Исходник Full Autowall w/ ConVar scaling uc copypaste

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гейский анал
12 Сен 2016
Слова автора с uc( перевел близко к тексту, вроде как читабельно)
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////////////////////////////////////// Traces //////////////////////////////////////
void Autowall::TraceLine(Vector& absStart, Vector& absEnd, unsigned int mask, IClientEntity* ignore, CGameTrace* ptr)
    Ray_t ray;
    ray.Init(absStart, absEnd);
    CTraceFilter filter;
    filter.pSkip = ignore;
    g_EngineTrace->TraceRay(ray, mask, &filter, ptr);
void Autowall::ClipTraceToPlayers(Vector& absStart, Vector absEnd, unsigned int mask, ITraceFilter* filter, CGameTrace* tr)
    //TODO: Un-ASM this
#ifdef _WIN32
        mov eax, filter
        lea ecx, tr
        push ecx
        push eax
        push mask
        lea edx, absEnd
        lea ecx, absStart
        call UTIL_ClipTraceToPlayers
        add esp, 0xC
    UTIL_ClipTraceToPlayers(absStart, absEnd, mask, filter, tr, 60.f, 0.f);
////////////////////////////////////// Legacy Functions //////////////////////////////////////
void Autowall::GetBulletTypeParameters(float& maxRange, float& maxDistance, char* bulletType, bool sv_penetration_type)
    if (sv_penetration_type)
        maxRange = 35.0;
        maxDistance = 3000.0;
        //Play tribune to framerate. Thanks, stringcompare
        //Regardless I doubt anyone will use the old penetration system anyway; so it won't matter much.
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_338MAG")))
            maxRange = 45.0;
            maxDistance = 8000.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_762MM")))
            maxRange = 39.0;
            maxDistance = 5000.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_556MM")) || !strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_556MM_SMALL")) || !strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_556MM_BOX")))
            maxRange = 35.0;
            maxDistance = 4000.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_57MM")))
            maxRange = 30.0;
            maxDistance = 2000.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_50AE")))
            maxRange = 30.0;
            maxDistance = 1000.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_357SIG")) || !strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_357SIG_SMALL")) || !strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_357SIG_P250")) || !strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_357SIG_MIN")))
            maxRange = 25.0;
            maxDistance = 800.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_9MM")))
            maxRange = 21.0;
            maxDistance = 800.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_45ACP")))
            maxRange = 15.0;
            maxDistance = 500.0;
        if (!strcmp(bulletType, PROTSTR1("BULLET_PLAYER_BUCKSHOT")))
            maxRange = 0.0;
            maxDistance = 0.0;
////////////////////////////////////// Misc Functions //////////////////////////////////////
bool Autowall::IsBreakableEntity(IClientEntity* entity)
    if (!entity || entity->EntIndex() == 0)
        return false;
    //m_takeDamage isn't properly set when using the signature.
    //Back it up, set it to true, then restore.
    int takeDamageBackup = ((C_BaseEntity*)entity)->m_takeDamage();
    ClientClass *pClass = entity->GetClientClass();
    //                 '       ''     '      '   '
    //                01234567890123456     012345678
    //Check against CBreakableSurface and CBaseDoor
    //Windows etc. are CBrekableSurface
    //Large garage door in Office is CBaseDoor and it get's reported as a breakable when it is not one
    //This is seperate from "CPropDoorRotating", which is a normal door.
    //Normally you would also check for "CFuncBrush" but it was acting oddly so I removed it. It's below if interested.
    //((clientClass->m_pNetworkName[1]) != 'F' || (clientClass->m_pNetworkName[4]) != 'c' || (clientClass->m_pNetworkName[5]) != 'B' || (clientClass->m_pNetworkName[9]) != 'h')
    if ((pClass->m_pNetworkName[1] == 'B' && pClass->m_pNetworkName[9] == 'e' && pClass->m_pNetworkName[10] == 'S' && pClass->m_pNetworkName[16] == 'e')
        || (pClass->m_pNetworkName[1] != 'B' || pClass->m_pNetworkName[5] != 'D'))
        ((C_BaseEntity*)entity)->m_takeDamage() = DAMAGE_YES;
    bool breakable = ::IsBreakableEntity(entity);
    ((C_BaseEntity*)entity)->m_takeDamage() = takeDamageBackup;
    return breakable;
void Autowall::ScaleDamage(CGameTrace &enterTrace, CCSWeaponInfo *weaponData, float& currentDamage)
    //Cred. to N0xius for reversing this.
