Free Config I Made For (Auto)

11 Июн 2018
I made a config for it's decent if you have a good playing style. Enjoy! (Don't try to be too aggressive with this config!) I will be releasing more Zeus configs if I get support on this config! :D

CheckBox_aim_enabled = true
CheckBox_aim_resolver = true
CheckBox_aim_predict_updates = true
CheckBox_aim_smart_bodyaim = true
CheckBox_aim_autoshoot = true
CheckBox_aim_autoscope = true
CheckBox_aim_autocrouch = false
CheckBox_aim_rcs = true
CheckBox_aim_remove_spread = false
CheckBox_aim_auto_revolver = true
CheckBox_aim_auto_zeus = true
CheckBox_aim_auto_knife = true
CheckBox_aim_silent = true
CheckBox_aim_auto_pistol = true
CheckBox_aim_psilent = true
CheckBox_aim_friendly_fire = false
CheckBox_aim_fix_lag = true
CheckBox_aim_ignore_head = false
CheckBox_aim_pos_adj = true
ComboBox_aim_autostop = 2.000000
ComboBox_aim_autostop_mode = 0.000000
CheckBox_aim_autostop_lethal = true
ComboBox_aim_pref_hitbox = 0.000000
ComboBox_aim_hitscan_level = 3.000000
ComboBox_aim_tselect = 0.000000
Slider_aim_min_dmg = 18.292683
Slider_aim_min_hitchance_still = 64.634148
Slider_aim_min_hitchance_moving = 40.000000
Slider_aim_point_scale = 62.195122
Slider_aim_point_scale_body = 80.487808
Slider_aim_max_fov = 180.000000
CheckBox_aim_hitscan_adaptive = true
CheckBox_aim_delay_shot = false
CheckBox_aim_ignore_limbs = false
CheckBox_aim_extreme_multipoint = false
ComboBox_aim_hitchance_mode = 0.000000
ComboBox_aim_target_selection = 0.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_mb_size = 4.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_mb_head = 0.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_mb_neck = 2.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_mb_chest = 4.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_mb_stomach = 7.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_edge_mb_size = 4.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_edge_mb_head = 0.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_edge_mb_neck = 2.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_edge_mb_chest = 4.000000
MultiComboBoxaim_hitscan_edge_mb_stomach = 7.000000
CheckBox_legit_enabled = false
CheckBox_legit_position_adjust = false
CheckBox_legit_rcs = false
Slider_legit_max_fov = 20.000000
Slider_legit_smoothing = 50.000000
Slider_legit_drift_smoothing = 80.000000
Slider_legit_rcs_smoothing = 50.000000
Slider_legit_autoshoot_fov = 2.000000
CheckBox_legit_only_visible = false
ComboBox_legit_initial_hitbox = 0.000000
ComboBox_legit_drift_hitbox = 0.000000
CheckBox_baim_ignore_head = false
CheckBox_baim_fake = true
CheckBox_baim_exploiters = false
CheckBox_baim_air = true
CheckBox_baim_lethal = false
CheckBox_baim_inaccurate = false
Slider_baim_after_x_shots = 0.000000
Slider_baim_below_accuracy = 0.000000
CheckBox_antiaim_enabled = true
CheckBox_antiaim_peek_assistance = false
CheckBox_antiaim_dynamic = true
CheckBox_antiaim_fakewalk = true
Slider_antiaim_fakewalk_speed = 8.024390
ComboBox_antiaim_real_yaw = 2.000000
Slider_antiaim_real_custom = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_real_range = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_real_speed = 51.219513
ComboBox_antiaim_real_variance = 2.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_fake_yaw = 6.000000
Slider_antiaim_fake_custom = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_fake_range = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_fake_speed = 90.243896
ComboBox_antiaim_fake_variance = 2.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_still_yaw = 2.000000
