Другие конфиги NoSpread cfg by Newcomer | Aimware

15 Апр 2017
Здравствуйте пользователи YOUGAME.BIZ, этот конфиг для чита aimware под режим NoSpread(Любые оружия)​

Бинды: С - Третье лицо
Установка: Копируем код ниже, и во вкладке с конфигами нажимаем Import from clipboard
<000>clr_chams_ct_invis 14 13 37 255
<000>clr_chams_ct_vis 11 22 136 255
<000>clr_chams_ghost_fake 255 255 255 255
<000>clr_chams_ghost_lby 50 50 50 255
<000>clr_chams_hands_primary 255 0 0 255
<000>clr_chams_hands_secondary 0 0 255 255
<000>clr_chams_historyticks 255 248 247 252
<000>clr_chams_other_invis 0 39 255 255
<000>clr_chams_other_vis 0 27 178 255
<000>clr_chams_t_invis 13 15 42 255
<000>clr_chams_t_vis 15 23 109 255
<000>clr_chams_weapon_primary 0 0 255 255
<000>clr_chams_weapon_secondary 255 0 0 255
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<000>clr_esp_bar_ammo2 88 88 88 215
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<000>clr_esp_bar_armor2 100 100 100 255
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<000>clr_esp_bar_health2 255 0 0 255
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<000>clr_esp_bar_lbytimer2 255 0 0 255
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<000>clr_esp_box_ct_vis 255 38 37 255
<000>clr_esp_box_other_invis 255 255 255 255
<000>clr_esp_box_other_vis 178 178 178 255
<000>clr_esp_box_t_invis 255 50 0 255
<000>clr_esp_box_t_vis 255 24 23 255
<000>clr_esp_crosshair 39 39 39 218
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<000>clr_gui_combobox_drop2 40 40 40 255
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<000>dpi_scale 1
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<000>lbot_smg_tsd 0.4
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<000>lbot_sniper_tsd 0.4
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<001>lbot_togglekey 0
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<000>lbot_trg_delay 0
<000>lbot_trg_enable 1
<000>lbot_trg_hitchance 25
<001>lbot_trg_key 4
<000>lbot_trg_mode 3
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<003>rbot_antiaim_stand_real 5
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<000>rbot_antiaim_switch_speed 2
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<000>rbot_antispread 1
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<000>vis_noflash 1
<000>vis_norecoil 1
<000>vis_norender_enemies 0
<000>vis_norender_ragdolls 1
<000>vis_norender_teammates 1
<000>vis_norender_weapons 1
<000>vis_nosky 0
<000>vis_nosmoke 1
<000>vis_scoperemover 2
<000>vis_skybox 7
<000>vis_thirdperson_dist 0
<000>vis_thirdperson_mode 0
<001>vis_togglekey 0
<000>vis_view_fov 0
<000>vis_view_model_fov 84
<000>wnd_menu 200 294
<000>wnd_mirrorview 380 32
<000>wnd_playerlist -3 197
<000>wnd_radar 8 8
<000>wnd_showspec 8 280
<000>wnd_skinchanger 152 1043
<000>wnd_spycamera 16 16
<000>Active 1
<000>Type_line 0
<000>Type_color 1
<000>ActiveCheckBox 1
<000>PrimaryWeapons 0
<000>SecondaryWeapons 4
<000>Nades 1
<000>Zeus 1
<000>Armor 1
<000>Defuser 1
<000>lua_fakelagextra_enable 1
<000>lua_fakelagonknife 1
<000>lua_fakelagontaser 1
<000>lua_fakelagongrenade 1
<000>lua_fakelagonpistol 1
<000>lua_fakelagsmartmode 1
<000>lua_fakelag_standing 0
<000>lua_fakelag_moving 3
<000>lua_fakelag_inair 3
<000>lua_snipercrosshair 1
<CMD>bindtoggle "c" "vis_thirdperson_dist" "0" "150" 0
Для правильной работы желательно установить этот LUA скрипт
local function distance3d(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
    return math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) + (z2-z1)*(z2-z1))

