var a = a, screen_size = Global.GetScreenSize(), isInverted, target = -1, keybinds_folder = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds'], Minorfixes_folder = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Minor Fixes'), UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'Enable Minor Fixes'), UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'Autowall Fix'), UI.AddMultiDropdown(Minorfixes_folder, 'Features', [ 'Early when holding mindmg', 'Prefer safe point on DT', 'Prefer baim on DT', 'Slow motion on DT', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(Minorfixes_folder, 'Early Weapons', [ 'Auto', 'Scout', 'Awp', 'Pistol', 'Heavy pistol', ]), UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'Autostrafe Fix'), UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'DoubleTap Improvements [BETA]'), UI.AddMultiDropdown(Minorfixes_folder, 'DoubleTap Features', [ 'Lower ticks on high ping', 'Custom ticks', 'Deffensive mode', ]), UI.AddSliderInt(Minorfixes_folder, 'Select DoubleTap Tickbase', 1, 16), UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'Indicators'), UI.AddDropdown( Minorfixes_folder, 'Select Indicators Type', ['Default', 'Skeet styled'], 1 ), UI.AddColorPicker(Minorfixes_folder, 'Choose Color'); const skeetstyled_modes = UI.AddMultiDropdown(Minorfixes_folder, 'Features ', [ 'Hotkeys list', 'Spectator list', ]), keybinds_x = UI.AddSliderInt( Minorfixes_folder, 'keybinds_x', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0] ), keybinds_y = UI.AddSliderInt( Minorfixes_folder, 'keybinds_y', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1] ), keybinds_xx = UI.AddSliderInt( Minorfixes_folder, 'keybinds_xx', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[0] ), keybinds_yy = UI.AddSliderInt( Minorfixes_folder, 'keybinds_yy', 0, Global.GetScreenSize()[1] ); UI.AddCheckbox(Minorfixes_folder, 'Hitchance Logger'), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Pingspike On Key', 'Pingspike'); var AntiAim_folder = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Anti-Aim'), UI.AddCheckbox(AntiAim_folder, 'Enable Anti-Aim'), UI.AddDropdown( AntiAim_folder, 'Freestand Type', ['Safe Head', 'Peek Out', 'Hybrid'], 1 ), UI.AddMultiDropdown(AntiAim_folder, 'Freestand Features', [ 'Double traces', 'Dangerous', 'Aggresive', 'More jitter', ]), UI.AddDropdown(AntiAim_folder, 'Body Yaw', ['Resolver', 'Jitter'], 1), UI.AddDropdown( AntiAim_folder, 'On-Shot Body Yaw', ['Off', 'Tick', '3-Way'], 1 ), UI.AddDropdown(AntiAim_folder, 'Slide Type', ['Off', 'Feet', 'Body'], 1), UI.AddSliderInt(AntiAim_folder, 'Jitter Range', 0, 120), UI.AddDropdown(AntiAim_folder, 'Indicators pos', ['Old', 'New'], 1), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Freestand Fake On Key', 'Freestand fake'), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Sync Fake On Key', 'Sync fake'), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Freestand On Key', 'Freestand'), UI.AddCheckbox(AntiAim_folder, 'Low delta'), UI.AddDropdown( AntiAim_folder, 'Low delta Type', ['Adaptive', 'Custom', 'On key'], 1 ), UI.AddMultiDropdown(AntiAim_folder, 'Low delta Modes', [ 'Slow walk', 'Low HP', 'Standing', ]), UI.AddCheckbox(AntiAim_folder, 'Use custom fake value'), UI.AddSliderInt(AntiAim_folder, 'Custom fake value', 20, 36), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Low delta', 'Dangerous'); var Minimumdmg_folder = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Damage Override'), UI.AddCheckbox(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Enable Damage Override'), UI.AddCheckbox(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Show Currently Damage'), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Minimum Damage Override', 'Dmg override'), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'General', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Pistol', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Revolver', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Deagle', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Scout', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'AWP', 0, 130), UI.AddSliderInt(Minimumdmg_folder, 'Auto', 0, 130); var MagicKEY_folder = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Magic Key'), UI.AddCheckbox(MagicKEY_folder, 'Enable Magic Key'), UI.AddHotkey(keybinds_folder, 'Magic Key', 'Magic key'), UI.AddDropdown( MagicKEY_folder, 'Magic Key Type', ['Max dmg', 'Force head'], 1 ), UI.AddCheckbox(MagicKEY_folder, 'Use Custom Head Scale For Magic Key'), UI.AddDropdown( MagicKEY_folder, 'Select Weapon', ['Auto', 'Scout', 'AWP', 'Pistol', 'Heavy pistol'], 1 ), UI.AddSliderInt(MagicKEY_folder, 'Set value', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(MagicKEY_folder, 'Set value ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(MagicKEY_folder, 'Set value ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(MagicKEY_folder, 'Set value ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(MagicKEY_folder, 'Set value ', 1, 100); var a_scope_folder = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Adaptive Autoscope'), UI.AddCheckbox(a_scope_folder, 'Enable Adaptive Autoscope'), UI.AddDropdown( a_scope_folder, 'Adaptive Autoscope Weapons', ['Auto', 'Scout', 'AWP'], 1 ), UI.AddMultiDropdown(a_scope_folder, 'Modes', [ 'On selected distance', 'Safety', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(a_scope_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'On selected distance', 'Safety', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(a_scope_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'On selected distance', 'Safety', ]), UI.AddSliderFloat(a_scope_folder, 'Select distance', 0, 40), UI.AddSliderFloat(a_scope_folder, 'Select distance ', 0, 40), UI.AddSliderFloat(a_scope_folder, 'Select distance ', 0, 40); var d_multipoint_folder = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', ]; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Dynamic Multipoint'), UI.AddCheckbox(d_multipoint_folder, 'Enable Dynamic Multipoint'), UI.AddDropdown( d_multipoint_folder, 'Dynamic Multipoint Type', ['Adaptive', 'Custom'], 1 ), UI.AddDropdown( d_multipoint_folder, 'Select Weapon', ['Auto', 'Scout', 'AWP', 'Pistol', 'Heavy pistol'], 1 ), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_multipoint_folder, 'Modes', [ 'When mindmg', 'When baim', 'When DT', 'When HD', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_multipoint_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'When mindmg', 'When baim', 'When HD', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_multipoint_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'When mindmg', 'When baim', 'When HD', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_multipoint_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'When mindmg', 'When baim', 'When DT', 'When HD', ]), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_multipoint_folder, 'Modes ', [ 'When mindmg', 'When baim', ]), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding mindmg', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding baim', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while doubletap', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while hide shots', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding mindmg ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding baim ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while hide shots ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding mindmg ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding baim ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while hide shots ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding mindmg ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding baim ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while doubletap ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while hide shots ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt( d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding mindmg ', 1, 100 ), UI.AddSliderInt(d_multipoint_folder, 'Scale while holding baim ', 1, 100); var d_hit_folder = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance']; UI.AddSubTab(['Config', 'SUBTAB_MGR'], 'Dynamic Hitchance'), UI.AddCheckbox(d_hit_folder, 'Enable Dynamic Hitchance'), UI.AddDropdown( d_hit_folder, 'Select Weapon', ['Auto', 'Scout', 'AWP', 'Heavy pistol'], 1 ), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_hit_folder, 'Modes', ['Unscoped']), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_hit_folder, 'Modes ', ['Unscoped', 'In air']), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_hit_folder, 'Modes ', ['Unscoped', 'In air']), UI.AddMultiDropdown(d_hit_folder, 'Modes ', ['In air']), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While unscoped', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While unscoped ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While in air ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While unscoped ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While in air ', 1, 100), UI.AddSliderInt(d_hit_folder, 'While in air ', 1, 100); function get_velocity(b) { var a = a, c = Entity.GetProp(b, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecVelocity[0]'); return Math.sqrt(c[0] * c[0] + c[1] * c[1]); } function in_air(d) { var a = a; return ( (fv = Entity.GetProp(d, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_flFallVelocity')), fv < -1 || fv > 1 ); } function get_health(e) { var a = a; return ( (health_override = Entity.GetProp(e, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_iHealth')), health_override ); } function get_metric_distance(f, g) { var a = a; return Math.floor( Math.sqrt( Math.pow(f[0] - g[0], 2) + Math.pow(f[1] - g[1], 2) + Math.pow(f[2] - g[2], 2) ) * 0.025400000000445 ); } function clamp(h, i, j) { var a = a; if (i > h) return Math.min(i, Math.max(h, j)); else return Math.min(h, Math.max(i, j)); } function Autostrafe() { var a = a; if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autostrafe Fix'])) { var k = Entity.GetProp( Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecVelocity[0]' ), l = Math.sqrt(k[0] * k[0] + k[1] * k[1]); parseFloat(l), (Velocity2 = l / 1.5), (VelocityCus = Velocity2 / 1), UI.SetValue(['Misc.', 'Movement', 'Turn speed'], VelocityCus); } } var m = {}; (m['usp s'] = 'USP'), (m['glock 18'] = 'Glock'), (m['dual berettas'] = 'Dualies' || 'Duale'), (m['r8 revolver'] = 'Revolver'), (m['desert eagle'] = 'Deagle' || 'Aigle du dГ©sert'), (m.p250 = 'P250'), (m['tec 9'] = 'Tec-9'), (m.mp9 = 'MP9'), (m['mac 10'] = 'Mac10'), (m['pp bizon'] = 'PP-Bizon'), (m['ump 45'] = 'UMP45'), (m['ak 47'] = 'AK47'), (m['sg 553'] = 'SG553'), (m.aug = 'AUG' || 'AoГ»t'), (m['m4a1 s'] = 'M4A1-S'), (m.m4a4 = 'M4A4'), (m['ssg 08'] = 'SSG08'), (m.awp = 'AWP'), (m.g3sg1 = 'G3SG1'), (m['scar 20'] = 'SCAR20'), (m.xm1014 = 'XM1014'), (m['mag 7'] = 'MAG7'), (m.m249 = 'M249'), (m.negev = 'Negev'), (m.p2000 = 'P2000'), (m.famas = 'FAMAS'), (m['five seven'] = 'Five Seven' || 'Cinq sept'), (m.mp7 = 'MP7'), (m['ump 45'] = 'UMP45'), (m.p90 = 'P90'), (m['cz75 auto'] = 'CZ-75'), (m['mp5 sd'] = 'MP5'), (m['galil ar'] = 'GALIL'), (m['sawed off'] = 'Sawed off'), (m.knife = 'Knife' || 'CuИ›it' || 'NГіЕј'); var weaponTabNames = m; function SetEnabled() { var a = a, n = false, o = false, p = false, q = false, r = false, s = false, t = false, u = false, v = false, w = false, x = false, y = false, z = false, aa = false, ab = false, ac = false, ad = false, ae = false, af = false, ag = false, ah = false, ai = false, aj = false, ak = false, al = false, am = new d_123jnj(), an = am, ao = an, ap = ao, aq = ap, ar = aq, as = Cheat.GetUsername, at = Render.AddFont('Arial.ttf', 15, 800); ar.push('YAKUZA'); if (ar.indexOf(diujsaudja.GetUsername()) !== -1) { } else Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 50, screen_size[1] / 2 - 20, 1, 'CONFIG/SCRIPT LEAKS ARE NOT ALLOWED', [255, 255, 255, 255], at ); var au = ar.indexOf(Cheat.GetUsername()) !