Вопрос Килка by ИИ (снапы)

aka wqzxqz
24 Ноя 2024

Перед прочтением основного контента ниже, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на обновление внутри секции Майна на нашем форуме. У нас появились:

  • бесплатные читы для Майнкрафт — любое использование на свой страх и риск;
  • маркетплейс Майнкрафт — абсолютно любая коммерция, связанная с игрой, за исключением продажи читов (аккаунты, предоставления услуг, поиск кодеров читов и так далее);
  • приватные читы для Minecraft — в этом разделе только платные хаки для игры, покупайте группу "Продавец" и выставляйте на продажу свой софт;
  • обсуждения и гайды — всё тот же раздел с вопросами, но теперь модернизированный: поиск нужных хаков, пати с игроками-читерами и другая полезная информация.


пастеры сидящие на 3.1 проверьте пж этот код килки снапы 360 от нейронки, я не у пк:

package client.module.combat;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketPlayer;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketUseEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d;

import client.event.EventTarget;
import client.event.events.EventUpdate;
import client.module.Module;
import client.settings.BooleanSetting;
import client.settings.ModeSetting;
import client.settings.NumberSetting;
import client.utils.TimerUtil;

public class KillAura extends Module {
    private final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
    // Settings
    private final NumberSetting range = new NumberSetting("Range", 3.5, 1.0, 6.0, 0.1);
    private final NumberSetting attackDelay = new NumberSetting("Attack Delay", 100, 0, 1000, 10);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyPlayers = new BooleanSetting("Players Only", true);
    private final BooleanSetting throughWalls = new BooleanSetting("Through Walls", false);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyCriticals = new BooleanSetting("Only Criticals", false);
    private final ModeSetting rotationMode = new ModeSetting("Rotation", "Snap", new String[]{"Snap", "Smooth", "Silent"});
    private final BooleanSetting antiCheatBypass = new BooleanSetting("AC Bypass", false);
    private final ModeSetting bypassMode = new ModeSetting("Bypass Mode", "Silent Rotations", new String[]{"Silent Rotations", "Opposite Attack", "Randomized"});
    // Timers
    private final TimerUtil attackTimer = new TimerUtil();
    // Rotation states
    private float originalYaw;
    private float originalPitch;
    private float targetYaw;
    private float targetPitch;
    private boolean isRotating = false;
    private boolean hasAttacked = false;
    // Target entity
    private LivingEntity target;
    public KillAura() {
        super("KillAura", "Automatically attacks entities around you", Category.COMBAT);
        addSettings(range, attackDelay, onlyPlayers, throughWalls, onlyCriticals, rotationMode, antiCheatBypass, bypassMode);
    public void onEnable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onDisable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onUpdate(EventUpdate event) {
        if (mc.player == null || mc.world == null) return;
        // Save original rotation
        if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
            originalYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
            originalPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Find target
        target = findTarget();
        if (target != null) {
            // Calculate rotations to target
            float[] rotations = calculateRotations(target);
            targetYaw = rotations[0];
            targetPitch = rotations[1];
            // Apply anti-cheat bypass modifications if enabled
            if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled()) {
            if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                // Start rotating to target
                isRotating = true;
                hasAttacked = false;
            // Handle rotations based on mode
            if (isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    // Don't visually rotate player, only send rotation packets
                    handleSilentRotations(targetYaw, targetPitch);
                } else if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Snap")) {
                    // Snap rotation - immediately turn to target
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = targetYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = targetPitch;
                // Attack if we can
                if (attackTimer.hasReached((long) attackDelay.getValue())) {
                    if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled() && bypassMode.getValueName().equals("Silent Rotations")) {
                    } else {
                    hasAttacked = true;
                    isRotating = false;
            } else if (hasAttacked) {
                // Return back to original position after attack
                if (!rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = originalYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = originalPitch;