    //TODO: _xAE^; look into reversing this yourself sometime
    bool hasHeavyArmor = ((C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt)->m_bHasHeavyArmor();
    int armorValue = ((C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt)->m_ArmorValue();
    HitGroups hitGroup = enterTrace.hitgroup;
    //Fuck making a new function, lambda beste. ~ Does the person have armor on for the hitbox checked?
    auto IsArmored = [&enterTrace]()->bool
        C_BasePlayer* targetEntity = (C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt;
        switch (enterTrace.hitgroup)
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_HEAD:
            return !!(C_BasePlayer*)targetEntity->m_bHasHelmet(); //Fuck compiler errors - force-convert it to a bool via (!!)
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_GENERIC:
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_CHEST:
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_STOMACH:
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_LEFTARM:
          case HitGroups::HITGROUP_RIGHTARM:
            return true;
              return false;
    switch (hitGroup)
      case HitGroups::HITGROUP_HEAD:
        currentDamage *= hasHeavyArmor ? 2.f : 4.f; //Heavy Armor does 1/2 damage
      case HitGroups::HITGROUP_STOMACH:
        currentDamage *= 1.25f;
      case HitGroups::HITGROUP_LEFTLEG:
      case HitGroups::HITGROUP_RIGHTLEG:
        currentDamage *= 0.75f;
    if (armorValue > 0 && IsArmored())
        float bonusValue = 1.f, armorBonusRatio = 0.5f, armorRatio = weaponData->flArmorRatio() / 2.f;
        //Damage gets modified for heavy armor users
        if (hasHeavyArmor)
            armorBonusRatio = 0.33f;
            armorRatio *= 0.5f;
            bonusValue = 0.33f;
        auto NewDamage = currentDamage * armorRatio;
        if (hasHeavyArmor)
            NewDamage *= 0.85f;
        if (((currentDamage - (currentDamage * armorRatio)) * (bonusValue * armorBonusRatio)) > armorValue)
            NewDamage = currentDamage - (armorValue / armorBonusRatio);
        currentDamage = NewDamage;
////////////////////////////////////// Main Autowall Functions //////////////////////////////////////
bool Autowall::TraceToExit(CGameTrace& enterTrace, CGameTrace& exitTrace, Vector startPosition, Vector direction)
    Masks used:
    MASK_SHOT_HULL                     = 0x600400B
    CONTENTS_HITBOX                     = 0x40000000
    Vector start, end;
    float maxDistance = 90.f, rayExtension = 4.f, currentDistance = 0;
    int firstContents = 0;
    while (currentDistance <= maxDistance)
        //Add extra distance to our ray
        currentDistance += rayExtension;
        //Multiply the direction vector to the distance so we go outwards, add our position to it.
        start = startPosition + direction * currentDistance;
        if (!firstContents)
            firstContents = g_EngineTrace->GetPointContents(start, MASK_SHOT_HULL | CONTENTS_HITBOX, nullptr); /*0x4600400B*/
        int pointContents = g_EngineTrace->GetPointContents(start, MASK_SHOT_HULL | CONTENTS_HITBOX, nullptr);
        if (!(pointContents & MASK_SHOT_HULL) || pointContents & CONTENTS_HITBOX && pointContents != firstContents) /*0x600400B, *0x40000000*/
            //Let's setup our end position by deducting the direction by the extra added distance
            end = start - (direction * rayExtension);
            //Let's cast a ray from our start pos to the end pos
            TraceLine(start, end, MASK_SHOT_HULL | CONTENTS_HITBOX, nullptr, &exitTrace);
            //Let's check if a hitbox is in-front of our enemy and if they are behind of a solid wall
            if (exitTrace.startsolid && exitTrace.surface.flags & SURF_HITBOX)
                TraceLine(start, startPosition, MASK_SHOT_HULL, exitTrace.m_pEnt, &exitTrace);
                if (exitTrace.DidHit() && !exitTrace.startsolid)
                    start = exitTrace.endpos;
                    return true;
            //Can we hit? Is the wall solid?
            if (exitTrace.DidHit() && !exitTrace.startsolid)
                //Is the wall a breakable? If so, let's shoot through it.