Slider_antiaim_still_custom = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_still_range = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_still_speed = 85.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_still_variance = 0.000000
Slider_antiaim_angle_snap = 60.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_pitch = 1.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_pitch_fake = 0.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_edge = 1.000000
ComboBox_antiaim_edge_when = 0.000000
CheckBox_antiaim_fakeland = false
CheckBox_fakehead_enabled = true
CheckBox_fakehead_auto_direction = true
CheckBox_fakehead_anti_balanceadjust = true
CheckBox_fakehead_anti_backtrack = true
Slider_fakehead_delta = 180.000000
ComboBox_fakehead_direction = 0.000000
CheckBox_fakelag_enabled = true
CheckBox_fakelag_shooting = false
ComboBox_fakelag_type = 1.000000
MultiComboBoxfakelag_conditions_size = 1.000000
MultiComboBoxfakelag_conditions_always = 3.000000
MultiComboBoxfakelag_spike_size = 2.000000
MultiComboBoxfakelag_spike_on land = 3.000000
MultiComboBoxfakelag_spike_on jump = 1.000000
Slider_fakelag_variance = 21.951220
Slider_fakelag_limit = 10.414635
CheckBox_clantag_enabled = false
CheckBox_esp_enabled = true
CheckBox_esp_teammates = false
CheckBox_esp_player_names = true
CheckBox_esp_player_health = true
CheckBox_esp_player_ammo = true
CheckBox_esp_player_anim = true
ComboBox_esp_player_weapons = 1.000000
CheckBox_esp_player_snaplines = false
CheckBox_esp_player_fovarrow = true
Slider_esp_player_fovarrow_radius = 1.000000
CheckBox_esp_player_fake_flag = false
CheckBox_esp_player_ping_flag = false
CheckBox_esp_player_armor_flag = false
CheckBox_esp_player_money_flag = false
CheckBox_esp_player_scoped_flag = true
CheckBox_esp_player_vulnerable_flag = true
CheckBox_esp_crosshair = true
CheckBox_esp_spread_crosshair = false
ComboBox_esp_angle_indicator = 0.000000
MultiComboBoxesp_hitmarker_mb_size = 2.000000
MultiComboBoxesp_hitmarker_mb_screen = 1.000000
MultiComboBoxesp_hitmarker_mb_player = 0.000000
CheckBox_esp_events = false
CheckBox_esp_dropped_weapons = false
CheckBox_esp_threats = false
CheckBox_esp_grenade_pred = true
CheckBox_esp_defuse_kit = false
CheckBox_esp_planted_c4 = false
ComboBox_esp_player_boxes = 2.000000
ComboBox_esp_player_skeletons = 0.000000
CheckBox_esp_manual_aa = false
CheckBox_esp_lby_indicator = true
CheckBox_esp_hitboxes_shoot = false
CheckBox_esp_draw_points = false
CheckBox_esp_engine_radar = true
CheckBox_removals_scope = true
CheckBox_removals_punch = true
ComboBox_removals_smoke = 2.000000
CheckBox_removals_flash = true
CheckBox_removals_post_process = true
CheckBox_removals_sky = true
CheckBox_removals_teammates = false
CheckBox_removals_enemies = false
CheckBox_removals_first_zoom = false
CheckBox_effects_nightmode = true
CheckBox_effects_bullet_impacts = false
CheckBox_effects_impacts = true
Slider_effects_wall_alpha = 100.000000
Slider_effects_prop_alpha = 100.000000
CheckBox_effects_tp_alive = true
CheckBox_effects_tp_grenade = true
Slider_effects_ragdoll_multiplier = 100.000000
ComboBox_glow_players_mode = 0.000000
CheckBox_glow_weapons = false
CheckBox_glow_threats = false
CheckBox_local_glow = false
CheckBox_local_cham = false
CheckBox_local_esp = false
ComboBox_chams_player_type = 2.000000
CheckBox_chams_player_friendlies = false
CheckBox_chams_player_wireframe = false
CheckBox_chams_player_ignorez = true
ComboBox_chams_player_material = 1.000000
Slider_chams_player_reflectivity = 0.000000