local msc_p2 = gui.Reference('MISC', "Part 2")
local GroupBox = gui.Groupbox( msc_p2, "Zeus Range", 0, 1095, 213, 150 );
local ActiveCheckBox = gui.Checkbox(GroupBox, "Active", "Activate", false)
local Tyleline = gui.Combobox( GroupBox, 'Type_line',"Type line", "Single line","Multi line")
local colortype = gui.Combobox( GroupBox, 'Type_color',"Color", "Single color","Multi color")
local function lerp_pos(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, percentage)
    local x = (x2 - x1) * percentage + x1
    local y = (y2 - y1) * percentage + y1
    local z = (z2 - z1) * percentage + z1
    return x, y, z

local function trace_line_skip_teammates( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, max_traces)

    local max_traces = max_traces or 10
    local fraction, entindex_hit = 0, -1
    local x_hit, y_hit, z_hit = x1, y1, z1

    local i=1
    while (entindex_hit == -1 ) and 1 > fraction and max_traces >= i do
    fraction, entindex_hit = engine.TraceLine( x_hit, y_hit, z_hit, x2, y2, z2,3)

        x_hit, y_hit, z_hit = lerp_pos(x_hit, y_hit, z_hit, x2, y2, z2, 1)

        i = i + 1

    local traveled_total = distance3d(x1, y1, z1, x_hit, y_hit, z_hit)
    local total_distance = distance3d(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)

    return traveled_total/total_distance, entindex_hit

local function hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v, a)
  local r, g, b

  local i = math.floor(h * 6);
  local f = h * 6 - i;
  local p = v * (1 - s);
  local q = v * (1 - f * s);
  local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);

  i = i % 6

  if i == 0 then r, g, b = v, t, p
  elseif i == 1 then r, g, b = q, v, p
  elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = p, v, t
  elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = p, q, v
  elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = t, p, v
  elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = v, p, q

  return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255

local weapon_name_prev = nil
local last_switch = 0
local accuracy = 2.5

local is_taser;
local is_knife;
local function on_item_equip(Event)

    if (Event:GetName() ~= 'item_equip') then

    local local_player, userid, item, weptype = client.GetLocalPlayerIndex(), Event:GetInt('userid'), Event:GetString('item'), Event:GetInt('weptype');

    if (local_player == client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID(userid)) then
        if (item == "taser" ) then
        elseif (item=="knife")then

callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", "on_item_equip", on_item_equip);

local function on_paint()

if ActiveCheckBox:GetValue() then
    local local_player = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
    local curtime = globals.CurTime()

    local ranges
    local ranges_opacities
    if  is_taser then
        ranges = {167}
        ranges_opacities = {1}
elseif is_knife then
        ranges = {32}
        ranges_opacities = {1}

    if ranges == nil then
     local Entity = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
      local Alive = Entity:IsAlive();
      if (Alive ~=true) then
    local local_x, local_y, local_z = Entity:GetAbsOrigin()
    local vo_z = Entity:GetProp("localdata", "m_vecViewOffset[2]")-40
local range
local range2
fade_multiplier = 1
if (Tyleline:GetValue() ==0) then
    for i=1, #ranges do
        range2=  ranges[i]
        range = ranges[i]
        local opacity_multiplier = ranges_opacities[i] * fade_multiplier

        local previous_world_x, previous_world_y

        for rot=0, 360, accuracy do
            local rot_temp = math.rad(rot)
            local temp_x, temp_y, temp_z = local_x + range * math.cos(rot_temp), local_y + range * math.sin(rot_temp), local_z
            local fraction, entindex_hit = trace_line_skip_teammates( local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z)

