var strings = ['test', 'Script\x20items', 'Rage', 'Color', 'Visuals', 'AddCheckbox', 'SetEnabled', '863912lFZUMg', 'menu_controler', 'Section', 'Customize', 'GetValue', 'Draw', '305877EvyezD', 'AddDropdown', '34812DGZUbh', 'Anti-Aim', '996921AzFKuI', 'User\x20name:', '7IAXhlp', '1032620JNdrqW', 'GetString', '469716GsPETs', 'security', '345qVcTfp', '10GTsgQX', 'jklsad', '332220exaVNz'];
/*1. We need to run the code which sorts the array to the original state
This code was turned into readable state before, but it wasn't so hard, so i will not show how i did it.
I did it with my hands, not with a deobfuscator.
while (true) {
try {
var check = parseInt(strings[10]) / 0x1 + parseInt(strings[13]) / 0x2 * (parseInt(strings[1]) / 0x3) + -parseInt(strings[15]) / 0x4 + -parseInt(strings[12]) / 0x5 * (parseInt(strings[3]) / 0x6) + parseInt(strings[7]) / 0x7 * (-parseInt(strings[23]) / 0x8) + -parseInt(strings[5]) / 0x9 + parseInt(strings[8]) / 0xa;
if (check === 0x5cece) break;
else strings.push(strings.shift());
} catch (_0x1bd6cb) {
//After running this code i got the result:
strings = ["Draw", "305877EvyezD", "AddDropdown", "34812DGZUbh", "Anti-Aim", "996921AzFKuI", "User name:", "7IAXhlp", "1032620JNdrqW", "GetString", "469716GsPETs", "security", "345qVcTfp", "10GTsgQX", "jklsad", "332220exaVNz", "test", "Script items", "Rage", "Color", "Visuals", "AddCheckbox", "SetEnabled", "863912lFZUMg", "menu_controler", "Section", "Customize", "GetValue"];
//To get string from this array you need to use index parameter from getString function and substract 249. It will be the index.
function getString(index){
return strings[index - 249];
/*2. Now you need to restore important functions
From this:
UI['AddTextbox'](getString(0xff)); */
//To this:
UI.AddTextbox("User name:");
var test = false;
//Then i just restored the function with method i written above
function security() {
//Commenting the auth code
/*if (UI.GetString("Script items", "User name:") != 'jklsad') zxc = 0x0;
else zxc = 0x1;*/
//if (UI.GetString('Script items', 'User\x20name:') != 'jklsad' || test == 0x1) return;
if(test == false /* && UI.GetString('Script items', "User name:") == 'jklsad' && zxc == 0x1*/){
UI[getString(0xfb)](getString(0x112), [getString(0x10b), getString(0xfd), getString(0x10d), 'Keybinds', getString(0x113), getString(0x10c)]);
test = true;
Cheat.RegisterCallback(getString(0xf9), getString(0x104));
function menu_controler() {
var some_tab_active = UI.GetValue("Script items", "Section") == 0;
UI.SetEnabled("Script items", 'test', some_tab_active);
Cheat.RegisterCallback('Draw', getString(0x111));
//Total times i looked in the source code: 0
//Total times i loaded the script before it started to work (don't count typos): 0