Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Looked into some sources having tried to implement this recently,and i saw a lot of people failing on something this easy,so here you go:
1. Create an Interface for >>IViewRenderBeams<< (client.dll,B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 10 A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? B9 + 1)
Code for the class:
Then we are gonna log the data of every bullet fired using fireeventclientside or your own logger.We will use a struct to store the userID,the position from where the bullet was fired from,where it impacted,and the impacttime all in once.
Create a std::vector to store
Before we can start storing our bulletdata and actually drawing the beams,we need to define the Beam itself and its info:
Now we can store where the bullet has hit,the userid... and everything what we need,using the bullet_impact event
Since we have everything good to go when it comes to data,we can now start drawing the actual beams:
Now we just need to find the perfect place to draw them,i personally do it in FSN,if you have better ideas,let me know:
1. Create an Interface for >>IViewRenderBeams<< (client.dll,B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 10 A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? B9 + 1)
Code for the class:
class IViewRenderBeams
// Construction
virtual ~IViewRenderBeams(void);
// Implement IViewRenderBeams
virtual void InitBeams(void);
virtual void ShutdownBeams(void);
virtual void ClearBeams(void);
// Updates the state of the temp ent beams
virtual void UpdateTempEntBeams();
virtual void DrawBeam(Beam_t *pbeam);
virtual void DrawBeam(C_Beam* pbeam, ITraceFilter *pEntityBeamTraceFilter = NULL);
virtual void KillDeadBeams(IClientEntity *pDeadEntity);
virtual void CreateBeamEnts(int startEnt, int endEnt, int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float endWidth, float fadeLength, float amplitude,
float brightness, float speed, int startFrame,
float framerate, float r, float g, float b, int type = -1);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamEnts(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamEntPoint(int nStartEntity, const Vector *pStart, int nEndEntity, const Vector* pEnd,
int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float endWidth, float fadeLength, float amplitude,
float brightness, float speed, int startFrame,
float framerate, float r, float g, float b);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamEntPoint(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamPoints(Vector& start, Vector& end, int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float endWidth, float fadeLength, float amplitude,
float brightness, float speed, int startFrame,
float framerate, float r, float g, float b);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamPoints(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamRing(int startEnt, int endEnt, int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float endWidth, float fadeLength, float amplitude,
float brightness, float speed, int startFrame,
float framerate, float r, float g, float b, int flags);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamRing(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamRingPoint(const Vector& center, float start_radius, float end_radius, int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float m_nEndWidth, float m_nFadeLength, float amplitude,
float brightness, float speed, int startFrame,
float framerate, float r, float g, float b, int flags);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamRingPoint(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamCirclePoints(int type, Vector& start, Vector& end,
int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale, float life, float width,
float endWidth, float fadeLength, float amplitude, float brightness, float speed,
int startFrame, float framerate, float r, float g, float b);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamCirclePoints(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
virtual void CreateBeamFollow(int startEnt, int modelIndex, int haloIndex, float haloScale,
float life, float width, float endWidth, float fadeLength, float r, float g, float b,
float brightness);
virtual Beam_t *CreateBeamFollow(BeamInfo_t &beamInfo);
struct bullet
bullet(int userID, Vector FirePos, Vector i, float itime)
this->userid= userid;
this->firepos= FirePos;
this->impactpos= i;
this->impacttime= itime;
Vector impactpos;
float impacttime;
Vector firepos;
int userid;
std::vector<bullet> bulletdata;
Before we can start storing our bulletdata and actually drawing the beams,we need to define the Beam itself and its info:
struct BeamInfo_t
int m_nType;
// Entities
IClientEntity* m_pStartEnt;
int m_nStartAttachment;
IClientEntity* m_pEndEnt;
int m_nEndAttachment;
// Points
Vector m_vecStart;
Vector m_vecEnd;
int m_nModelIndex;
const char *m_pszModelName;
int m_nHaloIndex;
const char *m_pszHaloName;
float m_flHaloScale;
float m_flLife;
float m_flWidth;
float m_flEndWidth;
float m_flFadeLength;
float m_flAmplitude;
float m_flBrightness;
float m_flSpeed;
int m_nStartFrame;
float m_flFrameRate;
float m_flRed;
float m_flGreen;
float m_flBlue;
bool m_bRenderable;
int m_nSegments;
int m_nFlags;
// Rings
Vector m_vecCenter;
float m_flStartRadius;
float m_flEndRadius;
m_nType = 0;
m_nSegments = -1;
m_pszModelName = NULL;
m_pszHaloName = NULL;
m_nModelIndex = -1;
m_nHaloIndex = -1;
m_bRenderable = true;
m_nFlags = 0;
Now we can store where the bullet has hit,the userid... and everything what we need,using the bullet_impact event
Vector position(event->GetInt("x"), event->GetInt("y"), event->GetInt("z"));
BulletLogs.push_back(BulletImpactLog(event->GetInt("userid"), firingentity->GetEyePos(), position, pGlobals->curtime));
Since we have everything good to go when it comes to data,we can now start drawing the actual beams:
BeamInfo_t beamInfo;
beamInfo.m_nType = 0;
beamInfo.m_pszModelName = "sprites/physbeam.vmt";
beamInfo.m_nModelIndex = 1;
beamInfo.m_flHaloScale = 0.0f;
beamInfo.m_vecStart = (Vector) startPos;
beamInfo.m_vecEnd = (Vector) endPos;
beamInfo.m_flLife = 2.f;
beamInfo.m_flFadeLength = 0.1f;
beamInfo.m_flAmplitude = 2.3f;
beamInfo.m_nSegments = 2;
beamInfo.m_bRenderable = true;
beamInfo.m_flBrightness = 255.f;
beamInfo.m_flSpeed = 0.2f;
beamInfo.m_nStartFrame = 0;
beamInfo.m_flFrameRate = 0.f;
beamInfo.m_flWidth = 3.5f;
beamInfo.m_flEndWidth = 1.1f;
beamInfo.m_nFlags = 0;
Beam_t* myBeam = m_pViewRenderBeams->CreateBeamPoints(beamInfo);
if (myBeam)
m_pViewRenderBeams->DrawBeam(myBeam); //renderBeam func
Now we just need to find the perfect place to draw them,i personally do it in FSN,if you have better ideas,let me know:
renderbeam(bullet[i].firepos, bullet[i].impactpos); //colors can easily be applied with beamInfo.m_flRed,flGreen etc..
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