            --local fraction_x, fraction_y = local_x+(temp_x-local_x)*fraction, local_y+(temp_y-local_y)*fraction
            local fraction_x, fraction_y = lerp_pos(local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z, fraction)
            local world_x, world_y = client.WorldToScreen( fraction_x, fraction_y, temp_z+(range2-range))

            local hue_extra = globals.RealTime() % 8 / 8
            local r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(rot/360+hue_extra, 1, 1, 255)

            local fraction_multiplier = 1
            if fraction > 0.9 then
                fraction_multiplier = 0.6

            if world_x ~= nil and previous_world_x ~= nil then
            if colortype:GetValue()==1 then
            draw.Color( r, g, b, 255*opacity_multiplier*fraction_multiplier)
                draw.Line( world_x, world_y, previous_world_x, previous_world_y )
            previous_world_x, previous_world_y = world_x, world_y
    for i=1, #ranges do
        range2=  ranges[i]
        range = ranges[i]
    while range >5 do
    for i=1, #ranges do
        local opacity_multiplier = ranges_opacities[i] * fade_multiplier

        local previous_world_x, previous_world_y

        for rot=0, 360, accuracy do
            local rot_temp = math.rad(rot)
            local temp_x, temp_y, temp_z = local_x + range * math.cos(rot_temp), local_y + range * math.sin(rot_temp), local_z
            local fraction, entindex_hit = trace_line_skip_teammates( local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z)

            --local fraction_x, fraction_y = local_x+(temp_x-local_x)*fraction, local_y+(temp_y-local_y)*fraction
            local fraction_x, fraction_y = lerp_pos(local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z, fraction)
            local world_x, world_y = client.WorldToScreen( fraction_x, fraction_y, temp_z+(range2-range))

            local hue_extra = globals.RealTime() % 8 / 8
            local r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(rot/360+hue_extra, 1, 1, 255)

            local fraction_multiplier = 1
            if fraction > 0.9 then
                fraction_multiplier = 0.6

            if world_x ~= nil and previous_world_x ~= nil then
                    if colortype:GetValue()==1 then
            draw.Color( r, g, b, 255*opacity_multiplier*fraction_multiplier)
                draw.Line( world_x, world_y, previous_world_x, previous_world_y )
            previous_world_x, previous_world_y = world_x, world_y
        for i=1, #ranges do
        local opacity_multiplier = ranges_opacities[i] * fade_multiplier

        local previous_world_x, previous_world_y

        for rot=0, 360, accuracy do
            local rot_temp = math.rad(rot)
            local temp_x, temp_y, temp_z = local_x + range * math.cos(rot_temp), local_y + range * math.sin(rot_temp), local_z
            local fraction, entindex_hit = trace_line_skip_teammates( local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z)

            --local fraction_x, fraction_y = local_x+(temp_x-local_x)*fraction, local_y+(temp_y-local_y)*fraction
            local fraction_x, fraction_y = lerp_pos(local_x, local_y, local_z, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z, fraction)
            local world_x, world_y = client.WorldToScreen( fraction_x, fraction_y, temp_z+(range-range2))

            local hue_extra = globals.RealTime() % 8 / 8
            local r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(rot/360+hue_extra, 1, 1, 255)

            local fraction_multiplier = 1
            if fraction > 0.9 then
                fraction_multiplier = 0.6

            if world_x ~= nil and previous_world_x ~= nil then
                    if colortype:GetValue()==1 then
            draw.Color( r, g, b, 255*opacity_multiplier*fraction_multiplier)
                draw.Line( world_x, world_y, previous_world_x, previous_world_y )
            previous_world_x, previous_world_y = world_x, world_y
    range =range-10



callbacks.Register("Draw", "showimpacts", showimpacts)

-- Original Buy bot https://aimware.net/forum/thread-87473.html  -- In Menu LUA
local msc_p2 = gui.Reference('MISC', "Part 2")
local GroupBox = gui.Groupbox( msc_p2, "AutoBuy Settings", 0, 1260, 213, 240 );
local ActiveCheckBox = gui.Checkbox(GroupBox, "ActiveCheckBox", "Activate", false)
local PrimaryWeapons = gui.Combobox( GroupBox, 'PrimaryWeapons', "Primary Weapons", "Off", "AK-47 | M4", "Scout", "AWP","Auto")
local SecondaryWeapons = gui.Combobox( GroupBox, 'SecondaryWeapons', "Secondary Weapons", "Off", "Elite", "P250", "Tec-9 | Five-Seven ", "R8 | Deagle")
local Nades = gui.Checkbox( GroupBox, "Nades", "Grenades", false);
local Zeus = gui.Checkbox( GroupBox, "Zeus", "Zeus", false);
local Armor = gui.Checkbox( GroupBox, "Armor", "Armor", false);
local Defuser = gui.Checkbox( GroupBox, "Defuser", "Defuser", false);