CheckBox_misc_astrafe = true
CheckBox_misc_cstrafe = false
CheckBox_misc_snake_strafe = false
Slider_misc_snake_value = 0.000000
CheckBox_misc_bhop = true
CheckBox_misc_airduck = false
CheckBox_misc_duckjump = false
CheckBox_misc_walkbot = false
CheckBox_misc_no_hands = false
Slider_view_fov_model = 20.487804
Slider_view_fov = 20.487804
CheckBox_misc_fakelatency_enabled = false
Slider_misc_fakelatency_amount = 0.000000
Slider_misc_exploit_value = 2.000000
CheckBox_safety_avoid_ut = true
CheckBox_safety_avoid_auth = false
Color_color_esp_boxr = 253.000000
Color_color_esp_boxg = 6.000000
Color_color_esp_boxb = 14.000000
Color_color_esp_boxa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_player_namer = 253.000000
Color_color_esp_player_nameg = 250.000000
Color_color_esp_player_nameb = 250.000000
Color_color_esp_player_namea = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_skeletonsr = 248.000000
Color_color_esp_skeletonsg = 251.000000
Color_color_esp_skeletonsb = 249.000000
Color_color_esp_skeletonsa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_weaponsr = 64.000000
Color_color_esp_weaponsg = 96.000000
Color_color_esp_weaponsb = 102.000000
Color_color_esp_weaponsa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_snaplinesr = 235.000000
Color_color_esp_snaplinesg = 46.000000
Color_color_esp_snaplinesb = 58.000000
Color_color_esp_snaplinesa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_fov_arrowsr = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_fov_arrowsg = 2.000000
Color_color_esp_fov_arrowsb = 11.000000
Color_color_esp_fov_arrowsa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_ammo_barr = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_ammo_barg = 10.000000
Color_color_esp_ammo_barb = 19.000000
Color_color_esp_ammo_bara = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_anim_barr = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_anim_barg = 5.000000
Color_color_esp_anim_barb = 14.000000
Color_color_esp_anim_bara = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_hitboxesr = 148.000000
Color_color_esp_hitboxesg = 6.000000
Color_color_esp_hitboxesb = 6.000000
Color_color_esp_hitboxesa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_pointsr = 222.000000
Color_color_esp_pointsg = 234.000000
Color_color_esp_pointsb = 218.000000
Color_color_esp_pointsa = 255.000000
Color_color_esp_spreadr = 114.000000
Color_color_esp_spreadg = 14.000000
Color_color_esp_spreadb = 175.000000
Color_color_esp_spreada = 255.000000
Color_color_glow_playersr = 248.000000
Color_color_glow_playersg = 246.000000
Color_color_glow_playersb = 246.000000
Color_color_glow_playersa = 255.000000
Color_color_glow_weaponsr = 75.000000
Color_color_glow_weaponsg = 1.000000
Color_color_glow_weaponsb = 113.000000
Color_color_glow_weaponsa = 255.000000
Color_color_glow_threatsr = 77.000000
Color_color_glow_threatsg = 5.000000
Color_color_glow_threatsb = 109.000000
Color_color_glow_threatsa = 255.000000
Color_color_chams_player_visibler = 253.000000
Color_color_chams_player_visibleg = 0.000000
Color_color_chams_player_visibleb = 21.000000
Color_color_chams_player_visiblea = 255.000000
Color_color_chams_player_hiddenr = 255.000000
Color_color_chams_player_hiddeng = 48.000000
Color_color_chams_player_hiddenb = 56.000000
Color_color_chams_player_hiddena = 255.000000
Color_color_chams_player_historyr = 253.000000
Color_color_chams_player_historyg = 9.000000
Color_color_chams_player_historyb = 9.000000
