Сайт читов, скриптов и кодов для онлайн игр - YouGame.Biz

  1. L

    Исходник Hvhstars source (november 2022)
  2. fire_

    Исходник Godhook source

    godhuka source with anti paste
  3. fire_

    Исходник Shit peti paste leak/godhook self-leak

    ay sap get the src of godhook to paste in ur lovely shit paste
  4. Y

    Исходник Chadhook

    dogshit paste would rather kms then even extract the features from this src
  5. Y

    Исходник Corolla v3 (mula shit paste leak)

    Fuck you mula you pasting dog here is ur src only good thing is the lua api (from the jre)
  6. Y

    Исходник legacy

    The weave hack ported to legacy HvH no ss its fucking weave 2.0
  7. A

    C++ Wisehack source leak

    no vt cause source
  8. L

    Исходник Essential source code (2018 csgo)

    since evitable has now decided he wants to start selling it this shit may aswell be public dont expect much good code here, its pretty awful and very buggy also this source is literally public and has been posted in discord servers by multiple people
  9. lovethelife

    Исходник Better Resolver Stand by [CHATGPT]

    After somes tries, the chat gpt maded it for me. I sended the default resolver stand of supremacy, and said to make lby pred better and talk what got changed. void Resolver::ResolveStandPosition(AimPlayer* aimPlayer, LagRecord* currentRecord) { if (g_menu.main.config.mode.get() == 1) {...
  10. lovethelife

    Исходник Basic ResolverStand [Legacy]

    Скрытое содержимое
  11. lovethelife

    Исходник LowerBody Prediction

    Скрытое содержимое
  12. G

    C++ Improved ResolveStand by chatgpt | Legacy csgo

    void Resolver::ResolveStand(AimPlayer* data, LagRecord* record) { // Get predicted away angle for the player. const float away = GetAwayAngle(record); // Pointer for easy access. LagRecord* move = &data->m_walk_record; // Check if moving record is close. if...
  13. J

    Исходник Methamethod self leak (legacy)

    since i left this project i dont give a shit about it, generally its paste and it have few months, u need to fix few things, it have my own prediction and lagcomp system and assembly menu by dutu (sup version) have fun pasting some shit of it
  14. G

    Исходник Ruka aka uwucoder's (pedo btw) new supremashit paste

    Some random decided to repost my source code (after breaking it completely) and claimed it was a full fix, so here's his most recent supremashit paste. hi ruka (big fan btw) inb4 "THIS IS SO OLD I ALREADY HAVE A NEW PROJECT" Bro literally nulled his entire stand resolver but calling a...
  15. G

    Исходник Source code (selfleak)

    Sold this shit for ages and I don't really care about csgo anymore so enjoy. Lots of shitty code in here as it was something we used while learning, still has some useful shit in it for the braindead pasters. Known issues: Multipoint may cause crashes (just replace) Lagcomp is dogshit (just...
  16. V

    Исходник Latest disunity source for 2018 hvh
  17. JERYj

    Legacy hvh highlights

  18. R & Ot2Legacy | Legacy HvH compilation #9

  19. prohackerdvd

    Rage CFG Vizary / Otc2legacy cfg

    Конфиг на Otc2legacy (Best scout config).
  20. legasik

    Outdated Hyperbius legacy ( not v3 )

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