local money = 0
local sleep = 0
local buy_act = false
function autobuy(Event)
  if (entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil) then
      money = entities.GetLocalPlayer():GetProp("m_iAccount")
  if ActiveCheckBox:GetValue() then
      if Event:GetName() == "round_start" then
          buy_act = true
          sleep = globals.TickCount()
end end end

function buy()
  if buy_act == true and globals.TickCount() - sleep > 32 then
      buy_act = false
      sleep = globals.TickCount()
  if (SecondaryWeapons:GetValue() == 0) then
      elseif (SecondaryWeapons:GetValue() == 1) then
          client.Command("buy elite", true)
      elseif (SecondaryWeapons:GetValue() == 2) then
          client.Command("buy p250", true)
      elseif (SecondaryWeapons:GetValue() == 3) then
          client.Command("buy tec9", true)
      elseif (SecondaryWeapons:GetValue() == 4) then
          client.Command("buy deagle", true)
      if (money > 199) then
          if Zeus:GetValue() then
              client.Command("buy Taser", true)
          end end

      if (money > 2200) then
            if (PrimaryWeapons:GetValue() == 0) then
          elseif (PrimaryWeapons:GetValue() == 1) then
                client.Command("buy ak47", true)
          elseif (PrimaryWeapons:GetValue() == 2) then
              client.Command("buy ssg08", true)
          elseif (PrimaryWeapons:GetValue() == 3) then
              client.Command("buy awp", true)
          elseif (PrimaryWeapons:GetValue() == 4) then
                client.Command("buy scar20", true)

          if Armor:GetValue() then client.Command("buy vest; buy vesthelm"); end
  if Nades:GetValue() then  client.Command("buy hegrenade; buy incgrenade; buy molotov; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang", true); end
          if Defuser:GetValue() then client.Command("buy defuser");
          end end end end

callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", "autobuy", autobuy);
callbacks.Register("Draw", "buy", buy);


local SetValue = gui.SetValue;

local MSC_PART_2_REF = gui.Reference( "MISC", "Part 2" );

local FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX = gui.Groupbox( MSC_PART_2_REF, "Fakelag Extra", 0, 888, 213, 190 );
local FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX_CHECKBOX = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagextra_enable", "Enable", 0 );

local FAKELAG_ON_KNIFE = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagonknife", "Disable On Knife", 0 );
local FAKELAG_ON_TASER = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagontaser", "Disable On Taser", 0 );
local FAKELAG_ON_GRENADE = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagongrenade", "Disable On Grenade", 0 );
local FAKELAG_ON_PISTOL = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagonpistol", "Disable On Pistol", 0 );

local FAKELAG_SMART_MODE = gui.Checkbox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelagsmartmode", "Fakelag Smart Mode", 0 );
local FAKELAG_SMART_MODE_STANDING = gui.Combobox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelag_standing", "While Standing", "Off", "Factor", "Switch", "Adaptive", "Random", "Rapid Peek" );
local FAKELAG_SMART_MODE_MOVING = gui.Combobox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelag_moving", "While Moving", "Off", "Factor", "Switch", "Adaptive", "Random", "Peek", "Rapid Peek" );
local FAKELAG_SMART_MODE_INAIR = gui.Combobox( FAKELAG_EXTRA_GROUPBOX, "lua_fakelag_inair", "While In Air", "Off", "Factor", "Switch", "Adaptive", "Random", "Peek", "Rapid Peek" );

local function FakelagExtra( Event )


        if ( Event:GetName() ~= "item_equip" ) then

        local ME = client.GetLocalPlayerIndex();
        local INT_UID = Event:GetInt( "userid" );
        local PlayerIndex = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID( INT_UID );

        local WepType = Event:GetInt( "weptype" );
        local ITEM = Event:GetString( "item" );