Color_color_chams_player_historya = 255.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_fromr = 0.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_fromg = 135.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_fromb = 207.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_froma = 255.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_tor = 102.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_tog = 27.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_tob = 227.000000
Color_color_menu_grad_toa = 255.000000
Color_color_menu_themer = 18.000000
Color_color_menu_themeg = 115.000000
Color_color_menu_themeb = 171.000000
Color_color_menu_themea = 255.000000
Color_color_menu_cursorr = 10.000000
Color_color_menu_cursorg = 128.000000
Color_color_menu_cursorb = 183.000000
Color_color_menu_cursora = 255.000000
KeyBind_key_aim = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_legit_aim = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_cstrafe = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_snake_strafe = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_fakewalk = 160.000000
KeyBind_key_thirdperson = 4.000000
KeyBind_key_exploit = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_antiaim_left = 6.000000
KeyBind_key_antiaim_right = 5.000000
KeyBind_key_antiaim_back = 67.000000
KeyBind_key_override = 0.000000
KeyBind_key_latency = 0.000000
CheckBox__enabled = false
ComboBox__quality = 0.000000
ComboBox__definition = 0.000000
Knife_enabled = true
Knife_quality = 10.000000
Knife_definition = 5.000000
Knife_wear = 0.011538
Knife_kit = 0.000000
Knife_seed = 21.000000
Knife_stat = 0.000000
Glove_enabled = true
Glove_quality = 5.000000
Glove_definition = 6.000000
Glove_wear = 0.000000
Glove_kit = 28.000000
Glove_seed = 0.000000
Glove_stat = 0.000000
AK-47_enabled = true
AK-47_quality = 0.000000
AK-47_definition = 0.000000
AK-47_wear = 0.000000
AK-47_kit = 389.000000
AK-47_seed = 0.000000
AK-47_stat = 0.000000
AUG_enabled = true
AUG_quality = 0.000000
AUG_definition = 0.000000
AUG_wear = 0.000000
AUG_kit = 539.000000
AUG_seed = 0.000000
AUG_stat = 0.000000
AWP_enabled = true
AWP_quality = 0.000000
AWP_definition = 0.000000
AWP_wear = 0.000000
AWP_kit = 362.000000
AWP_seed = 0.000000
AWP_stat = 0.000000
CZ75 Auto_enabled = false
CZ75 Auto_quality = 0.000000
CZ75 Auto_definition = 0.000000
CZ75 Auto_wear = 0.000000
CZ75 Auto_kit = 616.000000
CZ75 Auto_seed = 0.000000
CZ75 Auto_stat = 0.000000
Desert Eagle_enabled = true
Desert Eagle_quality = 0.000000
Desert Eagle_definition = 0.000000
Desert Eagle_wear = 0.000000
Desert Eagle_kit = 178.000000
Desert Eagle_seed = 0.000000
Desert Eagle_stat = 0.000000
Dual Berettas_enabled = true
Dual Berettas_quality = 0.000000
Dual Berettas_definition = 0.000000
Dual Berettas_wear = 0.000000
Dual Berettas_kit = 592.000000
Dual Berettas_seed = 0.000000
Dual Berettas_stat = 0.000000
FAMAS_enabled = true
FAMAS_quality = 0.000000
FAMAS_definition = 0.000000
FAMAS_wear = 0.000000
FAMAS_kit = 0.000000
FAMAS_seed = 0.000000
FAMAS_stat = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_enabled = false
Five-SeveN_quality = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_definition = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_wear = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_kit = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_seed = 0.000000
Five-SeveN_stat = 0.000000
G3SG1_enabled = true
G3SG1_quality = 0.000000
G3SG1_definition = 0.000000
G3SG1_wear = 0.000000
G3SG1_kit = 606.000000
G3SG1_seed = 0.000000
G3SG1_stat = 0.000000
Galil AR_enabled = false
Galil AR_quality = 0.000000
