Автор темы
- #1
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
1. Добавить LegitAA + Silent Aim Fix Checkbox в client.cpp:
ImGui::Checkbox("Legit AntiAim", &Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
ImGui::SetTooltip("overwatch secure - left + right arrow key to change angles");
ImGui::Checkbox("Anti SilentAim", &Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAAToggle);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
ImGui::SetTooltip("Disables Silent Aim for Legit AA - It lets your default Aimbot working again");
- Settings.cpp\h добавить это:
[*]2. В Settings.cpp namespace misc добавить это: bool misc_LegitAA = false; bool misc_LegitAAToggle = false; 2.5 В Settings.h: extern bool misc_LegitAA; extern bool misc_LegitAAToggle;
3. Вот это: CRC32_ProcessBuffer(&crc, &forwardmove, sizeof(forwardmove)); CRC32_ProcessBuffer(&crc, &sidemove, sizeof(sidemove)); CRC32_ProcessBuffer(&crc, &upmove, sizeof(upmove)); [*]
CRC32_ProcessBuffer(&crc, &Move, sizeof(Move));
3.5 Заменить это: float forwardmove; // 0x24 float sidemove; // 0x28 float upmove; // 0x2C
Код:Vector Move;
4. Надо убрать лунную походку. из за неё не будет работать в Settings.cpp, Settings.h и Misc.cpp.
Убрать это:
Код:if (Settings::Misc::misc_Moonwalk) { enum MoveType_t; if (enum MoveType_t() & (MOVETYPE_NOCLIP | MOVETYPE_LADDER | FL_ONGROUND)) return; { if (pCmd->buttons & IN_FORWARD) { pCmd->forwardmove = 450; pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_FORWARD; pCmd->buttons |= IN_BACK; } else if (pCmd->buttons & IN_BACK) { pCmd->forwardmove = -450; pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_BACK; pCmd->buttons |= IN_FORWARD; } if (pCmd->buttons & IN_MOVELEFT) { pCmd->sidemove = -450; pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_MOVELEFT; pCmd->buttons |= IN_MOVERIGHT; } else if (pCmd->buttons & IN_MOVERIGHT) { pCmd->sidemove = 450; pCmd->buttons &= ~IN_MOVERIGHT; pCmd->buttons |= IN_MOVELEFT; } } }
4.5 Убрать авторасрыжка из за неё будет не правильно работать анти аим, и даже можете получить ненадёжный [*]
Код:if ( Settings::Misc::misc_AutoStrafe && !( g_pPlayers->GetLocal()->iFlags & FL_ONGROUND ) ) { if ( pCmd->mousedx < 0 ) { pCmd->sidemove = -450.0f; } else if ( pCmd->mousedx > 0 ) { pCmd->sidemove = 450.0f; } }
Код:5. Replace your Hook_CreateMove function - This stuff here: bool WINAPI Hook_CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd* pCmd) { static bool dir = false; static bool dir2 = false; ClientModeTable.UnHook(); auto origAng = pCmd->viewangles; PDWORD pEBP; __asm mov pEBP, ebp; bool& bSendPacket = *(bool*)(*pEBP - 0x1C); if (Interfaces::Eng [*]ine()->IsConnected() || Interfaces::Engine()->IsInGame()) { if (bSendPacket) Settings::Misc::qLastTickAngle = pCmd->viewangles; if (Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA && !(pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK) && (pCmd->tick_count % 2)) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) dir = true; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) dir = false; bSendPacket = false; pCmd->viewangles.y = (dir) ? (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 270.f : (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 90.f; } } Client::OnCreateMove(pCmd); bool ret = Interfaces::ClientMode()->CreateMove(flInputSampleTime, pCmd); ClientModeTable.ReHook(); FixMovement(pCmd, origAng); NormalizeFloat(pCmd->viewangles[1]); printf_s("%d\n", bSendPacket); if (Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA) { return 0; } else { return ret; } } With This: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VectorAngles(Vector forward, QAngle & ang_out) { if (forward.x == 0.0f && forward.y == 0.0f) { ang_out.x = (forward.z <= 0.0f) ? 