Автор темы
- #1

Приветствую вас на нашем маркете
Здесь вы можете приобрести софт
под любой стиль игры для Escape From Tarkov
Системные требования:
Совместим с Windows 10: (2004-21H2)
Поддерживаемые процессоры: Intel и AMD
Поддерживает режимы экрана: Оконный, Безрамочный
Спуфер: Можно купить отдельно
< Silent Aim
< Engine Prediction
< Auto Shoot
< Aim FOV
< Crosshair
< Silent Melee
< Fast Bullet
< Manipulation (Shoot around corners)
< Custom Aim Bone (Any bone in player)
< Visibility Check ( Target only visible targets )
< Engine Prediction
< Auto Shoot
< Aim FOV
< Crosshair
< Silent Melee
< Fast Bullet
< Manipulation (Shoot around corners)
< Custom Aim Bone (Any bone in player)
< Visibility Check ( Target only visible targets )
< Box
< Skeleton
< Chams
< Name
< Weapon
< KD
< Headshot Percent
< Role ( Sherpa, Emissary etc… )
< Side ( BEAR, USEC )
< Level
< Health ( Text, Bar )
< Inventory Items
< Inventory Worth
< Distance
< Cheater Warning ( Alerts you if suspicious players in lobby )
< Aim Warning ( Alerts you if a player is aiming at you )
< Ammo Count ( Displays current magazine state )
< Visibility Check ( Display players in different color depending on whether visible or occluded. )
< Skeleton
< Chams
< Name
< Weapon
< KD
< Headshot Percent
< Role ( Sherpa, Emissary etc… )
< Side ( BEAR, USEC )
< Level
< Health ( Text, Bar )
< Inventory Items
< Inventory Worth
< Distance
< Cheater Warning ( Alerts you if suspicious players in lobby )
< Aim Warning ( Alerts you if a player is aiming at you )
< Ammo Count ( Displays current magazine state )
< Visibility Check ( Display players in different color depending on whether visible or occluded. )
< World Items
< Container Items
< Quest Items
< Quest Locations
< Grenades
< Extracts ( Filtering open / manual activation only )
< Custom Item Filter ( Select item of choice and it will only be displayed or highlighted in different color. )
< Price Filtering ( Filter items by price. )
- Colors:
< Ability to change all above mentioned ESP option colors with RGB picker.
< Container Items
< Quest Items
< Quest Locations
< Grenades
< Extracts ( Filtering open / manual activation only )
< Custom Item Filter ( Select item of choice and it will only be displayed or highlighted in different color. )
< Price Filtering ( Filter items by price. )
- Colors:
< Ability to change all above mentioned ESP option colors with RGB picker.
- Weapon:
< No Recoil
< No Animations
< No Spread
< No Sway
< No Malfunctions
< Instant ADS
< Gun Laser ( Draws a cool line from fireport )
< Bullet Tracers
< Quick Load / Unload
- Movement:
< Flyhack ( Perfect movement without inertia, moves at maximum player speed that is possible without desync. )
< Phase ( Risky, able to go through certain walls / floors / terrain. )
- Other:
< No Visor
< No Camera Shake Effects
< Quick Examine Items / Containers
< Double Search
< Instant Search
< Force Pickup Quest Items ( Pickup quest items you couldn’t see before, very OP for tasking! )
< God Mode ( Makes your player not take damage from scavs and other players, still vulnerable to explosive damage. Also makes your movement silent. )
< Ping Bypass ( Play on servers without worrying about getting kicked by ping checks. )
< No Recoil
< No Animations
< No Spread
< No Sway
< No Malfunctions
< Instant ADS
< Gun Laser ( Draws a cool line from fireport )
< Bullet Tracers
< Quick Load / Unload
- Movement:
< Flyhack ( Perfect movement without inertia, moves at maximum player speed that is possible without desync. )
< Phase ( Risky, able to go through certain walls / floors / terrain. )
- Other:
< No Visor
< No Camera Shake Effects
< Quick Examine Items / Containers
< Double Search
< Instant Search
< Force Pickup Quest Items ( Pickup quest items you couldn’t see before, very OP for tasking! )
< God Mode ( Makes your player not take damage from scavs and other players, still vulnerable to explosive damage. Also makes your movement silent. )
< Ping Bypass ( Play on servers without worrying about getting kicked by ping checks. )
< Save Config
< HWID Tab has option to disable / enable spoof ( ENABLED BY DEFAULT ).
< HWID Tab has option to disable / enable spoof ( ENABLED BY DEFAULT ).
1 День - 599 Рублей
7 Дней - 3499 Рублей
30 Дней - 6999 Рублей
В покупку входит полная техподдержка наших покупателей:
Помощь с установкой | Настройкой
Помощь в случае вылетов | BSOD
Помощь в случае других каких-либо проблем
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
- Вы должны понимать что ответственность за ваш аккаунт
лежит на вас.
- Использование любых софтов/читов может караться баном
- Статус UD, не дает 100% шанс того что вас не забанит,
во многом все зависит от того как вы играете
- В случае детекта, закрытия вы не получите возврат средств
- Возврат средств будет произведен только в случае не функционировании
чита на вашем железе при первом запуске
Удачных рейдов!