Galil AR_definition = 0.000000
Galil AR_wear = 0.000000
Galil AR_kit = 109.000000
Galil AR_seed = 0.000000
Galil AR_stat = 0.000000
Glock-18_enabled = true
Glock-18_quality = 0.000000
Glock-18_definition = 0.000000
Glock-18_wear = 0.000000
Glock-18_kit = 211.000000
Glock-18_seed = 0.000000
Glock-18_stat = 0.000000
M249_enabled = false
M249_quality = 0.000000
M249_definition = 0.000000
M249_wear = 0.000000
M249_kit = 540.000000
M249_seed = 0.000000
M249_stat = 0.000000
M4A1-S_enabled = true
M4A1-S_quality = 0.000000
M4A1-S_definition = 0.000000
M4A1-S_wear = 0.000000
M4A1-S_kit = 298.000000
M4A1-S_seed = 0.000000
M4A1-S_stat = 0.000000
M4A4_enabled = false
M4A4_quality = 0.000000
M4A4_definition = 0.000000
M4A4_wear = 0.000000
M4A4_kit = 176.000000
M4A4_seed = 0.000000
M4A4_stat = 0.000000
MAC-10_enabled = false
MAC-10_quality = 0.000000
MAC-10_definition = 0.000000
MAC-10_wear = 0.000000
MAC-10_kit = 211.000000
MAC-10_seed = 0.000000
MAC-10_stat = 0.000000
MAG-7_enabled = false
MAG-7_quality = 0.000000
MAG-7_definition = 0.000000
MAG-7_wear = 0.000000
MAG-7_kit = 512.000000
MAG-7_seed = 0.000000
MAG-7_stat = 0.000000
MP7_enabled = false
MP7_quality = 0.000000
MP7_definition = 0.000000
MP7_wear = 0.000000
MP7_kit = 0.000000
MP7_seed = 0.000000
MP7_stat = 0.000000
MP9_enabled = false
MP9_quality = 0.000000
MP9_definition = 0.000000
MP9_wear = 0.000000
MP9_kit = 424.000000
MP9_seed = 0.000000
MP9_stat = 0.000000
Negev_enabled = false
Negev_quality = 0.000000
Negev_definition = 0.000000
Negev_wear = 0.000000
Negev_kit = 0.000000
Negev_seed = 0.000000
Negev_stat = 0.000000
Nova_enabled = false
Nova_quality = 0.000000
Nova_definition = 0.000000
Nova_wear = 0.000000
Nova_kit = 300.000000
Nova_seed = 0.000000
Nova_stat = 0.000000
P2000_enabled = false
P2000_quality = 0.000000
P2000_definition = 0.000000
P2000_wear = 0.000000
P2000_kit = 601.000000
P2000_seed = 0.000000
P2000_stat = 0.000000
P250_enabled = false
P250_quality = 0.000000
P250_definition = 0.000000
P250_wear = 0.000000
P250_kit = 30.000000
P250_seed = 0.000000
P250_stat = 0.000000
P90_enabled = false
P90_quality = 0.000000
P90_definition = 0.000000
P90_wear = 0.000000
P90_kit = 29.000000
P90_seed = 0.000000
P90_stat = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_enabled = false
PP-Bizon_quality = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_definition = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_wear = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_kit = 319.000000
PP-Bizon_seed = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_stat = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_enabled = false
R8 Revolver_quality = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_definition = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_wear = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_kit = 457.000000
R8 Revolver_seed = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_stat = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_enabled = false
Sawed-Off_quality = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_definition = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_wear = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_kit = 166.000000
Sawed-Off_seed = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_stat = 0.000000
SCAR-20_enabled = true
SCAR-20_quality = 0.000000
SCAR-20_definition = 0.000000
SCAR-20_wear = 0.000000
SCAR-20_kit = 67.000000
SCAR-20_seed = 0.000000
SCAR-20_stat = 0.000000
SSG 08_enabled = true
SSG 08_quality = 0.000000
SSG 08_definition = 0.000000
