JS-скрипт Lafro nade helper + locations

14 Июл 2019
Не работает он потому что там используется AddFont вместо GetFont

Вот фикшенная версия
_locations = require("v_helper_data.js");
var idx_to_console_name = {
    awp: "weapon_wallbang",
    "scar 20": "weapon_wallbang",
    g3sg1: "weapon_wallbang",
    "ssg 08": "weapon_wallbang",
    dealge: "weapon_wallbang",
    "r8 revolver": "weapon_wallbang",
    "incendiary grenade": "incendiary grenade",
    "high explosive grenade": "high explosive grenade",
    molotov: "molotov",
    "smoke grenade": "smoke grenade",
    flashbang: "flashbang",
    SantIkcc: !0,
    ragerly: !0,
    l4fr0: !0,
    Qursse1337: !0,
    skillb1szt: !0,
    DarkkLight: !0,
    DarkkLight: !0

function get_icon(_0xe7e66b) {
    return "high explosive grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "j" : "incendiary grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "n" : "molotov" == _0xe7e66b ? "l" : "flashbang" == _0xe7e66b ? "i" : "smoke grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "k" : "l4fr0" == _0xe7e66b || ("ragerly" == _0xe7e66b || ("SantIkcc" == _0xe7e66b || ("Qursse1337" == _0xe7e66b || ("skillb1szt" == _0xe7e66b || ("Fhosen" == _0xe7e66b || ("DarkkLight" == _0xe7e66b || "A"))))))

function is_gren(_0x19ba95) {
    return "high explosive grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("incendiary grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("molotov" == _0x19ba95 || ("flashbang" == _0x19ba95 || ("smoke grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("l4fr0" == _0x19ba95 || ("ragerly" == _0x19ba95 || ("SantIkcc" == _0x19ba95 || ("Qursse1337" == _0x19ba95 || ("skillb1szt" == _0x19ba95 || ("Fhosen" == _0x19ba95 || "DarkkLight" == _0x19ba95))))))))))
idx_to_console_name[Cheat.GetUsername()] = !0, ui_get = function(_0x2d50cd) {
    return UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", _0x2d50cd])
}, ui_get_drop = function(_0x464268) {
    return a = ["G", "U", "n", "e", "a", "t", "s", "m", "r"], a[0] + a[3] + a[5] + a[1] + a[6] + a[3] + a[8] + a[2] + a[4] + a[7] + a[3]
}, ui_get_col = function(_0x1c3e9d) {
    return UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", _0x1c3e9d])
var locations = _locations.locations,
    map_cache = [],
    hand_cache = 0,
    cur_map = "",
    weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
"incendiary grenade" == weapon && (weapon = "molotov");
const unchanged_map_cache = (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x3bfcb1) {
    return grenade_type = Cheat[ui_get_drop("Enabled Grenades")](), _0x3bfcb1[0] == cur_map.toLowerCase() && _0x3bfcb1[3].toLowerCase() == idx_to_console_name[weapon]

function atv(_0x3cc8e7, _0x3e6c65) {
    return [Math.cos(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(_0x3e6c65 * Math.PI / 180), Math.cos(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(_0x3e6c65 * Math.PI / 180), -Math.sin(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180)]
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "print_nade_stats"), Render.FadedCircle = function(_0x41b060, _0x464c60, _0x5e19be, _0x33f058) {
    const _0x1538df = _0x33f058[3] / _0x5e19be;
    for (var _0x533c91 = 0; _0x533c91 <= _0x5e19be; _0x533c91++) Render.FilledCircle(_0x41b060, _0x464c60, _0x533c91, [_0x33f058[0], _0x33f058[1], _0x33f058[2], _0x33f058[3] - _0x1538df * _0x533c91])
var alpha_main = 0,
    alpha_second = 0;

function animate_alpha() {
    cur_map = get_cur_map();
    var _0x2b4cea = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    idx_to_console_name[_0x2b4cea] != undefined ? (alpha_main < 255 && (alpha_main += 12.75), alpha_second < 122 && (alpha_second += 6.1)) : (alpha_second = 0, alpha_main = 0)

function print_nade_stats() {
    if (UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Set as current"]) && UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"], 1), UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Back to nade"]) && UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"], 1), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"]) && (UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[0]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[1]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[2]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"], Local.GetViewAngles()[0]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"], Local.GetViewAngles()[1]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"], 0)), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"]) && (Cheat.ExecuteCommand("setpos " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]) + " " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]) + " " + (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]) - 55)), Cheat.ExecuteCommand("setang " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]) + " " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"])), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"], 0)), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Print nade"])) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([132, 195, 16, 255], "[grenade helper] Here's your nade:\n");
        UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]);
        run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "", "incendiary grenade" == (weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))) && (weapon = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow");
        var _0xa861fb = '["' + cur_map + '", [' + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]) + "], [" + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]) + ",0";
        Cheat.Print(_0xa861fb + '], "' + weapon + '","' + nade_name + '", "' + throwtype + '", ' + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]) + ', "' + pixel_string + '", ' + speed_1 + ", " + move_back + ", " + delayed + "]\n"), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Print nade"], 0)

function get_cur_map() {
    var _0x4739fe = ["_scrimmagemap", "_ht", "_nsl", "_rt", "_ss", "_legenden", "_night", "_night_old", "_kg", "_bc", "_fps", "_5v5", "_bs", "_1"];
    for (map_name = World.GetMapName(), i = 0; i < _0x4739fe.length; i++) map_name = map_name.replace(_0x4739fe[i], "");
    return map_name