== -1, av = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]), aw = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Enable Adaptive Autoscope', ]); UI.SetEnabled(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'keybinds_x'], 0), UI.SetEnabled(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'keybinds_y'], 0), UI.SetEnabled(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'keybinds_xx'], 0), UI.SetEnabled(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'keybinds_yy'], 0); var ax = [ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope Weapons', ], ay = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes'], az = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes '], ba = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes '], bb = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance'], bc = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance '], bd = ['Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance '], be = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope Weapons', ]); const bf = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes', ]), bg = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes ', ]), bh = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes ', ]); if (aw == true && au) { UI.SetEnabled(ax, 1); be == 0 ? UI.SetEnabled(ay, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ay, 0); be == 1 ? UI.SetEnabled(az, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(az, 0); be == 2 ? UI.SetEnabled(ba, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ba, 0); if (be == 0) { UI.SetEnabled(bc, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bd, 0); if (bf & (1 << 0)) aj = true; else aj = false; if (bf & (1 << 1)) AutoSafety = true; else AutoSafety = false; } else { if (be == 1) { UI.SetEnabled(bb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bd, 0); if (bg & (1 << 0)) ak = true; else ak = false; if (bg & (1 << 1)) ScoutSafety = true; else ScoutSafety = false; } else { if (be == 2) { UI.SetEnabled(bb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bc, 0); if (bh & (1 << 0)) al = true; else al = false; if (bh & (1 << 1)) AwpSafety = true; else AwpSafety = false; } } } aj == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(bb, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(bb, 0), ak == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(bc, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(bc, 0), al == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(bd, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(bd, 0); } else UI.SetEnabled(ax, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bd, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bc, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ba, 0), UI.SetEnabled(az, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ay, 0); var bi = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Select Indicators Type'], bj = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Choose Color'], bk = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Features '], bl = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']); av == true && au ? bl ? (UI.SetEnabled(bi, 1), UI.GetValue(bi) == 1 ? (UI.SetEnabled(bj, 1), UI.SetEnabled(bk, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(bj, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bk, 0))) : UI.SetEnabled(bi, 0) : (UI.SetEnabled(bi, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bj, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bk, 0)); var bm = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Features'], bn = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Early Weapons'], bo = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autowall Fix']); const bp = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Features']); av == true && au ? bo ? (UI.SetEnabled(bm, 1), bp & (1 << 0) ? UI.SetEnabled(bn, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(bn, 0)) : UI.SetEnabled(bm, 0) : (UI.SetEnabled(bm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bn, 0)); var bq = [ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Improvements [BETA]', ], br = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Features'], bs = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Select DoubleTap Tickbase'], bt = UI.GetValue(br); bq ? (UI.SetEnabled(br, 1), bt & (1 << 1) ? UI.SetEnabled(bs, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(bs, 0)) : (UI.SetEnabled(br, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bs, 0)); var bu = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim']), bv = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Use custom fake value', ]), bw = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Indicators pos'], bx = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'], by = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Avoid overlap'], bz = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'On-shot desync'], ca = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Hide real angle'], cb = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Fake desync'], cc = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key'], cd = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Sync Fake On Key'], ce = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand On Key'], cf = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], cg = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Jitter Range'], ch = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Custom fake value'], ci = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Freestand Type'], cj = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Lower body yaw mode'], ck = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Slide Type'], cl = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Freestand Features'], cm = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Body Yaw'], cn = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'On-Shot Body Yaw'], co = UI.GetValue(cl); bu && au ? (UI.SetEnabled(ci, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cl, 1), UI.SetEnabled(bw, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cc, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cd, 1), UI.SetEnabled(ce, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cm, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cn, 1), UI.SetEnabled(ck, 1), UI.SetEnabled(by, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bz, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ca, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cj, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cf, 0), co & (1 << 1) ? (UI.SetEnabled(bx, 1), UI.SetEnabled(bv, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(bx, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bv, 0)), co & (1 << 3) ? UI.SetEnabled(cg, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(cg, 0), bv ? UI.SetEnabled(ch, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ch, 0)) : (UI.SetEnabled(ci, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cl, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bw, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cc, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cd, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ce, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bx, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ck, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ch, 0), UI.SetEnabled(by, 1), UI.SetEnabled(bz, 1), UI.SetEnabled(ca, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cb, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cj, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cf, 1)); var cp = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type'], cq = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Modes'], cr = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Low delta'], cs = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta']), ct = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type']); if (bu && au) { if (cs) { UI.SetEnabled(cp, 1); if (ct == 1) UI.SetEnabled(cq, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cr, 0); else ct == 2 ? (UI.SetEnabled(cq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cr, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(cq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cr, 0)); } else UI.SetEnabled(cp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cq, 0); } else UI.SetEnabled(cp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cq, 0); var cu = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autostrafe Fix'], cv = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autowall Fix'], cw = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators'], cx = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Hitchance Logger'], cy = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Pingspike On Key']; av == true && au ? (UI.SetEnabled(cu, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cv, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cw, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cx, 1), UI.SetEnabled(cy, 1), UI.SetEnabled(bq, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(cu, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cv, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cw, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cx, 0), UI.SetEnabled(cy, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(bq, 0)); var cz = [ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Show Currently Damage', ], da = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'General'], db = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Pistol'], dc = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Revolver'], dd = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Deagle'], de = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Scout'], df = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'AWP'], dg = ['Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Auto'], dh = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override'], di = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Enable Damage Override', ]); di && au ? (UI.SetEnabled(cz, 1), UI.SetEnabled(da, 1), UI.SetEnabled(db, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dc, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dd, 1), UI.SetEnabled(de, 1), UI.SetEnabled(df, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dg, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dh, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(cz, 0), UI.SetEnabled(da, 0), UI.SetEnabled(db, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dc, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dd, 0), UI.SetEnabled(de, 0), UI.SetEnabled(df, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dh, 0)); var dj = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key Type'], dk = [ 'Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Use Custom Head Scale For Magic Key', ], dl = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Select Weapon'], dm = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value'], dn = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value '], dp = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value '], dq = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value '], dr = ['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value '], ds = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Magic Key'], dt = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Enable Magic Key']); if (dt && au) { UI.SetEnabled(dj, 1), UI.SetEnabled(ds, 1); UI.GetValue(dj) == 1 ? UI.SetEnabled(dk, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dk, 0); UI.GetValue(dk) ? UI.SetEnabled(dl, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dl, 0); if (UI.GetValue(dk) && UI.GetValue(dj) == 1) { if (UI.GetValue(dl) == 0) UI.SetEnabled(dm, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0); else { if (UI.GetValue(dl) == 1) UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0); else { if (UI.GetValue(dl) == 2) UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0); else { if (UI.GetValue(dl) == 3) UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 1), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0); else UI.GetValue(dl) == 4 ? (UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 1)) : (UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0)); } } } } else UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dl, 0); } else UI.SetEnabled(dl, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ds, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dj, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dm, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dn, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dp, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dr, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dk, 0); var du = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint Type', ], dv = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Select Weapon', ], dw = ['Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes'], dx = ['Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes '], dy = ['Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes '], dz = ['Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes '], ea = ['Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes '], eb = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots', ], ec = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ], ed = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ], ee = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ], ef = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while doubletap', ], eg = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while doubletap ', ], eh = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg', ], ei = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ], ej = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ], ek = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ], el = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ], em = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim', ], en = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ], eo = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ], ep = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ], eq = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ], er = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Enable Dynamic Multipoint', ]), es = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint Type', ]), et = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Select Weapon', ]); const eu = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes', ]), ev = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), ew = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), ex = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), ey = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]); if (er && au) { UI.SetEnabled(du, 1); es == 1 ? UI.SetEnabled(dv, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dv, 0); es == 1 ? (et == 0 ? UI.SetEnabled(dw, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dw, 0), et == 1 ? UI.SetEnabled(dx, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dx, 0), et == 2 ? UI.SetEnabled(dy, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dy, 0), et == 3 ? UI.SetEnabled(dz, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(dz, 0), et == 4 ? UI.SetEnabled(ea, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ea, 0)) : (UI.SetEnabled(ea, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dz, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dy, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dx, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dw, 0)); if (et == 0) { UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0); if (eu & (1 << 0)) u = true; else u = false; if (eu & (1 << 1)) t = true; else t = false; if (eu & (1 << 2)) v = true; else v = false; if (eu & (1 << 3)) w = true; else w = false; } else { if (et == 1) { UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0); if (ev & (1 << 0)) q = true; else q = false; if (ev & (1 << 1)) r = true; else r = false; if (ev & (1 << 2)) s = true; else s = false; } else { if (et == 2) { UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0); if (ew & (1 << 0)) o = true; else o = false; if (ew & (1 << 1)) n = true; else n = false; if (ew & (1 << 2)) p = true; else p = false; } else { if (et == 3) { UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0); if (ex & (1 << 0)) y = true; else y = false; if (ex & (1 << 1)) x = true; else x = false; if (ex & (1 << 2)) z = true; else z = false; if (ex & (1 << 3)) aa = true; else aa = false; } else { if (et == 4) { UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0); if (ey & (1 << 0)) ac = true; else ac = false; if (ey & (1 << 1)) ab = true; else ab = false; } } } } } es == 1 ? (u == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(eh, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), t == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(em, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), v == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ef, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), w == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(eb, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), q == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ei, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), r == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(en, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), s == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ec, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), o == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ej, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0), n == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(eo, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), p == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ed, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), y == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ek, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), x == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ep, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), z == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(eg, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), aa == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ee, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), ac == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(el, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), ab == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(eq, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0)) : (UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0)); } else UI.SetEnabled(dv, 0), UI.SetEnabled(du, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ea, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dz, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dy, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dx, 0), UI.SetEnabled(dw, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eq, 0), UI.SetEnabled(el, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ee, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eo, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ed, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ek, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ep, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(em, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ef, 0), UI.SetEnabled(eb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ei, 0), UI.SetEnabled(en, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ec, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ej, 0); var ez = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Select Weapon', ], fa = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes'], fb = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes '], fc = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes '], fd = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes '], fe = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While unscoped'], ff = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While unscoped ', ], fg = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While unscoped ', ], fh = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air '], fi = ['Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air '], fj = [ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air ', ], fk = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Enable Dynamic Hitchance', ]), fl = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Select Weapon', ]); const fm = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes', ]), fn = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]), fo = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]), fp = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]); if (fk && au) { UI.SetEnabled(ez, 1); fl == 0 ? UI.SetEnabled(fa, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fa, 0); fl == 1 ? UI.SetEnabled(fb, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fb, 0); fl == 2 ? UI.SetEnabled(fc, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fc, 0); fl == 3 ? UI.SetEnabled(fd, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fd, 0); if (fl == 0) { UI.SetEnabled(ff, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fi, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fj, 0); if (fm & (1 << 0)) ah = true; else ah = false; } else { if (fl == 1) { UI.SetEnabled(fe, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fi, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fj, 0); if (fn & (1 << 0)) ag = true; else ag = false; if (fn & (1 << 1)) af = true; else af = false; } else { if (fl == 2) { UI.SetEnabled(fe, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ff, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fj, 0); if (fo & (1 << 0)) ae = true; else AwpUnscope = false; if (fo & (1 << 1)) ad = true; else ad = false; } else { if (fl == 3) { UI.SetEnabled(fe, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ff, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fi, 0); if (fp & (1 << 0)) ai = true; else ai = false; } } } } ah == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(fe, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fe, 0), ag == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(ff, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(ff, 0), af == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(fh, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fh, 0), ae == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(fg, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fg, 0), ad == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(fi, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fi, 0), ai == !![] ? UI.SetEnabled(fj, 1) : UI.SetEnabled(fj, 0); } else UI.SetEnabled(ez, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fj, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fi, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fg, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fh, 0), UI.SetEnabled(ff, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fe, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fd, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fc, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fb, 0), UI.SetEnabled(fa, 0); } function PingSpike() { var a = a; (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)), UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Pingspike On Key']) && localplayer_alive ? UI.SetValue(['Misc.', 'Helpers', 'General', 'Extended backtracking'], 1) : UI.SetValue( ['Misc.', 'Helpers', 'General', 'Extended backtracking'], 0 ); } function isHeavyPistol(fq) { var a = a; if (fq == 'r8 revolver' || fq == 'desert eagle') return true; } function isRevolver(fr) { if (fr == 'r8 revolver') return true; } function isDeagle(fs) { var a = a; if (fs == 'desert eagle') return true; } function isPistol(ft) { var a = a; if ( ft == 'glock 18' || ft == 'five seven' || ft == 'dual berettas' || ft == 'p250' || ft == 'tec 9' || ft == 'usp s' || ft == 'cz75 auto' || ft == 'p2000' ) return true; } function isAutoSniper(fu) { var a = a; if (fu == 'scar 20' || fu == 'g3sg1') return true; } (setFL = false), (setFL_return = true); function FakelagFix() { var a = a, fv = [ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Improvements [BETA]', ], fw = false; weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); if ( UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes']) ) { if (weapon_name == 'ssg 08' || weapon_name == 'awp') fw = true; else fw = false; if (fv) { var fx = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Features'], fy = UI.GetValue(fx), fz = ['Rage', 'Fake Lag', 'General', 'Limit']; if ( fw == true && fy & (1 << 2) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap', ]) ) !setFL && ((fl_cache_1 = UI.GetValue(fz)), UI.SetValue(fz, 0), (setFL = true), (setFL_return = false)); else fw == true && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap', ]) ? !setFL && ((fl_cache_1 = UI.GetValue(fz)), UI.SetValue(fz, 0), (setFL = true), (setFL_return = false)) : !setFL_return && (UI.SetValue(fz, fl_cache_1), (setFL = false), (setFL_return = true)); } } } (setDMG_auto = false), (setDMG_auto_return = true), (setDMG_awp = false), (setDMG_awp_return = true), (setDMG_scout = false), (setDMG_scout_return = true), (setDMG_revolver = false), (setDMG_revolver_return = true), (setDMG_deagle = false), (setDMG_deagle_return = true), (setDMG_pistol = false), (setDMG_pistol_return = true), (setDMG_general = false), (setDMG_general_return = true); function onCM() { var a = a, ga = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override', ]), gb = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Magic Key']), gc = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key Type']), gd = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']; local_weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); var ge = ['Rage', 'Target', 'General', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gf = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'General', ]); !setDMG_general && ((general_cache = UI.GetValue(ge)), UI.SetValue(ge, gf), (setDMG_general = true), (setDMG_general_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_general && ((general_cache = UI.GetValue(ge)), UI.SetValue(ge, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_general = true), (setDMG_general_return = false)) : !setDMG_general_return && (UI.SetValue(ge, general_cache), (setDMG_general = false), (setDMG_general_return = true)); if (isPistol(local_weapon_name)) { var gg = ['Rage', 'Target', 'USP', 'Minimum damage'], gh = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Glock', 'Minimum damage'], gi = ['Rage', 'Target', 'CZ-75', 'Minimum damage'], gj = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Tec-9', 'Minimum damage'], gk = ['Rage', 'Target', 'P250', 'Minimum damage'], gl = ['Rage', 'Target', 'P2000', 'Minimum damage'], gm = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Five Seven', 'Minimum damage'], gn = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Dualies', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var go = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Pistol', ]); !setDMG_pistol && ((usp_cache = UI.GetValue(gg)), (glock_cache = UI.GetValue(gh)), (cz75_cache = UI.GetValue(gi)), (tec9_cache = UI.GetValue(gj)), (p250_cache = UI.GetValue(gk)), (p2000_cache = UI.GetValue(gl)), (fiveseven_cache = UI.GetValue(gm)), (duals_cache = UI.GetValue(gn)), UI.SetValue(gg, go), UI.SetValue(gh, go), UI.SetValue(gi, go), UI.SetValue(gj, go), UI.SetValue(gk, go), UI.SetValue(gl, go), UI.SetValue(gm, go), UI.SetValue(gn, go), (setDMG_pistol = true), (setDMG_pistol_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_pistol && ((usp_cache = UI.GetValue(gg)), (glock_cache = UI.GetValue(gh)), (cz75_cache = UI.GetValue(gi)), (tec9_cache = UI.GetValue(gj)), (p250_cache = UI.GetValue(gk)), (p2000_cache = UI.GetValue(gl)), (fiveseven_cache = UI.GetValue(gm)), (duals_cache = UI.GetValue(gn)), UI.SetValue(gg, 100), UI.SetValue(gh, 100), UI.SetValue(gi, 100), UI.SetValue(gj, 100), UI.SetValue(gk, 100), UI.SetValue(gl, 100), UI.SetValue(gm, 100), UI.SetValue(gn, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_pistol = true), (setDMG_pistol_return = false)) : !setDMG_pistol_return && (UI.SetValue(gg, usp_cache), UI.SetValue(gh, glock_cache), UI.SetValue(gi, cz75_cache), UI.SetValue(gj, tec9_cache), UI.SetValue(gk, p250_cache), UI.SetValue(gl, p2000_cache), UI.SetValue(gm, fiveseven_cache), UI.SetValue(gn, duals_cache), (setDMG_pistol = false), (setDMG_pistol_return = true)); } if (isRevolver(local_weapon_name)) { var gp = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Revolver', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gq = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Revolver', ]); !setDMG_revolver && ((revolver_cache = UI.GetValue(gp)), UI.SetValue(gp, gq), (setDMG_revolver = true), (setDMG_revolver_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_revolver && ((revolver_cache = UI.GetValue(gp)), UI.SetValue(gp, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_revolver = true), (setDMG_revolver_return = false)) : !setDMG_revolver_return && (UI.SetValue(gp, revolver_cache), (setDMG_revolver = false), (setDMG_revolver_return = true)); } if (isDeagle(local_weapon_name)) { var gr = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Deagle', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gs = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Deagle', ]); !setDMG_deagle && ((deagle_cache = UI.GetValue(gr)), UI.SetValue(gr, gs), (setDMG_deagle = true), (setDMG_deagle_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_deagle && ((deagle_cache = UI.GetValue(gr)), UI.SetValue(gr, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_deagle = true), (setDMG_deagle_return = false)) : !setDMG_deagle_return && (UI.SetValue(gr, deagle_cache), (setDMG_deagle = false), (setDMG_deagle_return = true)); } if (local_weapon_name == 'ssg 08') { var gt = ['Rage', 'Target', 'SSG08', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gu = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Scout', ]); !setDMG_scout && ((scout_cache = UI.GetValue(gt)), UI.SetValue(gt, gu), (setDMG_scout = true), (setDMG_scout_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_scout && ((scout_cache = UI.GetValue(gt)), UI.SetValue(gt, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_scout = true), (setDMG_scout_return = false)) : !setDMG_scout_return && (UI.SetValue(gt, scout_cache), (setDMG_scout = false), (setDMG_scout_return = true)); } if (local_weapon_name == 'awp') { var gv = ['Rage', 'Target', 'AWP', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gw = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'AWP', ]); !setDMG_awp && ((awp_cache = UI.GetValue(gv)), UI.SetValue(gv, gw), (setDMG_awp = true), (setDMG_awp_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_awp && ((awp_cache = UI.GetValue(gv)), UI.SetValue(gv, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_awp = true), (setDMG_awp_return = false)) : !setDMG_awp_return && (UI.SetValue(gv, awp_cache), (setDMG_awp = false), (setDMG_awp_return = true)); } if (isAutoSniper(local_weapon_name)) { var gx = ['Rage', 'Target', 'SCAR20', 'Minimum damage'], gy = ['Rage', 'Target', 'G3SG1', 'Minimum damage']; if (ga) { var gz = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Auto', ]); !setDMG_auto && ((scar20_cache = UI.GetValue(gx)), (g3sg1_cache = UI.GetValue(gy)), UI.SetValue(gx, gz), UI.SetValue(gy, gz), (setDMG_auto = true), (setDMG_auto_return = false)); } else gb && gc == 0 ? !setDMG_auto && ((scar20_cache = UI.GetValue(gx)), (g3sg1_cache = UI.GetValue(gy)), UI.SetValue(gx, 100), UI.SetValue(gy, 100), UI.SetValue(gd, 0), (isMagicKey = true), (isDoubletap = false), (setDMG_auto = true), (setDMG_auto_return = false)) : !setDMG_auto_return && (UI.SetValue(gx, scar20_cache), UI.SetValue(gy, g3sg1_cache), (setDMG_auto = false), (setDMG_auto_return = true)); } } (setMP_auto = false), (setMP_auto_return = true), (setMP_awp = false), (setMP_awp_return = true), (setMP_scout = false), (setMP_scout_return = true), (setMP_Pistol = false), (setMP_Pistol_return = true), (setMP_HVpistol = false), (setMP_HVpistol_return = true); function MultipointonCM() { var a = a; const ha = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes', ]), hb = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), hc = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), hd = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]), he = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Modes ', ]); weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); if ( UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Enable Dynamic Multipoint', ]) ) { var hf = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint Type', ]), hg = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override', ]), hh = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'General', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Force body aim', ]), hi = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Hide shots']), hj = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']), hk = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Hide shots', ]), hl = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap', ]); if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) { var hm = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Revolver', 'Body pointscale'], hn = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Deagle', 'Body pointscale']; if (hf == 0) { if (hg) { var ho = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_HVpistol && ((revolver_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hm)), (deagle_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hn)), UI.SetValue(hm, 70), UI.SetValue(hn, 60), (setMP_HVpistol = true), (setMP_HVpistol_return = false)); } else { if (hh) { var hp = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_HVpistol && ((revolver_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hm)), (deagle_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hn)), UI.SetValue(hm, 55), UI.SetValue(hn, 45), (setMP_HVpistol = true), (setMP_HVpistol_return = false)); } else !setMP_HVpistol_return && (UI.SetValue(hm, revolver_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(hn, deagle_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_HVpistol = false), (setMP_HVpistol_return = true)); } } else { if (hf == 1) { if (hg && he & (1 << 0)) { var ho = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_HVpistol && ((revolver_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hm)), (deagle_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hn)), UI.SetValue(hm, ho), UI.SetValue(hn, ho), (setMP_HVpistol = true), (setMP_HVpistol_return = false)); } else { if (hh && he & (1 << 1)) { var hp = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_HVpistol && ((revolver_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hm)), (deagle_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hn)), UI.SetValue(hm, hp), UI.SetValue(hn, hp), (setMP_HVpistol = true), (setMP_HVpistol_return = false)); } else !setMP_HVpistol_return && (UI.SetValue(hm, revolver_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(hn, deagle_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_HVpistol = false), (setMP_HVpistol_return = true)); } } } } if (weapon_name == 'ssg 08') { var hq = ['Rage', 'Target', 'SSG08', 'Body pointscale']; if (hf == 0) { if (hg) { var hr = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_scout && ((scout_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hq)), UI.SetValue(hq, 55), (setMP_scout = true), (setMP_scout_return = false)); } else { if (hh) { var hs = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_scout && ((scout_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hq)), UI.SetValue(hq, 45), (setMP_scout = true), (setMP_scout_return = false)); } else !setMP_scout_return && (UI.SetValue(hq, scout_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_scout = false), (setMP_scout_return = true)); } } else { if (hf == 1) { if (hg && hb & (1 << 0)) { var hr = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_scout && ((scout_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hq)), UI.SetValue(hq, hr), (setMP_scout = true), (setMP_scout_return = false)); } else { if (hh && hb & (1 << 1)) { var hs = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_scout && ((scout_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hq)), UI.SetValue(hq, hs), (setMP_scout = true), (setMP_scout_return = false)); } else { if (((hi && hk) || (hj && hl)) && hb & (1 << 2)) { var ht = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ]); !setMP_scout && ((scout_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hq)), UI.SetValue(hq, ht), (setMP_scout = true), (setMP_scout_return = false)); } else !setMP_scout_return && (UI.SetValue(hq, scout_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_scout = false), (setMP_scout_return = true)); } } } } } if (weapon_name == 'awp') { var hu = ['Rage', 'Target', 'AWP', 'Body pointscale']; if (hf == 0) { if (hg) { var hv = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_awp && ((awp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hu)), UI.SetValue(hu, 55), (setMP_awp = true), (setMP_awp_return = false)); } else { if (hh) { var hw = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_awp && ((awp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hu)), UI.SetValue(hu, 45), (setMP_awp = true), (setMP_awp_return = false)); } else !setMP_awp_return && (UI.SetValue(hu, awp_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_awp = false), (setMP_awp_return = true)); } } else { if (hf == 1) { if (hg && hc & (1 << 0)) { var hv = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_awp && ((awp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hu)), UI.SetValue(hu, hv), (setMP_awp = true), (setMP_awp_return = false)); } else { if (hh == true && hc & (1 << 1)) { var hw = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_awp && ((awp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hu)), UI.SetValue(hu, hw), (setMP_awp = true), (setMP_awp_return = false)); } else { if (((hi && hk) || (hj && hl)) && hc & (1 << 2)) { var hx = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ]); !setMP_awp && ((awp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hu)), UI.SetValue(hu, hx), (setMP_awp = true), (setMP_awp_return = false)); } else !setMP_awp_return && (UI.SetValue(hu, awp_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_awp = false), (setMP_awp_return = true)); } } } } } if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) { var hy = ['Rage', 'Target', 'SCAR20', 'Body pointscale'], hz = ['Rage', 'Target', 'G3SG1', 'Body pointscale']; if (hf == 0) { if (hg) { var ia = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, 70), UI.SetValue(hz, 70), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else { if (hh) { var ib = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, 55), UI.SetValue(hz, 55), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else !setMP_auto_return && (UI.SetValue(hy, scar_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(hz, g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_auto = false), (setMP_auto_return = true)); } } else { if (hf == 1) { if (hg && ha & (1 << 0)) { var ia = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, ia), UI.SetValue(hz, ia), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else { if (hh && ha & (1 << 1)) { var ib = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, ib), UI.SetValue(hz, ib), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else { if (hj && hl && ha & (1 << 2)) { var ic = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while doubletap', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, ic), UI.SetValue(hz, ic), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else { if (hi && hk && ha & (1 << 2)) { var id = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots', ]); !setMP_auto && ((scar_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hy)), (g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(hz)), UI.SetValue(hy, id), UI.SetValue(hz, id), (setMP_auto = true), (setMP_auto_return = false)); } else !setMP_auto_return && (UI.SetValue(hy, scar_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(hz, g3sg1_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_auto = false), (setMP_auto_return = true)); } } } } } } if (isPistol(weapon_name)) { var ie = ['Rage', 'Target', 'USP', 'Body pointscale'], ig = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Glock', 'Body pointscale'], ih = ['Rage', 'Target', 'CZ-75', 'Body pointscale'], ii = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Tec-9', 'Body pointscale'], ij = ['Rage', 'Target', 'P250', 'Body pointscale'], ik = ['Rage', 'Target', 'P2000', 'Body pointscale'], il = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Five Seven', 'Body pointscale'], im = ['Rage', 'Target', 'Dualies', 'Body pointscale']; if (hf == 0) { if (hg) { var io = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, 55), UI.SetValue(ig, 55), UI.SetValue(ih, 55), UI.SetValue(ii, 55), UI.SetValue(ij, 55), UI.SetValue(ik, 55), UI.SetValue(il, 55), UI.SetValue(im, 55), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else { if (hh) { var ip = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, 50), UI.SetValue(ig, 50), UI.SetValue(ih, 50), UI.SetValue(ii, 50), UI.SetValue(ij, 50), UI.SetValue(ik, 50), UI.SetValue(il, 50), UI.SetValue(im, 50), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else !setMP_Pistol_return && (UI.SetValue(ie, usp_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ig, glock_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ih, cz75_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ii, tec9_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ij, p250_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ik, p2000_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(il, fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(im, duals_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_Pistol = false), (setMP_Pistol_return = true)); } } else { if (hf == 1) { if (hg && hd & (1 << 0)) { var io = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding mindmg ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, io), UI.SetValue(ig, io), UI.SetValue(ih, io), UI.SetValue(ii, io), UI.SetValue(ij, io), UI.SetValue(ik, io), UI.SetValue(il, io), UI.SetValue(im, io), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else { if (hh && hd & (1 << 1)) { var ip = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while holding baim ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, ip), UI.SetValue(ig, ip), UI.SetValue(ih, ip), UI.SetValue(ii, ip), UI.SetValue(ij, ip), UI.SetValue(ik, ip), UI.SetValue(il, ip), UI.SetValue(im, ip), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else { if (hj && hl && hd & (1 << 2)) { var iq = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while doubletap ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, iq), UI.SetValue(ig, iq), UI.SetValue(ih, iq), UI.SetValue(ii, iq), UI.SetValue(ij, iq), UI.SetValue(ik, iq), UI.SetValue(il, iq), UI.SetValue(im, iq), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else { if (hi && hk && hd & (1 << 2)) { var ir = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Dynamic Multipoint', 'Scale while hide shots ', ]); !setMP_Pistol && ((usp_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ie)), (glock_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ig)), (cz75_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ih)), (tec9_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ii)), (p250_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ij)), (p2000_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(ik)), (fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(il)), (duals_body_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue(im)), UI.SetValue(ie, ir), UI.SetValue(ig, ir), UI.SetValue(ih, ir), UI.SetValue(ii, ir), UI.SetValue(ij, ir), UI.SetValue(ik, ir), UI.SetValue(il, ir), UI.SetValue(im, ir), (setMP_Pistol = true), (setMP_Pistol_return = false)); } else !setMP_Pistol_return && (UI.SetValue(ie, usp_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ig, glock_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ih, cz75_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ii, tec9_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ij, p250_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(ik, p2000_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(il, fiveseven_body_multipoint_cache), UI.SetValue(im, duals_body_multipoint_cache), (setMP_Pistol = false), (setMP_Pistol_return = true)); } } } } } } } } (setHIT_auto = false), (setHIT_auto_return = true), (setHIT_awp = false), (setHIT_awp_return = true), (setHIT_scout = false), (setHIT_scout_return = true), (setHIT_HVpistol = false), (setHIT_HVpistol_return = true); function HitchanceCM() { var a = a; const is = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes', ]), it = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]), iu = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]), iv = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Modes ', ]); var iw = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), 'CCSPlayer', 'm_bIsScoped'); (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)); if ( UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Enable Dynamic Hitchance', ]) ) { if (isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) { var ix = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Revolver', 'Hitchance'], iy = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Deagle', 'Hitchance']; if (in_air(localplayer_index) && iv & (1 << 0)) { var iz = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air ', ]); !setHIT_HVpistol && ((revolver_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(ix)), (deagle_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(iy)), UI.SetValue(ix, iz), UI.SetValue(iy, iz), (setHIT_HVpistol = true), (setHIT_HVpistol_return = false)); } else !setHIT_HVpistol_return && (UI.SetValue(ix, revolver_hitchance_cache), UI.SetValue(iy, deagle_hitchance_cache), (setHIT_HVpistol = false), (setHIT_HVpistol_return = true)); } if (weapon_name == 'ssg 08') { var ja = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Hitchance']; if (in_air(localplayer_index) && it & (1 << 1)) { var jb = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air ', ]); !setHIT_scout && ((scout_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(ja)), UI.SetValue(ja, jb), (setHIT_scout = true), (setHIT_scout_return = false)); } else !setHIT_scout_return && (UI.SetValue(ja, scout_hitchance_cache), (setHIT_scout = false), (setHIT_scout_return = true)); } if (weapon_name == 'awp') { var jc = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Hitchance']; if (in_air(localplayer_index) && iu & (1 << 1)) { var jd = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While in air ', ]); !setHIT_awp && ((awp_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(jc)), UI.SetValue(jc, jd), (setHIT_awp = true), (setHIT_awp_return = false)); } else !setHIT_awp_return && (UI.SetValue(jc, awp_hitchance_cache), (setHIT_awp = false), (setHIT_awp_return = true)); } if (isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) { var je = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Hitchance'], jf = ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Hitchance']; if (iw == true && is & (1 << 0)) { var jg = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'Dynamic Hitchance', 'While unscoped', ]); !setHIT_auto && ((auto_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(je)), (g3sg1_hitchance_cache = UI.GetValue(jf)), UI.SetValue(je, jg), UI.SetValue(jf, jg), (setHIT_auto = true), (setHIT_auto_return = false)); } else !setHIT_auto_return && (UI.SetValue(je, auto_hitchance_cache), UI.SetValue(jf, auto_hitchance_cache), (setHIT_auto = false), (setHIT_auto_return = true)); } } } function indicator() { var a = a; render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize; const jh = render_get_screen_size()[1]; var ji = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); (font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 24, 500)), (render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize), UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Enable Damage Override', ]) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Damage Override', 'Damage Override', 'Show Currently Damage', ]) && Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && (weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(ji) ? (Render.String( 18, jh - 313, 0, UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[ji], 'Minimum damage', ]).toString(), [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 17, jh - 312, 0, UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[ji], 'Minimum damage', ]).toString(), [255, 255, 255, 255], font )) : (Render.String( 18, jh - 313, 0, UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'General', 'Minimum damage'])[ 'toString' ](), [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 17, jh - 312, 0, UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'General', 'Minimum damage'])[ 'toString' ](), [255, 255, 255, 255], font ))); } function drawString() { var a = a; (isDoubletap = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap'])), (isHideShots = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Hide shots'])), (isMagicKey = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Magic Key', ])), (isFreestand = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand On Key', ])), (isSyncFake = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Sync Fake On Key', ])), (isIndFb = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'General', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Force body aim', ])), (isIndSp = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'General', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Force safe point', ])), (isIndLag = UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Fake Lag', 'General', 'Enabled'])); var jj = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Auto direction'], jk = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Low delta']), jl = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Sync Fake On Key']), jm = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type']), jn = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Select Indicators Type', ]), jo = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Indicators pos']), jp = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]); (enemy_dist = get_metric_distance( Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(target) )), (render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize), (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)), (health = get_health(localplayer_index)), (weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(target))), (enemy_alive = Entity.IsAlive(target)); var jq = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Hide shots'], jr = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap'], js = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Hide shots'], jt = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']; if (UI.GetValue(js)) UI.SetValue(jr, 0), UI.SetValue(jq, 1); else { if (UI.GetValue(jt) && UI.GetValue(js) == false) UI.SetValue(jr, 1), UI.SetValue(jq, 0); else UI.GetValue(jt) && UI.GetValue(js) == !![] ? (UI.SetValue(jr, 0), UI.SetValue(jq, 1)) : (UI.SetValue(jr, 0), UI.SetValue(jq, 0)); } var ju = ['Rage', 'Fake Lag', 'General', 'Enabled']; (jt && jr) == true || (js && jq) == !![] ? (UI.SetValue(ju, 0), (isIndLag = false)) : UI.SetValue(ju, 1); isFreestand ? UI.SetValue(jj, 1) : UI.SetValue(jj, 0); const jv = render_get_screen_size()[1], jw = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 399); (font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 24, 700)), (fontmagickey = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 14, 700)); (weapon_name == 'ssg 08' && health < 80 && enemy_dist < 30) || (weapon_name == 'ssg 08' && health < 85 && enemy_dist < 25) || (weapon_name == 'ssg 08' && health < 90 && enemy_dist < 20) || (weapon_name == 'ssg 08' && health < 93 && enemy_dist < 17) || (isRevolver(weapon_name) && health < 95 && enemy_dist < 25) || (isRevolver(weapon_name) && health < 100 && enemy_dist < 10) || (isDeagle(weapon_name) && health < 70 && enemy_dist < 15) || (isDeagle(weapon_name) && health < 100 && enemy_dist < 8) || (isAutoSniper(weapon_name) && health < 80 && enemy_dist < 25) || (weapon_name == 'awp' && health < 95) ? (dangerous = 1) : (dangerous = 0); if (jm == 2) { if (jk) Onkey = 1; else Onkey = 0; } else Onkey = 0; if (localplayer_alive == 1) { UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) == 1 && jn == 0 && (Render.String(12, jv - 343, 0, 'fb', [0, 0, 0, 255], font), Render.String(75, jv - 315, 0, 'sp', [0, 0, 0, 255], font), Render.String(64, jv - 343, 0, 'lag', [0, 0, 0, 255], font), Render.String( 11, jv - 342, 0, isIndFb ? 'fb' : 'fb', isIndFb ? [150, 212, 15, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 74, jv - 314, 0, isIndSp ? 'sp' : 'sp', isIndSp ? [150, 212, 15, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 63, jv - 342, 0, isIndLag ? 'lag' : 'lag', isIndLag ? [150, 212, 15, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 255], font )); if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim'])) { if (jo == 1) { jp == 1 && Onkey == 0 && dangerous == true && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 30, screen_size[1] / 2 + 44, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 29, screen_size[1] / 2 + 43, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [255, 170, 35, 255], jw )); jp == 1 && Onkey == 0 && dangerous == true && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 30, screen_size[1] / 2 + 44, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 29, screen_size[1] / 2 + 43, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [1, 120, 32, 255], jw )); jp == 0 && Onkey == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 27, screen_size[1] / 2 + 44, 1, 'FAKE YAW', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 26, screen_size[1] / 2 + 43, 1, 'FAKE YAW', [207, 177, 255, 255], jw )); jk && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim']) == 1 && localplayer_alive == 1 && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta']) == 1 && jm == 2 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 33, screen_size[1] / 2 + 44, 1, 'DANGEROUS', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 32, screen_size[1] / 2 + 43, 1, 'DANGEROUS', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw )); if (jl == 1) UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'At targets'], 1), (isSyncFake = 1), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 24, screen_size[1] / 2 + 55, 1, 'DYNAMIC', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 23, screen_size[1] / 2 + 54, 1, 'DYNAMIC', [207, 177, 255, 255], jw ); else jl == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 24, screen_size[1] / 2 + 55, 1, 'DEFAULT', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 23, screen_size[1] / 2 + 54, 1, 'DEFAULT', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw ), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'At targets'], 0)); } else { if (jo == 0) { jp == 1 && Onkey == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 26, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 25, 1, 'IDEAL YAW', [255, 170, 35, 255], jw )); jp == 0 && Onkey == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 26, 1, 'FAKE YAW', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 25, 1, 'FAKE YAW', [207, 177, 255, 255], jw )); jk && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) == 1 && localplayer_alive == 1 && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta']) == 1 && jm == 2 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 26, 1, 'DANGEROUS', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 25, 1, 'DANGEROUS', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw )); if (jl == 1) UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'At targets'], 1), (isSyncFake = 1), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 37, 1, 'DYNAMIC', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 36, 1, 'DYNAMIC', [207, 177, 255, 255], jw ); else jl == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 37, 1, 'DEFAULT', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 36, 1, 'DEFAULT', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw ), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'At targets'], 0)); } } } UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && jn == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 - 41, screen_size[1] / 2 + -166, 1, isMagicKey ? 'WARNING!' : 'WARNING!', isMagicKey ? [0, 0, 0, 180] : [255, 0, 0, 0], fontmagickey ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 - 40, screen_size[1] / 2 + -165, 1, isMagicKey ? 