This shot looks like a lby resolver lmao.Код:// This is an independent project of an individual developer. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it. // PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C ++, C #, and Java: #include "animation_system.h" #include ".. \ ragebot \ aim.h" #include ".. \ misc \ misc.h" void resolver :: initialize (player_t * e, adjust_data * record, const float & goal_feet_yaw, const float & pitch) { player = e; player_record = record; original_goal_feet_yaw = math :: normalize_yaw (goal_feet_yaw); original_pitch = math :: normalize_pitch (pitch); } void resolver :: reset () { player = nullptr; player_record = nullptr; side = false; fake = false; was_first_bruteforce = false; was_second_bruteforce = false; original_goal_feet_yaw = 0.0f; original_pitch = 0.0f; } void resolver :: resolve_yaw () { #define enc_str (s) std :: string (s) #define enc_char (s) enc_str (s) .c_str () #pragma region // Microwave // #define PI 3.14159265358979323846f #define DEG2RAD (x) ((float) (x) * (float) ((float) (PI) / 180.0f)) #define RAD2DEG (x) ((float) (x) * (float) (180.0f / (float) (PI))) #define RADPI 57.295779513082f #define rad (a) a * 0.01745329251 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 if (player-> m_flowerBodyYawTarget ()> 180) player-> m_flowerBodyYawTarget () - = (round (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () / 360) * 360.f); else if (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () <-180) player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () + = (round (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () / 360) * -360.f); return; for (int w = 0; w <13; w ++) { AnimationLayer currentLayer = player-> get_animlayers () [1]; const int activity = player-> sequence_activity (currentLayer.m_nSequence); float flcycle = currentLayer.m_flCycle, flprevcycle = currentLayer.m_flPrevCycle, flweight = currentLayer.m_flWeight, flweightdatarate = currentLayer.m_flWeightDeltaRate; uint32_t norder = currentLayer.m_nOrder; if (activity == ACT_CSGO_IDLE_ADJUST_STOPPEDMOVING) return; } return; float GetLBYRotatedYaw (float lby, float yaw); { { float delta = (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () - LBY); if (fabs (delta) <25.f) return; if (delta> 0.f) player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () + 25.f; return; } bool lowerBodyPrediction (player_t * pEntity); { static float prediction = 0.f; static bool secondrun = false; float flServerTime = (float) player-> m_nTickBase () * m_globals () -> m_intervalpertick; if ((player) &&! secondrun) { prediction = flServerTime + 0.22; secondrun = true; } else if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D () <0.1f && secondrun && prediction <= player-> m_flSimulationTime ()) { prediction = player-> m_nTickBase () + 1.1f; } else // theyre moving { secondrun = false; return; } if (prediction <= player-> m_flSimulationTime ()) { return; } return; } float NormalizePitch (float pitch); { while (original_pitch> 89.f) original_pitch - = 180.f; while (original_pitch <-89.f) original_pitch + = 180.f; return; } float __fastcall ang_dif (float a1, float a2); { float val = fmodf (LBY - LBY, 360.0); while (val <-180.0f) val + = 360.0f; while (val> 180.0f) val - = 360.0f; return; } bool adjusting_stop (player_t * player, AnimationLayer * layer); { for (int i = 0; i <15; i ++) { for (int s = 0; s <14; s ++) { auto anim_layer = player-> get_animlayers (); if (! player-> get_animlayers () -> m_pOwner) continue; const int activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence); if (activity == 981 && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight == 1.f) { return; } } } return; } // ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY float get_average_lby_standing_update_delta (player_t * player); { static float last_update_time [64]; static float second_laste_update_time [64]; static float oldlowerbody [64]; float lby = static_cast <int> (fabs (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget ())); if (lby! = oldlowerbody [player-> EntIndex ()]) { second_laste_update_time [player-> EntIndex ()] = last_update_time [player-> EntIndex ()]; last_update_time [player-> EntIndex ()] = m_globals () -> m_curtime; oldlowerbody [player-> EntIndex ()] = lby; } return; } float GetCurTime (CUserCmd * ucmd); { player_t * local_player = g_ctx.local (); static int g_tick = 0; static CUserCmd * g_pLastCmd = nullptr; if (! g_pLastCmd || g_pLastCmd-> m_predicted) { g_tick = (float) local_player-> m_nTickBase (); } else { // Required because prediction only runs on frames, not ticks // So if your framerate goes below tickrate, m_nTickBase won't update every tick ++ g_tick; } float curtime = g_tick; return; } Vector CalcAngle69 (Vector dst, Vector src); { Vector angles; double delta [3] = {(player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x - player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x), (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y), (player- > m_angEyeAngles (). z - player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z)}; double hyp = sqrt (delta [0] * delta [0] + delta [1] * delta [1]); angles.x = (float) (atan (delta [2] / hyp) * 180.0 / 3.14159265); angles.y = (float) (atanf (delta [1] / delta [0]) * 57.295779513082f); angles.z = 0.0f; if (delta [0]> = 0.0) { angles.y + = 180.0f; } return; } float lerp_time (); { int ud_rate = m_cvar () -> FindVar ("cl_updaterate") -> GetFloat (); ConVar * min_ud_rate = m_cvar () -> FindVar ("sv_minupdaterate"); ConVar* max_ud_rate = m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_maxupdaterate"); if (min_ud_rate && max_ud_rate) ud_rate = max_ud_rate->GetFloat(); float ratio = m_cvar()->FindVar("cl_interp_ratio")->GetFloat(); if (ratio == 0) ratio = 1.0f; float lerp = m_cvar()->FindVar("cl_interp")->GetFloat(); ConVar* c_min_ratio = m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_client_min_interp_ratio"); ConVar* c_max_ratio = m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_client_max_interp_ratio"); if (c_min_ratio && c_max_ratio && c_min_ratio->GetFloat() != 1) ratio = math::clamp(ratio, c_min_ratio->GetFloat(), c_max_ratio->GetFloat()); return; } bool HasFakeHead (player_t * pEntity); { // lby should update if distance from lby to eye angles exceeds 35 degrees (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget ())> 35; } bool Lbywithin35 (player_t * pEntity); { // lby should update if distance from lby to eye angles less than 35 degrees (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget ()) <35; } bool IsMovingOnInAir (player_t * pEntity); { // Check if player has a velocity greater than 0 (moving) and if they are onground. (player-> m_fFlags () & FL_ONGROUND); } bool OnGround (player_t * pEntity); { // Check if player has a velocity greater than 0 (moving) and if they are onground. player-> m_fFlags () & FL_ONGROUND; } bool IsFakeWalking (player_t * pEntity); { // Check if a player is moving, but at below a velocity of 36 player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D () <36.0f; } float tolerance = 10.f; const inline float LBYDelta (player_t * v); { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); } const inline bool IsDifferent (float a, float b, float tolerance = 10.f); { player-> get_max_desync_delta (), player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget ()> tolerance; } bool HasStaticYawDifference (const std :: deque <player_t *> & l, float tolerance); } int GetDifferentDeltas (const std :: deque <player_t *> & l, float tolerance); { } int GetDifferentLBYs (const std :: deque <player_t *> & l, float tolerance); { } bool DeltaKeepsChanging (const std :: deque <player_t *> & cur, float tolerance); { } bool LBYKeepsChanging (const std :: deque <player_t *> & cur, float tolerance); { } void LowerBodyYawFix (Vector * & Angle, player_t * Player); { if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length ()> 1 && (player-> m_fFlags () & FL_ONGROUND)) player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); } bool IsNearEqual (float v1, float v2, float Tolerance); { (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_flowerBodyYawTarget ()); } int GetSequenceActivity (player_t * pEntity, int sequence); { const model_t * pModel = player-> GetModel (); if (! pModel) return; auto hdr = (player-> GetModel ()); if (! hdr) return; (player, hdr, player-> m_nSequence ()); } int playersequence_activity (); { auto hdr = player-> GetModel (); if (! hdr) return; return; } bool lby_keeps_updating (); { player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); } bool IsAdjustingBalance (player_t * player, AnimationLayer * layer); { for (int i = 0; i <15; i ++) { const int activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> m_nSequence ()); if (activity == 979) { return; } } return; } bool adjusting_balance (player_t * e, AnimationLayer * set); { const auto activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> m_nSequence ()); if (activity == 979) { return; } return; } float NormalizeFloatToAngle (float input); { for (auto i = 0; i <3; i ++) { while (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () <-180.0f) player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () + = 360.0f; while (player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() > 180.0f) player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() -= 360.0f; } return ; } float FixAusnahmeAngles(float yaw, float desyncdelta); { for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (player->get_animation_state()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw< -player->get_max_desync_delta()) player->get_animation_state()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw < +player->get_max_desync_delta(); while (player->get_animation_state()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw < -player->get_max_desync_delta()) player->get_animation_state()->m_flCurrentFeetYaw < -player->get_max_desync_delta(); } return ; } #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 void LBYBreakerCorrections(player_t* pEntity); { float movinglby[64]; float lbytomovinglbydelta[64]; bool onground = player-> m_fFlags () & FL_ONGROUND; if (g_cfg.antiaim.lby_type) { lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()] = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () - lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()]; if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D ()> 6 && player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D () <42) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = player-> m_flowerBodyYawTarget () + 120; } else if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D () <6 || player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D ()> 42) // they are moving { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); movinglby [player-> EntIndex ()] = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); } else if (lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()]> 50 && lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()] <-50 && lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()] <112 && lbytomovinglbydelta [player-> EntIndex ()] <-112) // the 50 will allow you to have a 30 degree margin of error (do the math :)) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = movinglby [player-> EntIndex ()]; } else player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); } } void VectorAnglesBruteGay (const Vector & forward, Vector & angles); { float tmp, yaw, pitch; if (player-> GetBody ()) { yaw = 0; if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight> 0) pitch = 270; else pitch = 90; } else { yaw = (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight> 0 * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw <0) yaw + = 360; tmp = sqrt (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight> 0); pitch = (atan2 (-player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight, tmp) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch <0) pitch + = 360; } pitch; } Vector calc_angle_trash (Vector src, Vector dst); { Vector ret; VectorAnglesBruteGay; return; } float flLen = player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length (); if (flLen == 0) { player-> m_vecVelocity (). init (0, 0, 1); return; } flLen = 1 / flLen; player-> m_vecVelocity (). Init (player-> m_vecVelocity (). x * flLen, player-> m_vecVelocity (). y * flLen, player-> m_vecVelocity (). z * flLen); const float MaxDegrees = 180.0f; Vector Angles = player-> m_vecViewOffset (), Origin = player-> m_vecViewOffset (); Vector Delta (0, 0, 0), Forward (0, 0, 0); Vector AimPos; (Angles, & Forward); VectorSubtract (AimPos, Origin, Delta); (Delta, Delta); float DotProduct = Forward.Dot (Delta); return; int index = -1; float lowest_fov = 180.f; // maybe ?? player_t * local_player = player; if (! local_player) return; if (! local_player-> is_alive ()) return; Vector local_position = local_player-> GetAbsOrigin () + local_player-> m_vecViewOffset (); Vector angles; m_engine () -> GetViewAngles (angles); for (int i = 1; i <= m_globals () -> m_maxclients; i ++) { auto entity = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (i)); if (!entity || entity->m_iHealth() <= 0 || entity->m_iTeamNum() == local_player->m_iTeamNum() || entity->IsDormant() || entity == local_player) continue; float fov = (local_position, angles, entity, 0); if (fov < lowest_fov) { lowest_fov = fov; index = i; } } return ; #define MASK_SHOT_BRUSHONLY (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_DEBRIS) float apply_freestanding(player_t* enemy); { auto local_player = player; if (!(player->m_iHealth() > 0)) return ; bool no_active = true; float bestrotation = 0.f; float highestthickness = 0.f; static float hold = 0.f; Vector besthead; auto leyepos = player->m_vecOrigin() + player->m_vecViewOffset(); auto headpos = player->hitbox_position(0); auto origin = player->m_vecOrigin(); int index = player->EntIndex(); if (index == -1) return ; if (player->EntIndex()) { auto checkWallThickness = [&](player_t* pPlayer, Vector newhead) -> float { Vector endpos1, endpos2; Vector eyepos = local_player->m_vecOrigin() + local_player->m_vecViewOffset(); Ray_t ray; CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities filter(local_player, player); trace_t trace1, trace2; ray.Init(newhead, eyepos); m_trace()->TraceRay(ray, MASK_SHOT_BRUSHONLY, &filter, &trace1); if (trace1.DidHit()) { endpos1 = trace1.endpos; float add = newhead.DistTo(eyepos) - leyepos.DistTo(eyepos) + 75.f; return endpos1.DistTo(eyepos) + add / 2; // endpos2 } else { endpos1 = trace1.endpos; float add = newhead.DistTo(eyepos) - leyepos.DistTo(eyepos) - 75.f; return endpos1.DistTo(eyepos) + add / 2; // endpos2 } }; float radius = Vector(headpos - origin).Length2D(); for (float besthead = 0; besthead < 7; besthead += 0.1) { Vector newhead(radius * cos(besthead) + leyepos.x, radius * sin(besthead) + leyepos.y, leyepos.z); float totalthickness = 0.f; no_active = false; totalthickness += checkWallThickness(player, newhead); if (totalthickness > highestthickness) { highestthickness = totalthickness; bestrotation = besthead; } } return; } } bool predict_lby (player_t * player, float oldlby [64], float lby, float speed); { static bool nextflick [64]; static float add_time [64]; const auto sim = player-> m_flSimulationTime (); if (! g_cfg.antiaim.lby_type) return; for (auto i = 0; i <m_globals () -> m_maxclients; ++ i) { if (LBY) { add_time [i] = m_globals () -> m_intervalpertick + 1.1f; } if (player-> m_flFallVelocity ()> = 0.1f) { add_time [i] = 0.22f; nextflick [i] = sim + add_time [i]; } if (sim> = nextflick [i] && player-> m_flFallVelocity () <= 0.1f) { add_time [i] = 1.1f; nextflick [i] = sim + add_time [i]; return; } } return; } bool UTILS; { float GetCurtime (); { if (! m_engine () -> IsConnected () ||! m_engine () -> IsInGame ()) return; if (! player) return; player-> m_nTickBase (); } float GetLBYRotatedYaw (float lby, float yaw); { float delta = math :: normalize_yaw (LBY); if (fabs (delta) <25.f) return; if (delta> 0.f) return; return; } } bool MATH; { float flAngleMod (float flAngle); { return; } void VectorAngles (const Vector & forward, Vector & angles); { float tmp, yaw, pitch; if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight == 0 && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight == 0) { yaw = 0; if (player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight > 0) pitch = 270; else pitch = 90; } else { yaw = (atan2(player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight, player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; tmp = sqrt(player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight * player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight + player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight * player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight); pitch = (atan2(-player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight, tmp) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } player->get_animlayers()->m_flWeight = pitch; player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight = yaw; player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight = 0; } void inline SinCos (float radians, float * sine, float * cosine); { return; } float GRD_TO_BOG (float GRD); { (PI / 180); } void AngleVectors (const Vector & angles, Vector * forward, Vector * right, Vector * up); { float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; if (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x = cp * cy; player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = cp * sy; player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z = -sp; } if (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x = (-1 * sr * sp * cy + -1 * cr * -sy); player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = (-1 * sr * sp * sy + -1 * cr * cy); player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z = -1 * sr * cp; } if (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x = (cr * sp * cy + -sr * -sy); player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y = (cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy); player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z = cr * cp; } } __forceinline float DotProduct (const float * a, const float * b); { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y * player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x + player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z * player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x + player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y * player-> m_angEyeAngles ( ) .z; } __forceinline float DotProduct (const Vector & a, const Vector & b); { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x * player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x + player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y * player-> m_angEyeAngles () y + player-> m_angEyeAngles (). z * player-> m_angEyeAngles ( ) .z; } void VectorTransform (const float * in1, const matrix3x4_t & in2, float * out); { return; } void VectorTransform (const Vector & in1, const matrix3x4_t & in2, Vector & out); { } void VectorTransforma (const Vector & in1, const matrix3x4_t & in2, Vector & out); { } float CalcAngle2D (const Vector2D & src, const Vector2D & dst); { float angle; (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y - player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x, angle); return; } void VectorAngle2D (const Vector2D & direction, float & angle); { float angle = (std :: atan2 (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y, player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x)) + 90.f; } void AngleVectors2D (float angle, Vector2D & forward); { } } #pragma endregion float ResolverOvermake; { resolver resolver; resolver :: resolve_pitch (); bool fsn (ClientFrameStage_t stage); { if (player) return; auto local_player = player; if (! local_player || local_player-> m_iHealth () <= 0) return; static bool wasDormant [65]; for (int i = 0; i <m_globals () -> m_maxclients; i ++) { auto e = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (i)); auto entity = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (i)); if (! entity || entity-> m_iHealth () <= 0 || entity-> m_iTeamNum () == local_player-> m_iTeamNum () ||! entity-> is_alive ()) continue; player_info_t player_info; m_engine () -> GetPlayerInfo (entity-> EntIndex (), & player_info); if (player_info.fakeplayer) return; if (FRAME_RENDER_START && RESOLVER_SECOND == 3) { if (entity-> IsDormant ()) { continue; } (entity); } if (FRAME_RENDER_START && RESOLVER_SECOND == 2) { if (entity-> IsDormant ()) { continue; } (entity, e); } if (FRAME_RENDER_START && RESOLVER_SECOND == 1) { if (entity-> IsDormant ()) { continue; } } if (FRAME_NET_UPDATE_END && entity! = player && RESOLVER_SECOND == 1) { if (entity-> IsDormant ()) { continue; } auto VarMap = reinterpret_cast <uintptr_t> (entity) + 36; auto VarMapSize = * reinterpret_cast <int *> (VarMap + 20); for (auto index = 0; index <VarMapSize; index ++) * reinterpret_cast <uintptr_t *> (* reinterpret_cast <uintptr_t *> (VarMap) + index * 12) = 0; } if (FRAME_NET_UPDATE_POSTDATAUPDATE_START) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (); (entity); /// make sure to do dormant check AFTER calling UpdateResolveRecord () if (entity-> IsDormant ()) continue; if (RESOLVER_SECOND == 0) { math :: normalize_yaw (resolver :: side); } } wasDormant [i] = false; } } bool skeetres0lver (IClientEntity * entity, player_t * e); { auto anim_state = player-> get_animation_state (); // get state static float v42, v56, v49, v51, v46; if (anim_state-> m_fDuckAmount> 0.0) { auto v29 = 0.0; if (anim_state-> m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways <0.0) v29 = 0.0; float v52 = anim_state-> m_fDuckAmount * v51; v49 = v49 + (float) (v52 * (float) (0.5 - v49)); } float v47 = (float) ((anim_state-> m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001f) - 0.19999999f) * v46; v49 = v47 + 1.0; switch (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]% 4) { case 0: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = 59.0f; // yaw break; case 1: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = 59.0f; // yaw break; case 2: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = 89.0f; // yaw break; case 3: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = 89.0f; // yaw break; case 4: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -180: 180; // yaw 360 - 180 break; case 5: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -180: 180; // yaw 360 - 180 break; case 6: anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = anim_state-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -58: 58; // desync break; default: break; } float speed; if (* (float *) (anim_state + 0xF8) <0.f) { speed = 0.0; } else { speed = fminf (* (DWORD *) (anim_state + 0xF8), 1.0f); } player_t * e = nullptr; float lby_delta = e-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); lby_delta = std :: remainderf (lby_delta, 360.f); lby_delta = math :: clamp (lby_delta, -60.f, 60.f); float v73 = std :: remainderf (lby_delta, 360.f); if (v73 <0.f) { v73 + = 360.f; } static int v36; if (anim_state) { if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [e-> EntIndex ()] <= 2) { if (v36> 180.0) v36 = v36 - 360.0; if (v36 < 180.0) v36 = v36 + 360.0; anim_state->m_flGoalFeetYaw = v36; } } float v25 = math::clamp(anim_state->m_fDuckAmount + anim_state->m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething, 0.0f, 1.0f); float v26 = anim_state->m_fDuckAmount; float v27 = 6.0f; float v28; if ((v25 - v26) <= v27) { // clamp if (-v27 <= (v25 - v26)) v28 = v25; else v28 = v26 - v27; } else { v28 = v26 + v27; } } bool onetap_dump(player_t * entity); { typedef unsigned long LODWORD; auto local_player = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (m_engine () -> GetLocalPlayer ())); auto v3 = local_player; if (v3! = player) { auto animstate = player-> get_animation_state (); if (animstate) { if (animstate-> m_fDuckAmount> 0.0) { auto v29 = 0.0; if (animstate-> m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways <0.0) v29 = 0.0; else v29 = std :: fminf (LODWORD (animstate-> m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways), 0x3F800000); } if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()] <= 2) { float speed; if (* (float *) (animstate + 0xF8) <0.f) { speed = 0.0; } else { speed = fminf (* (DWORD *) (animstate + 0xF8), 1.0f); } float flYawModifier = (* (float *) (animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001 - 0.19999999) * speed; flYawModifier + = 1.0f; if (* (float *) (animstate + 0xA4)> 0.0 && * (float *) (animstate + 0xFC)> = 0.0) flYawModifier = fminf (* (float *) (uintptr_t (animstate) + 0xFC), 1.0f); float m_flMaxBodyYaw = * (float *) (uintptr_t (animstate) + 0x334) * flYawModifier; float m_flMinBodyYaw = * (float *) (uintptr_t (animstate) + 0x330) * flYawModifier; float ResolvedYaw = animstate-> m_flEyeYaw; float delta = std :: abs (animstate-> m_flEyeYaw - animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw); if (m_flMaxBodyYaw <delta) { ResolvedYaw = animstate-> m_flEyeYaw - std :: abs (m_flMaxBodyYaw); } else if (m_flMinBodyYaw> delta) { ResolvedYaw = animstate-> m_flEyeYaw + std :: abs (m_flMinBodyYaw); } animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw = math :: normalize_yaw (ResolvedYaw); } else { switch (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]% 4) { case 0: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = 59.0f; break; case 1: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = 59.0f; break; case 2: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = 78.0f; break; case 3: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = 78.0f; break; case 4: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw - = animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -180: 180; break; case 5: animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw + = animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -180: 180; break; default: break; } } } / * else { switch (g_ctx.m_globals.missed_shots[entity->EntIndex()] % 3) { case 0: entity->m_angEyeAngles -= animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw ? -58 : 58; break; case 1: entity->m_angEyeAngles += animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw ? -58 : 58; break; case 2: entity->m_angEyeAngles -= animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw ? -89 : 89; break; case 3: entity->m_angEyeAngles += animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw ? -89 : 89; break; case 4: entity->m_angEyeAngles -= animstate->m_flGoalFeetYaw ? -78 : 78; break; case 5: entity-> m_angEyeAngles + = animstate-> m_flGoalFeetYaw? -78: 78; break; default: break; } } * / } } bool desync_resolver (player_t * entity); { for (int i = 0; i <= m_globals () -> m_maxclients; i ++) { if (! player) continue; if (! player-> is_alive ()) continue; if (player-> IsDormant ()) continue; if (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y? 58: -58); } } bool HandleHits (player_t * pEnt); { auto NetChannel = m_engine () -> GetNetChannelInfo (); if (! NetChannel) return; static float predTime [65]; static bool init [65]; int fired = g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]; int missed = g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]; if (g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]) { if (init [player-> EntIndex ()]) { predTime [player-> EntIndex ()] = m_globals () -> m_curtime + NetChannel-> GetAvgLatency (FLOW_INCOMING) + NetChannel-> GetAvgLatency (FLOW_OUTGOING) + TICKS_TO_TIME (1), (m_engineChonnfo) ); init [player-> EntIndex ()] = false; } if (m_globals () -> m_curtime> predTime [player-> EntIndex ()] &&! g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]) { g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()] + = 1; g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()] = false; } else if (m_globals () -> m_curtime <= predTime [player-> EntIndex ()] && g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]) g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()] = false; } else init [player-> EntIndex ()] = true; g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()] = false; } bool is_slow_walking (player_t * entity); { if ((player)) return; float large = 0; float velocity_2D [64], old_velocity_2D [64]; if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D ()! = velocity_2D [player-> EntIndex ()] && player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D ()! = NULL) { old_velocity_2D [player-> EntIndex ()] = velocity_2D [player-> EntIndex ()]; velocity_2D[player->EntIndex()] = player->m_vecVelocity().Length2D(); } if (large == 0)return; Vector velocity = player->m_vecVelocity(); Vector direction = player->m_angEyeAngles(); float speed = velocity.Length(); direction.y = player->m_angEyeAngles().y - direction.y; //method 1 if (velocity_2D[player->EntIndex()] > 1) { int tick_counter[64]; if (velocity_2D[player->EntIndex()] == old_velocity_2D[player->EntIndex()]) tick_counter[player->EntIndex()] += 1; else tick_counter[player->EntIndex()] = 0; while (tick_counter [player-> EntIndex ()]> (1 / m_globals () -> m_intervalpertick) * fabsf (0.1f)) // should give use 100ms in ticks if their speed stays the same for that long they are definetely up to something .. return; } // method 2 // removed // method 3 / resource heavy but does most of the work // removed // method 4 // method 5 if (speed <3 && velocity.Length2D ()! = 0) // same here return; return; } bool high_delta (player_t * player, AnimationLayer * layer); { for (int s = 0; s <14; s ++) { AnimationLayer record [15]; auto anim_layer = player-> get_animlayers () [s]; auto anime = & player-> get_animlayers () [1]; if (! anim_layer.m_pOwner) continue; for (auto i = 0; i <m_globals () -> m_maxclients; ++ i) { auto activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence); if ((anim_layer.m_flPrevCycle! = anim_layer.m_flCycle || anim_layer.m_flWeight == 1.f) && activity == 979) { return; } } } return; } bool low_delta (player_t * player, AnimationLayer * layer); { for (int s = 0; s <14; s ++) { auto anim_layer = player-> get_animlayers (); auto anime = & player-> get_animlayers () [1]; if (! player-> get_animlayers () -> m_pOwner) continue; for (auto i = 0; i <m_globals () -> m_maxclients; ++ i) { auto activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence); if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flPrevCycle> 0.92f && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle> 0.92f && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight == 0.f) { return; } } } return; } bool is_fakewalk (player_t * player, float speed, AnimationLayer * layer); { if (player-> m_iHealth () <= 0) return; if (player-> IsDormant ()) return; for (int s = 0; s <14; s ++) { auto activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence); if (player-> get_animation_state () -> m_flSpeedNormalized> 0.1f && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight! = 0.f && activity == 979) { return; } } return; } bool IsYawSideways (player_t * entity, float yaw); { auto local_player = player; if (! local_player) return; const auto at_target_yaw = math :: calculate_angle (local_player-> m_vecOrigin (), player-> m_vecOrigin ()). y; const float delta = fabs (math :: normalize_yaw (at_target_yaw)); return; } bool desync_fix (player_t * e); { auto local_player = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (m_engine () -> GetLocalPlayer ())); if (! local_player) return; for (int i = 0; i <= m_globals () -> m_maxclients; i ++) { auto entity = static_cast <player_t *> (m_entitylist () -> GetClientEntity (i)); if (! entity) continue; if (! entity-> is_alive ()) continue; if (entity-> IsDormant ()) continue; if (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y? 58: -58) return; } return; } bool desyncfixv2 (player_t * entity); { float flSimulationTime = player-> m_flSimulationTime (); float flSimDiff = m_globals () -> m_curtime - flSimulationTime; return; } bool Update (player_t * pEnt); { } bool resolved_desync (bool * send_packets, CUserCmd * cmd); { if (! send) { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y + = 180.f; } else { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y + = 180.f + player-> get_max_desync_delta (); } if (player-> m_fFlags ()) { static bool switch_ = false; if (switch_) 2; else 2; switch_ =! switch_; } } bool ausnahme = false; bool wwwwimibagpulainmataro (player_t * entity); { // removed if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flPlaybackRate == 0) // experiment { player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y; } } bool ResolveYawBruteforce (player_t * entity); { int fired = g_ctx.globals.fired_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]; int missed = g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex ()]; auto & resolve_record = g_ctx.globals.revolver_working; auto best = [] (float primary, float secondary, float defined, bool accurate) -> float { if (accurate) { if (math :: angle_distance (math :: normalize_yaw (primary), math :: normalize_yaw (defined)) <= 50) return math :: normalize_yaw (primary); else if (math :: angle_distance (math :: normalize_yaw (secondary), math :: normalize_yaw (defined)) <= 50) return math :: normalize_yaw (secondary); else return math :: normalize_yaw (defined); } else { if (math :: angle_distance (math :: normalize_yaw (primary), math :: normalize_yaw (defined)) <= 80) return math :: normalize_yaw (primary); else if (math :: angle_distance (math :: normalize_yaw (secondary), math :: normalize_yaw (defined)) <= 80) return math :: normalize_yaw (secondary); else return math :: normalize_yaw (defined); } }; bool antiresolver (bool * send_packets, CUserCmd * cmd); (Delta); { if (player-> get_max_desync_delta ()) g_cfg.ragebot.autoshoot = true; } (Delta); { if (player-> get_max_desync_delta () && ((Delta)) <= 0) g_cfg.ragebot.autoshoot = true; player-> get_animation_state () -> m_flUpdateTimeDelta; (Delta); g_cfg.ragebot.autoshoot = false; } float v3; float v4; float v5 = v4; float v6 = v4; float v7 = (v4 + 896); DWORDLONG (v138) = v5; float v1; float v9 = (v5 + 880); float v10 = (v5 + 892); float v11 = v9; float v12 = (v11 + 8) - 1; float v13 = v7 == 2; float v14 = (v11 + 4); float v15 = (v14 + 4); float v18 = v6 + 9920; (player-> m_vecVelocity (). z * player-> m_vecVelocity (). z) + ((player-> m_vecVelocity (). y * player-> m_vecVelocity (). y) + (player-> m_vecVelocity (). x * player-> m_vecVelocity (). x)); if (player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D ()); 0.1 || player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length2D (); 0.1; v18 = v6 + 9940; if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight + 14.25092419f> 0.54 || player-> m_bHasDefuser ()) { if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle> 0.12) { if (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle> 0.43) { float yawresolver = player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y; // no fake angles return; } player-> m_hActiveWeapon () -> can_double_tap (); ResolveYawBruteforce; } } float desync_delta (player_t * entity); { auto animstate = player-> get_animation_state (); float duckamount = animstate-> m_fDuckAmount; // + 0xA4; float speedfraction = (0, (animstate-> m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1)); float speedfactor = (0, (animstate-> m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 1)); float unk1 = ((* reinterpret_cast <float *> ((uintptr_t) animstate + 0x11C) * -0.30000001) - 0.19999999) * speedfraction; float unk2 = unk1 + 1.f; if (duckamount> 0.0) unk2 + = ((duckamount * speedfactor) * (0.5f - unk2)); return; } float sub_59B13C30 (player_t * entity); { if (player) { float v1; // xmm0_4 float v2; // xmm1_4 float v3; // xmm0_4 int v4; // eax float v5; // xmm4_4 float v6; // xmm2_4 float v7; // xmm0_4 int v8; // eax float v10; // [esp + 0h] [ebp-Ch] float v11; // [esp + 4h] [ebp-8h] v1 = player-> get_animation_state () -> m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; v2 = 1.0; v10 = 0.0; v11 = v1; if (v1 <= 1.f) { v4 = v10; if (v1> = 0.0) v4 = v11; v3 = v4; } else v3 = 1.f; v5 = player-> m_flDuckAmount (); v6 = ((player-> get_animation_state () -> m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.30000001f) - 0.19999999f) * v3 + 1.0f; if (v5> 0.0) { v7 = player-> get_animation_state () -> m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; v11 = 0.0; v10 = v7; if (v7 <= 1.0) { v8 = v11; if (v7> = 0.0) v8 = v10; v2 = v8; } v6 = v6 + (float) ((float) (v2 * v5) * (float) (0.5f - v6)); } return; } else return; // ((* (float *) ((uintptr_t) nn + 0x334)) * v6); } bool compare_delta (float v1, float v2, float Tolerance); { float v1 = math :: normalize_yaw (v1); float v2 = math :: normalize_yaw (v2); if (fabs (math :: normalize_yaw (v1)) <= ToleranceHigh) return; return; } std :: unordered_map <int, float> old_static_yaw = {}; std :: unordered_map <int, int> prev_rotation = {}; bool data_arrive (bool * send_packets, CUserCmd * cmd); { auto history = g_ctx.globals.missed_shots [player-> EntIndex () - 1]; if (fabs (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle - player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle)> 0.000f) player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle = m_globals () -> m_realtime; auto pitch = player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x; if (pitch == 88.9947510f) // fix netvar compression player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x = 89.f; player-> m_angEyeAngles (). x = math :: clamp (pitch, -89.f, 89.f); auto current_velocity_angle = (atan2 (player-> m_vecVelocity (). y, player-> m_vecVelocity (). x)); auto balance_adjust = (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flWeight> 0.01f && player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence) == 979 && player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flCycle <1.f) ; auto activity = player-> sequence_activity (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nSequence); if (balance_adjust) m_globals () -> m_realtime; float resolve_datadid_shot_this_tick = (player-> m_hActiveWeapon () -> m_fLastShotTime () = nullptr && player-> m_hActiveWeapon () -> m_fLastShotTime () && (player-> m_angEyeAngles fabs (). x x) <65)); // ((activity> = ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY && activity <= ACT_CSGO_FIRE_SECONDARY_OPT_2) && resolve_data-> server_anim_layers [1] .m_flWeight> = 0.01f && m_player-> get_animation_mlayer) | (m_player-> get_weapon () && m_player-> get_weapon () -> m_Activity () == 208); float resolve_datatick_delta = math :: normalize_yaw (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y); float resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta = math :: normalize_yaw (player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y); float resolve_datalby_delta = math :: normalize_yaw (player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget () - player-> m_angEyeAngles (). y); float resolve_datais_jittering = (/ * fabs (resolve_data-> tick_delta)> 90 && * / fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime) <1.f && (fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime) <0.6f) && fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime) <2.f); float resolve_datalast_velocity_angle = current_velocity_angle; float resolve_datalast_speed = player-> m_vecVelocity (). Length (); float resolve_datalast_lby = player-> m_flLowerBodyYawTarget (); if (resolve_datalast_speed> 0.1f) float resolve_datalast_speed = m_globals () -> m_realtime; if (TIME_TO_TICKS (player-> m_flSimulationTime () - player-> m_flOldSimulationTime ())> 1) float resolve_datalast_speed = m_globals () -> m_realtime; if (fabs (resolve_datais_jittering - player-> get_animlayers () -> m_flPlaybackRate) == 0.003f) float resolve_datalast_speed = m_globals () -> m_realtime; if (resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta! = resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta) { if (resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta! = 0.0f) resolve_datalby_delta = m_globals () -> m_realtime; if (resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta> resolve_datatick_delta) resolve_datalby_delta = m_globals () -> m_realtime; resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta! = resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta; } float resolve_datais_using_static = ((fabs (resolve_datalby_delta - m_globals () -> m_realtime) <1.f || fabs (resolve_datalast_speed - m_globals () -> m_realtime)> 1.f && resolve_datalast_speed & fast & resolve_datalast_speed! (fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime - resolve_datais_jittering) <0.6f)); / * (fabs (lag_data-> last_time_moved - lag_data-> last_move_cycle_update)> 0.1f && lagpGs (Source) -> last_feet_cycle_update) <0.25f) || * / // (fabs (resolve_data-> m_flClientRate - resolve_data-> m_flRate)> 0.00020f && resolve_data-> m_flClientRate == 0.f)); float resolve_datais_using_balance = (fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime - resolve_datalby_delta) <0.6f && fabs (resolve_datalby_delta)> 0.0001f); float resolve_datadid_lby_update_fail = (fabs (resolve_dataabs_yaw_delta)> 0.0001f && fabs (resolve_datalby_delta)> 0.0001f); if ((player-> m_flPoseParameter (), 0.5f) * 116.f); if (resolve_datais_using_balance) resolve_datalast_lby = resolve_datais_using_balance = (fabs (m_globals () -> m_realtime - resolve_datalby_delta) <0.1f && history% 2 == 1); // (fabs (Source :: m_pGlobalVars-> realtime - resolve_data-> last_time & bal fabs (resolve_data-> lby_delta)> 0.0000f); if (resolve_datais_using_balance) resolve_datalast_lby = resolve_datalast_lby; if (! resolve_datais_using_balance) resolve_datalast_lby = (fabs (resolve_datalast_lby)> 45.f && (history> 0 && history% 3 <2)); } } if (player-> get_animlayers ()); auto cur_layer = player-> get_animlayers (); auto cnumber = 0; while (player-> get_animlayers () -> m_nOrder) { ++ cnumber; if (cnumber> = 13) return; } return; } float resolver :: resolve_pitch () { return original_pitch; } [/ CODE]
AHAHAHA it even has lby prediction!