        if ME == PlayerIndex then
            if WepType == 0 then
                Knife = true
                Knife = false
            if WepType == 1 then
                Pistol = true
                Pistol = false
            if WepType == 8 then
                Taser = true
                Taser = false
            if WepType == 9 then
                Grenade = true
                Grenade = false
        if ( FAKELAG_ON_KNIFE:GetValue() and Knife ) or -- On Knife
           ( FAKELAG_ON_TASER:GetValue() and Taser ) or -- On Taser
           ( FAKELAG_ON_GRENADE:GetValue() and Grenade ) or -- On Grenade
           ( FAKELAG_ON_PISTOL:GetValue() and Pistol ) then -- On Pistol
            SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 0 );
            SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 1 );


local function FakelagSmartMode()


    if FAKELAG_SMART_MODE:GetValue() then


        if entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil then

            local LocalPlayerEntity = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
            local fFlags = LocalPlayerEntity:GetProp( "m_fFlags" );

            local VelocityX = LocalPlayerEntity:GetPropFloat( "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]" );
            local VelocityY = LocalPlayerEntity:GetPropFloat( "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[1]" );

            local Velocity = math.sqrt( VelocityX^2 + VelocityY^2 );
            -- Standing
            if ( Velocity == 0 and fFlags == 257 ) then
                Standing = true  
                Standing = false

            -- Moving
            if ( Velocity > 0 and fFlags == 257 ) then
                Moving = true
                Moving = false

            -- In Air
            if fFlags == 256 then
                InAir = true
                InAir = false
        if Standing then
            if FAKELAG_STANDING == 0 or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_KNIFE:GetValue() and Knife ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_TASER:GetValue() and Taser ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_GRENADE:GetValue() and Grenade ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_PISTOL:GetValue() and Pistol ) then
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 0 );
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 1 );

            SetValue( "msc_fakelag_mode", STANDING_MODE );

            if FAKELAG_STANDING == 1 then
                STANDING_MODE = 0
            elseif FAKELAG_STANDING == 2 then
                STANDING_MODE = 1
            elseif FAKELAG_STANDING == 3 then
                STANDING_MODE = 2
            elseif FAKELAG_STANDING == 4 then
                STANDING_MODE = 3
            elseif FAKELAG_STANDING == 5 then
                STANDING_MODE = 5

        if Moving then
            if FAKELAG_MOVING == 0 or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_KNIFE:GetValue() and Knife ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_TASER:GetValue() and Taser ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_GRENADE:GetValue() and Grenade ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_PISTOL:GetValue() and Pistol ) then
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 0 );
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 1 );

            SetValue( "msc_fakelag_mode", MOVING_MODE );

            if FAKELAG_MOVING == 1 then
                MOVING_MODE = 0
            elseif FAKELAG_MOVING == 2 then
                MOVING_MODE = 1
            elseif FAKELAG_MOVING == 3 then
                MOVING_MODE = 2
            elseif FAKELAG_MOVING == 4 then
                MOVING_MODE = 3
            elseif FAKELAG_MOVING == 5 then
                MOVING_MODE = 4
            elseif FAKELAG_MOVING == 6 then
                MOVING_MODE = 5

        if InAir then
            if FAKELAG_INAIR == 0 or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_KNIFE:GetValue() and Knife ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_TASER:GetValue() and Taser ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_GRENADE:GetValue() and Grenade ) or
               ( FAKELAG_ON_PISTOL:GetValue() and Pistol ) then
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 0 );
                SetValue( "msc_fakelag_enable", 1 );

            SetValue( "msc_fakelag_mode", INAIR_MODE );

            if FAKELAG_INAIR == 1 then
                INAIR_MODE = 0
            elseif FAKELAG_INAIR == 2 then
                INAIR_MODE = 1
            elseif FAKELAG_INAIR == 3 then
                INAIR_MODE = 2
            elseif FAKELAG_INAIR == 4 then
                INAIR_MODE = 3
            elseif FAKELAG_INAIR == 5 then
                INAIR_MODE = 4
            elseif FAKELAG_INAIR == 6 then
                INAIR_MODE = 6


client.AllowListener( "item_equip" );

callbacks.Register( "FireGameEvent", "Extra Fakelag Options", FakelagExtra );
callbacks.Register( "Draw", "Fakelag Smart Mode", FakelagSmartMode );


local hurt_time = 0
local alpha = 0;