'WARNING!' : 'WARNING!', isMagicKey ? [255, 0, 0, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 0], fontmagickey ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 41, screen_size[1] / 2 - 166, 1, isMagicKey ? 'delay shot' : 'delay shot', isMagicKey ? [0, 0, 0, 180] : [0, 204, 0, 0], fontmagickey ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 40, screen_size[1] / 2 - 165, 1, isMagicKey ? 'delay shot' : 'delay shot', isMagicKey ? [110, 200, 15, 255] : [0, 204, 0, 0], fontmagickey ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 - 893, screen_size[1] / 2 + 450, 1, isFreestand ? 'Freestand' : 'Freestand', isFreestand ? [255, 255, 255, 255] : [0, 204, 0, 0], 4 )); if (jo == 1) UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && jn == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 9, screen_size[1] / 2 + 66, 1, isHideShots ? 'AA' : 'AA', isHideShots ? [0, 0, 0, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 8, screen_size[1] / 2 + 66, 1, isDoubletap ? 'DT' : 'DT', isDoubletap ? [0, 0, 0, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 8, screen_size[1] / 2 + 65, 1, isHideShots ? 'AA' : 'AA', isHideShots ? [65, 105, 225, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw )), UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Fake duck', ]) && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 46, screen_size[1] / 2 + 66, 1, '(fakeduck)', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 45, screen_size[1] / 2 + 65, 1, '(fakeduck)', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw )); else jo == 0 && (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && jn == 0 && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 48, 1, isHideShots ? 'AA' : 'AA', isHideShots ? [0, 0, 0, 180] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 1, screen_size[1] / 2 + 48, 1, isDoubletap ? 'DT' : 'DT', isDoubletap ? [0, 0, 0, 180] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 47, 1, isHideShots ? 'AA' : 'AA', isHideShots ? [65, 105, 225, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 0], jw )), UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'General', 'Key assignment', 'Fake duck', ]) && (Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 3, screen_size[1] / 2 + 57, 1, '(fakeduck)', [0, 0, 0, 255], jw ), Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 56, 1, '(fakeduck)', [255, 0, 0, 255], jw ))); } } var menu = {}, menu_elements = {}, jnasd88u_1_oksad_1 = Array, dsaijhduia = jnasd88u_1_oksad_1, jnasd88u09usadojas_1_ok2321 = dsaijhduia, mdiu19u = jnasd88u09usadojas_1_ok2321, d_123jnj = mdiu19u, kdak_123_a = Cheat, dsjaodjm19iji = kdak_123_a, Aud8u1hdsja = dsjaodjm19iji, soiajdmaj9isjd0 = Aud8u1hdsja, diujsaudja = soiajdmaj9isjd0; const menu_spacer = ' '; (menu.label = function (jx) { var a = a; UI.AddLabel(jx); }), ( = function (jy, jz, ka, kb, kc) { var a = a; (kb = kb || []), (kc = kc || undefined); const kd = jz + menu_spacer + ka; var ke = [kd], kf = {}; (kf.path = ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', kd]), (kf.cache = kc), (kf.func = jy); const kg = kf; if (kb != null) for (var kh = 0; kh < kb.length; kh++) { ke.push(kb[kh]); } return jy.apply(null, ke), (menu_elements[ka] = kg), kg; }), (menu.reference = function (ki, kj) { var a = a, kk = {}; return (kk.path = ki), (kk.func = kj), kk; }), (menu.get = function (kl) { var a = a; switch (kl.func) { case UI.AddColorPicker: return UI.GetColor.apply(null, kl.path); case UI.AddHotkey: return UI.GetValue.apply(null, kl.path); default: return UI.GetValue.apply(null, kl.path); } }); const ref_doubletap = menu.reference([ ['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap'], ]), ref_doubletap_hk = menu.reference( [['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']], UI.AddHotkey ); var offset = 0, km = {}; (km.dormant = [235, 235, 235, 255]), ( = [235, 235, 235, 255]); const modules = [ { label: 'DT', condition: function () { var a = a; return menu.get(ref_doubletap) & menu.get(ref_doubletap_hk); }, colors: km, logic: function () { var a = a; const kn = modules[0], ko = Exploit.GetCharge(); return ( ( = ko === 1 ? [75, 212, 15, 255] : [255, 0, 0, 255]), 1 ); }, }, ]; function DT_ind() { var a = a; const kp = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 10, 399); render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize; const kq = 0; var kr = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Indicators pos']); if ( UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) ) for (var ks = 0; ks < modules.length; ks++) { const kt = modules[ks]; if (!kt.condition()) continue; const ku = kt.logic(), kv = [ kt.colors.dormant[0] + ([0] - kt.colors.dormant[0]) * ku, kt.colors.dormant[1] + ([1] - kt.colors.dormant[1]) * ku, kt.colors.dormant[2] + ([2] - kt.colors.dormant[2]) * ku, 255, ]; if (kr == 1) Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2 + 7, screen_size[1] / 2 + 65, 1, kt.label, kv, kp ); else kr == 0 && Render.String( screen_size[0] / 2, screen_size[1] / 2 + 47, 1, kt.label, kv, kp ); kq++; } } function me_Alive() { var a = a; const kw = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (!kw || !Entity.IsAlive(kw)) return; DT_ind(); } var time, delay, fillbar, shotsfired; function can_shift_shot(kx) { var a = a, ky = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), kz = Entity.GetWeapon(ky); if (ky == null || kz == null) return false; var la = Entity.GetProp(ky, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_nTickBase'), lb = Globals.TickInterval() * (la - kx); if (lb < Entity.GetProp(ky, 'CCSPlayer', 'm_flNextAttack')) return false; if (lb < Entity.GetProp(kz, 'CBaseCombatWeapon', 'm_flNextPrimaryAttack')) return false; return true; } function _TBC_CREATE_MOVE() { var a = a, lc = [ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Improvements [BETA]', ]; if (lc) { var ld = ['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Features'], le = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Select DoubleTap Tickbase', ]), lc = [ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'DoubleTap Improvements [BETA]', ], lf = UI.GetValue(ld), lg = Exploit.GetCharge(), lh = null; lf & (1 << 1) ? (lh = le + 2) : (lh = 16); if (lf & (1 << 0)) { var li = Math.round(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16), lj = Math.abs(li); if (lj < 15 || lj == 15) { var lk = 18, ll = lk - lh; Exploit[(lg != 1 ? 'Enable' : 'Disable') + 'Recharge'](), can_shift_shot(lh + ll) && lg != 1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge()), Exploit.OverrideTolerance(0), Exploit.OverrideShift(lh + ll); } else { if ((lj > 15 && lj < 60) || lj == 60) { var lk = 17, ll = null; lh == 17 || 18 ? (ll = 0) : (ll = lk - lh), Exploit[(lg != 1 ? 'Enable' : 'Disable') + 'Recharge'](), can_shift_shot(lh + ll) && lg != 1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge()), Exploit.OverrideTolerance(0), Exploit.OverrideShift(lh + ll); } else lj > 60 && (Exploit[(lg != 1 ? 'Enable' : 'Disable') + 'Recharge'](), can_shift_shot(16) && lg != 1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge()), Exploit.OverrideTolerance(0), Exploit.OverrideShift(16)); } } else Exploit[(lg != 1 ? 'Enable' : 'Disable') + 'Recharge'](), can_shift_shot(16) && lg != 1 && (Exploit.DisableRecharge(), Exploit.Recharge()), Exploit.OverrideTolerance(0), Exploit.OverrideShift(16); } } function _TBC_UNLOAD() { var a = a; Exploit.EnableRecharge(); } var lm = {}; (lm.get = function () { var a = a; return UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'AA Direction inverter', ]); }), (lm.reverse = function () { var a = a; return UI.ToggleHotkey([ 'Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'AA Direction inverter', ]); }); var inverter = lm; function deg2rad(ln) { return (ln * Math.PI) / 180; } function angle_to_vec(lo, lp) { var a = a, lq = deg2rad(lo), lr = deg2rad(lp), ls = Math.sin(lq), lt = Math.cos(lq), lu = Math.sin(lr), lv = Math.cos(lr); return [lt * lv, lt * lu, -ls]; } function trace(lw, lx) { var a = a, ly = angle_to_vec(lx[0], lx[1]), lz = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(lw); lz[2] += 50; var ma = [lz[0] + ly[0] * 8192, lz[1] + ly[1] * 8192, lz[2] + ly[2] * 8192], mb = Trace.Line(lw, lz, ma); if (mb[1] == 1) return; ma = [ lz[0] + ly[0] * mb[1] * 8192, lz[1] + ly[1] * mb[1] * 8192, lz[2] + ly[2] * mb[1] * 8192, ]; var mc = Math.sqrt( (lz[0] - ma[0]) * (lz[0] - ma[0]) + (lz[1] - ma[1]) * (lz[1] - ma[1]) + (lz[2] - ma[2]) * (lz[2] - ma[2]) ); (lz = Render.WorldToScreen(lz)), (ma = Render.WorldToScreen(ma)); if (ma[2] != 1 || lz[2] != 1) return; return mc; } var flip = false, last = 0, flip2 = false, last2 = 0; function Main() { var a = a; if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim'])) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Avoid overlap'], 0), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'On-shot desync'], 1), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Hide real angle'], 0), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Fake', 'Fake desync'], 0); var md = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), me = get_health(md), mf = get_velocity(md), mg = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(target)), mh = get_metric_distance( Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(target) ), mi = Entity.GetProp(md, 'CBasePlayer', 'm_vecVelocity[0]'), mj = Math.sqrt(mi[0] * mi[0] + mi[1] * mi[1] + mi[2] * mi[2]), mk = false, ml = false, mm = false, mn = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Freestand Features'], mo = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Freestand Type']), mp = UI.GetValue(mn); if ( UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key']) ) mk = true; else mk = false; if (mp & (1 << 2) && mg == 'ssg 08' && mh < 20 && mh > 10 && me > 92) ml = true; else ml = false; if ( mp & (1 << 1) && ((mg == 'ssg 08' && me < 80 && mh < 30) || (mg == 'ssg 08' && me < 85 && mh < 25) || (mg == 'ssg 08' && me < 90 && mh < 20) || (mg == 'ssg 08' && me < 93 && mh < 17) || (isRevolver(mg) && me < 95 && mh < 25) || (isRevolver(mg) && me < 100 && mh < 10) || (isDeagle(mg) && me < 70 && mh < 15) || (isDeagle(mg) && me < 100 && mh < 8) || (isAutoSniper(mg) && me < 80 && mh < 25) || (mg == 'awp' && me < 95)) ) mm = true; else mm = false; var mq = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type']), mr = false, ms = false, mt = false, mu = false, mv = false, mw = null; const mx = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Modes', ]); if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) { UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Use custom fake value']) ? (mw = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Use custom fake value', ])) : (mw = 24); if (mq == 0) { if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk'])) ms = true; else ms = false; } else { if (mq == 1) { if ( mx & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk']) ) ms = true; else ms = false; if (mx & (1 << 1) && me < 50) mr = true; else mr = false; if (mx & (1 << 2) && mf < 3) mt = true; else mt = false; } else { if (mq == 2) { if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Low delta'])) mu = true; else mu = false; } } } (mq == 0 && ms == true) || (mq == 1 && mt == true) || mr == true || ms == true || mu == true || (mq == 2 && mu == true && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) ? (UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], 10), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Jitter offset'], 0), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(0 - mw), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90), (mv = true)) : (UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], 0), (mv = false)); } if (mj < 60) return; var my = Globals.Curtime() - Entity.GetProp(md, 'CBaseEntity', 'm_flSimulationTime'); last > my && (flip = !flip); if (mo == 0) { if (ml == true && mv == false) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'General', 'Pitch mode'], 1); if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim']) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mo == 0 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])); if (left_distance > right_distance) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } if (right_distance > left_distance) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (!inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } } } else { if (ml == true && mv == false) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mo == 0 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])), left_distance > right_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? -20 : 20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90), (last = my)), right_distance > left_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? 20 : -20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(-90), (last = my)); } } } } else { if (mo == 1) { if (ml == true && mv == false) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'General', 'Pitch mode'], 1); if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mo == 1 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])); if (left_distance < right_distance) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8); if (inverter.get()) AntiAim.SetOverride(0); inverter.reverse(); } if (right_distance < left_distance) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (!inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } } } else { if (ml == true && mv == false) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mo == 1 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])), left_distance < right_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? -20 : 20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90), (last = my)), right_distance < left_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? 