                if (Autowall::IsBreakableEntity(enterTrace.m_pEnt) && Autowall::IsBreakableEntity(exitTrace.m_pEnt))
                    return true;
                if (enterTrace.surface.flags & SURF_NODRAW || !(exitTrace.surface.flags & SURF_NODRAW) && (exitTrace.plane.normal.Dot(direction) <= 1.f))
                    float multAmount = exitTrace.fraction * 4.f;
                    start -= direction * multAmount;
                    return true;
            if (!exitTrace.DidHit() || exitTrace.startsolid)
                if (enterTrace.DidHitNonWorldEntity() && Autowall::IsBreakableEntity(enterTrace.m_pEnt))
                    exitTrace = enterTrace;
                    exitTrace.endpos = start + direction;
                    return true;
    return false;
bool Autowall::HandleBulletPenetration(CCSWeaponInfo* weaponData, CGameTrace& enterTrace, Vector& eyePosition, Vector direction, int& possibleHitsRemaining, float& currentDamage, float penetrationPower, bool sv_penetration_type, float ff_damage_reduction_bullets, float ff_damage_bullet_penetration)
    //Because there's been issues regarding this- putting this here.
    if (&currentDamage == nullptr)
        throw std::invalid_argument("currentDamage is null!");
    SafeLocalPlayer() false;
    CGameTrace exitTrace;
    C_BaseEntity* pEnemy = (C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt;
    surfacedata_t *enterSurfaceData = g_PhysSurface->GetSurfaceData(enterTrace.surface.surfaceProps);
    int enterMaterial = enterSurfaceData->game.material;
    float enterSurfPenetrationModifier = enterSurfaceData->game.flPenetrationModifier;
    float enterDamageModifier = enterSurfaceData->game.flDamageModifier;
    float thickness, modifier, lostDamage, finalDamageModifier, combinedPenetrationModifier;
    bool isSolidSurf = ((enterTrace.contents >> 3) & CONTENTS_SOLID);
    bool isLightSurf = ((enterTrace.surface.flags >> 7) & SURF_LIGHT);
    if (possibleHitsRemaining <= 0
        //Test for "DE_CACHE/DE_CACHE_TELA_03" as the entering surface and "CS_ITALY/CR_MISCWOOD2B" as the exiting surface.
        //Fixes a wall in de_cache which seems to be broken in some way. Although bullet penetration is not recorded to go through this wall
        //Decals can be seen of bullets within the glass behind of the enemy. Hacky method, but works.
        //You might want to have a check for this to only be activated on de_cache.
        || (enterTrace.surface.name == (const char*)0x2227c261 && exitTrace.surface.name == (const char*)0x2227c868)
        || (!possibleHitsRemaining && !isLightSurf && !isSolidSurf && enterMaterial != CHAR_TEX_GRATE && enterMaterial != CHAR_TEX_GLASS)
        || weaponData->flPenetration() <= 0.f
        || !TraceToExit(enterTrace, exitTrace, enterTrace.endpos, direction)
        && !(g_EngineTrace->GetPointContents(enterTrace.endpos, MASK_SHOT_HULL, nullptr) & MASK_SHOT_HULL))
        return false;
    surfacedata_t *exitSurfaceData = g_PhysSurface->GetSurfaceData(exitTrace.surface.surfaceProps);
    int exitMaterial = exitSurfaceData->game.material;
    float exitSurfPenetrationModifier = exitSurfaceData->game.flPenetrationModifier;
    float exitDamageModifier = exitSurfaceData->game.flDamageModifier;
    //Are we using the newer penetration system?
    if (sv_penetration_type)
        if (enterMaterial == CHAR_TEX_GRATE || enterMaterial == CHAR_TEX_GLASS)
            combinedPenetrationModifier = 3.f;
            finalDamageModifier = 0.05f;
        else if (isSolidSurf || isLightSurf)
            combinedPenetrationModifier = 1.f;
            finalDamageModifier = 0.16f;
        else if (enterMaterial == CHAR_TEX_FLESH && (localPlayer->m_iTeamNum() == pEnemy->m_iTeamNum() && ff_damage_reduction_bullets == 0.f)) //TODO: Team check config
            //Look's like you aren't shooting through your teammate today
            if (ff_damage_bullet_penetration == 0.f)
                return false;
            //Let's shoot through teammates and get kicked for teamdmg! Whatever, atleast we did damage to the enemy. I call that a win.