SSG 08_wear = 0.000000
SSG 08_kit = 64.000000
SSG 08_seed = 0.000000
SSG 08_stat = 0.000000
SG 553_enabled = false
SG 553_quality = 0.000000
SG 553_definition = 0.000000
SG 553_wear = 0.000000
SG 553_kit = 150.000000
SG 553_seed = 0.000000
SG 553_stat = 0.000000
Tec-9_enabled = false
Tec-9_quality = 0.000000
Tec-9_definition = 0.000000
Tec-9_wear = 0.000000
Tec-9_kit = 238.000000
Tec-9_seed = 0.000000
Tec-9_stat = 0.000000
UMP-45_enabled = false
UMP-45_quality = 0.000000
UMP-45_definition = 0.000000
UMP-45_wear = 0.000000
UMP-45_kit = 446.000000
UMP-45_seed = 0.000000
UMP-45_stat = 0.000000
USP-S_enabled = true
USP-S_quality = 0.000000
USP-S_definition = 0.000000
USP-S_wear = 0.000000
USP-S_kit = 330.000000
USP-S_seed = 0.000000
USP-S_stat = 0.000000
XM1014_enabled = false
XM1014_quality = 0.000000
XM1014_definition = 0.000000
XM1014_wear = 0.000000
XM1014_kit = 0.000000
XM1014_seed = 0.000000
XM1014_stat = 0.000000

The keybinds are in the config.
Get good. Get Mercy.
20 Мар 2018
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
U know, that forum have a "code" button and u can write your cfg in there, like that:
P250_kit = 30.000000
P250_seed = 0.000000
P250_stat = 0.000000
P90_enabled = false
P90_quality = 0.000000
P90_definition = 0.000000
P90_wear = 0.000000
P90_kit = 29.000000
P90_seed = 0.000000
P90_stat = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_enabled = false
PP-Bizon_quality = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_definition = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_wear = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_kit = 319.000000
PP-Bizon_seed = 0.000000
PP-Bizon_stat = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_enabled = false
R8 Revolver_quality = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_definition = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_wear = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_kit = 457.000000
R8 Revolver_seed = 0.000000
R8 Revolver_stat = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_enabled = false
Sawed-Off_quality = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_definition = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_wear = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_kit = 166.000000
Sawed-Off_seed = 0.000000
Sawed-Off_stat = 0.000000
SCAR-20_enabled = true
SCAR-20_quality = 0.000000
SCAR-20_definition = 0.000000
SCAR-20_wear = 0.000000
SCAR-20_kit = 67.000000
SCAR-20_seed = 0.000000
SCAR-20_stat = 0.000000
SSG 08_enabled = true
SSG 08_quality = 0.000000
SSG 08_definition = 0.000000
SSG 08_wear = 0.000000
SSG 08_kit = 64.000000
SSG 08_seed = 0.000000
SSG 08_stat = 0.000000
SG 553_enabled = false
SG 553_quality = 0.000000
SG 553_definition = 0.000000
SG 553_wear = 0.000000
SG 553_kit = 150.000000
SG 553_seed = 0.000000
SG 553_stat = 0.000000
Tec-9_enabled = false
Tec-9_quality = 0.000000
Tec-9_definition = 0.000000
Tec-9_wear = 0.000000
Tec-9_kit = 238.000000
Tec-9_seed = 0.000000
Tec-9_stat = 0.000000
UMP-45_enabled = false
UMP-45_quality = 0.000000
UMP-45_definition = 0.000000
UMP-45_wear = 0.000000
UMP-45_kit = 446.000000
UMP-45_seed = 0.000000
UMP-45_stat = 0.000000
USP-S_enabled = true
USP-S_quality = 0.000000
USP-S_definition = 0.000000
USP-S_wear = 0.000000
USP-S_kit = 330.000000
USP-S_seed = 0.000000
USP-S_stat = 0.000000
XM1014_enabled = false
XM1014_quality = 0.000000
XM1014_definition = 0.000000
XM1014_wear = 0.000000
XM1014_kit = 0.000000
XM1014_seed = 0.000000
XM1014_stat = 0.000000
It looks shorter
Сверху Снизу