А что? Звучит хайпово. Боже, это лучший скрипт, что я видел на гарик мод!Самая лёгкая и простоя луа, для тех, кто кому нужен просто Anti AFK/Легкое вх/Бхоп/Фуллбрихт/Спаммер
- Anti Sg
- Chams + Names
- Bhop + Autostrafer
- No Recoil
- Spammer
- Watermark
- Fullbright
- Spectator Mode
- Unload menu
Lua:Нажимаешь чекбокс видишь чо написано? Дальше идём в код и CTRL+F и вводишь первое слова дальше поиск. Воуля меняй на тот текст, который хочешь.
Код:local easy = easy or {} easy.options = easy.options or {} easy.Vars = {} easy.Vars['ESP_NAME'] = false easy.Vars['ESP_WEAPON'] = false easy.Vars['ESP_BOX'] = false easy.Vars['ESP_HPBOX'] = false easy.options.esp = easy.options.esp or {} easy.status = ("online") easy.theme = easy.theme or {} easy.theme.background = Color(30,30,30,200) easy.theme.backgroundalt = Color(25,25,25) easy.theme.backgroundalt2 = Color(50,50,50) easy.theme.backgroundalt3 = Color(15,15,15) easy.theme.buttonhover = Color(255,255,255,50) easy.theme.chroma = Color(0,140,250) easy.theme.chromaalt = Color(easy.theme.chroma.r-55,easy.theme.chroma.g-60,easy.theme.chroma.b-30) easy.memory = { ["hud"] = 0, ["logic"] = 0, ["aimbot"] = 0, } local ply = LocalPlayer() function easy.RandomString(len) if len == nil then len = math.random(20,100) end local ret = "" for i=1,len do ret = ret..string.char(math.random(33,126)) end return ret end local chamsmat = CreateMaterial("a", "VertexLitGeneric", { ["$ignorez"] = 1, ["$model"] = 1, ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite", }) local chamsmat2 = CreateMaterial("@", "VertexLitGeneric", { ["$ignorez"] = 0, ["$model"] = 1, ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite", }) function easy.esp(v, c, h) if !IsValid(v) then return end local h = h or "N/A" cam.Start3D() render.MaterialOverride(chamsmat) render.SetColorModulation(c.r, c.g, c.b) v:DrawModel() render.SetColorModulation(c.r, c.g, c.b) render.MaterialOverride(chamsmat2) v:DrawModel() render.SetColorModulation(1, 1, 1) cam.End3D() local min, max = v:GetCollisionBounds() local pos = v:GetPos() local top, bottom = (pos + Vector(0, 0, max.z)):ToScreen(), (pos - Vector(0, 0, 8)):ToScreen() local middle = bottom.y - top.y local width = middle / 2.425 if v:IsPlayer() then draw.SimpleTextOutlined(v:GetNWString("bystanderName"), "DermaDefault", bottom.x, bottom.y - 11, c, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CBOTTOM, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(v:Nick(), "DermaDefault", bottom.x, bottom.y, c, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CBOTTOM, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) else draw.SimpleTextOutlined(h, "DermaDefault", bottom.x, bottom.y - 11, c, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CBOTTOM, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) end end hook.Add("HUDPaint", "easy esp", function() if easy.Vars['Namechams'] then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if IsValid(v:GetOwner()) && v:GetOwner():IsPlayer() && v:GetUserGroup() then continue end if string.find(v:GetClass(), "mu_knife") then easy.esp(v, Color(255, 0, 0), "Knife") elseif string.find(v:GetClass(), "mu_magnum") then easy.esp(v, Color(0, 0, 255), "Revolver") elseif (v:GetUserGroup()) then easy.esp(v, Color(255, 0, 0), "Staff") elseif string.find(v:GetClass(), "mu_loot") then easy.esp(v, Color(0, 255, 0), "Loot") end if easy.Vars['Prop'] then easy.esp(v, HSVToColor(CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1), "Prop") else easy.esp(v, Color(255, 255, 255), "Prop") end end end if easy.Vars['RADAR'] then local x = ScrW() - 5 local y = 5 if easy.Vars['RADAR'] then y = 210 end end if easy.Vars['RADAR'] then local size = 200 local x = ScrW() - size - 8 local y = 0 + 8 surface.SetDrawColor(Color(120, 120, 255, 20)) surface.DrawRect(x - 2, y - 2, size + 4, size + 4) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 200)) surface.DrawRect(x, y, size, size) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) surface.DrawLine(x, y, x + (size / 2), y + (size / 2)) surface.DrawLine(x + size, y, x + (size / 2), y + (size / 2)) surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255, 255, 255)) surface.DrawRect((x -2)+ (size/2), (y-2) + (size/2), 4, 4) for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v == ply || !v:Alive() then continue end local n = v:Nick() if easy.Vars['RADAR'] then n = v:GetNWString("bystanderName") end if easy.Vars['RADAR'] then n = "" end local c = v:GetPlayerColor() local col = Color(c.x * 255, c.y * 255, c.z * 255) local lx = ply:GetPos().x - v:GetPos().x local ly = ply:GetPos().y - v:GetPos().y local ang = EyeAngles().y local cos = math.cos(math.rad(-ang)) local sin = math.sin(math.rad(-ang)) local px = (ly * cos) + (lx * sin) local py = (lx * cos) - (ly * sin) px = px / 20 py = py / 20 px = math.Clamp(px, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50) py = math.Clamp(py, -(size * 0.50), size * 0.50) draw.SimpleTextOutlined(n, "default", x + size - (size * 0.50) + px - 13, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py - 7, col, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0, 0, 0)) surface.SetDrawColor(col) surface.DrawRect(x + size - (size * 0.50) + px, y + size - (size * 0.50) + py, 3, 3) end end end) local me = LocalPlayer(); function easy.CreateMove(cmd) local memfootprint = gcinfo() if(!easy.Vars['BHOPAUTOS']) then return; end if(!me:IsOnGround() && cmd:KeyDown(IN_JUMP)) then cmd:RemoveKey(IN_JUMP); if(easy.Vars['BHOPAUTOS']) then if(cmd:GetMouseX() > 1 || cmd:GetMouseX() < -1) then cmd:SetSideMove(cmd:GetMouseX() > 1 && 400 || -400); else cmd:SetForwardMove(5850 / me:GetVelocity():Length2D()); cmd:SetSideMove((cmd:CommandNumber() % 2 == 0) && -400 || 400); end end elseif(cmd:KeyDown(IN_JUMP) && easy.Vars['BHOPAUTOS']) then cmd:SetForwardMove(10000); end easy.memory["logic"] = gcinfo() - memfootprint end hook.Add("CreateMove", easy.RandomString(10), function(cmd) easy.CreateMove(cmd); end); function easy.DrawOutLinedRect(x,y,w,h,color) surface.SetDrawColor( color ) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( x, y, w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( Color(255,255,255,255) ) end function easy.DrawRect(x,y,w,h,color) surface.SetDrawColor( color ) surface.DrawRect( x, y, w, h ) surface.SetDrawColor( Color(255,255,255,255) ) end function easy.Drawline(x,y,x2,y2,color) surface.SetDrawColor(color) surface.DrawLine(x,y,x2,y2) surface.SetDrawColor( Color(255,255,255,255) ) end hook.Add("RenderScene", "Hook1", function() for k, v in pairs(game.GetWorld():GetMaterials()) do Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(1, 1, 1)) end render.SuppressEngineLighting(false) render.ResetModelLighting(1, 1, 1) if easy.Vars['Fullb'] then render.SetLightingMode( 1 or 0) end end) function easy.CalcView( ply, pos, angles, fov ) if !me:IsValid() or !me:Alive() or me:GetViewEntity() != me or me:InVehicle() then return end local tps = {} if easy.Vars['NoRecoil'] then tps.angles = me:EyeAngles() return tps end end hook.Add("CalcView", easy.RandomString(10), easy.CalcView) hook.Add("HUDPaint", easy.RandomString(17), function() if easy.Vars['Watermark'] then surface.SetFont("DermaDefault") local tw,th = surface.GetTextSize("1") tw = tw + 3 surface.SetTextColor(255,255,255) surface.SetFont("wmfont") surface.SetTextPos(5 , 5) surface.DrawText("EasyHelp.ware | "..os.date("%H:%M:%S").." | "..LocalPlayer():Ping().." PING | "..math.Round(1/FrameTime()).." FPS ") end if easy.Vars['SPammer'] then RunConsoleCommand("say", "Easy Help | Best Anti AFK system for Gmod | codded by 0x0000") end end) local SpecModeFrame function easy.SpectateMode() if IsValid(SpecModeFrame) then return end easy.Vars['SCAM'] = true SpecModeFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame") SpecModeFrame:SetSize(300,400) SpecModeFrame:SetPos(20,10) SpecModeFrame:SetTitle("") SpecModeFrame:ShowCloseButton(false) function SpecModeFrame:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(22,22,22)) draw.RoundedBox(0,6,6,w-12,h-12,Color(44,44,44)) easy.DrawRect(0,0,w,h,Color(22,22,22,255)) easy.DrawOutLinedRect(1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.chroma) easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,w,h,easy.theme.chroma) draw.SimpleText("Spectator List","DermaDefault",w/2,15,Color(255,255,255),1,1) local weapon = "NONE" local hps = "NONE" local ars = "NONE" if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer:GetActiveWeapon()) then weapon = easy.SpectatePlayer:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() end hps = easy.SpectatePlayer:Health() ars = easy.SpectatePlayer:Armor() end draw.SimpleText("Weapon: "..weapon,"DermaDefault",10,h-60,Color(255,255,255),0,1) draw.SimpleText("Health / Armor: "..hps.."