            combinedPenetrationModifier = ff_damage_bullet_penetration;
            finalDamageModifier = 0.16f;
            combinedPenetrationModifier = (enterSurfPenetrationModifier + exitSurfPenetrationModifier) / 2.f;
            finalDamageModifier = 0.16f;
        //Do our materials line up?
        if (enterMaterial == exitMaterial)
            if (exitMaterial == CHAR_TEX_CARDBOARD || exitMaterial == CHAR_TEX_WOOD)
                combinedPenetrationModifier = 3.f;
            else if (exitMaterial == CHAR_TEX_PLASTIC)
                combinedPenetrationModifier = 2.f;
        //Calculate thickness of the wall by getting the length of the range of the trace and squaring
        thickness = (exitTrace.endpos - enterTrace.endpos).LengthSqr();
        modifier = fmaxf(1.f / combinedPenetrationModifier, 0.f);
        //This calculates how much damage we've lost depending on thickness of the wall, our penetration, damage, and the modifiers set earlier
        lostDamage = fmaxf(
            ((modifier * thickness) / 24.f)
            + ((currentDamage * finalDamageModifier)
                + (fmaxf(3.75f / penetrationPower, 0.f) * 3.f * modifier)), 0.f);
        //Did we loose too much damage?
        if (lostDamage > currentDamage)
            return false;
        //We can't use any of the damage that we've lost
        if (lostDamage > 0.f)
            currentDamage -= lostDamage;
        //Do we still have enough damage to deal?
        if (currentDamage < 1.f)
            return false;
        eyePosition = exitTrace.endpos;
        return true;
    else //Legacy penetration system
        combinedPenetrationModifier = 1.f;
        if (isSolidSurf || isLightSurf)
            finalDamageModifier = 0.99f; //Good meme :^)
            finalDamageModifier = fminf(enterDamageModifier, exitDamageModifier);
            combinedPenetrationModifier = fminf(enterSurfPenetrationModifier, exitSurfPenetrationModifier);
        if (enterMaterial == exitMaterial && (exitMaterial == CHAR_TEX_METAL || exitMaterial == CHAR_TEX_WOOD))
            combinedPenetrationModifier += combinedPenetrationModifier;
        thickness = (exitTrace.endpos - enterTrace.endpos).LengthSqr();
        if (sqrt(thickness) <= combinedPenetrationModifier * penetrationPower)
            currentDamage *= finalDamageModifier;
            eyePosition = exitTrace.endpos;
            return true;
        return false;
bool Autowall::FireBullet(C_BaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon, Vector& direction, float& currentDamage)
    if (!pWeapon)
        return false;
    SafeLocalPlayer() false;
    bool sv_penetration_type;
    //      Current bullet travel Power to penetrate Distance to penetrate Range               Player bullet reduction convars              Amount to extend ray by
    float currentDistance = 0.f, penetrationPower, penetrationDistance, maxRange, ff_damage_reduction_bullets, ff_damage_bullet_penetration, rayExtension = 40.f;
    Vector eyePosition = localPlayer->GetEyePos();
    //For being superiour when the server owners think your autowall isn't well reversed. Imagine a meme HvH server with the old penetration system- pff
    static ConVar* penetrationSystem = g_CVar->FindVar(PROTSTR1("sv_penetration_type"));
    static ConVar* damageReductionBullets = g_CVar->FindVar(PROTSTR1("ff_damage_reduction_bullets"));
    static ConVar* damageBulletPenetration = g_CVar->FindVar(PROTSTR1("ff_damage_bullet_penetration"));
    sv_penetration_type = penetrationSystem->GetBool();
    ff_damage_reduction_bullets = damageReductionBullets->GetFloat();
    ff_damage_bullet_penetration = damageBulletPenetration->GetFloat();
    CCSWeaponInfo* weaponData = pWeapon->GetCSWeaponData();
    CGameTrace enterTrace;
    //We should be skipping localplayer when casting a ray to players.
    CTraceFilter filter;
    filter.pSkip = localPlayer;
    if (!weaponData)
        return false;
    maxRange = weaponData->flRange();
    GetBulletTypeParameters(penetrationPower, penetrationDistance, weaponData->bulletType(), sv_penetration_type);
    if (sv_penetration_type)
        penetrationPower = weaponData->flPenetration();
    //This gets set in FX_Firebullets to 4 as a pass-through value.