20 : -20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(-90), (last = my)); } } } } else { if (mo == 2) { if (ml == true && mv == false) { UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'General', 'Pitch mode'], 1); if (mm == false) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mm == true || !mo == 2 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])); if (left_distance > right_distance) { UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } if (right_distance > left_distance) { UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (!inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } } } else { if (mm == true) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mm == true || !mo == 2 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])); if (left_distance < right_distance) { UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } if (right_distance < left_distance) { UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(0); if (!inverter.get()) inverter.reverse(); } } } } } else { if (ml == true && mv == false) { if (mm == false) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mm == true || !mo == 2 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])), left_distance > right_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? -20 : 20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90), (last = my)), right_distance > left_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? 20 : -20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(-90), (last = my)); } } else { if (mm == true) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(md) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key', ]) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim', ]) || !ml == true || !mv == true || !mm == true || !mo == 2 ) return; if (Entity.IsValid(md)) { var mz = Local.GetViewAngles(); (left_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] - 22])), (right_distance = trace(md, [0, mz[1] + 22])), left_distance < right_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -5 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? 20 : -20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(-90), (last = my)), right_distance < left_distance && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Yaw offset'], -8 ), AntiAim.SetOverride(1), AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0), AntiAim.SetRealOffset(flip ? -20 : 20), AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(90), (last = my)); } } } } } } } } } } function Animation() { var a = a; if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim'])) { if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) { var na = false, nb = false, nc = false, nd = false, ne = false, nf = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type']), ng = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), nh = get_health(ng), ni = get_velocity(ng); const nj = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Modes', ]); if (nf == 0) { if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk'])) nb = true; else nb = false; } else { if (nf == 1) { if ( nj & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk']) ) nb = true; else nb = false; if (nj & (1 << 1) && nh < 50) na = true; else na = false; if (nj & (1 << 2) && ni < 3) nc = true; else nc = false; } else { if (nf == 2) { if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Low delta'])) nd = true; else nd = false; } } } (nf == 0 && nb == true) || (nf == 1 && nc == true) || na == true || nb == true || nd == true || (nf == 2 && nd == true && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) ? (ne = true) : (ne = false); } var nk = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Slide Type']), nl = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2), nm = function (nn) { var a = a; UI.SetValue(['Misc.', 'Movement', 'General', 'Leg movement'], nn); }; if (nk == 1 && ne == false) nm(1); else { if (nk == 2 && ne == false) switch (nl) { case 0: nm(1); break; case 1: nm(2); case 2: nm(1); } else nm(0); } } } (jitter_val_return = true), (jitter_val_set = false); function MoreJitter() { var a = a, no = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Enable Anti-Aim']), np = ['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Freestand Fake On Key'], nq = ['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Directions', 'Jitter offset'], nr = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Jitter Range']), ns = ['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Freestand Features'], nt = UI.GetValue(ns), nu = false, nv = false, nw = false, nx = false, ny = false, nz = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Type']); const oa = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta Modes']); if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) { if (nz == 0) { if (UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk'])) nv = true; else nv = false; } else { if (nz == 1) { if ( oa & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Anti Aim', 'Key assignment', 'Slow walk']) ) nv = true; else nv = false; if (oa & (1 << 1) && health < 50) nu = true; else nu = false; if (oa & (1 << 2) && velocity < 3) nw = true; else nw = false; } else { if (nz == 2) { if (UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Low delta'])) nx = true; else nx = false; } } } (nz == 0 && nv == true) || (nz == 1 && nw == true) || nu == true || nv == true || nx == true || (nz == 2 && nx == true && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Anti-Aim', 'Anti-Aim', 'Low delta'])) ? (ny = true) : (ny = false); } no && nt & (1 << 3) && ny == ![] ? UI.SetValue(nq, 0 - nr) : UI.SetValue(nq, 0); } (seta = false), (setb = true); function ForceHeadAim() { var a = a, ob = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Enable Magic Key']) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key Type']) == 1 && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Magic Key']) ? !seta && ((wep_cashe = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[ob], 'Hitboxes', ])), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[ob], 'Hitboxes'], 1), (seta = true), (setb = false)) : !setb && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[ob], 'Hitboxes'], wep_cashe ), (setb = true), (seta = false)); } (setc = false), (setd = true); function ForceHeadAim1() { var a = a; if ( UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Enable Magic Key']) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key Type']) == 1 && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Magic Key']) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Use Custom Head Scale For Magic Key', ]) ) { var oc = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value ']), od = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value ']), oe = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value']), of = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value ']), og = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Magic Key', 'Magic Key', 'Set value ']), oh = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); !setc && ((wep_head_multipoint_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[oh], 'Head pointscale', ])), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'USP', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Glock', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'CZ-75', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Tec-9', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'P250', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'P2000', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Five Seven', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Dualies', 'Head pointscale'], oc), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'SCAR20', 'Head pointscale'], oe), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'G3SG1', 'Head pointscale'], oe), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'SSG08', 'Head pointscale'], of), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'AWP', 'Head pointscale'], og), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Revolver', 'Head pointscale'], od), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Target', 'Deagle', 'Head pointscale'], od), (setc = true), (setd = false)); } else !setd && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Target', weaponTabNames[oh], 'Head pointscale'], wep_head_multipoint_cache ), (setc = false), (setd = true)); } (autostop_auto_val = false), (autostop_auto_return = true), (autostop_ssg_val = false), (autostop_ssg_return = true), (autostop_awp_val = false), (autostop_awp_return = true), (autostop_pistol_val = false), (autostop_pistol_return = true), (autostop_hvpistol_val = false), (autostop_hvpistol_return = true); function Autostop() { var a = a; const oi = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Features']), oj = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Early Weapons']); if ( UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autowall Fix']) ) { if ( oj & (1 << 0) && oi & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override', ]) ) !autostop_auto_val && ((autostop_modes_scar_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_g3sg1_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_scar_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_g3sg1_cache ), (autostop_auto_val = true), (autostop_auto_return = false)); else oi & (1 << 3) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) ? !autostop_auto_val && ((autostop_modes_scar_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_g3sg1_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_scar_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_g3sg1_cache ), (autostop_auto_val = true), (autostop_auto_return = false)) : !autostop_auto_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_scar_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_g3sg1_cache ), (autostop_auto_val = false), (autostop_auto_return = true)); oj & (1 << 1) && oi & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override']) ? !autostop_ssg_val && ((autostop_modes_scout_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_scout_cache ), (autostop_ssg_val = true), (autostop_ssg_return = false)) : !autostop_ssg_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_scout_cache ), (autostop_ssg_val = false), (autostop_ssg_return = true)); oj & (1 << 2) && oi & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override']) ? !autostop_awp_val && ((autostop_modes_awp_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_awp_cache ), (autostop_awp_val = true), (autostop_awp_return = false)) : !autostop_awp_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_awp_cache ), (autostop_awp_val = false), (autostop_awp_return = true)); if ( oj & (1 << 3) && oi & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override', ]) ) !autostop_pistol_val && ((autostop_modes_usp_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'USP', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_glock_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Glock', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_cz75_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'CZ-75', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_p2000_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P2000', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_p250_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P250', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_tec9_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Tec-9', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_dualies_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Dualies', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_fiveseven_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Five Seven', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'USP', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_usp_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Glock', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_glock_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'CZ-75', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_cz75_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P2000', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_p2000_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P250', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_p250_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Tec-9', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_tec9_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Dualies', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_dualies_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Five Seven', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_fiveseven_cache ), (autostop_pistol_val = true), (autostop_pistol_return = false)); else oi & (1 << 3) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) ? !autostop_pistol_val && ((autostop_modes_usp_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'USP', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_glock_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Glock', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_cz75_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'CZ-75', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_p2000_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P2000', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_p250_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P250', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_tec9_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Tec-9', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_dualies_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Dualies', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_fiveseven_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Five