                hasAttacked = false;
     * Handles silent rotations by sending rotation packets to the server
     * while maintaining original client-side rotations
    private void handleSilentRotations(float yaw, float pitch) {
        // Store current rotations
        float currentYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
        float currentPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Send rotation packet to server
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            yaw, pitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Keep client-side rotations unchanged
        mc.player.rotationYaw = currentYaw;
        mc.player.rotationPitch = currentPitch;
     * Modifies rotations based on the selected bypass mode
    private void modifyRotationsForBypass(float[] rotations) {
        String mode = bypassMode.getValueName();
        switch (mode) {
            case "Opposite Attack":
                // Invert rotations to look in the opposite direction
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + 180);
            case "Randomized":
                // Add slight randomization to rotations to avoid pattern detection
                float randomYaw = (float) (Math.random() * 5 - 2.5f);
                float randomPitch = (float) (Math.random() * 3 - 1.5f);
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + randomYaw);
                rotations[1] = MathHelper.clamp(rotations[1] + randomPitch, -90, 90);
        targetYaw = rotations[0];
        targetPitch = rotations[1];
     * Performs a "silent" attack by sending packets directly
     * without going through normal client attack methods
    private void silentAttackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check for critical conditions if needed
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Send rotation packet first
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            targetYaw, targetPitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Send attack packet
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketUseEntity(target, 
        // Swing arm visually but don't call the normal attack method
    private LivingEntity findTarget() {
        if (mc.world == null || mc.player == null) return null;
        // Get all possible targets within range
        List<LivingEntity> targets = mc.world.getAllEntities()
                .filter(entity -> entity instanceof LivingEntity)
                .map(entity -> (LivingEntity) entity)
        if (targets.isEmpty()) return null;
        return targets.get(0);
    private boolean isValidTarget(LivingEntity entity) {
        // Don't attack yourself
        if (entity == mc.player) return false;
        // Don't attack dead entities
        if (entity.getHealth() <= 0) return false;
        // Check if we should only attack players
        if (onlyPlayers.isEnabled() && !(entity instanceof PlayerEntity)) return false;
        // Check range
        if (mc.player.getDistance(entity) > range.getValue()) return false;
        // Check if we can see the entity or if we can attack through walls
        return throughWalls.isEnabled() || mc.player.canEntityBeSeen(entity);
    private float[] calculateRotations(Entity entity) {
        Vector3d eyePos = mc.player.getEyePosition(1.0F);
        Vector3d targetPos = entity.getPositionVec().add(0, entity.getHeight() / 2, 0);
        double diffX = targetPos.x - eyePos.x;
        double diffY = targetPos.y - eyePos.y;
        double diffZ = targetPos.z - eyePos.z;
        double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffZ * diffZ);
        float yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffZ, diffX)) - 90F;
        float pitch = (float) -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffY, dist));
        return new float[]{
    private void attackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown to ensure full damage
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check if we're only doing criticals and if we can crit
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Attack the entity
        mc.playerController.attackEntity(mc.player, target);
     * Checks if the player's attack cooldown is fully recharged (1.9+ combat mechanics)
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if attack is at full strength
    private boolean hasFullAttackStrength() {
        return mc.player.getCooledAttackStrength(0.0F) >= 0.95F;
     * Determines if the player can perform a critical hit
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if a critical hit is possible
    private boolean canCriticalHit() {
        return mc.player.fallDistance > 0.0F &&
               !mc.player.isOnGround() &&
               !mc.player.isInWater() &&
               !mc.player.isInLava() &&
               !mc.player.isOnLadder() &&
               !mc.player.isPotionActive(net.minecraft.potion.Effects.BLINDNESS) &&
               !mc.player.isPassenger() &&
скажите чо там по бупассу, работает или нет
14 Ноя 2024
пастеры сидящие на 3.1 проверьте пж этот код килки снапы 360 от нейронки, я не у пк:

package client.module.combat;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketPlayer;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketUseEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d;

import client.event.EventTarget;
import client.event.events.EventUpdate;
import client.module.Module;
import client.settings.BooleanSetting;
import client.settings.ModeSetting;
import client.settings.NumberSetting;
import client.utils.TimerUtil;

public class KillAura extends Module {
    private final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
    // Settings
    private final NumberSetting range = new NumberSetting("Range", 3.5, 1.0, 6.0, 0.1);
    private final NumberSetting attackDelay = new NumberSetting("Attack Delay", 100, 0, 1000, 10);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyPlayers = new BooleanSetting("Players Only", true);
    private final BooleanSetting throughWalls = new BooleanSetting("Through Walls", false);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyCriticals = new BooleanSetting("Only Criticals", false);
    private final ModeSetting rotationMode = new ModeSetting("Rotation", "Snap", new String[]{"Snap", "Smooth", "Silent"});
    private final BooleanSetting antiCheatBypass = new BooleanSetting("AC Bypass", false);
    private final ModeSetting bypassMode = new ModeSetting("Bypass Mode", "Silent Rotations", new String[]{"Silent Rotations", "Opposite Attack", "Randomized"});
    // Timers
    private final TimerUtil attackTimer = new TimerUtil();
    // Rotation states
    private float originalYaw;
    private float originalPitch;
    private float targetYaw;
    private float targetPitch;
    private boolean isRotating = false;
    private boolean hasAttacked = false;
    // Target entity
    private LivingEntity target;
    public KillAura() {
        super("KillAura", "Automatically attacks entities around you", Category.COMBAT);
        addSettings(range, attackDelay, onlyPlayers, throughWalls, onlyCriticals, rotationMode, antiCheatBypass, bypassMode);
    public void onEnable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onDisable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onUpdate(EventUpdate event) {
        if (mc.player == null || mc.world == null) return;
        // Save original rotation
        if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
            originalYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
            originalPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Find target
        target = findTarget();
        if (target != null) {
            // Calculate rotations to target
            float[] rotations = calculateRotations(target);
            targetYaw = rotations[0];
            targetPitch = rotations[1];
            // Apply anti-cheat bypass modifications if enabled
            if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled()) {
            if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                // Start rotating to target
                isRotating = true;
                hasAttacked = false;
            // Handle rotations based on mode
            if (isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    // Don't visually rotate player, only send rotation packets
                    handleSilentRotations(targetYaw, targetPitch);
                } else if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Snap")) {
                    // Snap rotation - immediately turn to target
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = targetYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = targetPitch;
                // Attack if we can
                if (attackTimer.hasReached((long) attackDelay.getValue())) {
                    if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled() && bypassMode.getValueName().equals("Silent Rotations")) {
                    } else {
                    hasAttacked = true;
                    isRotating = false;
            } else if (hasAttacked) {
                // Return back to original position after attack
                if (!rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = originalYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = originalPitch;
                hasAttacked = false;
     * Handles silent rotations by sending rotation packets to the server
     * while maintaining original client-side rotations
    private void handleSilentRotations(float yaw, float pitch) {
        // Store current rotations
        float currentYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
        float currentPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Send rotation packet to server
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            yaw, pitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Keep client-side rotations unchanged
        mc.player.rotationYaw = currentYaw;
        mc.player.rotationPitch = currentPitch;
     * Modifies rotations based on the selected bypass mode
    private void modifyRotationsForBypass(float[] rotations) {
        String mode = bypassMode.getValueName();
        switch (mode) {
            case "Opposite Attack":
                // Invert rotations to look in the opposite direction
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + 180);
            case "Randomized":
                // Add slight randomization to rotations to avoid pattern detection
                float randomYaw = (float) (Math.random() * 5 - 2.5f);
                float randomPitch = (float) (Math.random() * 3 - 1.5f);
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + randomYaw);
                rotations[1] = MathHelper.clamp(rotations[1] + randomPitch, -90, 90);
        targetYaw = rotations[0];
        targetPitch = rotations[1];
     * Performs a "silent" attack by sending packets directly
     * without going through normal client attack methods
    private void silentAttackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check for critical conditions if needed
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Send rotation packet first
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            targetYaw, targetPitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Send attack packet
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketUseEntity(target,
        // Swing arm visually but don't call the normal attack method
    private LivingEntity findTarget() {
        if (mc.world == null || mc.player == null) return null;
        // Get all possible targets within range
        List<LivingEntity> targets = mc.world.getAllEntities()
                .filter(entity -> entity instanceof LivingEntity)
                .map(entity -> (LivingEntity) entity)
        if (targets.isEmpty()) return null;
        return targets.get(0);
    private boolean isValidTarget(LivingEntity entity) {
        // Don't attack yourself
        if (entity == mc.player) return false;
        // Don't attack dead entities
        if (entity.getHealth() <= 0) return false;
        // Check if we should only attack players
        if (onlyPlayers.isEnabled() && !(entity instanceof PlayerEntity)) return false;
        // Check range
        if (mc.player.getDistance(entity) > range.getValue()) return false;
        // Check if we can see the entity or if we can attack through walls
        return throughWalls.isEnabled() || mc.player.canEntityBeSeen(entity);
    private float[] calculateRotations(Entity entity) {
        Vector3d eyePos = mc.player.getEyePosition(1.0F);
        Vector3d targetPos = entity.getPositionVec().add(0, entity.getHeight() / 2, 0);
        double diffX = targetPos.x - eyePos.x;
        double diffY = targetPos.y - eyePos.y;
        double diffZ = targetPos.z - eyePos.z;
        double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffZ * diffZ);
        float yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffZ, diffX)) - 90F;
        float pitch = (float) -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffY, dist));
        return new float[]{
    private void attackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown to ensure full damage
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check if we're only doing criticals and if we can crit
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Attack the entity
        mc.playerController.attackEntity(mc.player, target);
     * Checks if the player's attack cooldown is fully recharged (1.9+ combat mechanics)
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if attack is at full strength
    private boolean hasFullAttackStrength() {
        return mc.player.getCooledAttackStrength(0.0F) >= 0.95F;
     * Determines if the player can perform a critical hit
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if a critical hit is possible
    private boolean canCriticalHit() {
        return mc.player.fallDistance > 0.0F &&
               !mc.player.isOnGround() &&
               !mc.player.isInWater() &&
               !mc.player.isInLava() &&
               !mc.player.isOnLadder() &&
               !mc.player.isPotionActive(net.minecraft.potion.Effects.BLINDNESS) &&
               !mc.player.isPassenger() &&
скажите чо там по бупассу, работает или нет
юг юзеры настолько ахуели, что даже не могут проверить килку, написаной нейронкой ☠
aka wqzxqz
24 Ноя 2024
24 Фев 2024
пастеры сидящие на 3.1 проверьте пж этот код килки снапы 360 от нейронки, я не у пк:

package client.module.combat;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketPlayer;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketUseEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.Hand;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d;

import client.event.EventTarget;
import client.event.events.EventUpdate;
import client.module.Module;
import client.settings.BooleanSetting;
import client.settings.ModeSetting;
import client.settings.NumberSetting;
import client.utils.TimerUtil;

public class KillAura extends Module {
    private final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
    // Settings
    private final NumberSetting range = new NumberSetting("Range", 3.5, 1.0, 6.0, 0.1);
    private final NumberSetting attackDelay = new NumberSetting("Attack Delay", 100, 0, 1000, 10);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyPlayers = new BooleanSetting("Players Only", true);
    private final BooleanSetting throughWalls = new BooleanSetting("Through Walls", false);
    private final BooleanSetting onlyCriticals = new BooleanSetting("Only Criticals", false);
    private final ModeSetting rotationMode = new ModeSetting("Rotation", "Snap", new String[]{"Snap", "Smooth", "Silent"});
    private final BooleanSetting antiCheatBypass = new BooleanSetting("AC Bypass", false);
    private final ModeSetting bypassMode = new ModeSetting("Bypass Mode", "Silent Rotations", new String[]{"Silent Rotations", "Opposite Attack", "Randomized"});
    // Timers
    private final TimerUtil attackTimer = new TimerUtil();
    // Rotation states
    private float originalYaw;
    private float originalPitch;
    private float targetYaw;
    private float targetPitch;
    private boolean isRotating = false;
    private boolean hasAttacked = false;
    // Target entity
    private LivingEntity target;
    public KillAura() {
        super("KillAura", "Automatically attacks entities around you", Category.COMBAT);
        addSettings(range, attackDelay, onlyPlayers, throughWalls, onlyCriticals, rotationMode, antiCheatBypass, bypassMode);
    public void onEnable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onDisable() {
        target = null;
        isRotating = false;
        hasAttacked = false;
    public void onUpdate(EventUpdate event) {
        if (mc.player == null || mc.world == null) return;
        // Save original rotation
        if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
            originalYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
            originalPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Find target
        target = findTarget();
        if (target != null) {
            // Calculate rotations to target
            float[] rotations = calculateRotations(target);
            targetYaw = rotations[0];
            targetPitch = rotations[1];
            // Apply anti-cheat bypass modifications if enabled
            if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled()) {
            if (!isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                // Start rotating to target
                isRotating = true;
                hasAttacked = false;
            // Handle rotations based on mode
            if (isRotating && !hasAttacked) {
                if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    // Don't visually rotate player, only send rotation packets
                    handleSilentRotations(targetYaw, targetPitch);
                } else if (rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Snap")) {
                    // Snap rotation - immediately turn to target
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = targetYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = targetPitch;
                // Attack if we can
                if (attackTimer.hasReached((long) attackDelay.getValue())) {
                    if (antiCheatBypass.isEnabled() && bypassMode.getValueName().equals("Silent Rotations")) {
                    } else {
                    hasAttacked = true;
                    isRotating = false;
            } else if (hasAttacked) {
                // Return back to original position after attack
                if (!rotationMode.getValueName().equals("Silent")) {
                    mc.player.rotationYaw = originalYaw;
                    mc.player.rotationPitch = originalPitch;
                hasAttacked = false;
     * Handles silent rotations by sending rotation packets to the server
     * while maintaining original client-side rotations
    private void handleSilentRotations(float yaw, float pitch) {
        // Store current rotations
        float currentYaw = mc.player.rotationYaw;
        float currentPitch = mc.player.rotationPitch;
        // Send rotation packet to server