/"..ars,"DermaDefault",12,h-45,Color(255,255,255),0,1) end local SpecPlayerList = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", SpecModeFrame ) SpecPlayerList:Dock(TOP) SpecPlayerList:DockMargin(2,2, 2, 2) SpecPlayerList:SetTall(300) function SpecPlayerList:Paint( w,h ) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) end SpecPlayerList.VBar:SetWidth(1) SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().Paint = function() draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, SpecPlayerList:GetVBar():GetWide(), SpecPlayerList:GetVBar():GetTall(), Color(255, 255, 255, 0)) end SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnUp.Paint = function() draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnUp:GetWide(), SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnUp:GetTall(), Color(0,0,0,0)) end SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnDown.Paint = function() draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnDown:GetWide(), SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnDown:GetTall(), Color(0,0,0,0)) end SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnGrip.Paint = function() draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnGrip:GetWide(), SpecPlayerList:GetVBar().btnGrip:GetTall(), Color(150,150,150)) end for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if IsValid(v) then local easy_player_button = SpecPlayerList:Add( "DButton" ) easy_player_button:SetText( "" ) easy_player_button:Dock( TOP ) easy_player_button:DockMargin( 2, 2, 2, 0 ) easy_player_button.Paint = function( _, w, h ) if easy_player_button:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) end if easy.SpectatePlayer == v then if IsValid(v) and v:IsPlayer() then draw.SimpleText("> "..v:Name() or "NILL".." <","DermaDefault",w/2,h/2,Color(150,150,150),1,1) end else if IsValid(v) and v:IsPlayer() then draw.SimpleText(v:Name() or "NILL","DermaDefault",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),1,1) end end end function easy_player_button:DoClick() if easy.SpectatePlayer == v then if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then easy.SpectatePlayer:SetNoDraw( false ) end easy.SpectatePlayer = nil else if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then easy.SpectatePlayer:SetNoDraw( false ) end easy.SpectatePlayer = v v:SetNoDraw( true ) end end end end for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if v:GetClass() == "gmod_cameraprop" then local easy_camera_button = SpecPlayerList:Add( "DButton" ) easy_camera_button:SetText( "" ) easy_camera_button:Dock( TOP ) easy_camera_button:DockMargin( 2, 2, 2, 0 ) easy_camera_button.Paint = function( _, w, h ) if easy_camera_button:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,Color(200,200,200)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,Color(200,200,200)) end if easy.SpectatePlayer == v then draw.SimpleText("> CAMERA "..k.."# <","DermaDefault",w/2,h/2,Color(200,200,200),1,1) else draw.SimpleText("CAMERA "..k.."#","DermaDefault",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),1,1) end end function easy_camera_button:DoClick() if easy.SpectatePlayer == v then if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then easy.SpectatePlayer:SetNoDraw( false ) end easy.SpectatePlayer = nil else if IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then easy.SpectatePlayer:SetNoDraw( false ) end easy.SpectatePlayer = v if v:IsValid() then v:SetNoDraw( true ) end end end end end local CloseSpec = SpecModeFrame:Add( "DButton" ) CloseSpec:SetTextColor( Color( 200, 200, 200 ) ) CloseSpec:SetText( "" ) CloseSpec:Dock(BOTTOM) CloseSpec:DockMargin(1,2, 1, 0) function CloseSpec:Paint( w,h ) if CloseSpec:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) end draw.SimpleText("Exit","DermaDefault",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),1,1) end CloseSpec.DoClick = function() easy.Vars['SCAM'] = false SpecModeFrame:Remove() end end chat.AddText(Color(255,255,255),"Easy Help Injected ") surface.CreateFont("wmfont", { font = "Console", size = 13.5, weight = 900, shadow = true, antialias = false, }); surface.CreateFont("custom", { font = "Console", size = 14.5, weight = 900, shadow = true, antialias = false, }); local function saveconfig() file.Write("easyhelp.txt", util.TableToJSON(options)); end saveconfig(); local time = 30 function doAction(string, elsestring) if math.random(1,3) == 1 then RunConsoleCommand("+"..string) timer.Simple(math.random(), function() RunConsoleCommand("-"..string) end) else RunConsoleCommand("+"..elsestring) timer.Simple(math.random(), function() RunConsoleCommand("-"..elsestring) end) end end function randomAFK() doAction("speed", "walk") doAction("forward","back") doAction("left","right") doAction("moveleft","moveright") doAction("duck","jump") timer.Adjust("doAFK", math.random(1, 