Just some bloke coding garbage
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage не менает слайдер так что это будет работать, а дополнительный чек я добавил100 hp
50 hp -mindamage
32 hp - mindamage
2hp - mindamage
Кешируй миндамаг и выстаывляй его только если doubletap заряжен, иначе возвращай старый.
//Made by Antipindoc
//Basically forces a min damage value that is equivalent to the enemies HP/2
//The result is that u should always kill your enemy in two shots no matter what
//To ensure that u will actually hit at least for half the hp u can use the slider to add additional mindamage values
//For example: Enemies HP = 100, this script will force 50 min damage on that guy plus the value u put into the slider
UI.AddSliderInt("Extra HP",0,50);
function halfhp(){
if(!UI.IsHotkeyActive("Rage", "GENERAL", "Doubletap") && Exploit.GetCharge()==1) return
enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
hp = Entity.GetProp(enemies[i], "CCSPlayerResource", "m_iHealth");
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(enemies[i], (hp/2)+UI.GetValue("Script items", "Extra HP"));
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "halfhp")