--Change linesize here:
local linesize = 5

function Sounds( Event, Entity )

if ( Event:GetName() == 'player_hurt' ) then

    local ME = client.GetLocalPlayerIndex();

    local INT_UID = Event:GetInt( 'userid' );
    local INT_ATTACKER = Event:GetInt( 'attacker' );

    local NAME_Victim = client.GetPlayerNameByUserID( INT_UID );
    local INDEX_Victim = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID( INT_UID );

    local NAME_Attacker = client.GetPlayerNameByUserID( INT_ATTACKER );
    local INDEX_Attacker = client.GetPlayerIndexByUserID( INT_ATTACKER );

    if ( INDEX_Attacker == ME and INDEX_Victim ~= ME ) then
       hurt_time = globals.RealTime()
       client.Command("play buttons\\arena_switch_press_02.wav", true); --replace sound here



function DrawingHook()

local screenCenterX, screenCenterY = draw.GetScreenSize();
screenCenterX = screenCenterX / 2;
screenCenterY = screenCenterY / 2;

local step = 255 / 0.3 * globals.FrameTime()
local r,b,g = gui.GetValue( "clr_misc_hitmarker" )
if hurt_time + 0.4 > globals.RealTime() then
alpha = 255
alpha = alpha - step

if (alpha > 0) then
draw.Color( r,g,b,alpha)
draw.Line( screenCenterX - linesize * 2, screenCenterY - linesize * 2, screenCenterX - ( linesize ), screenCenterY - ( linesize ))
draw.Line( screenCenterX - linesize * 2, screenCenterY + linesize * 2, screenCenterX - ( linesize ), screenCenterY + ( linesize ))
draw.Line( screenCenterX + linesize * 2, screenCenterY + linesize * 2, screenCenterX + ( linesize ), screenCenterY + ( linesize ))
draw.Line( screenCenterX + linesize * 2, screenCenterY - linesize * 2, screenCenterX + ( linesize ), screenCenterY - ( linesize ))
client.AllowListener( 'player_hurt' );
callbacks.Register( "Draw", "DrawingHook", DrawingHook );
callbacks.Register( 'FireGameEvent', 'Hitsound', Sounds );

-- Bomb Info by Nyanpasu!

local defusing = false;

function EventHook(Event)
if Event:GetName() == "bomb_begindefuse" then
defusing = true;
elseif Event:GetName() == "bomb_abortdefuse" then
defusing = false;
elseif Event:GetName() == "round_officially_ended"
or Event:GetName() == "bomb_defused" or Event:GetName() == "bomb_exploded" then
defusing = false;

function DrawingHook()
if entities.FindByClass("CPlantedC4")[1] ~= nil then
local Bomb = entities.FindByClass("CPlantedC4")[1];

if Bomb:GetProp("m_bBombTicking") and Bomb:GetProp("m_bBombDefused") == 0 and globals.CurTime() < Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") then

local ScreenW, ScreenH = draw.GetScreenSize();
local Player = entities.GetLocalPlayer();

if defusing == true then
local BombMath = ((globals.CurTime() - Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown")) *
(0 - 1)) / ((Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown") - Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseLength")) - Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown")) + 1;

draw.Color(0, 0, 0, 170);
draw.RoundedRectFill( 0, 0, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );
draw.Color(0, 135, 255, 255);
draw.RoundedRectFill( 0, ScreenH * BombMath, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
draw.RoundedRect( 0, 0, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );

if Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown") > Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") then
draw.Color(255, 0, 0, 255);

draw.Text( (ScreenW/175), ScreenH * BombMath, math.floor( (Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown") - globals.CurTime()) * 10 ) / 10);
draw.TextShadow( (ScreenW/175), ScreenH * BombMath, math.floor( (Bomb:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown") - globals.CurTime()) * 10 ) / 10);

local BombMath = ((globals.CurTime() - Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow")) *
(0 - 1)) / ((Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") - Bomb:GetProp("m_flTimerLength")) - Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow")) + 1;

