includes закоменчены.
includes закоменчены.
oh no i posted a pasted createmove hook fix so for the next 10 years everyone should credit meвы шизоиды?
вы меня упрекали за мой фикс крейт-мува выложенный через Канкера.
а теперь сами его юзаете, вам норм ребят![]()
remove comments in includeCool concept of fixing it but its a bit antipaste imo
i mean that source is old because of "supermacy paste issue" so if someone would want to use it as "base" instead of just learning c++ I think he could recode 90% of this cheatremove comments in include
I guess MHSPlayer updated pandora without any pursuing any goali mean that source is old because of "supermacy paste issue" so if someone would want to use it as "base" instead of just learning c++ I think he could recode 90% of this cheat
Im happy that someone is fixing old cheats anyway :D always there is smth that people can learn from itI guess MHSPlayer updated pandora without any pursuing any goal
this is the anti-pastewanted give it try and now menu dont want to show up :(
Предикт это не проблема, т.к. валв функция, я кс го не занимаюсь, так, что мне на это похера что мешает добавить предикт + дефенсив?
You don't need to fix anything, it's a simple anti-paste.any ideas how to fix that menu?
хуки в пандоре самая главная антипастаАнтипаста причём самая легчайшая
maaaan there is commented inludes.h and entry.cpp. Author think its very funnyif that is the only "ANTI PASTE" here then you are retarded. I was checking every line of code from older sources and it still doesnt work
Блять, зачем ты это слил, хайд больше дуракСкрытое содержимое
Люди без сурса думаю оценили фиксБлять, зачем ты это слил, хайд больше дурак
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