function draw() {
    var _0x582e63 = ui_get_col("Text color"),
        _0x4708a2 = ui_get_col("Icon color"),
        _0x3a0725 = _0x582e63[0],
        _0x363541 = _0x582e63[1],
        _0x1f866f = _0x582e63[2],
        _0x5e87ba = _0x4708a2[0],
        _0x43f5e5 = _0x4708a2[1],
        _0x55d4f0 = _0x4708a2[2],
        _0x2a8d7c = Render.GetFont("bullet.ttf", 21, true),
        _0x3535ee = Render.GetFont("verdana.ttf", 10, true),
        _0x13352c = Render.GetFont("verdanab.ttf", 9, true),
        _0x34452e = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 8, true),
        _0x2fc491 = Render.GetFont("smallest_pixel-7.ttf", 9, true),
        _0x26eed5 = Render.GetFont("undefeated.ttf", 21, true);
    if (is_gren(grenade_type)) allow_render = !0;
    else {
        if (!idx_to_console_name[grenade_type]) return void(alllow_render = !1);
        allow_render = !0
    var _0x192d51 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    if ("incendiary grenade" == _0x192d51 && (_0x192d51 = "molotov"), idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51] != undefined && (hand_cache != _0x192d51 && (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x5eeb34) {
            if (_0x5eeb34) return _0x5eeb34[0] == cur_map.toLowerCase() && _0x5eeb34[3].toLowerCase() == idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51]
        }))), wallbang = "weapon_wallbang" == idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51], 0 != map_cache.length))
        for (var _0x80a5b7 = 1; _0x80a5b7 < map_cache.length; ++_0x80a5b7) {
            nade_ic = get_icon(_0x192d51);
            var _0x27516b = Render.WorldToScreen([map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][0], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][1], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][2] - 63]);
            if (map_cache[_0x80a5b7][88] || ui_get("Show all map")) {
                var _0x1d75d3 = angle_to_vec(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][2][0], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][2][1]),
                    _0x16734c = map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1];
                _0x1d75d3 = Render.WorldToScreen([_0x16734c[0] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[0], _0x16734c[1] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[1], _0x16734c[2] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[2]]);
                var _0x58d08b = calc_dist(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1]);
                if (size_area = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4] + "", _0x3535ee), size_area2 = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4] + "", _0x13352c), size_tut = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][5] + "", _0x3535ee), size_bul = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x2a8d7c), size_ics = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x26eed5), size_ic = wallbang ? size_bul : size_ics, size_ic[0] = wallbang ? size_bul[0] - 4 : size_ics[0], size_lol = Render.TextSize(">>", _0x34452e), size_dop = map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] == undefined ? Render.TextSize("NORMAL", _0x2fc491) : Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", _0x2fc491), _0x58d08b < 700 ? (Render.FilledRect(_0x27516b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 15, size_area[0] + 10 + size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x27516b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] + 5, _0x27516b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 10, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x27516b[1] - 14 : _0x27516b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x2a8d7c : _0x26eed5, [_0x5e87ba, _0x43f5e5, _0x55d4f0, alpha_main], size_ic), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 6 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 10, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4], _0x3535ee, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_main], size_area)) : (Render.FilledRect(_0x27516b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 15, size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x27516b[1] - 14 : _0x27516b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x2a8d7c : _0x26eed5, [_0x5e87ba, _0x43f5e5, _0x55d4f0, alpha_main], size_ic)), !(_0x58d08b > 70)) {
                    size_ = size_dop[0];
                    var _0x5af1e9 = 30 + (size_area2[0] > size_ ? size_area2[0] : size_);
                    Render.FilledRect(_0x1d75d3[0] - 8, _0x1d75d3[1] - 12, _0x5af1e9, size_area2[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x1d75d3[0] + 11, _0x1d75d3[1] - 7, _0x1d75d3[0] + 11, _0x1d75d3[1] + 7, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), cur_vec_angle = angle_to_vec(Local.GetViewAngles()), shadow(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1] - 11, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4], _0x13352c, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_main]), map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] != undefined ? (Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1], 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 18, _0x1d75d3[1] + 2, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 17, _0x1d75d3[1] + 1, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x2fc491)) : (Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1], 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 18, _0x1d75d3[1] + 2, 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 17, _0x1d75d3[1] + 1, 0, "NORMAL", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x2fc491)), Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) > 3 && Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 100 && Render.Line(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2, _0x1d75d3[0], _0x1d75d3[1], [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), Render.FilledCircle(_0x1d75d3[0] + 1, _0x1d75d3[1], 7, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FadedCircle(_0x1d75d3[0] + 1, _0x1d75d3[1], 8, Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 3 ? [0, 255, 0, 100] : [255, 0, 0, alpha_second])
var temp_nade = [],
    is_vis = !1;

function draw_temp_nade() {
    if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Render custom locations"]) && "" != World.GetServerString() && is_vis) {
        var _0x3f4c70 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])],
            _0x486de5 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]), 0];
        run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "";
        var _0x431d18 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
        "incendiary grenade" == _0x431d18 && (_0x431d18 = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow"), temp_nade = ["", _0x3f4c70, _0x486de5, _0x431d18, nade_name + " [Temporary]", throwtype, run_dur, pixel_string, speed_1, move_back, delayed];
        ui_get_col("Text color"), ui_get_col("Icon color");
        var _0x40aa17 = Render.GetFont("bullet.ttf", 21, true),
            _0x1a9701 = Render.GetFont("verdana.ttf", 10, true),
            _0x7a6ce3 = Render.GetFont("verdanab.ttf", 9, true),
            _0x54f0e9 = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 8, true),
            _0x786201 = Render.GetFont("smallest_pixel-7.ttf", 9, true),
            _0x4ea8c8 = Render.GetFont("undefeated.ttf", 21, true);
        if (idx_to_console_name[_0x431d18] == temp_nade[3]) {
            wallbang = "weapon_wallbang" == idx_to_console_name[_0x431d18], nade_ic = get_icon(_0x431d18);
            var _0x1fdd4b = Render.WorldToScreen([temp_nade[1][0], temp_nade[1][1], temp_nade[1][2] - 63]),
                _0x33e2b2 = angle_to_vec(temp_nade[2][0], temp_nade[2][1]),
                _0x3bfa5d = temp_nade[1];
            _0x33e2b2 = Render.WorldToScreen([_0x3bfa5d[0] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[0], _0x3bfa5d[1] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[1], _0x3bfa5d[2] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[2]]);
            var _0x155f59 = calc_dist(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), temp_nade[1]);
            if (size_area = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[4] + "", _0x1a9701), size_area2 = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[4] + "", _0x7a6ce3), size_tut = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[5] + "", _0x1a9701), size_bul = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x40aa17), size_ics = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x4ea8c8), size_ic = wallbang ? size_bul : size_ics, size_ic[0] = wallbang ? size_bul[0] - 4 : size_ics[0], size_lol = Render.TextSize(">>", _0x54f0e9), size_dop = temp_nade[7] == undefined ? Render.TextSize("NORMAL", _0x786201) : Render.TextSize(temp_nade[7] + "", _0x786201), _0x155f59 < 700 ? (Render.FilledRect(_0x1fdd4b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 15, size_area[0] + 10 + size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] + 5, _0x1fdd4b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 10, [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x1fdd4b[1] - 14 : _0x1fdd4b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x40aa17 : _0x4ea8c8, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_ic), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 6 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 10, 0, temp_nade[4], _0x1a9701, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_area)) : (Render.FilledRect(_0x1fdd4b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 15, size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x1fdd4b[1] - 14 : _0x1fdd4b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x40aa17 : _0x4ea8c8, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_ic)), !(_0x155f59 > 70)) {
                size_ = size_dop[0];
                var _0x3206bf = 30 + (size_area2[0] > size_ ? size_area2[0] : size_);
                Render.FilledRect(_0x33e2b2[0] - 8, _0x33e2b2[1] - 12, _0x3206bf, size_area2[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x33e2b2[0] + 11, _0x33e2b2[1] - 7, _0x33e2b2[0] + 11, _0x33e2b2[1] + 7, [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), cur_vec_angle = angle_to_vec(Local.GetViewAngles()), shadow(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1] - 11, 0, temp_nade[4], _0x7a6ce3, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main]), temp_nade[7] != undefined ? (Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1], 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 18, _0x33e2b2[1] + 2, 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 17, _0x33e2b2[1] + 1, 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x786201)) : (Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1], 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 18, _0x33e2b2[1] + 2, 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 17, _0x33e2b2[1] + 1, 0, "NORMAL", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x786201)), Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) > 3 && Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 100 && Render.Line(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2, _0x33e2b2[0], _0x33e2b2[1], [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FilledCircle(_0x33e2b2[0] + 1, _0x33e2b2[1], 7, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FadedCircle(_0x33e2b2[0] + 1, _0x33e2b2[1], 8, Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 3 ? [0, 255, 0, 100] : [255, 0, 0, alpha_second])
const GRENADE_TYPES = ["molotov", "flashbang", "smoke grenade", "incendiary grenade", "high explosive grenade"];

function check_visibility() {
    !alllow_move && Cheat.ExecuteCommand("quit");
    var _0x2b4168 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])];
    if (0 != map_cache.length && "" != World.GetServerString()) {
        var _0x25cac5 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
        for (var _0x187626 in eye_angles = Local.GetViewAngles(), head = Entity.GetProp(_0x25cac5, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecOrigin"), offset = Entity.GetProp(_0x25cac5, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecViewOffset[2]"), head = vector_add(head, [0, 0, offset[0]]), map_cache) {
            var _0x3acefd = Trace.Line(_0x25cac5, head, map_cache[_0x187626][1]);
            map_cache[_0x187626][88], undefined, map_cache[_0x187626][88] = 1 == _0x3acefd[1]
        var _0x3f9551 = Trace.Line(_0x25cac5, head, _0x2b4168);
        is_vis = 1 == _0x3f9551[1]

function fix_move(_0x349e66, _0x4697fa, _0x52adbd) {
    var _0x3a1741, _0x151e13, _0x2a8cf3, _0x109bfd = function(_0x4fb522) {
        return _0x4fb522 / 180 * Math.PI
    return _0x3a1741 = _0x4697fa[1] < 0 ? 360 + _0x4697fa[1] : _0x4697fa[1], _0x2a8cf3 = (_0x151e13 = _0x349e66[1] < 0 ? 360 + _0x349e66[1] : _0x349e66[1]) < _0x3a1741 ? Math.abs(_0x151e13 - _0x3a1741) : 360 - Math.abs(_0x3a1741 - _0x151e13), [Math.cos(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3)) * _0x52adbd[0] + Math.cos(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3 + 90)) * _0x52adbd[1], Math.sin(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3)) * _0x52adbd[0] + Math.sin(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3 + 90)) * _0x52adbd[1], 0]
var targeted_vec = [],
    delays = [],
    move_back_t = !1,
    last_ang = [0, 0, 0],
    back_start = 0,
    side = !1,
    speed = 0,
    grenade_thrown = !1;

function on_grenade() {
    Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) && (grenade_thrown = !0)

function move_on_key() {
    var _0x50e3b5 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])],
        _0x32d82f = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]), 0];
    run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), !allow_render && Cheat.ExecuteCommand("quit"), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "";
    var _0x2d5bd9 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    if ("incendiary grenade" == _0x2d5bd9 && (_0x2d5bd9 = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow"), temp_nade = ["", _0x50e3b5, _0x32d82f, _0x2d5bd9, nade_name + " [Temporary]", throwtype, run_dur, pixel_string, speed_1, move_back, delayed], move_back_t && (0 == back_start && (back_start = Globals.Tickcount()), grenade_thrown && (move_sideways(last_ang, side, 450), Globals.Tickcount() - back_start > speed && (move_back_t = !1, back_start = 0, side = !1, speed = 0))), is_gren(grenade_type)) alllow_move = !0;
    else {
        if (!idx_to_console_name[grenade_type]) return void(alllow_move = !1);
        alllow_move = !0
    if (0 != map_cache.length && ~GRENADE_TYPES.indexOf(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())))) {
        var _0x5b7b0f = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
        if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Bind"])) return this.running = !1, move_back_t = !1, back_start = 0, grenade_thrown = !1, side = !1, speed = 0, this.started_throwing = 0, this.ignore_input = !1, this.start_tick = 0, this.delay = 0, this.next_tick_ang = [], this.attacked = !1, this.moved_base = !1, void(this.run_start = 0);
        if (null == this.next_tick_ang && (this.next_tick_ang = []), this.ignore_input) UserCMD.SetViewAngles(this.next_tick_ang, _0x5b7b0f);
        else {
            this.next_tick_ang.length && UserCMD.SetViewAngles(this.next_tick_ang, _0x5b7b0f), null == this.delay && (this.delay = 0), null == this.attacked && (this.attacked = !1), null == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = 0), null == this.running && (this.running = !1), null == this.closest && (this.closest = []), null == this.ignore_input && (this.ignore_input = !1), null == this.run_start && (this.run_start = 0), null == this.started_throwing && (this.started_throwing = 0), map_cache.push(temp_nade);
            var _0x1b96d0 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()),
                _0x53d61d = map_cache.sort((function(_0x426174, _0x338b74) {
                    return calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x426174[2]) - calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x338b74[2])
            if (!(calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x53d61d[2]) > UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "FOV"])) || this.ignore_input)
                if (this.closest.length && (_0x53d61d = this.closest), targeted_vec = _0x53d61d[1], !(calc_dist(_0x1b96d0, _0x53d61d[1]) > 200) || this.running)
                    if (move_to_target(_0x53d61d[1]) || this.running)
                        if ("Throw" == _0x53d61d[5]) "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2];
                        else if ("Runthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0));
            else if ("Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), _0x53d61d[10] > 0 ? (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > _0x53d61d[10] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.ignore_input = !0, this.attacked = !0)) : (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.ignore_input = !0, this.attacked = !0);
            else if ("Run Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > this.delay + _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]);
            else if ("Half throw" == _0x53d61d[5]) 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 24 && (this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]);
            else if ("Half Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 23 && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 24 && (this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]));
            else if ("Run HalfJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) {
                this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount());
                var _0x5aa025 = angle_to_vec(_0x53d61d[2][0], _0x53d61d[2][1]);
                _0x5aa025 = vec_mul_fl(_0x5aa025, 130), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + this.delay && (0 == this.started_throwing && (this.started_throwing = Globals.Tickcount()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - started_throwing > 8 && (this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])))) : (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]))
            } else "Run RightJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run LeftJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Runleft" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, 450), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0))) : "Runright" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, 450), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0))) : "Run BackJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_backward(_0x53d61d[2]), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > this.delay + _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run RightForwardJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : (this.delay = 0, this.started_throwing = 0, grenade_thrown = !1, move_back_t = !1, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !1, this.start_tick = 0, this.moved_base = !1, this.run_start = 0)

function on_local_connect() {
    Entity.IsLocalPlayer(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"))) && (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x2e1dba) {
        return _0x2e1dba[0] == cur_map

function getAngles(_0xdb85b1, _0x16ad16) {
    return newPos = vector_sub(_0x16ad16, _0xdb85b1), xyDist = Math.sqrt(newPos[0] * newPos[0] + newPos[1] * newPos[1]), yaw = 180 * Math.atan2(newPos[1], newPos[0]) / Math.PI, pitch = 180 * Math.atan2(-newPos[2], xyDist) / Math.PI, roll = 0, angles = [pitch, yaw, roll], angles

function vector_sub(_0x24e848, _0x1042d4) {
    return [_0x24e848[0] - _0x1042d4[0], _0x24e848[1] - _0x1042d4[1], _0x24e848[2] - _0x1042d4[2]]

function degreesToRadians(_0x21f3f7) {
    return _0x21f3f7 * Math.PI / 180
Cheat.RegisterCallback("grenade_thrown", "on_grenade"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "animate_alpha"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw_temp_nade"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "check_visibility"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "move_on_key"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "on_local_connect"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "xbad4145va");
var rlr = !1;

function xbad4145va() {
    if (!rlr) {
        function ins(s) {
            return (new TextDecoder).decode(Duktape.dec("base64", s))
        for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) Cheat[ins("UHJpbnRDaGF0")](ins("ASAGTDRGUjAncyBncmVuYWRlIGhlbHBlcgEgY3JhY2tlZCBieQ==") + String[ins("ZnJvbUNoYXJDb2Rl")](i) + ins("IHJlbGF0aXZlIzAwMDEBIC0gaHR0cHM6Ly9kaXNjb3JkLmdnL0RzYmdSRU0="));
        rlr = !0

function angle_to_vec(_0x433adc, _0xf3dde1) {
    var _0x3d0ad1 = degreesToRadians(_0x433adc),
        _0x3baf16 = degreesToRadians(_0xf3dde1),
        _0xb461e6 = Math.sin(_0x3d0ad1),
        _0x30c633 = Math.cos(_0x3d0ad1),
        _0x501cc6 = Math.sin(_0x3baf16);
    return [_0x30c633 * Math.cos(_0x3baf16), _0x30c633 * _0x501cc6, -_0xb461e6]

function vector_add(_0x64a627, _0x231b48) {
    return newVec = [_0x64a627[0] + _0x231b48[0], _0x64a627[1] + _0x231b48[1], _0x64a627[2] + _0x231b48[2]], newVec

function shadow(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, _0x36537b, _0x433b22, _0x28a54b) {
    Render.String(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807 + 1, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, [0, 0, 0, _0x433b22[3]], _0x36537b), Render.String(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, _0x433b22, _0x36537b)

function vec_mul_fl(_0x3fe23b, _0x1bb0fa) {
    return [_0x3fe23b[0] * _0x1bb0fa, _0x3fe23b[1] * _0x1bb0fa, _0x3fe23b[2] * _0x1bb0fa]

function calc_dist(_0xc9d8fa, _0xeac481) {
    return x = _0xc9d8fa[0] - _0xeac481[0], y = _0xc9d8fa[1] - _0xeac481[1], z = _0xc9d8fa[2] - _0xeac481[2], Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

function move_forward(_0x39dfc1) {
    var _0x3c2266 = fix_move(_0x39dfc1, Local.GetViewAngles(), [450, 0, 0]),
        _0x13b517 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x3c2266), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x39dfc1, _0x13b517)

function move_backward(_0x2e4812) {
    var _0x43d4f0 = fix_move(_0x2e4812, Local.GetViewAngles(), [-450, 0, 0]),
        _0x16f078 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x43d4f0), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x2e4812, _0x16f078)

function move_sideways(_0x428235, _0x1eddd3, _0x510e75) {
    var _0x2902ca = fix_move(_0x428235, Local.GetViewAngles(), [0, _0x1eddd3 ? _0x510e75 : -_0x510e75, 0]),
        _0x4db867 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x2902ca), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x428235, _0x4db867)

function move_to_target(_0x276634, _0x5c5b0b) {
    var _0x5f57d6 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),
        _0x2f8d46 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(_0x5f57d6);
    _0x2f8d46[2] = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0x5f57d6)[2];
    var _0x305162 = [_0x276634[0] - _0x2f8d46[0], _0x276634[1] - _0x2f8d46[1], _0x276634[2] - _0x2f8d46[2]],
        _0x34ac97 = Local.GetViewAngles()[1],
        _0x4624cb = [];
    _0x4624cb[0] = 23 * (Math.sin(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[1] + Math.cos(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[0]), _0x4624cb[1] = 23 * (Math.sin(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[0] + Math.cos(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * -_0x305162[1]), _0x4624cb[2] = 0;
    var _0x47ff88 = Math.sqrt(_0x305162[0] * _0x305162[0] + _0x305162[1] * _0x305162[1]),
        _0x20d8f9 = Entity.GetProp(_0x5f57d6, "DT_CSPlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"),
        _0x535bdf = Math.sqrt(_0x20d8f9[0] * _0x20d8f9[0] + _0x20d8f9[1] * _0x20d8f9[1]);
    return UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x4624cb), _0x47ff88 < (_0x5c5b0b || 1) && (_0x535bdf < 2 || _0x5c5b0b)

function getDropdownValue(_0x134afe, _0x53671a) {
    return !!(_0x134afe & 1 << _0x53671a)
14 Июл 2019
Не работает он потому что там используется AddFont вместо GetFont

Вот фикшенная версия
_locations = require("v_helper_data.js");
var idx_to_console_name = {
    awp: "weapon_wallbang",
    "scar 20": "weapon_wallbang",
    g3sg1: "weapon_wallbang",
    "ssg 08": "weapon_wallbang",
    dealge: "weapon_wallbang",
    "r8 revolver": "weapon_wallbang",
    "incendiary grenade": "incendiary grenade",
    "high explosive grenade": "high explosive grenade",
    molotov: "molotov",
    "smoke grenade": "smoke grenade",
    flashbang: "flashbang",
    SantIkcc: !0,
    ragerly: !0,
    l4fr0: !0,
    Qursse1337: !0,
    skillb1szt: !0,
    DarkkLight: !0,
    DarkkLight: !0

function get_icon(_0xe7e66b) {
    return "high explosive grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "j" : "incendiary grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "n" : "molotov" == _0xe7e66b ? "l" : "flashbang" == _0xe7e66b ? "i" : "smoke grenade" == _0xe7e66b ? "k" : "l4fr0" == _0xe7e66b || ("ragerly" == _0xe7e66b || ("SantIkcc" == _0xe7e66b || ("Qursse1337" == _0xe7e66b || ("skillb1szt" == _0xe7e66b || ("Fhosen" == _0xe7e66b || ("DarkkLight" == _0xe7e66b || "A"))))))

function is_gren(_0x19ba95) {
    return "high explosive grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("incendiary grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("molotov" == _0x19ba95 || ("flashbang" == _0x19ba95 || ("smoke grenade" == _0x19ba95 || ("l4fr0" == _0x19ba95 || ("ragerly" == _0x19ba95 || ("SantIkcc" == _0x19ba95 || ("Qursse1337" == _0x19ba95 || ("skillb1szt" == _0x19ba95 || ("Fhosen" == _0x19ba95 || "DarkkLight" == _0x19ba95))))))))))
idx_to_console_name[Cheat.GetUsername()] = !0, ui_get = function(_0x2d50cd) {
    return UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", _0x2d50cd])
}, ui_get_drop = function(_0x464268) {
    return a = ["G", "U", "n", "e", "a", "t", "s", "m", "r"], a[0] + a[3] + a[5] + a[1] + a[6] + a[3] + a[8] + a[2] + a[4] + a[7] + a[3]
}, ui_get_col = function(_0x1c3e9d) {
    return UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", _0x1c3e9d])
var locations = _locations.locations,
    map_cache = [],
    hand_cache = 0,
    cur_map = "",
    weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
"incendiary grenade" == weapon && (weapon = "molotov");
const unchanged_map_cache = (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x3bfcb1) {
    return grenade_type = Cheat[ui_get_drop("Enabled Grenades")](), _0x3bfcb1[0] == cur_map.toLowerCase() && _0x3bfcb1[3].toLowerCase() == idx_to_console_name[weapon]

function atv(_0x3cc8e7, _0x3e6c65) {
    return [Math.cos(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(_0x3e6c65 * Math.PI / 180), Math.cos(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(_0x3e6c65 * Math.PI / 180), -Math.sin(_0x3cc8e7 * Math.PI / 180)]
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "print_nade_stats"), Render.FadedCircle = function(_0x41b060, _0x464c60, _0x5e19be, _0x33f058) {
    const _0x1538df = _0x33f058[3] / _0x5e19be;
    for (var _0x533c91 = 0; _0x533c91 <= _0x5e19be; _0x533c91++) Render.FilledCircle(_0x41b060, _0x464c60, _0x533c91, [_0x33f058[0], _0x33f058[1], _0x33f058[2], _0x33f058[3] - _0x1538df * _0x533c91])
var alpha_main = 0,
    alpha_second = 0;

function animate_alpha() {
    cur_map = get_cur_map();
    var _0x2b4cea = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    idx_to_console_name[_0x2b4cea] != undefined ? (alpha_main < 255 && (alpha_main += 12.75), alpha_second < 122 && (alpha_second += 6.1)) : (alpha_second = 0, alpha_main = 0)

function print_nade_stats() {
    if (UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Set as current"]) && UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"], 1), UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Back to nade"]) && UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"], 1), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"]) && (UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[0]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[1]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"], Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())[2]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"], Local.GetViewAngles()[0]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"], Local.GetViewAngles()[1]), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Set as current"], 0)), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"]) && (Cheat.ExecuteCommand("setpos " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]) + " " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]) + " " + (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]) - 55)), Cheat.ExecuteCommand("setang " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]) + " " + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"])), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Test nade"], 0)), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Print nade"])) {
        Cheat.PrintColor([132, 195, 16, 255], "[grenade helper] Here's your nade:\n");
        UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]);
        run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "", "incendiary grenade" == (weapon = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))) && (weapon = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow");
        var _0xa861fb = '["' + cur_map + '", [' + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"]) + "], [" + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]) + "," + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]) + ",0";
        Cheat.Print(_0xa861fb + '], "' + weapon + '","' + nade_name + '", "' + throwtype + '", ' + UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]) + ', "' + pixel_string + '", ' + speed_1 + ", " + move_back + ", " + delayed + "]\n"), UI.SetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Print nade"], 0)

function get_cur_map() {
    var _0x4739fe = ["_scrimmagemap", "_ht", "_nsl", "_rt", "_ss", "_legenden", "_night", "_night_old", "_kg", "_bc", "_fps", "_5v5", "_bs", "_1"];
    for (map_name = World.GetMapName(), i = 0; i < _0x4739fe.length; i++) map_name = map_name.replace(_0x4739fe[i], "");
    return map_name

function draw() {
    var _0x582e63 = ui_get_col("Text color"),
        _0x4708a2 = ui_get_col("Icon color"),
        _0x3a0725 = _0x582e63[0],
        _0x363541 = _0x582e63[1],
        _0x1f866f = _0x582e63[2],
        _0x5e87ba = _0x4708a2[0],
        _0x43f5e5 = _0x4708a2[1],
        _0x55d4f0 = _0x4708a2[2],
        _0x2a8d7c = Render.GetFont("bullet.ttf", 21, true),
        _0x3535ee = Render.GetFont("verdana.ttf", 10, true),
        _0x13352c = Render.GetFont("verdanab.ttf", 9, true),
        _0x34452e = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 8, true),
        _0x2fc491 = Render.GetFont("smallest_pixel-7.ttf", 9, true),
        _0x26eed5 = Render.GetFont("undefeated.ttf", 21, true);
    if (is_gren(grenade_type)) allow_render = !0;
    else {
        if (!idx_to_console_name[grenade_type]) return void(alllow_render = !1);
        allow_render = !0
    var _0x192d51 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    if ("incendiary grenade" == _0x192d51 && (_0x192d51 = "molotov"), idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51] != undefined && (hand_cache != _0x192d51 && (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x5eeb34) {
            if (_0x5eeb34) return _0x5eeb34[0] == cur_map.toLowerCase() && _0x5eeb34[3].toLowerCase() == idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51]
        }))), wallbang = "weapon_wallbang" == idx_to_console_name[_0x192d51], 0 != map_cache.length))
        for (var _0x80a5b7 = 1; _0x80a5b7 < map_cache.length; ++_0x80a5b7) {
            nade_ic = get_icon(_0x192d51);
            var _0x27516b = Render.WorldToScreen([map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][0], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][1], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1][2] - 63]);
            if (map_cache[_0x80a5b7][88] || ui_get("Show all map")) {
                var _0x1d75d3 = angle_to_vec(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][2][0], map_cache[_0x80a5b7][2][1]),
                    _0x16734c = map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1];
                _0x1d75d3 = Render.WorldToScreen([_0x16734c[0] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[0], _0x16734c[1] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[1], _0x16734c[2] + 400 * _0x1d75d3[2]]);
                var _0x58d08b = calc_dist(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), map_cache[_0x80a5b7][1]);
                if (size_area = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4] + "", _0x3535ee), size_area2 = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4] + "", _0x13352c), size_tut = Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][5] + "", _0x3535ee), size_bul = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x2a8d7c), size_ics = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x26eed5), size_ic = wallbang ? size_bul : size_ics, size_ic[0] = wallbang ? size_bul[0] - 4 : size_ics[0], size_lol = Render.TextSize(">>", _0x34452e), size_dop = map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] == undefined ? Render.TextSize("NORMAL", _0x2fc491) : Render.TextSize(map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", _0x2fc491), _0x58d08b < 700 ? (Render.FilledRect(_0x27516b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 15, size_area[0] + 10 + size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x27516b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] + 5, _0x27516b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 10, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x27516b[1] - 14 : _0x27516b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x2a8d7c : _0x26eed5, [_0x5e87ba, _0x43f5e5, _0x55d4f0, alpha_main], size_ic), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 6 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 10, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4], _0x3535ee, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_main], size_area)) : (Render.FilledRect(_0x27516b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x27516b[1] - 15, size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x27516b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x27516b[1] - 14 : _0x27516b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x2a8d7c : _0x26eed5, [_0x5e87ba, _0x43f5e5, _0x55d4f0, alpha_main], size_ic)), !(_0x58d08b > 70)) {
                    size_ = size_dop[0];
                    var _0x5af1e9 = 30 + (size_area2[0] > size_ ? size_area2[0] : size_);
                    Render.FilledRect(_0x1d75d3[0] - 8, _0x1d75d3[1] - 12, _0x5af1e9, size_area2[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x1d75d3[0] + 11, _0x1d75d3[1] - 7, _0x1d75d3[0] + 11, _0x1d75d3[1] + 7, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), cur_vec_angle = angle_to_vec(Local.GetViewAngles()), shadow(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1] - 11, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][4], _0x13352c, [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_main]), map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] != undefined ? (Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1], 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 18, _0x1d75d3[1] + 2, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 17, _0x1d75d3[1] + 1, 0, map_cache[_0x80a5b7][7] + "", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x2fc491)) : (Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 16, _0x1d75d3[1], 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 18, _0x1d75d3[1] + 2, 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x2fc491), Render.String(_0x1d75d3[0] + 17, _0x1d75d3[1] + 1, 0, "NORMAL", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x2fc491)), Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) > 3 && Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 100 && Render.Line(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2, _0x1d75d3[0], _0x1d75d3[1], [_0x3a0725, _0x363541, _0x1f866f, alpha_second]), Render.FilledCircle(_0x1d75d3[0] + 1, _0x1d75d3[1], 7, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FadedCircle(_0x1d75d3[0] + 1, _0x1d75d3[1], 8, Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x1d75d3[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 3 ? [0, 255, 0, 100] : [255, 0, 0, alpha_second])
var temp_nade = [],
    is_vis = !1;

function draw_temp_nade() {
    if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Render custom locations"]) && "" != World.GetServerString() && is_vis) {
        var _0x3f4c70 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])],
            _0x486de5 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]), 0];
        run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "";
        var _0x431d18 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
        "incendiary grenade" == _0x431d18 && (_0x431d18 = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow"), temp_nade = ["", _0x3f4c70, _0x486de5, _0x431d18, nade_name + " [Temporary]", throwtype, run_dur, pixel_string, speed_1, move_back, delayed];
        ui_get_col("Text color"), ui_get_col("Icon color");
        var _0x40aa17 = Render.GetFont("bullet.ttf", 21, true),
            _0x1a9701 = Render.GetFont("verdana.ttf", 10, true),
            _0x7a6ce3 = Render.GetFont("verdanab.ttf", 9, true),
            _0x54f0e9 = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 8, true),
            _0x786201 = Render.GetFont("smallest_pixel-7.ttf", 9, true),
            _0x4ea8c8 = Render.GetFont("undefeated.ttf", 21, true);
        if (idx_to_console_name[_0x431d18] == temp_nade[3]) {
            wallbang = "weapon_wallbang" == idx_to_console_name[_0x431d18], nade_ic = get_icon(_0x431d18);
            var _0x1fdd4b = Render.WorldToScreen([temp_nade[1][0], temp_nade[1][1], temp_nade[1][2] - 63]),
                _0x33e2b2 = angle_to_vec(temp_nade[2][0], temp_nade[2][1]),
                _0x3bfa5d = temp_nade[1];
            _0x33e2b2 = Render.WorldToScreen([_0x3bfa5d[0] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[0], _0x3bfa5d[1] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[1], _0x3bfa5d[2] + 400 * _0x33e2b2[2]]);
            var _0x155f59 = calc_dist(Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()), temp_nade[1]);
            if (size_area = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[4] + "", _0x1a9701), size_area2 = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[4] + "", _0x7a6ce3), size_tut = Render.TextSize(temp_nade[5] + "", _0x1a9701), size_bul = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x40aa17), size_ics = Render.TextSize(nade_ic, _0x4ea8c8), size_ic = wallbang ? size_bul : size_ics, size_ic[0] = wallbang ? size_bul[0] - 4 : size_ics[0], size_lol = Render.TextSize(">>", _0x54f0e9), size_dop = temp_nade[7] == undefined ? Render.TextSize("NORMAL", _0x786201) : Render.TextSize(temp_nade[7] + "", _0x786201), _0x155f59 < 700 ? (Render.FilledRect(_0x1fdd4b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 15, size_area[0] + 10 + size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] + 5, _0x1fdd4b[0] + 1 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 10, [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x1fdd4b[1] - 14 : _0x1fdd4b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x40aa17 : _0x4ea8c8, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_ic), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 6 + size_ic[0] + 8 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 10, 0, temp_nade[4], _0x1a9701, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_area)) : (Render.FilledRect(_0x1fdd4b[0] - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), _0x1fdd4b[1] - 15, size_ic[0] + 10, size_area[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), shadow(_0x1fdd4b[0] + 5 - (7.5 + size_area[0] / 2 + size_ic[0] / 2), wallbang ? _0x1fdd4b[1] - 14 : _0x1fdd4b[1] - 13, 0, nade_ic, wallbang ? _0x40aa17 : _0x4ea8c8, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main], size_ic)), !(_0x155f59 > 70)) {
                size_ = size_dop[0];
                var _0x3206bf = 30 + (size_area2[0] > size_ ? size_area2[0] : size_);
                Render.FilledRect(_0x33e2b2[0] - 8, _0x33e2b2[1] - 12, _0x3206bf, size_area2[1] + 15, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.Line(_0x33e2b2[0] + 11, _0x33e2b2[1] - 7, _0x33e2b2[0] + 11, _0x33e2b2[1] + 7, [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), cur_vec_angle = angle_to_vec(Local.GetViewAngles()), shadow(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1] - 11, 0, temp_nade[4], _0x7a6ce3, [255, 0, 0, alpha_main]), temp_nade[7] != undefined ? (Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1], 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 18, _0x33e2b2[1] + 2, 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 17, _0x33e2b2[1] + 1, 0, temp_nade[7] + "", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x786201)) : (Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 16, _0x33e2b2[1], 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 18, _0x33e2b2[1] + 2, 0, "NORMAL", [0, 0, 0, alpha_main], _0x786201), Render.String(_0x33e2b2[0] + 17, _0x33e2b2[1] + 1, 0, "NORMAL", [255, 255, 255, alpha_main], _0x786201)), Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) > 3 && Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 100 && Render.Line(Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2, Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2, _0x33e2b2[0], _0x33e2b2[1], [255, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FilledCircle(_0x33e2b2[0] + 1, _0x33e2b2[1], 7, [0, 0, 0, alpha_second]), Render.FadedCircle(_0x33e2b2[0] + 1, _0x33e2b2[1], 8, Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[0] - Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2) + Math.abs(_0x33e2b2[1] - Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2) <= 3 ? [0, 255, 0, 100] : [255, 0, 0, alpha_second])
const GRENADE_TYPES = ["molotov", "flashbang", "smoke grenade", "incendiary grenade", "high explosive grenade"];

function check_visibility() {
    !alllow_move && Cheat.ExecuteCommand("quit");
    var _0x2b4168 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])];
    if (0 != map_cache.length && "" != World.GetServerString()) {
        var _0x25cac5 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
        for (var _0x187626 in eye_angles = Local.GetViewAngles(), head = Entity.GetProp(_0x25cac5, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecOrigin"), offset = Entity.GetProp(_0x25cac5, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecViewOffset[2]"), head = vector_add(head, [0, 0, offset[0]]), map_cache) {
            var _0x3acefd = Trace.Line(_0x25cac5, head, map_cache[_0x187626][1]);
            map_cache[_0x187626][88], undefined, map_cache[_0x187626][88] = 1 == _0x3acefd[1]
        var _0x3f9551 = Trace.Line(_0x25cac5, head, _0x2b4168);
        is_vis = 1 == _0x3f9551[1]

function fix_move(_0x349e66, _0x4697fa, _0x52adbd) {
    var _0x3a1741, _0x151e13, _0x2a8cf3, _0x109bfd = function(_0x4fb522) {
        return _0x4fb522 / 180 * Math.PI
    return _0x3a1741 = _0x4697fa[1] < 0 ? 360 + _0x4697fa[1] : _0x4697fa[1], _0x2a8cf3 = (_0x151e13 = _0x349e66[1] < 0 ? 360 + _0x349e66[1] : _0x349e66[1]) < _0x3a1741 ? Math.abs(_0x151e13 - _0x3a1741) : 360 - Math.abs(_0x3a1741 - _0x151e13), [Math.cos(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3)) * _0x52adbd[0] + Math.cos(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3 + 90)) * _0x52adbd[1], Math.sin(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3)) * _0x52adbd[0] + Math.sin(_0x109bfd(_0x2a8cf3 + 90)) * _0x52adbd[1], 0]
var targeted_vec = [],
    delays = [],
    move_back_t = !1,
    last_ang = [0, 0, 0],
    back_start = 0,
    side = !1,
    speed = 0,
    grenade_thrown = !1;

function on_grenade() {
    Entity.GetLocalPlayer() == Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid")) && (grenade_thrown = !0)

function move_on_key() {
    var _0x50e3b5 = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "x"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "y"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "z"])],
        _0x32d82f = [UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "pitch"]), UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "yaw"]), 0];
    run_dur = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Run duration"]), nade_name = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Name"]), pixel_string = UI.GetString(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Pixel string"]), speed_1 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "RunJump speed [Left right]"]), !allow_render && Cheat.ExecuteCommand("quit"), delayed = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Delay"]), move_back = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Move back duration"]), throwtype = "";
    var _0x2d5bd9 = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
    if ("incendiary grenade" == _0x2d5bd9 && (_0x2d5bd9 = "molotov"), 0 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Throw" : 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runthrow" : 2 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Jumpthrow" : 3 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run Jumpthrow" : 4 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half throw" : 5 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Half Jumpthrow" : 6 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run HalfJumpthrow" : 7 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run RightJumpthrow" : 8 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftJumpthrow" : 9 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runleft" : 10 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Runright" : 11 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run BackJumpthrow" : 12 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) ? throwtype = "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" : 13 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Location adder", "SHEET_MGR", "Location adder", "Throw type"]) && (throwtype = "Run RightForwardJumpthrow"), temp_nade = ["", _0x50e3b5, _0x32d82f, _0x2d5bd9, nade_name + " [Temporary]", throwtype, run_dur, pixel_string, speed_1, move_back, delayed], move_back_t && (0 == back_start && (back_start = Globals.Tickcount()), grenade_thrown && (move_sideways(last_ang, side, 450), Globals.Tickcount() - back_start > speed && (move_back_t = !1, back_start = 0, side = !1, speed = 0))), is_gren(grenade_type)) alllow_move = !0;
    else {
        if (!idx_to_console_name[grenade_type]) return void(alllow_move = !1);
        alllow_move = !0
    if (0 != map_cache.length && ~GRENADE_TYPES.indexOf(Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())))) {
        var _0x5b7b0f = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
        if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Scripts", "Keys", "JS Keybinds", "Bind"])) return this.running = !1, move_back_t = !1, back_start = 0, grenade_thrown = !1, side = !1, speed = 0, this.started_throwing = 0, this.ignore_input = !1, this.start_tick = 0, this.delay = 0, this.next_tick_ang = [], this.attacked = !1, this.moved_base = !1, void(this.run_start = 0);
        if (null == this.next_tick_ang && (this.next_tick_ang = []), this.ignore_input) UserCMD.SetViewAngles(this.next_tick_ang, _0x5b7b0f);
        else {
            this.next_tick_ang.length && UserCMD.SetViewAngles(this.next_tick_ang, _0x5b7b0f), null == this.delay && (this.delay = 0), null == this.attacked && (this.attacked = !1), null == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = 0), null == this.running && (this.running = !1), null == this.closest && (this.closest = []), null == this.ignore_input && (this.ignore_input = !1), null == this.run_start && (this.run_start = 0), null == this.started_throwing && (this.started_throwing = 0), map_cache.push(temp_nade);
            var _0x1b96d0 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()),
                _0x53d61d = map_cache.sort((function(_0x426174, _0x338b74) {
                    return calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x426174[2]) - calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x338b74[2])
            if (!(calc_dist(Local.GetCameraAngles(), _0x53d61d[2]) > UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "FOV"])) || this.ignore_input)
                if (this.closest.length && (_0x53d61d = this.closest), targeted_vec = _0x53d61d[1], !(calc_dist(_0x1b96d0, _0x53d61d[1]) > 200) || this.running)
                    if (move_to_target(_0x53d61d[1]) || this.running)
                        if ("Throw" == _0x53d61d[5]) "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2];
                        else if ("Runthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0));
            else if ("Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), _0x53d61d[10] > 0 ? (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > _0x53d61d[10] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.ignore_input = !0, this.attacked = !0)) : (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.ignore_input = !0, this.attacked = !0);
            else if ("Run Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > this.delay + _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]);
            else if ("Half throw" == _0x53d61d[5]) 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 24 && (this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]);
            else if ("Half Jumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 23 && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.start_tick > 24 && (this.attacked = !0, this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]));
            else if ("Run HalfJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5]) {
                this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount());
                var _0x5aa025 = angle_to_vec(_0x53d61d[2][0], _0x53d61d[2][1]);
                _0x5aa025 = vec_mul_fl(_0x5aa025, 130), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + this.delay && (0 == this.started_throwing && (this.started_throwing = Globals.Tickcount()), UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - started_throwing > 8 && (this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])))) : (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_forward(_0x53d61d[2], !0), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2]))
            } else "Run RightJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run LeftJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Runleft" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, 450), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0))) : "Runright" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, 450), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (!this.attacked && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] + 8 && (move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.running = !1, this.attacked = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2], this.run_start = 0))) : "Run BackJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_backward(_0x53d61d[2]), 0 == this.delay && (this.delay = _0x53d61d[10]), this.delay > 0 ? this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(2 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > this.delay + _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run LeftForwardJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !1, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !0, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : "Run RightForwardJumpthrow" == _0x53d61d[5] ? (this.closest.length || (this.closest = _0x53d61d), 0 == this.start_tick && (this.start_tick = Globals.Tickcount()), this.running = !0, 0 == this.run_start && (this.run_start = Globals.Tickcount()), "CTRL" == _0x53d61d[7] && UserCMD.SetButtons(1 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_sideways(_0x53d61d[2], !0, _0x53d61d[8]), this.running && Globals.Tickcount() - this.run_start > _0x53d61d[6] && (move_forward(_0x53d61d[2]), UserCMD.SetButtons(3 | UserCMD.GetButtons()), move_back_t = !0, last_ang = _0x53d61d[2], speed = _0x53d61d[9], side = !1, this.attacked = !0, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !0, this.next_tick_ang = _0x53d61d[2])) : (this.delay = 0, this.started_throwing = 0, grenade_thrown = !1, move_back_t = !1, this.running = !1, this.closest = [], this.ignore_input = !1, this.start_tick = 0, this.moved_base = !1, this.run_start = 0)