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            yaw, pitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Keep client-side rotations unchanged
        mc.player.rotationYaw = currentYaw;
        mc.player.rotationPitch = currentPitch;
     * Modifies rotations based on the selected bypass mode
    private void modifyRotationsForBypass(float[] rotations) {
        String mode = bypassMode.getValueName();
        switch (mode) {
            case "Opposite Attack":
                // Invert rotations to look in the opposite direction
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + 180);
            case "Randomized":
                // Add slight randomization to rotations to avoid pattern detection
                float randomYaw = (float) (Math.random() * 5 - 2.5f);
                float randomPitch = (float) (Math.random() * 3 - 1.5f);
                rotations[0] = MathHelper.wrapDegrees(rotations[0] + randomYaw);
                rotations[1] = MathHelper.clamp(rotations[1] + randomPitch, -90, 90);
        targetYaw = rotations[0];
        targetPitch = rotations[1];
     * Performs a "silent" attack by sending packets directly
     * without going through normal client attack methods
    private void silentAttackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check for critical conditions if needed
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Send rotation packet first
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Rotation(
            targetYaw, targetPitch, mc.player.isOnGround()));
        // Send attack packet
        mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketUseEntity(target,
        // Swing arm visually but don't call the normal attack method
    private LivingEntity findTarget() {
        if (mc.world == null || mc.player == null) return null;
        // Get all possible targets within range
        List<LivingEntity> targets = mc.world.getAllEntities()
                .filter(entity -> entity instanceof LivingEntity)
                .map(entity -> (LivingEntity) entity)
        if (targets.isEmpty()) return null;
        return targets.get(0);
    private boolean isValidTarget(LivingEntity entity) {
        // Don't attack yourself
        if (entity == mc.player) return false;
        // Don't attack dead entities
        if (entity.getHealth() <= 0) return false;
        // Check if we should only attack players
        if (onlyPlayers.isEnabled() && !(entity instanceof PlayerEntity)) return false;
        // Check range
        if (mc.player.getDistance(entity) > range.getValue()) return false;
        // Check if we can see the entity or if we can attack through walls
        return throughWalls.isEnabled() || mc.player.canEntityBeSeen(entity);
    private float[] calculateRotations(Entity entity) {
        Vector3d eyePos = mc.player.getEyePosition(1.0F);
        Vector3d targetPos = entity.getPositionVec().add(0, entity.getHeight() / 2, 0);
        double diffX = targetPos.x - eyePos.x;
        double diffY = targetPos.y - eyePos.y;
        double diffZ = targetPos.z - eyePos.z;
        double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffZ * diffZ);
        float yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffZ, diffX)) - 90F;
        float pitch = (float) -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(diffY, dist));
        return new float[]{
    private void attackTarget(Entity target) {
        if (mc.player == null) return;
        // Check for 1.9 cooldown to ensure full damage
        if (!hasFullAttackStrength()) return;
        // Check if we're only doing criticals and if we can crit
        if (onlyCriticals.isEnabled() && !canCriticalHit()) return;
        // Attack the entity
        mc.playerController.attackEntity(mc.player, target);
     * Checks if the player's attack cooldown is fully recharged (1.9+ combat mechanics)
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if attack is at full strength
    private boolean hasFullAttackStrength() {
        return mc.player.getCooledAttackStrength(0.0F) >= 0.95F;
     * Determines if the player can perform a critical hit
     * [USER=46448]@ReturN[/USER] true if a critical hit is possible
    private boolean canCriticalHit() {
        return mc.player.fallDistance > 0.0F &&
               !mc.player.isOnGround() &&
               !mc.player.isInWater() &&
               !mc.player.isInLava() &&
               !mc.player.isOnLadder() &&
               !mc.player.isPotionActive(net.minecraft.potion.Effects.BLINDNESS) &&
               !mc.player.isPassenger() &&
скажите чо там по бупассу, работает или нет
успех в 14 лет?
15 Ноя 2024

ты чекнул код или в игре?
код чекнул, чето попахивает скидом экспы кабута
2 аттактаргета одинаковых я вахуи
+это без реверс ротейта и ротация one tick мб будет банить
aka wqzxqz
24 Ноя 2024
8 Авг 2024
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