3) * time, 0, randomAFK) end local doAFK = false function DoMeAfkStyle() if doAFK then doAFK = false timer.Remove("doAFK") print"AFK OFF" return end doAFK = true print"AFK ON" timer.Create("doAFK", time, 0, randomAFK) end concommand.Add("AFK", DoMeAfkStyle) function MainFunc() local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) frame:SetSize( 300, 450 ) frame:SetTitle(""); frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() frame:ShowCloseButton(false); function frame:Init() frame.startTime = SysTime() end function frame:Paint(w,h) surface.SetDrawColor(33, 33, 33); -- Backround color surface.DrawRect(0, 0, 900, 850); -- Backround surface.SetDrawColor(22, 22, 22); -- Rect color on Main/Color surface.DrawRect(10, 45, 130, 200); -- Rect on Main Func surface.DrawRect(10, 250, 130, 160); -- Rect on Visuals surface.DrawRect(150, 45, 140, 170); -- Rect on ColorMixer surface.DrawRect(150, 220, 140, 190); -- Rect on Other surface.DrawRect(0, 0, 300, 35); -- Rect on up surface.DrawRect(0, 422, 300, 25); -- Rect on down surface.SetDrawColor(easy.theme.chroma); --color surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, 300, 450);--main outline surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, 298, 448); --main outline surface.DrawOutlinedRect(10, 45, 130, 200); -- Main Func Outline surface.DrawOutlinedRect(10, 250, 130, 160); -- Visuals Outline surface.DrawOutlinedRect(15, 280, 120, 1); -- Visuals line surface.DrawOutlinedRect(15, 80, 120, 1); -- Main Func line surface.DrawOutlinedRect(160, 80, 120, 1); -- Color line surface.DrawOutlinedRect(150, 45, 140, 170); -- Color Mod.... Outline surface.DrawOutlinedRect(150, 220, 140, 190); -- Rect on Other surface.DrawOutlinedRect(155, 250, 130, 1); -- Other line surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 32, 300, 2); -- up line surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 422, 300, 2); -- down line surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(10, 435 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); surface.DrawText("Hello ! "..LocalPlayer():Name().." | ".."TickRate: "..math.Round(1/engine.TickInterval()).." | ".."FPS: "..math.Round(1/FrameTime())); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(38, 63 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 245, 255); surface.DrawText("Main Function"); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(185, 63 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 245, 255); surface.DrawText("Color Picker"); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(203, 235 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 245, 255); surface.DrawText("Other"); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(53, 265 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); surface.DrawText("Visuals"); surface.SetFont("custom"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(15, 17 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); surface.DrawText("EASY HELP v1.4"); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(210, 17 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); surface.DrawText("status: "); surface.SetFont("wmfont"); local tw, th = surface.GetTextSize("easy help by 0x0000"); surface.SetTextPos(250, 17 - th / 2); surface.SetTextColor(20, 255, 20); surface.DrawText(easy.status); if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT) && !insertdown2) then frame:Remove(); menuopen = false; end end local savecfg = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame ) savecfg:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) savecfg:SetText( "Save Config" ) savecfg:SetPos( 160, 340 ) savecfg:SetSize( 120, 30 ) savecfg:DockMargin(1,2, 1, 0) function savecfg:Paint( w,h ) if savecfg:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.chroma) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) savecfg.DoClick = function() saveconfig() end end end local spmode = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame ) spmode:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) spmode:SetText( "Spectator Mode" ) spmode:SetPos( 160, 300 ) spmode:SetSize( 120, 30 ) spmode:DockMargin(1,2, 1, 0) function spmode:Paint( w,h ) if spmode:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.chroma) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) spmode.DoClick = function() easy.SpectateMode() end end end local unload = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame ) unload:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) unload:SetText( "Unload" ) unload:SetPos( 160, 260 ) unload:SetSize( 120, 30 ) unload:DockMargin(1,2, 1, 0) function unload:Paint( w,h ) if unload:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.chroma) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) unload.DoClick = function() frame:Remove() end end end local antiafk = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame ) antiafk:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) antiafk:SetText( "Anti AFK" ) antiafk:SetPos( 25, 95 ) antiafk:SetSize( 100, 30 ) antiafk:DockMargin(1,2, 1, 0) function antiafk:Paint( w,h ) if antiafk:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,easy.theme.chroma) draw.RoundedBox(0,1,1,w-2,h-2,easy.theme.backgroundalt) antiafk.DoClick = function() RunConsoleCommand( "AFK" ) end end end local spammer = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) spammer:SetPos(25, 160) spammer:SetValue(easy.Vars['SPammer']) spammer:SetSize(100,17) function spammer:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if spammer:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("Spammer","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['SPammer'] = spammer:GetChecked() end local norec = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) norec:SetPos(25, 135) norec:SetValue(easy.Vars['NoRecoil']) norec:SetSize(100,17) function norec:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if norec:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("No recoil","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['NoRecoil'] = norec:GetChecked() end local Theme = vgui.Create( "DColorMixer",frame); Theme:SetSize(130,120) Theme:SetPos(155,90) Theme:SetPalette( false ) Theme:SetWangs( false ) Theme:SetAlphaBar( false ) Theme:SetColor(Color(0,140,250)) function Theme:ValueChanged(color) easy.theme.chroma = Color(color.r,color.g,color.b) easy.theme.chromaalt = Color(easy.theme.chroma.r-55,easy.theme.chroma.g-60,easy.theme.chroma.b-30) end local autos = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) autos:SetPos(20,290) autos:SetValue(easy.Vars['Namechams']) autos:SetSize(100,17) function autos:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if autos:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("Name & Chams","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['Namechams'] = autos:GetChecked() end local radar = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) radar:SetPos(20,315) radar:SetValue(easy.Vars['RADAR']) radar:SetSize(100,17) function radar:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if radar:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("Radar hack","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['RADAR'] = radar:GetChecked() end local fullbr = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) fullbr:SetPos(20,340) fullbr:SetValue(easy.Vars['Fullb']) fullbr:SetSize(100,17) function fullbr:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if fullbr:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("FullBright","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['Fullb'] = fullbr:GetChecked() end local wm = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) wm:SetPos(20,365) wm:SetValue(easy.Vars['Watermark']) wm:SetSize(100,17) function wm:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if wm:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("Watermark","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['Watermark'] = wm:GetChecked() end local bhopaut = vgui.Create("DCheckBox", frame) bhopaut:SetPos(160,380) bhopaut:SetValue(easy.Vars['BHOPAUTOS']) bhopaut:SetSize(100,17) function bhopaut:Paint(w,h) easy.DrawRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt3) if bhopaut:GetChecked() then easy.DrawRect(4,4,h-8,h-8,easy.theme.chroma) end easy.DrawOutLinedRect(0,0,h,h,easy.theme.backgroundalt2) draw.SimpleText("Bhop & Strafer","DermaDefault",24,h/2,Color(255,255,255),0,1) easy.Vars['BHOPAUTOS'] = bhopaut:GetChecked() end end local function Think() if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT) && !menuopen && !insertdown) then menuopen = true; insertdown = true; MainFunc(); elseif (!input.IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT) && !menuopen) then insertdown = false; end if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT) && insertdown && menuopen) then insertdown2 = true; else insertdown2 = false; end end hook.Add("Think", "", Think); function easy.CalculateKeypadCursorPos(ply, ent) if !ply:IsValid() then return end local tr = util.TraceLine( { start = ply:EyePos(), endpos = ply:EyePos() + ply:GetAimVector() * 65, filter = ply } ) if !tr.Entity or tr.Entity ~= ent then return 0, 0 end local scale = ent.Scale if !scale then return 0, 0 end local pos, ang = ent:CalculateRenderPos(), ent:CalculateRenderAng() if !pos or !ang then return 0, 0 end local normal = ent:GetForward() local intersection = util.IntersectRayWithPlane(ply:EyePos(), ply:GetAimVector(), pos, normal) if !intersection then return 0, 0 end local diff = pos - intersection local x = diff:Dot( -ang:Forward() ) / scale local y = diff:Dot( -ang:Right() ) / scale return x, y end function easy.KPGetHoveredElement(ply, ent) local scale = ent.Scale local w, h = ent.Width2D, ent.Height2D local x, y = easy.CalculateKeypadCursorPos(ply, ent) for _, element in ipairs(elements) do local element_x = w * element.x local element_y = h * element.y local element_w = w * element.w local element_h = h * element.h if element_x < x and element_x + element_w > x and element_y < y and element_y + element_h > y then return element end end end function easy.cameracalculate( ply, pos, angles, fov ) if easy.Vars['SCAM'] and IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:IsPlayer() then local view = {} view.origin = easy.SpectatePlayer:EyePos() or Vector(0,0,0) view.angles = easy.SpectatePlayer:EyeAngles() or Angle(0,0,0) view.fov = fov view.drawviewer = true return view elseif easy.Vars['SCAM'] and IsValid(easy.SpectatePlayer) and easy.SpectatePlayer:GetClass() == "gmod_cameraprop" then local view = {} view.origin = easy.SpectatePlayer:GetPos() or Vector(0,0,0) view.angles = easy.SpectatePlayer:GetAngles() or Angle(0,0,0) view.fov = fov view.drawviewer = true return view end if easy.Vars['FCAM'] then local view = {} local newang = angles easy.StartCamAng = LocalPlayer():GetAngles() local speed = easy.CamSpeed_Normal if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) then speed = easy.CamSpeed_Fast elseif input.IsKeyDown(KEY_LCONTROL) then speed = easy.CamSpeed_Slow else speed = easy.CamSpeed_Normal end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_W) then easy.StartCamPos = easy.StartCamPos + easy.StartCamAng:Forward() * speed end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_A) then easy.StartCamPos = easy.StartCamPos - easy.StartCamAng:Right() * speed end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_D) then easy.StartCamPos = easy.StartCamPos + easy.StartCamAng:Right() * speed end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_S) then easy.StartCamPos = easy.StartCamPos - easy.StartCamAng:Forward() * speed end if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE) then easy.StartCamPos = easy.StartCamPos + easy.StartCamAng:Up() * speed end --LocalPlayer():SetPos(easy.StartCamPos) view.origin = easy.StartCamPos view.angles = newang view.fov = fov view.drawviewer = true return view end end hook.Add( "CalcView", easy.RandomString(17), easy.cameracalculate ) --anti sg hook.Add( "ShutDown", "RemoveAntiScreenGrab", function() render.SetRenderTarget() end )
! UPD(05.10.20): Добавил открытие меню по кнопке Insert, чтобы вы не инжектили каждый раз снова и снова луашку, также был добавлен FullBright и его выключение с помощью FullBright Fix, а ну ещё добавил фигню, чтобы в чат писало при инжекте, если хотите добавить какую-то функцию, но не знаете луа напишите в теме, я "Попробую" добавить её.
! UPD(05.10.20): Добавил Anti-Sg включён автоматом.
! UPD(05.10.20): Чутка переделал меню.
! UPD(06.10.20): Доделал меню, скоро будет возможность смены голубого цвета на другой. Добавил пару фан функций. DColorMixer ни за что не отвечает.
! UPD(06.10.20): Сделал финальный вид луа( Неточно ), теперь оно не создает снова и снова меню, а просто открывает и закрывает его. Некст чутка переделал Color Modification. Также спрятал кнопку закрытия меню из-за ненадобности. Позже сделаю систему с выгрузкой луа из игры. Создал тему на юц, только там долго одобряют, так что быстрее всего апдейты будут выходить тут.
! UPD(09.10.20): Доделал меню. Сделал возможность изменения обводки меню и кнопок через ColorMixer. Делаю кнопки в Other и в Visuals вх. Поставил другой анти-сг.
! UPD(26.10.20): Сделал фулл рабочие вх (перед переинжектом вырубайте окда?). Сделал Спектатор меню(украл с 1хака). Сделал Анлоад рабочим. Сделал Рабочий Но рекоил. Пофиксил прикол с кнопками на фулл брайт сделал в 1 чекбокс. Добавил радар. Сделал Ватермарку. Добавил Авто бхоп для биг брейнов он сразу прыгает вперёд. Убрал всякую хуету тупа выдачи супер админки.