90.0f : 270.f; ang_out.y = 0.0f; } else { ang_out.x = atan2(-forward.z, forward.Length2D()) * -180 / 3.14; ang_out.y = atan2(forward.y, forward.x) * 180 / 3.14; } ang_out.z = 0.0f; } void FixMovement(CUserCmd * pCommand, Vector ang) { float flSpeed = pCommand->Move.Length2D(); if (flSpeed <= 0.0f) return; Vector vec_move; VectorAngles(pCommand->Move, vec_move); float flYaw = (pCommand->viewangles.y - ang.y + vec_move.y) * 0.0174532925f; pCommand->Move.x = cos(flYaw) * flSpeed; pCommand->Move.y = sin(flYaw) * flSpeed; } void NormalizeFloat(float & in) { if (in > 180.f || in < -180.f) { float ry = in / 360.f; if (ry < 0.f) ry = -ry; ry = round(ry); if (in < 0.f) in = (in + 360.f * ry); else in = (in - 360.f * ry); } } bool WINAPI Hook_CreateMove(float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd* pCmd) { static bool isFakeAngle = false; static bool dir = false; static bool dir2 = false; ClientModeTable.UnHook(); auto origAng = pCmd->viewangles; PDWORD pEBP; __asm mov pEBP, ebp; bool& bSendPacket = *(bool*)(*pEBP - 0x1C); CBaseEntity* pLocal = (CBaseEntity*)Interfaces::EntityList()->GetClientEntity(Interfaces::Engine()->GetLocalPlayer()); if (Interfaces::Engine()->IsConnected() || Interfaces::Engine()->IsInGame()) { if (bSendPacket) Settings::Misc::qLastTickAngle = pCmd->viewangles; if (Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAAToggle) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) || pCmd->buttons & IN_GRENADE1 || pCmd->buttons & IN_GRENADE2 || pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK || pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK2) [*]{ Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA = false; } else if (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) || !GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) || !pCmd->buttons & IN_GRENADE1 || !pCmd->buttons & IN_GRENADE2 || !pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK || !pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK2) { Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA = true; } } //pLocal->GetActiveWeapon(); //pLocal->GetWeapons() if (Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA && !(pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK) && (pCmd->tick_count % 2) && pLocal->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_LADDER && pLocal->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { /* Manual Anti Aim Left and Right arrow key*/ if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) dir = true; /*Changes your Legit AA to the Right Side by pressing Left ArrowKey*/ if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) dir = false; /*Changes your Legit AA to the Right Side by pressing Right ArrowKey*/ /*A D Keybind for Dynamic Anti Aim*/ if (GetKeyState(0x41) & 0x80) dir = true; //Changes your Legit AA to the Right Side by pressing A if (GetKeyState(0x44) & 0x80) dir = false; //Changes your Legit AA to the Right Side by pressing D bSendPacket = false; pCmd->viewangles.y = (dir) ? (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 270.f : (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 90.f; isFakeAngle = true; } else { isFakeAngle = false; } } Client::OnCreateMove(pCmd); bool ret = Interfaces::ClientMode()->CreateMove(flInputSampleTime, pCmd); ClientModeTable.ReHook(); FixMovement(pCmd, origAng); NormalizeFloat(pCmd->viewangles[1]); printf_s("%d\n", bSendPacket); if ((Settings::Misc::misc_LegitAA && pLocal->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_LADDER && pLocal->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) || isFakeAngle) { return 0; } else { return ret; } }
Добавить в Entity.cpp это: -
#define ptr( x, x1, x2 ) (x)( (DWORD)x1 + (DWORD)x2 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entity.cpp 6.5 add this above bool CBaseEntity::HasHelmet() int CBaseEntity::GetMoveType() { if (this != NULL && this != nullptr && (DWORD)this != 0xE) { return ptr(int, this, 0x258); //return *(int*)((DWORD)this + (DWORD)0x258); } }
7. Добавить Entity.h в public: -
int GetMoveType();
Заменить это: -
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) dir = true; //Change your angle with left and right arrow keys if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) dir = false; bSendPacket = false; pCmd->viewangles.y = (dir) ? (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 270.f : (pCmd->viewangles.y - 180) - 90.f;
Код:bSendPacket = false; pCmd->viewangles.y += 90; //changes your real angle to the right side 90 degrees.
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