draw.Color(0, 0, 0, 170);
draw.RoundedRectFill( 0, 0, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );
draw.Color(255, 0, 0, 255);
draw.RoundedRectFill( 0, ScreenH * BombMath, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
draw.RoundedRect( 0, 0, ScreenW/200, ScreenH );

draw.Text( (ScreenW/175), ScreenH * BombMath, math.floor(Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") - globals.CurTime()));
draw.TextShadow( (ScreenW/175), ScreenH * BombMath, math.floor(Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") - globals.CurTime()));


if Player:IsAlive() and globals.CurTime() < Bomb:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") then
if math.floor(0.5 + BombDamage(Bomb, Player)) >= Player:GetHealth() then
draw.Color(255, 0, 0, 255)
draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
draw.Text(ScreenW/150, 0, math.floor(0.5 + BombDamage(Bomb, Player)) .. " HP");
draw.TextShadow(ScreenW/150, 0, math.floor(0.5 + BombDamage(Bomb, Player)) .. " HP");


function BombDamage(Bomb, Player)
local C4Distance = math.sqrt((select(1,Bomb:GetAbsOrigin()) - select(1,Player:GetAbsOrigin())) ^ 2 +
(select(2,Bomb:GetAbsOrigin()) - select(2,Player:GetAbsOrigin())) ^ 2 +
(select(3,Bomb:GetAbsOrigin()) - select(3,Player:GetAbsOrigin())) ^ 2);

local Gauss = (C4Distance - 75.68) / 789.2
local flDamage = 450.7 * math.exp(-Gauss * Gauss);

if Player:GetProp("m_ArmorValue") > 0 then

local flArmorRatio = 0.5;
local flArmorBonus = 0.5;

if Player:GetProp("m_ArmorValue") > 0 then
local flNew = flDamage * flArmorRatio;
local flArmor = (flDamage - flNew) * flArmorBonus;

if flArmor > Player:GetProp("m_ArmorValue") then
flArmor = Player:GetProp("m_ArmorValue") * (1 / flArmorBonus);
flNew = flDamage - flArmor;

flDamage = flNew;


return math.max(flDamage, 0);

-- Bomb Info by Nyanpasu!

client.AllowListener( "bomb_begindefuse" );
client.AllowListener( "bomb_abortdefuse" );
client.AllowListener( "bomb_defused" );
client.AllowListener( "bomb_exploded" );
client.AllowListener( "round_officially_ended" );

callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", "EventHookB", EventHook);
callbacks.Register("Draw", "DrawingHookB", DrawingHook)


-- Grenade timers by Nyanpasu! (- Luiz)


callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", "EventHookG", EventHook);
callbacks.Register( "Draw", "DrawingHookG", DrawingHook );
callbacks.Register( "DrawESP", "ESPHookG", ESPHook );

local frame_rate = 0.0
local get_abs_fps = function()
   frame_rate = 0.9 * frame_rate + (1.0 - 0.9) * globals.AbsoluteFrameTime()
   return math.floor((1.0 / frame_rate) + 0.5)
local function setMath(int, max, declspec)
    local int = (int > max and max or int)

    local tmp = max / int;
    local i = (declspec / tmp)
    i = (i >= 0 and math.floor(i + 0.5) or math.ceil(i - 0.5))

    return i
function gradient(x1, y1, x2, y2, left)
   local w = x2 - x1
   local h = y2 - y1

   for i = 0, w do
       local a = (i / w) * 200

       draw.Color(0, 0, 0, a)
       if left then
           draw.FilledRect(x1 + i, y1, x1 + i + 1, y1 + h)
           draw.FilledRect(x1 + w - i, y1, x1 + w - i + 1, y1 + h)
local function getColor(number, max)
    local r, g, b
    i = setMath(number, max, 9)

    if i <= 1 then r, g, b = 255, 0, 0
        elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = 237, 27, 3
        elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = 235, 63, 6
        elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = 229, 104, 8
        elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = 228, 126, 10
        elseif i == 6 then r, g, b = 220, 169, 16
        elseif i == 7 then r, g, b = 213, 201, 19
        elseif i == 8 then r, g, b = 176, 205, 10
        elseif i == 9 then r, g, b = 124, 195, 13