    //CS:GO has a maximum of 4 surfaces a bullet can pass-through before it 100% stops.
    //Excerpt from Valve: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275573090
    //"The total number of surfaces any bullet can penetrate in a single flight is capped at 4." -CS:GO Official
    int possibleHitsRemaining = 4;
    //Set our current damage to what our gun's initial damage reports it will do
    currentDamage = weaponData->iDamage();
    //If our damage is greater than (or equal to) 1, and we can shoot, let's shoot.
    while (possibleHitsRemaining > 0 && currentDamage >= 1.f)
        //Calculate max bullet range
        maxRange -= currentDistance;
        //Create endpoint of bullet
        Vector end = eyePosition + direction * maxRange;
        TraceLine(eyePosition, end, MASK_SHOT_HULL | CONTENTS_HITBOX, localPlayer, &enterTrace);
        Autowall::ClipTraceToPlayers(eyePosition, end + direction * rayExtension, MASK_SHOT_HULL | CONTENTS_HITBOX, &filter, &enterTrace);
        //We have to do this *after* tracing to the player.
        surfacedata_t *enterSurfaceData = g_PhysSurface->GetSurfaceData(enterTrace.surface.surfaceProps);
        float enterSurfPenetrationModifier = enterSurfaceData->game.flPenetrationModifier;
        int enterMaterial = enterSurfaceData->game.material;
        //"Fraction == 1" means that we didn't hit anything. We don't want that- so let's break on it.
        if (enterTrace.fraction == 1.f)
        //calculate the damage based on the distance the bullet traveled.
        currentDistance += enterTrace.fraction * maxRange;
        //Let's make our damage drops off the further away the bullet is.
        currentDamage *= pow(weaponData->flRangeModifier(), (currentDistance / 500.f));
        //Sanity checking / Can we actually shoot through?
        if (currentDistance > penetrationDistance && weaponData->flPenetration() > 0.f || enterSurfPenetrationModifier < 0.1f)
        //This looks gay as fuck if we put it into 1 long line of code.
        bool canDoDamage = (enterTrace.hitgroup != HitGroups::HITGROUP_GEAR && enterTrace.hitgroup != HitGroups::HITGROUP_GENERIC);
        bool isPlayer = ((enterTrace.m_pEnt)->GetClientClass()->m_ClassID == ClassId_CCSPlayer);
        bool isEnemy = (((C_BasePlayer*)localPlayer)->m_iTeamNum() != ((C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt)->m_iTeamNum());
        bool onTeam = (((C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt)->m_iTeamNum() == (int32_t)TeamNumbers::TEAM_CT || ((C_BasePlayer*)enterTrace.m_pEnt)->m_iTeamNum() == (int32_t)TeamNumbers::TEAM_T);
        //TODO: Team check config
        if ((canDoDamage && isPlayer && isEnemy) && onTeam)
            ScaleDamage(enterTrace, weaponData, currentDamage);
            return true;
        //Calling HandleBulletPenetration here reduces our penetrationCounter, and if it returns true, we can't shoot through it.
        if (!HandleBulletPenetration(weaponData, enterTrace, eyePosition, direction, possibleHitsRemaining, currentDamage, penetrationPower, sv_penetration_type, ff_damage_reduction_bullets, ff_damage_bullet_penetration))
    return false;
////////////////////////////////////// Usage Calls //////////////////////////////////////
float Autowall::CanHit(Vector &vecEyePos, Vector &point)
    SafeLocalPlayer() -1.f; //If localplayer isn't avaliable, just return as "too thick"
    Vector angles, direction;
    Vector tmp = point - localPlayer->GetEyePos();
    float currentDamage = 0;
    Math::VectorAngles(tmp, angles);
    Math::AngleVectors(angles, &direction);
    if (FireBullet(localPlayer->m_hActiveWeapon(), direction, currentDamage))
        return currentDamage;
    return -1; //That wall is just a bit too thick buddy
// Wow I took way too long on autowall.
// Special Thanks to the following (No order intended)
// Killerra
// Flaw
// Zbe
// Heep
// Polak (indirectly; IsBreakable Fix)
// Esoterik (Autowall UC Post)
// N0xius (ScaleDamage)
// Requiii
// drew1ind#8957 (Scaling for ConVar)
// The non-autistic slice of CS:GO-UC
Видос от меня в доказательство того что все работает
25 Мар 2018
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