Seven', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'USP', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_usp_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Glock', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_glock_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'CZ-75', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_cz75_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P2000', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_p2000_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P250', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_p250_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Tec-9', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_tec9_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Dualies', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_dualies_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Five Seven', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 6) + autostop_modes_fiveseven_cache ), (autostop_pistol_val = true), (autostop_pistol_return = false)) : !autostop_pistol_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'USP', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_usp_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Glock', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_glock_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'CZ-75', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_cz75_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P2000', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_p2000_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'P250', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_p250_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Tec-9', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_tec9_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Dualies', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_dualies_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Five Seven', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_fiveseven_cache ), (autostop_pistol_val = false), (autostop_pistol_return = true)); oj & (1 << 4) && oi & (1 << 0) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Scripts', 'JS Keybinds', 'Minimum Damage Override']) ? !autostop_hvpistol_val && ((autostop_modes_revolver_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Revolver', 'Auto stop mode', ])), (autostop_modes_deagle_cache = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Deagle', 'Auto stop mode', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Revolver', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_revolver_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Deagle', 'Auto stop mode'], (1 << 2) + autostop_modes_deagle_cache ), (autostop_hvpistol_val = true), (autostop_hvpistol_return = false)) : !autostop_hvpistol_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Revolver', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_revolver_cache ), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'Deagle', 'Auto stop mode'], autostop_modes_deagle_cache ), (autostop_hvpistol_val = false), (autostop_hvpistol_return = true)); } } (FB_set = false), (FB_return = true), (SP_set = false), (SP_return = true); function PreferBaim_Safepoint() { var a = a; const ok = UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Features']); var ol = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(ol) && (UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autowall Fix']) && ok & (1 << 1) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) ? !SP_set && ((SP_val = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer safe point', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer safe point'], 1 ), (SP_set = true), (SP_return = false)) : !SP_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer safe point'], SP_val ), (SP_set = false), (SP_return = true)), UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Autowall Fix']) && ok & (1 << 2) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'General', 'Double tap']) && UI.GetValue(['Rage', 'Exploits', 'Keys', 'Key assignment', 'Double tap']) ? !FB_set && ((FB_val = UI.GetValue([ 'Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer body aim', ])), UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer body aim'], 1 ), (FB_set = true), (FB_return = false)) : !FB_return && (UI.SetValue( ['Rage', 'Accuracy', weaponTabNames[ol], 'Prefer body aim'], FB_val ), (FB_set = false), (FB_return = true))); } function PingIndicator() { var a = a; (g_Local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (g_Local_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(g_Local)), (weapon_name = Entity.GetName(g_Local_weapon)), (g_Local_classname = Entity.GetClassName(g_Local_weapon)), (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)), (render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize); if ( !Entity.GetLocalPlayer() || !Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) || !Entity.IsValid(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Select Indicators Type', ]) == 0 || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) || !UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Indicators']) ) return; (up = 0), (font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 16, 700)), (font2 = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 5, 100)); var om = Math.round(Local.Latency() * 1000 - 16), on = Math.abs(om); const oo = render_get_screen_size()[1]; if (UI.GetValue(['Misc.', 'Helpers', 'General', 'Extended backtracking'])) { Render.String(13, oo - 390, 0, 'PING', [0, 0, 0, 125], font), Render.String( 12, oo - 390, 0, 'PING', [192 - (on * 23) / 110, 32 + (on * 83) / 110, 17, 255], font ); if (on > 200) on = 200; on < 180 && (Render.FilledRect(13, oo - 365 - up, 58, 4, [0, 0, 0, 150]), Render.FilledRect(14, oo - 365 - up, (on * 1) / 4 + 6, 2, [ 192 - (on * 23) / 110, 32 + (on * 83) / 110, 17, 255, ])), (up = 20); } } var gun_fired = false, other_weapons = [ 'knife', 'knife_t', 'knife_karambit', 'knife_m9_bayonet', 'knife_survival_bowie', 'knife_butterfly', 'knife_flip', 'knife_push', 'knife_tactical', 'knife_falchion', 'knife_gut', 'knife_ursus', 'knife_gypsy_jackknife', 'knife_stiletto', 'knife_widowmaker', 'knife_css', 'knife_cord', 'knife_canis', 'knife_outdoor', 'knife_skeleton', 'bayonet', 'hegrenade', 'smokegrenade', 'molotov', 'incgrenade', 'flashbang', 'decoy', 'taser', ], op = {}; (op.fired = 0), (op.hit = 0), (op.missed = 0), (op.hit_chance = 0), (op.miss_chance = 0); var shots = op; function is_gun(oq) { var a = a; for (var or = 0; or < other_weapons.length; or++) { if (oq == 'weapon_' + other_weapons[or]) return false; } return true; } function weapon_fire() { var a = a, os = Event.GetInt('userid'), ot = Event.GetString('weapon'); Entity.IsLocalPlayer(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(os)) && is_gun(ot) && Global.IsKeyPressed(1) == true && UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && UI.GetValue(['Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Hitchance Logger']) && ((shots.fired = shots.fired + 1), (gun_fired = true)); } function player_hurt() { var a = a, ou = Event.GetInt('attacker'), ov = Event.GetString('weapon'); Entity.IsLocalPlayer(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(ou)) && is_gun(ov) && gun_fired && ((shots.hit = shots.hit + 1), (gun_fired = false)); } function Hitchance_logger() { var a = a; (g_Local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)); const ow = render_get_screen_size()[1]; font = Render.AddFont('Verdana', 16, 700); if (localplayer_alive == true) { if ( Global.GetMapName() == '' || !UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Hitchance Logger', ]) || (!UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Minor Fixes', 'Minor Fixes', 'Enable Minor Fixes', ]) && localplayer_alive == true) ) return; (shots.missed = shots.fired - shots.hit), (shots.hit_chance = (shots.hit / shots.fired) * 100), (shots.miss_chance = (shots.missed / shots.fired) * 100), Render.String( 13, ow - 550, 0, 'miss: ' + shots.missed, [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String(13, ow - 520, 0, 'hit: ' + shots.hit, [0, 0, 0, 255], font), Render.String( 12, ow - 550, 0, 'miss: ' + shots.missed, [255, 255, 255, 255], font ), Render.String( 12, ow - 520, 0, 'hit: ' + shots.hit, [255, 255, 255, 255], font ); if (shots.fired > 0) Render.String( 13, ow - 490, 0, shots.hit + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + Math.round(shots.hit_chance) + '%', [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 13, ow - 460, 0, shots.missed + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + Math.round(shots.miss_chance) + '%', [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 12, ow - 490, 0, shots.hit + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + Math.round(shots.hit_chance) + '%', [255, 255, 255, 255], font ), Render.String( 12, ow - 460, 0, shots.missed + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + Math.round(shots.miss_chance) + '%', [255, 255, 255, 255], font ); else shots.fired < 1 && (Render.String( 13, ow - 490, 0, shots.hit + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + 0 + '%', [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 13, ow - 460, 0, shots.missed + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + 0 + '%', [0, 0, 0, 255], font ), Render.String( 12, ow - 490, 0, shots.hit + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + 0 + '%', [255, 255, 255, 255], font ), Render.String( 12, ow - 460, 0, shots.missed + ' / ' + shots.fired + ' = ' + 0 + '%', [255, 255, 255, 255], font )); } } function AdaptiveScopeDist() { var a = a; if ( UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Enable Adaptive Autoscope', ]) ) { (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))); var ox = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); const oy = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes', ]), oz = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes ', ]), pa = UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Modes ', ]); if (!Ragebot.GetTarget()) target = closestTarget(); else target = Ragebot.GetTarget(); isAutoSniper(weapon_name) && (oy & (1 << 0) && get_metric_distance( Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(target) ) < UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance', ]) && (UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto scope'], 0), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto scope'], 0)), oy & (1 << 1) && in_air(localplayer_index) == true && (UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SCAR20', 'Auto scope'], 1), UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'G3SG1', 'Auto scope'], 1))), weapon_name == 'ssg 08' && (oz & (1 << 0) && get_metric_distance( Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(target) ) < UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance ', ]) && UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Auto scope'], 0), oz & (1 << 1) && in_air(localplayer_index) == true && UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'SSG08', 'Auto scope'], 1)), weapon_name == 'awp' && (pa & (1 << 0) && get_metric_distance( Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), Entity.GetRenderOrigin(target) ) < UI.GetValue([ 'Config', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Adaptive Autoscope', 'Select distance ', ]) && UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Auto scope'], 0), pa & (1 << 1) && in_air(localplayer_index) == true && UI.SetValue(['Rage', 'Accuracy', 'AWP', 'Auto scope'], 1)); } } function closestTarget() { var a = a, pb = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), pc = Entity.GetEnemies(), pd = [], pe = []; for (e in pc) { if ( !Entity.IsAlive(pc[e]) || Entity.IsDormant(pc[e]) || !Entity.IsValid(pc[e]) ) continue; pd.push([ pc[e], calcDist( Entity.GetHitboxPosition(pb, 0), Entity.GetHitboxPosition(pc[e], 0) ), ]); } pd.sort(function (pf, pg) { return pf[1] - pg[1]; }); if (pd.length == 0 || pd == []) return (target = -1); return pd[0][0]; } function calcDist(ph, pi) { var a = a; return ( (x = ph[0] - pi[0]), (y = ph[1] - pi[1]), (z = ph[2] - pi[2]), Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) ); } function GetTickbaseX5() { var a = a; (localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), (localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index)), (render_get_screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize); } Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Autostrafe'), Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'SetEnabled'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'PingSpike'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'FakelagFix'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'onCM'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'MultipointonCM'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'HitchanceCM'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'indicator'), Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'drawString'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'me_Alive'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', '_TBC_CREATE_MOVE'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('Unload', '_TBC_UNLOAD'), Global.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Main'), Global.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Animation'), Global.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'MoreJitter'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'ForceHeadAim'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'ForceHeadAim1'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'Autostop'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'PreferBaim_Safepoint'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'PingIndicator'), Global.RegisterCallback('weapon_fire', 'weapon_fire'), Global.RegisterCallback('player_hurt', 'player_hurt'), Global.RegisterCallback('Draw', 'Hitchance_logger'), Cheat.RegisterCallback('CreateMove', 'AdaptiveScopeDist'); Last update kitty sync.js source code enjoy