    return r, g, b
local speed =0
function paint_traverse()
   local x, y = draw.GetScreenSize()
   local centerX = x / 2
local latency=0;
     if entities.FindByClass( "CBasePlayer" )[1] ~= nil then
latency=entities.GetPlayerResources():GetPropInt( "m_iPing", client.GetLocalPlayerIndex() )
      local rw,rh
   gradient(centerX - 200, y - 30, centerX - 51, y, 0, true)
   gradient(centerX - 200, y - 30, centerX - 51, y - 29, true)
   draw.Color(0, 0, 0, 200)
   draw.FilledRect(centerX - 50, y - 30, centerX + 70, y)
   draw.Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
   draw.FilledRect(centerX - 50, y - 30, centerX + 70, y - 29)
   gradient(centerX + 70, y - 30, centerX + 200, y, false)
   gradient(centerX + 70, y - 30, centerX + 200, y - 29, false)
    local r, g, b = getColor(get_abs_fps(), 100)
   draw.Color(r, g, b, 255)
     rw,rh =draw.GetTextSize(get_abs_fps())
   draw.Text(centerX - 1 -(rw/2), y - 20, get_abs_fps())
   draw.Text(centerX + 1+ (rw/2), y - 20, "fps")
   draw.Color(r, g, b, 255)
    rw,rh =draw.GetTextSize(latency)
   draw.Text(centerX - 80-(rw/2), y - 20, latency)
   draw.Text(centerX - 78+(rw/2), y - 20, "ping")
   draw.Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
   if entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil then

       local Entity = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
       local Alive = Entity:IsAlive();
       local velocityX = Entity:GetPropFloat( "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[0]" );
       local velocityY = Entity:GetPropFloat( "localdata", "m_vecVelocity[1]" );
       local velocity = math.sqrt( velocityX^2 + velocityY^2 );
       local FinalVelocity = math.min( 9999, velocity ) + 0.2;
       draw.Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
       if ( Alive == true ) then
         speed= math.floor(FinalVelocity) ;
    rw,rh =draw.GetTextSize(speed)
   draw.Text(centerX + 73-(rw/2), y - 20, speed)
   draw.Text(centerX + 75+(rw/2), y - 20, "speed")


callbacks.Register("Draw", "paint_traverse", paint_traverse)

-- Engine Radar by Nyanpasu!

local function drawing_callback()
    for index, Player in pairs(entities.FindByClass("CCSPlayer")) do
        Player:SetProp("m_bSpotted", 1);

-- Engine Radar by Nyanpasu!

callbacks.Register("Draw", "engine_radar_draw", drawing_callback);

local VIS_MAIN_REF = gui.Reference( "VISUALS", "Main" );

local AWSniperCrosshair = gui.Checkbox( VIS_MAIN_REF, "lua_snipercrosshair", "Sniper Crosshair", 0 );

local function SniperCrosshair()

    if AWSniperCrosshair:GetValue() then
        if entities.GetLocalPlayer() ~= nil then
            local LocalPlayerEntity = entities.GetLocalPlayer();
            local isScoped = LocalPlayerEntity:GetPropInt( "m_bIsScoped" );
            local Thirdperson = gui.GetValue( "vis_thirdperson_dist" );
            local Scoperemover = gui.GetValue( "vis_scoperemover" );

            if Scoperemover ~= 1 then
                if ( isScoped == 1 or Thirdperson > 0 ) then
                    client.SetConVar( "weapon_debug_spread_show", 0, true );
                    client.SetConVar( "weapon_debug_spread_show", 3, true );
            elseif Scoperemover == 1 then
                if ( Thirdperson > 0 and isScoped == 0 ) then
                    client.SetConVar( "weapon_debug_spread_show", 0, true );
                    client.SetConVar( "weapon_debug_spread_show", 3, true );
        client.SetConVar( "weapon_debug_spread_show", 0, true );


callbacks.Register( "Draw", "Sniper Crosshair", SniperCrosshair )
В нем находятся такие скрипты как:
- Taser range
- Fakelag Extra
- Granite ESP
- Force crosshair
- Bomb timer
- Metalic hitsound
- In-game radar
- BuyBot
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