state(me)
if animstate == nil then
local server_tickcount = globals.servertickcount()
local velocity = vector(entity.get_prop(me, "m_vecVelocity"))
local speed = velocity:length2d()
speed = speed < 0.1 and 0 or speed
local duck_amount = entity.get_prop(me, "m_flDuckAmount")
local is_ducking = entity.get_prop(me, "m_bDucking") > 0
local on_ground = bit.band(entity.get_prop(me, "m_fFlags"), 1) == 1
local weapon = entity.get_player_weapon(me)
local server_state = {
time = server_tickcount,
layers = {},
velocity = speed,
duck_amount = duck_amount,
ducking = is_ducking,
on_ground = on_ground,
weapon = weapon
for idx, info in ipairs(data.layers) do
local layer = get_anim_overlay(me, idx)
if layer ~= nil then
server_state.layers[idx] = {
cycle = layer.cycle,
weight = layer.weight
table.insert(data.server, server_state)
if #data.server >= 64 then -- to test, replace to > 60
table.remove(data.server, 1)
local function on_pre_render()
if not checkbox:get() then
local me = entity.get_local_player()
if me == nil or not entity.is_alive(me) then
local animstate = get_anim_state(me)
if animstate == nil then
local realtime = globals.realtime()
local server_data = data.server
if #server_data < 2 then
if not (ui.get(doubletap[1]) and ui.get(doubletap[2])) or (ui.get(onshot[1]) and ui.get(onshot[2])) then
goto continue
local jmp, jmp1
for i = #server_data - 1, 1, -1 do
local ctx = server_data[i]
if ctx == nil then
goto continue
if ctx.time <= realtime and server_data[i + 1] >= realtime then
jmp = ctx
jmp1 = server_data[i + 1]
if not jmp or not jmp1 then
jmp = server_data[#server_data - 1]
jmp1 = ctx
local time = (realtime - jmp.time) / (jmp1.time - jmp.time)
time = math.min(1, math.max(0, time))
for idx, info in ipairs(data.layers) do
local layer = get_anim_overlay(me, idx)
if layer ~= nil and jmp.layers[idx] ~= nil and jmp1.layers[idx] ~= nil then
local current_data = {
cycle = {
[1] = jmp.layers[idx].cycle,
[2] = jmp1.layers[idx].cycle
weight = {
[1] = jmp.layers[idx].weight,
[2] = jmp1.layers[idx].weight
if idx == 1 or idx == 2 and jmp.weapon ~= jmp1.weapon then
layer.cycle = current_data.cycle[2]
layer.weight = current_data.weight[2]
layer.cycle = lerp(current_data.cycle[1], current_data.cycle[2], time)
layer.weight = lerp(current_data.weight[1], current_data.weight[2], time)
local current_velocity = lerp(jmp.velocity, jmp1.velocity, time)
local duck_amount = lerp(jmp.duck_amount, jmp1.duck_amount, time)
local ducking = jmp.ducking
local on_ground = jmp.on_ground
local current_weapon = jmp.weapon
data.velocity = velocity
data.duck_amount = duck_amount
data.weapon = current_weapon
client.set_event_callback("setup_command", on_setup_command)
client.set_event_callback("pre_render", on_pre_render)
исправил количество 'слоёв анимации' (почему у меня в прошлом коде было их 15, когда в CS:GO поддерживается только 13 (от 0 до 12, вроде как...) - я не знаю. делал всё на скорую руку, поэтому там очень много приколов... [ уже просто было =) ])
полностью переписал весь скрипт, чтобы людям было куда приятней смотреть, ну и разбирать его
добавил 'полную очистку' памяти при выгрузке скрипта (теперь все данные выгружаются, предотвращая утечки памяти [ ну и теперь пишет какое кол-во памяти очистилось ] )
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz