selfcoded... everyone can code these shit:
- safe teleport peek (activates prefer safepoint when your dt and autopeek are active) : check if doubletap and auto peek is on and force safepoint lol
- aspect ratio changer (changes your aspect ratio) : convar.setstring("r_aspectratio", value)
- perfect antiaim that will break most resolvers : almost everyone can do a proper anti aim that shits on almost every cheat
- forward yaw base (180 yaw on key) AntiAim.SetRealOffset(180)
- faster doubletap recharge (recharges your doubletap faster) : everyone has this shit lmao
- disable fakelag while standing (disables your fakelag when you are standing) if(velocity(local) < 1.f) { just set fakelag enabled combobox to false -_-)
- hitchance in air (overrides your hitchance in air - weapons with which it works - scout, revolver, autosniper) : real ghetto way and gay way is to check if local pressing 0x20 ( space virtual key code ) and just return false or true to the function then just cache ur normal hitchances when loading the script then if(isInAir()) { override the hitchance } else set the hitchance to the cache shit
- damage override on key (overrides your damage) everyone can do this.....
the indicators are pretty easy to make, just render shitty text and do checks at ur getscreensize[0] / 2 and getscreensize[1] / 2
the skeet keybinds pasted doe
- pitch zero activation when land (activates pitch zero when you will land (you can chose duration of pitch zero activation)) : i know it would be useful ocassionaly when u jump around and enemy peeks and u go fast on the ground and sets pitch to 0 fast so more desync angle i guess? anyways just make a timer if in air and check after some seconds and if player on the ground after that set it to 0 for like 1s or sm? idk
- thirdperson distance (you can override your thirdperson distance to lower value than 100) u really want to see the insides of your local?))))
but for 1$ its alright, ill give u the credit for this
also who the fuck buys crack javascripts?
- safe teleport peek (activates prefer safepoint when your dt and autopeek are active) : check if doubletap and auto peek is on and force safepoint lol
- aspect ratio changer (changes your aspect ratio) : convar.setstring("r_aspectratio", value)
- perfect antiaim that will break most resolvers : almost everyone can do a proper anti aim that shits on almost every cheat
- forward yaw base (180 yaw on key) AntiAim.SetRealOffset(180)
- faster doubletap recharge (recharges your doubletap faster) : everyone has this shit lmao
- disable fakelag while standing (disables your fakelag when you are standing) if(velocity(local) < 1.f) { just set fakelag enabled combobox to false -_-)
- hitchance in air (overrides your hitchance in air - weapons with which it works - scout, revolver, autosniper) : real ghetto way and gay way is to check if local pressing 0x20 ( space virtual key code ) and just return false or true to the function then just cache ur normal hitchances when loading the script then if(isInAir()) { override the hitchance } else set the hitchance to the cache shit
- damage override on key (overrides your damage) everyone can do this.....
the indicators are pretty easy to make, just render shitty text and do checks at ur getscreensize[0] / 2 and getscreensize[1] / 2
the skeet keybinds pasted doe
- pitch zero activation when land (activates pitch zero when you will land (you can chose duration of pitch zero activation)) : i know it would be useful ocassionaly when u jump around and enemy peeks and u go fast on the ground and sets pitch to 0 fast so more desync angle i guess? anyways just make a timer if in air and check after some seconds and if player on the ground after that set it to 0 for like 1s or sm? idk
- thirdperson distance (you can override your thirdperson distance to lower value than 100) u really want to see the insides of your local?))))
but for 1$ its alright, ill give u the credit for this
also who the fuck buys crack javascripts?