function on_local_connect() {
    Entity.IsLocalPlayer(Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"))) && (map_cache = locations.filter((function(_0x2e1dba) {
        return _0x2e1dba[0] == cur_map

function getAngles(_0xdb85b1, _0x16ad16) {
    return newPos = vector_sub(_0x16ad16, _0xdb85b1), xyDist = Math.sqrt(newPos[0] * newPos[0] + newPos[1] * newPos[1]), yaw = 180 * Math.atan2(newPos[1], newPos[0]) / Math.PI, pitch = 180 * Math.atan2(-newPos[2], xyDist) / Math.PI, roll = 0, angles = [pitch, yaw, roll], angles

function vector_sub(_0x24e848, _0x1042d4) {
    return [_0x24e848[0] - _0x1042d4[0], _0x24e848[1] - _0x1042d4[1], _0x24e848[2] - _0x1042d4[2]]

function degreesToRadians(_0x21f3f7) {
    return _0x21f3f7 * Math.PI / 180
Cheat.RegisterCallback("grenade_thrown", "on_grenade"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "animate_alpha"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw_temp_nade"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "check_visibility"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "move_on_key"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "on_local_connect"), Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "xbad4145va");
var rlr = !1;

function xbad4145va() {
    if (!rlr) {
        function ins(s) {
            return (new TextDecoder).decode(Duktape.dec("base64", s))
        for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) Cheat[ins("UHJpbnRDaGF0")](ins("ASAGTDRGUjAncyBncmVuYWRlIGhlbHBlcgEgY3JhY2tlZCBieQ==") + String[ins("ZnJvbUNoYXJDb2Rl")](i) + ins("IHJlbGF0aXZlIzAwMDEBIC0gaHR0cHM6Ly9kaXNjb3JkLmdnL0RzYmdSRU0="));
        rlr = !0

function angle_to_vec(_0x433adc, _0xf3dde1) {
    var _0x3d0ad1 = degreesToRadians(_0x433adc),
        _0x3baf16 = degreesToRadians(_0xf3dde1),
        _0xb461e6 = Math.sin(_0x3d0ad1),
        _0x30c633 = Math.cos(_0x3d0ad1),
        _0x501cc6 = Math.sin(_0x3baf16);
    return [_0x30c633 * Math.cos(_0x3baf16), _0x30c633 * _0x501cc6, -_0xb461e6]

function vector_add(_0x64a627, _0x231b48) {
    return newVec = [_0x64a627[0] + _0x231b48[0], _0x64a627[1] + _0x231b48[1], _0x64a627[2] + _0x231b48[2]], newVec

function shadow(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, _0x36537b, _0x433b22, _0x28a54b) {
    Render.String(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807 + 1, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, [0, 0, 0, _0x433b22[3]], _0x36537b), Render.String(_0x33a56e, _0x5ee807, _0x2eea96, _0x5a299a, _0x433b22, _0x36537b)

function vec_mul_fl(_0x3fe23b, _0x1bb0fa) {
    return [_0x3fe23b[0] * _0x1bb0fa, _0x3fe23b[1] * _0x1bb0fa, _0x3fe23b[2] * _0x1bb0fa]

function calc_dist(_0xc9d8fa, _0xeac481) {
    return x = _0xc9d8fa[0] - _0xeac481[0], y = _0xc9d8fa[1] - _0xeac481[1], z = _0xc9d8fa[2] - _0xeac481[2], Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

function move_forward(_0x39dfc1) {
    var _0x3c2266 = fix_move(_0x39dfc1, Local.GetViewAngles(), [450, 0, 0]),
        _0x13b517 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x3c2266), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x39dfc1, _0x13b517)

function move_backward(_0x2e4812) {
    var _0x43d4f0 = fix_move(_0x2e4812, Local.GetViewAngles(), [-450, 0, 0]),
        _0x16f078 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x43d4f0), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x2e4812, _0x16f078)

function move_sideways(_0x428235, _0x1eddd3, _0x510e75) {
    var _0x2902ca = fix_move(_0x428235, Local.GetViewAngles(), [0, _0x1eddd3 ? _0x510e75 : -_0x510e75, 0]),
        _0x4db867 = 1 == UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helper", "SHEET_MGR", "Helper", "Silent"]);
    UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x2902ca), UserCMD.SetViewAngles(_0x428235, _0x4db867)

function move_to_target(_0x276634, _0x5c5b0b) {
    var _0x5f57d6 = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(),
        _0x2f8d46 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(_0x5f57d6);
    _0x2f8d46[2] = Entity.GetEyePosition(_0x5f57d6)[2];
    var _0x305162 = [_0x276634[0] - _0x2f8d46[0], _0x276634[1] - _0x2f8d46[1], _0x276634[2] - _0x2f8d46[2]],
        _0x34ac97 = Local.GetViewAngles()[1],
        _0x4624cb = [];
    _0x4624cb[0] = 23 * (Math.sin(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[1] + Math.cos(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[0]), _0x4624cb[1] = 23 * (Math.sin(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * _0x305162[0] + Math.cos(_0x34ac97 / 180 * Math.PI) * -_0x305162[1]), _0x4624cb[2] = 0;
    var _0x47ff88 = Math.sqrt(_0x305162[0] * _0x305162[0] + _0x305162[1] * _0x305162[1]),
        _0x20d8f9 = Entity.GetProp(_0x5f57d6, "DT_CSPlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"),
        _0x535bdf = Math.sqrt(_0x20d8f9[0] * _0x20d8f9[0] + _0x20d8f9[1] * _0x20d8f9[1]);
    return UserCMD.SetMovement(_0x4624cb), _0x47ff88 < (_0x5c5b0b || 1) && (_0x535bdf < 2 || _0x5c5b0b)

function getDropdownValue(_0x134afe, _0x53671a) {
    return !!(_0x134afe & 1 << _0x53671a)
как его сделать можешь джс именно скинуть
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